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The maximum penalty for a conviction for extortion is a $10,000 fine and/or imprisonment for 10 years. The maximum penalty for blackmail is a $1000 fine and/or imprisonment for not more than 5 years. D.C. Criminal Code 22-3251; D.C. Criminal Code 22-3252.

Criminal blackmail is a serious crime, with holding evidence for blackmail is obstruction of justice and can lead to conspiracy to falsify evidence or evidence tampering. Holding evidence and making demands towards the person you believe has done something wrong and not turning it in to police proves your not a credible witness against the person you accused due to action of with holding for blackmail.

Let's say I am being blackmailed by a drug dealer for past drug use and he recorded some of my past use. Well bottom line is this, I would show my poker face. And do these actions to ruin any lies or attempted frames from the dealer. If the drug dealer tries to get a conviction against me for past use he has to do it based on facts. This is key on proving your side and having a defense against them.

1. Record any demand they make with the with held evidence.

2. Do not do anything they ask, you have to play poker and

not allow any fear towards your blackmailer<<KEY

3. 10 years in prison sounds serious and the fines sound just as bad. Use that against them. Even let law enforcement know you have used in the past and trying to change and do better for yourself. This also will eliminate any lying or present drug use or frames and even tell law enforcement your former dealers are making blackmailing threats.

4. This is sad but keep a log of your days and people you where with. Recorded documented days eliminate any framing attempts for present drug use. And if they get desperate and lie you have proof factual proof vs their desperate frame.








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Oswald Chambers: All our promises and resolutions end in denial because we have no power to accomplish them. When we come to the end of ourselves, not just mentally but completely, we are able to "receive the Holy Spirit.' Receive the Holy Spirit"-the idea of the invasion. There is now only one who directs the course of my life, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness but denying its power. have nothing to do with them.

Reading the news this morning and seeing more s*xual crimes accusations against the Pope bothers me because these people are carrying the name of my Lord. We as people have to understand all men no matter the label still carry a sin burden. We will all face our sin nature until the day we leave this Earth. Christianity isn't about perfection or being perfect before men, it's us saying hey I stand before you today imperfect but I have a God who gives me confidence through His presence He loves me within my imperfections.

If I had of trusted in people to show me Christ or help me build a positive mindset towards my personal faith or help me into a better man.................? In all honesty I would be a satanist right now blaming God for my life. But having common sense and understanding mankind as myself are selfish by nature, jealous by nature and we tend to stereo type one anther for no reason and the list goes on. Understanding this I created a mind set for tolerance and even with that also created a non passive mind set to protect my personal convictions and beliefs in Christ.

Basically what that does is this, you telling your peer's I can put up with you but you are not changing me. We have to understand we all have short comings and sins we hold near. And we also have to understand people walk and have walked in different shoes and we have to learn to respect people where they are. Not saying bow down to folks or be passive morons towards people but having a very basic respect for people in a sense saying hey I mean you no harm and not here to stand in your way.

What is the most things people want out of each other??? People want people they can trust, relay on and people that are up front and honest with them. People who are untrustworthy it takes miles of courage to have them in your life. The Holy Spirit doesn't lead me to want to practice deceit to harm anyone or even frustrate people with God's law. Bottom line people we are NT Christians and we are under Grace not law and Grace produces conscience which is God's heart for mankind. In my opinion a man with a Christ centered conscience is more valuable than a man that pretends to follow God's law.

I have walked with Christ for a decade now and basically the walk is abiding in His Holy Spirit which produces conscience and wisdom in Christ and the very act of salvation. Anyone who says otherwise I would not listen to because bottom line Christ is our ticket to heaven not radical con men. Long Story short is just this>>>>>>
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Oswald Chambers: All our promises and resolutions end in denial because we have no power to accomplish them. When we come to the end of ourselves, not just mentally but completely, we are able to "receive the Holy Spirit.' Receive the Holy Spirit"-the idea of the invasion. There is now only one who directs the course of my life, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness but denying its power. have nothing to do with them.

