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God Answers Prayers!

So many times I thought I had found "the one", "my other half",such as things go! Only to find out that he wasn't I had just thought. After one relationship with this guy that well seriously had anger issues I was single for a year. I talked to guys on and off but never dated any of them at all.
About 7 mths ago I met a guy online but never really considered dating him. My cousin finally met a guy who was a christian and began dating him, after she had asked God to show her the way and help her to do what was right. I went to church and prayed to God to put a christian guy in my life if that was what he wanted for me at that time. The next day I began talking to this guy who I had met a few mths back. I seriously told a friend he was a guy I wouldn't consider dating him really. I was wrong so very wrong after 2 wks of talking we got together! Now 5 mths down the road we're engaged. After we really had started talking before we were ever together we found out we knew the exact same people and that his sister-in-law was my dad's neighbor when he first moved here. We even have pictures of his family in photo albums here at the house. He use to come out here all the time because his brother lived out here. Its odd how small the world is and how God works. He gave me my bestfriend and my sun when my world is gray. I know without a doubt that God is always listening that he is always answering your prayers! Wheither or not it is the way you want it! Despite how bad it sux that I didn't meet him until now, there is a reason why it happened when it did.
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God's Blessings!

I often wondered when and if I would find the right person for me! A guy that tells me he loves me everyday and tells me he'lll never let anyone or anything take me away from him! It was about 3 months ago when a friend told me something that shocked me. This friend does not like my ex for leaving me because he (my ex) made promises he did not keep! My friend told me that I needed to find a guy that not only told me these things be followed through with them also! It made sense... for a year I went through life single... but happy. I met a few guys here and there and causal friendships formed I thought at times might turn into more! They didn't! An I now know why! Alittle over a month ago... my cousin started talking to this guy that we both knew but we were just aquitances. They truly started talking at church. The night my cousin asked for God give her and answer on what to do. Now a month later they are in a healthy relationship that was God's answer! The following week I went to the same church and prayed for God to just put a christian guy in my life! The next day, I met him! We talked for two wks and learned how we knew the same people had the same likes and dislikes , the same beliefs. On top of that he loves family is from a large family and wants a large family. His parents and sister and him had met him before we ever even knew each other and his brother lived like right downt he road from me when I was in junior high! My ex roomate was one of his best friends in high school!

The point is God put a guy in my life that follows through with what he says! The guy that is a christian and my best friend! I've only known him well for about a month and I could never picture my life without him in it!

Good things do come to those who wait... and prayer does work! All those times things failed make sense cause the entire time he was right under my nose and we were walking circles around each other.
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Back to School!

I am back at school which I am completly and totally excited about! Yes I know a nerd excited to be back at school! The way I see it the sooner I am here the sooner I am through the sooner I am on my own and making money! Granted I have two of my bestest friends flanked at my either side at the present moment which is a plus! I have amazing friends! I just been thinking about that these past few days! Sunday I put a picture up in my room in a prom picture frame its my dog I said he goes in the frame cause he's the only man that will never break my heart! We laugh! Eases the tention with a few girls that have had their hearts broken and shattered more than once! But its life we win some and lose some! An we just keep on a rolling! I am bored so if you are too send me a message!

God Bless,

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Past Memories!

Ever came across a smell or a place that took you back to a different time when things where completly different?

I have today I was walking down the hall and just got this wiff of something that smelt like my grandma's linen closest and suddenly I remembered being cuddled up in that big chair I slept in in the mornings after my mom had dropped me off! A lot of things seem to remind me of her since she passed away in May!

As for my other grandma its the simple smell of popcorn poped at home! An again I remember special memories at her house!

With my ex there is so many things! I can pass someone wearing his cologne and Im right back to that day! Or... look in the mirror and see me standing in behind him w/ my arms around his waist as he shaves! I cherish the good with him , though the relationship ended because he was mentally and verbally abusive and almost physical (it ended before it ever got there). He had good memories too!