Reading the news this morning and seeing more s*xual crimes accusations against the Pope bothers me because these people are carrying the name of my Lord. We as people have to understand all men no matter the label still carry a sin burden. We will all face our sin nature until the day we leave this Earth. Christianity isn't about perfection or being perfect before men, it's us saying hey I stand before you today imperfect but I have a God who gives me confidence through His presence He loves me within my imperfections.

If I had of trusted in people to show me Christ or help me build a positive mindset towards my personal faith or help me into a better man.................? In all honesty I would be a satanist right now blaming God for my life. But having common sense and understanding mankind as myself are selfish by nature, jealous by nature and we tend to stereo type one anther for no reason and the list goes on. Understanding this I created a mind set for tolerance and even with that also created a non passive mind set to protect my personal convictions and beliefs in Christ.

Basically what that does is this, you telling your peer's I can put up with you but you are not changing me. We have to understand we all have short comings and sins we hold near. And we also have to understand people walk and have walked in different shoes and we have to learn to respect people where they are. Not saying bow down to folks or be passive morons towards people but having a very basic respect for people in a sense saying hey I mean you no harm and not here to stand in your way.

What is the most things people want out of each other??? People want people they can trust, relay on and people that are up front and honest with them. People who are untrustworthy it takes miles of courage to have them in your life. The Holy Spirit doesn't lead me to want to practice deceit to harm anyone or even frustrate people with God's law. Bottom line people we are NT Christians and we are under Grace not law and Grace produces conscience which is God's heart for mankind. In my opinion a man with a Christ centered conscience is more valuable than a man that pretends to follow God's law.

I have walked with Christ for a decade now and basically the walk is abiding in His Holy Spirit which produces conscience and wisdom in Christ and the very act of salvation. Anyone who says otherwise I would not listen to because bottom line Christ is our ticket to heaven not radical con men. Long Story short is just this>>>>>>
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1. Ministry is for encouragement of the Saints and help for the ones in need, and salvation for those who choose Christ.

2. Salvation is mankind abiding in the Holy Spirit which transforms the person
into a Child of Grace. This is the main act of salvation and all the mess they preach
daily with this applied can and will be easy for you. But you always have free will and God will love you no less if you reject corruption within ministry and refuse to follow it or support it. AS LONG AS YOU ARE ABIDING IN CHRIST NO MATTER WHAT PREACHER BILL SAYS YOU ARE HITTING HEAVEN WIDE OPEN WITH NO FEAR OF WHAT ANYONE SAYS. AND THOSE WHO ARGUE THAT ARE IN DANGER OR SLANDERING THE VERY SPIRIT WE ABIDE AND THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE.

I don't want your money or you to follow me, I don't want you to think of me as a man with a label. All I want to see is crime reduced, people living peaceful Grace filled lives where in the bad or good they can stand as trustworthy men and women who no one can deny conscience and goodness in them. And for those who reject this gift all I can say is I pray one day you'll see a need for salvation of hope in the afterlife and accept this free gift of hope and Grace that sets us free from fear. I based my faith only in Christ and not men and it has given me confidence beyond belief that God Loves me and I have hope of heaven. And all the meaningless abuse we as people have to endure it doesn't matter when you wake up knowing the God of all Loves the ground you walk on. That is a hope none can take from you. We are given a free will to be Loved and accepted by God and his wonderful salvation for our lives.
God Sense 101
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Matthew Chandler, spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, confirmed to The Huffington Post that there is a "specific, credible but unconfirmed threat" of an attack on 9/11.
Based on intelligence gathered from the Osama bin Laden raid in May, al Qaeda "has shown an interest in important dates and anniversaries, such as 9/11," he said. "As we always do before important dates like the anniversary of 9/11, we will undoubtedly get more reporting in the coming days. Sometimes this reporting is credible and warrants intense focus, other times it lacks credibility and is highly unlikely to be reflective of real plots underway.

"Regardless, we take all threat reporting seriously, and we have taken, and will continue to take all steps necessary to mitigate any threats that arise. We continue to ask the American people to remain vigilant as we head into the weekend.”

A US intelligence official told HuffPost, "US counterterrorism entities have been alert for any leads, and for the first time we’ve received specific and credible—but unconfirmed—threat information linked to the 9/11 anniversary. Any and all leads related to possible plots are of course being run to ground, and the US will bring every resource to bear to ensure the security of the American people.”

Americans no matter what these suspicious people who call aware American paranoid........................? Facts are and my personal experience when someone calls you paranoid for being aware of crime or even terrorism know they are planning something and they are using lame *** psychology for us to let our guard down. Common Sense and the will power to be unwilling to let our guard down has kept us safe for a long period of time and if we continue will keep us safe for a longer period of time. KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN AMERICA AND AID OUR HOMELAND SECURITY ON THESE DAYS OF THREATS.
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The thing that made Jesus mad during His time on this earth was what? When they are buying and selling and gambling within the temple. He said, why do you make my Fathers house a market place? The Church are not taxed and not really helping our economy and really without action of help towards people in need I see no reason for giving money. I write these devotions based on conscience and seeing through BS and I can't stand seeing good hearted giving people getting conned. God will not put His Spirit on a con artist. Know that and let that be your guide on who to give to and not.
Always remember this
Man + Holy Spirit= Blameless and perfect in God's sight
and that act molds a person of conscience through Christ
everything else is legalism
God Sense 101
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WASHINGTON -- The FBI and Homeland Security have issued a nationwide warning about al-Qaida threats to small airplanes, just days before the anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Authorities say there is no specific or credible terrorist threat for the 10-year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. But they have stepped up security nationwide as a precaution

If you see anyone suspious going towards private airports call your local police or FBI. This goes for motel and hotel rooms also anything you normally don't see don't see yourself as paranoid only aware. Better safe than sorry. These people don't value life as their own. Nothing to take lightly.
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Romans 8: 11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. 12 Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. 13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. 14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

I have a conscience and some things weigh on me pretty hard and I just have to get it out and this has weighed on me for years now. Think about the best way to make tax free money and being deemed a trustworthy source based on God in the mean time.
I see some Church's and ministries real life con artist robbing the poor and a few becoming rich for telling us things we already know. And they use people's words in their so called break through preaching's. I am what you call a thinker and someone who doesn't buy BS without testing it and seeing real worth of these so called men and women of God making more money than our law enforcement.

Now I am not a person who takes the good away people do. If someone brings great insight and wisdom to help someone in life through the Holy Spirit than I judge it was worthy and sincere. I don't believe in legalism and telling someone do what I say or God will reject you or get you.............? Bottom is this people, let the Holy Spirit testify for me being evidence this is from the heart of God. Someone can not tithe their whole life and abide in Christ and hit heaven wide open and be called by God a faithful servant. The whole 10% thing was from the OT and Jesus never preached on it not once.

Honestly if I was to choose a charity I would choose St Jude because I know their money goes to help children, not Pastor Bill's vacation money while a 80 year old woman can't make ends met and he still welcomes her money without conscience.
Honestly I couldn't live with myself telling a 80 year old woman to give me her money with the psychology God will bless or curse her if she does or doesn't. Facts are for everyone who Loves God. If you abide in the Holy Spirit and put that to action everyday of your life you will hit heaven wide open and be perfect in God's sight.
That was the entire reason for the Cross. And the beauty of that action is God's Spirit will mold beautiful honorable trustworthy people of conscience that gives our faith a good name.