Sometimes these memories are sad because you miss these people then times they just make you smile when you remember crazy time and times you are thankful that they are over! I just see it as God reminding me that they are watching over me!

Past Memories are the best especially when you can just close your eyes and let all your cares go away back to being little and such!
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Interesting Day!

Today ... my mom and I and my cousin... took the dogs to get their rabies shots! lol... interesting considering that I live in Texas you can not leave animals in cars for the heat! So... we went to the park for lunch... my dog would not stay still... naturally he wants to investigate everyone... so we put him and the other dog on the table... talk about but honestly funny! In my mind I could hear the statments of the people driving by. I am not ashamed that mine and my sister's dogs are spoiled. My dog has probally more cloths than some children. He has a stocking at christmas and normally it is as full as everyone elses! We allow our dogs on furniture.... why not ? I wouldn't wanna sit on the floor! lol I find a lot of enjoyment in watching my dog he is silly! He is half rat terrior and half dashound! He normally sleeps in his back feet straight in the air as if being an animal dead on the side of the road. The funniest moment must have been when my mom ordered two small icecream dishs at sonic for the dogs! Loner would not eat his out of the dish so I was feeding his to him on the spoon! When I looked over at the stop light and the folks next to us were staring! I just looked at my mom and started to laugh. I found it completly funny! But thats just me! All and All I love my dog! I love my sister's dog to. I love all my animals and I do not know what I would do if something was to ever happen to one of them!
It was an interesting day and just thought I would share it!

God Bless,

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How many people absolutly hate them? I think of this today as my uncle has gone missing for sometime I love him he's not my blood uncle but he is still my uncle! His wife my mom's sister has gone from mad to worried! I am worried I don't know where he is at or whats going on. He has a truly good heart and I wish he had never got back on them. He told my aunt he was mad at himself. I hate them I have stood by and seen how drugs have distroyed one person's life after another. My ex he screwed up bad with drugs but now he is clean and has been for a very long time. I also think of this because a close friend just got off or probation for the same thing and for once in his life he is clean. I am so extremely proud of the two of them. But at the same time I can not help but think of all those people out in the world that are traped in their addictions it is truly sad. I pray for them everyday! Knowing that most of these people don't want to be addicted and don't want to be the way they are like my uncle. I pray he comes home soon! God protect him my cousin and aunt need him!

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Amazing Man!

I have an amazing man in my life! Daniel means so much to me already... and we will meet soon! I can not wait! This man has given up a lot of things to make me happy! He quit smoking and I never asked him too! He does not cuss when he talks to me because he knows I do not like it! He continues to do things to make me happy! I can not put into words how incredibly thankful I am to have him in my life. I thank God everyday! I met him here and it just seems crazy how... close I feel to him. God blessed me!

God Bless,

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This Guy!!!

I met him here and he's amazing we are going to meet in person in like 4 days and I can't wait... I really like him can't wait to see where things go... this guy knows who he is!!!! God sent him to me!!!

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I know not all guys are the same... but they're alot alike..

Why would a guy take you out 3 times and each time not call you?

I have thought about it and thought about it.

Still I don't have a clear answer so, I choose to just think that he's just weird.

Though Im sure there is an underlying cause, in my eyes I still choose not to chase that person.