If I give to a Church or ministry is because the Holy Spirit lead me to, not because of some lame *** fear tactic's or curse threats from some con artist using the Good Lord's name to get rich. Bottom line is this if you are having money problems take care of your Bills and family first before giving to any Church. Abide in Christ and honor Him by that act and you are receiving the full measure of Grace and Blessings. If you have your bills paid and family feed and taken care of than if you have a little left over and your conscience is telling you to give than give. But the whole take a leap of faith thing don't buy and come to reality and know God wants us to balance our budgets.
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Targeting the real problem brings awareness and brings about real solutions. Attacking a man constantly on a personal level is poor politics and shows poor character and untrustworthy character towards the so called tea party radicals. If you follow the tea party blindly with no real understanding. Do your research and if you are a Christian seek the Lord in their agenda. I did, and that act God inspired these blog's. Know that God wants this Nation strong and free, and any other agenda is anti American and a form of terrorism. Manipulation towards people in hard times bringing false hope and just being angels of light but in their true motives deceitful devils is not a trustworthy act. Christians of this Nation seek the Lord for what's best for our Country through the discernment of the Holy Spirit. Non Christians and other faiths research agenda's and use common sense to where it will lead. Vote Freedom and not possible slavery and division of a Nation.
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The No. 1 Republican talking point these days seems to be this: Profligate spending by President Barack Obama is the reason we face a debt-ceiling crisis.

Any rational, reasonably well informed citizen should know that is not true. But prominent GOPers still chant it like a mantra. God only knows how many otherwise sane Americans are starting to believe it.

That's why a chart in Monday's New York Times should be sent to every household in the US of A. It shows, in clear, indisputable numbers, that policy decisions by Republican president George W. Bush led to spending that dwarfs financial outlays under Obama. (See the chart at the end of this post.)

In fact, the cost of just the Bush tax cuts ($1.8 trillion) exceeds the costs of all spending under Obama ($1.4 trillion).

The final tally--$5.07 trillion of spending under Bush, $1.44 trillion under Obama. By the way, those figures for Obama are projections from 2009 to 2017. In other words, both presidents are being judged in eight-year time frames. And Bush "wins" the spending contest in a runaway


I mean this cuts down the con artistry and the manipulation news casters like Fox News are doing playing the blame games for a clear picture of poor politics. I believe if you are running for office and you are the best Candidate for the job you can tell the American people your plans to better our Country without defaming your opponent. These tea party radicals in my opinion have defamed our President since their start. That's been their whole campaign is this bashing and defaming our President using this debt as a tool to discredit him.

Facts are I am not taking any side. I like President Bush and I understand he done what was necessary to keep our Country safe from a real threat of terrorism. Common sense also screams that war costs big money and that's a part of our debt. Freedom has costs and we have to understand that as a Nation. I don't and didn't agree with the force behind Obama's health care bill and penalties for those who can't afford it. But attacking the man's character and constantly saying you are a failure based on one disagreement is well what I call personal issue vs a disagreement. Point made<

The word free in business is what people with common sense understands brings out the worst in business. People by nature even myself are selfish and greedy by nature. Now we go by rules in fear of prison or penalties for breaking those rules. Free trade I agree has been a huge part in our economy's debt. Now having free market well you think its bad now? (you haven't seen nothing yet). Everyday people will not enjoy everyday life, you will be overworked and underpaid. I don't know about any of you, but there has to be a way to keep things the way they are and fix our debt and create jobs here in the USA. We as people need rules and someone to answer to. This keeps us honest and lost of temptation of greed and lost of humanity.
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One thing that really bothers me is a coward who throws abuse, slander and a constant attack on our President with no mercy and when one comment is fired back they start crying the blues. Let me tell you something Tea Party members....... You have fired shots against our President on personal levels for his entire term. VP Biden makes one shot and you think you have any right to call them the bad guys? I think their shot wasn't wrong and I think your agenda is a form of terrorism because it will weaken and separate my Country. So yeah I have a big problem with that.

So there is 2 things that I am seeing here.............. Either you are dumb as hell or you are trying to weaken and separate this Country through deceit and preying on the gullible that believe your agenda will bring hope. No your agenda will not bring hope but take away labor laws and production of slavery. People will be overworked and under paid, and only thing protecting workers these days are Federal Labor laws.