God will pless me with a trustworthy and honest guy some day and I can't wait!
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Today is my pissed off, upset and just wanna much my dad day. Don't get me wrong I love my dad, but days like today just make me on fire mad at him and at the same time hurt. I have grown up being yelled at by my dad, he is part of why i am the person I am today. I know that parents yell to teach their children wrong from right! But I am also 19 years old and quite a bit more mature than people older than me. The bible says "respect your elders" I have always respected and will always respect mine. I was raised to say yes ma'am and yes sir, never roll your eyes, never talk back and things such as that. I'm no longer a child and thats something I think my parents sometimes have a hard time getting the grasp of, that will come in time. My dad though, sorry for the blunt words I am just tired of his shit. Anything and everything that happens in this house his mine or my younger sister's fault. A game his points were gone I don't know how they are gone, I nor my sister messed with it, yet its our fault! We were yelled and cussed at and blamed and such as that. He had the nerve to tell us we didn't care about him. My sister and I and my mom wash his cloths, wash dishes, take out trash, get him something to drink when he comes home even if all he has to do is turn around. In this house we eat what he wants, watch what he wants and do everything by how he wants. There are chairs in the house that are his chairs and you don't sit in them or your gonna get yelled at. I love my dad but today I am just fed up w/ his crap. Im tired of him yelling and I'm tired of everything being mine or my sisters fault. Well just had to get it off my chest

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One of our guardian angels!

Ever came across one of them people that just seems to always be doing something for others? I have... I remember the first day James came to school. It was in 7th grade he was a tall slender boy and in a small town you try to get to know others quickly. James told me that his dad was dead I still don't remember why. One thing about James is that he always had a smile... if you had a bad day he was there. He was alittle crazy and granted he wasn't perfect... but he was truly an angel. He in no way came from a wealthy family, he didn't have much but what he did have he was thankful for and gave what he could to others. No matter who you were you were his friend no matter if you liked it or not. If you were new you were gonna get a hug, just to welcome you in. He would always find a way to make you laugh even when you were crying. Our senior year James was excepted into our PALS group for those who don't know its a Peer Assistant and Leadership class in which we are assigned student who are new, don't fit in, having a hard time with anything dealing with education, family, personal etc. I too was part of that group and being a small group and having to always work together you become like a family. I remember James saying that all he wanted to do is make a kids day better, make a little kid smile. When asked where he wanted to be 10 years from then he responded that he wanted to married and have kids. You always seen him doing something one day we were coming back to school from the elementary and it had been raining all day. James had stopped on the side of the road to help someone he didn't even know change their tire in the pouring down rain. Its things like that I admired about him so much. When the class almost fell apart do to another classmates death he had held us together with his smile and laughter. James was due to ship out for basic training for the Navy a week before he died. He was on his way home and the car he was in blew a tire. I had rode in the same car with James and the guy that was driving it because he was also in PALS. They were less than a mile from his house, in fact his step- dad heard the wreck and ran down there only to later find out James was dead. Now a year later I cherish all the crazy and great memories I have of him.

I try to live my life by remembering everyday the care James showed for all no matter who you were. I never saw James mad! I challenge myself to be more like him. God had a reason for all things less than 2 mths before James passed away he gave his life to God. James had always served God but had only made in clear in the last 2 mths. He was an angel to many of us he has been missed and will always be loved and remembered.

He's one of my classes guardian Angels!
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Remembering in Happiness!

Every year since my junior year in high school I dread the month of May. Looking back over this past month I realize just how crazy it has been. From wedding to my grandmothers death, then another wedding, then a graduation, the aniversary of my aunts death, then a funeral, then another wedding. Talk about a crazy month! Don't get me wrong everything I have been through has made my a stronger and more capable person. An God has blessed me trendeously! Sometimes I have to just sit back and reflect on everything thats happened. I have been to more funerals than most kids my age have thought about, 4 kids just out of my graduating class ( I only graduated in 07). At the same time it has made my strong the deaths of aunts, uncle and grandmothers has also made me stronger. I have been through a lot which better equipts me to help others who go through the same thing as me so there for my trials are my blessings. Today i choose to remember, Aunt Lola, Aunt Pam, Aunt Mary, Granny B, Don Don, Uncle Jack, my other Aunt Mary, Kevin, Blake, Dayland, Allie, James, Uncle Clyde, Chris, Robert, and Granny Granny, Ya'll all mean the world to me and I remember ya'll in happiness and ya'lls strength.

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