They come off smart and yes our ways will work yadda yadda. And I swear if anyone can't see through Sean Hannity BS than you are at the top of the you are a gullible bastard list. My BS meter goes to the top when I hear this man speaks. You think we are facing division now??? Well elect these radicals and you will see total division and a possible Civil War. Like I said the Federal Government is our Country's glue and there is nothing wrong with this Nation, we are in dept. And we are in debt because of this war on terrorism and the private sector has let us down. There is nothing wrong with the way this Country is as a whole and its laws, we need to figure out how to give Americans work with or without the private sectors help.

Vote Freedom Vote America
not a hidden agenda of power and possible slavery
who wants that??? tell me who wants no labor laws??
anyone want to make a dollar a hour?? tons of work
with no reward??? Is that what you all want????
We as a whole truly need to make sure these radical tea partiers
don't win. Our National Security and Nations stability depends on it.
They don't play fair, they will look for every little crack we give them
to change this Nation back to what it was before the Civil War.
God Bless America
God speak to our Consciences who to put into power
this is a critical time for us all.
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A person "uses" a computer or computer network when he attempts to cause or causes a computer or computer network to perform or to stop performing computer operations.

A person is "without authority" when he knows or reasonably should know that he has no right or permission or knowingly acts in a manner exceeding such right or permission.

(1984, c. 751; 1999, cc. 886, 904, 905; 2000, c. 627; 2003, cc. 987, 1016; 2005, cc. 761, 812, 827.)

§ 18.2-152.3. Computer fraud; penalty.

Any person who uses a computer or computer network, without authority and:

1. Obtains property or services by false pretenses;

2. Embezzles or commits larceny; or

3. Converts the property of another;

is guilty of the crime of computer fraud.

If the value of the property or services obtained is $200 or more, the crime of computer fraud shall be punishable as a Class 5 felony. Where the value of the property or services obtained is less than $200, the crime of computer fraud shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

(1984, c. 751; 1985, c. 322; 2003, cc. 987, 1016; 2005, cc. 747, 761, 827, 837.)

B. The crime of computer invasion of privacy shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

C. Any person who violates this section after having been previously convicted of a violation of this section or any substantially similar laws of any other state or of the United States is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

D. Any person who violates this section and sells or distributes such information to another is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

E. Any person who violates this section and uses such information in the commission of another crime is guilty of a Class 6 felony.

F. This section shall not apply to any person collecting information that is reasonably needed to (i) protect the security of a computer, computer service, or computer business, or to facilitate diagnostics or repair in connection with such computer, computer service, or computer business or (ii) determine whether the computer user is licensed or authorized to use specific computer software or a specific computer service.

(1984, c. 751; 1985, c. 398; 2001, c. 358; 2005, cc. 747, 761, 827, 837.)

§ 18.2-152.5:1. Using a computer to gather identifying information; penalties.

1. Get or download free cleaning software
2. If you have wifi don't stay online more than
10 minutes at a time, after you sign off clean
your pc with your cleaning software and use
your command prompt and chkdsk for pc errors
Computers differ on using chkdsk
3. Their tactic's on facebook are simple,
they get your url of your facebook page.
they ping the page to get your source IP
than they ping your IP to get an open
port and than they download a virus
of their choice to invade your PC
This is time consuming so eliminate
4. Every time you are about to turn your PC
on go into safe mode and clean your pc
5. Use a port monitoring software to catch
them in the act, and for evidence purposes.
6. I use Private Firewall 7.0
And use the port logs for evidence purposes.
tangible and very accurate to stand as evidence.
Date and time of invasion, ip address to help
law enforcement get the source ip of the hacker.
with this evidence and these simple tactics
there is no law protecting hackers,
you are free to set up your own stings
to bait them and gather evidence on them.
Do the crime gotta do the time<<<<<<<<<<<

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