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No true person of God will say follow me anyway. And any true person of God will not
slander God's own. We have discernment in God's Spirit and if you don't...................
Until you learn don't make worthless judgements that may lead to speaking against
the Spirit of Grace. You may not like a person and that's normal, but if the Holy Spirit testifies for them they are God's anointed and can't say otherwise. To my understanding people who deny Grace cause these problems and really are unstable
and problem starters for church's and everyday life.

When one puts their confidence in Grace and not the approval of men when it comes to salvation you will build the foundation on the Rock. The wrestler John Cena said something that stuck with me. 50 may love me but 50 may hate me, that's the reality for everyone. If I put my faith in the approval of men I'd be a hot mess. Go by 2 folks they say now that's a Christian there amen, and the next 2 that man is the Anti Christ lol. So just ignoring both opinions and just staying in Grace is win win for me. I have the God of all's approval and sorry as far as salvation goes He is the boss. Love your brothers and sisters in Christ but never let them determine your salvation. We can discern in Christ or not, but only argument one can make is hey guy are you denying Grace?

12 To prepare God's people for work's of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. 13 until we reach unity of Faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
God sense 101
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Make no mistake; the external manifestation of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is verbal. The context supports this view, as Matthew 12:33-37 shows. Jesus continued by speaking about words and character, concluding with the statement, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Jesus’ accusers said, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and, “He has an unclean spirit” (Mark 3:22, 30). Since the Holy Spirit indwelt Jesus, these critics were guilty of calling the Holy Spirit unclean, Beelzebul (Satan), and “the ruler of the demons” (Mark 3:22). They slandered the Holy Spirit who indwelt Christ.

Ephesians 4:11 It was he who gave some to be Apostles, some to be Prophets, some to be Evangelists, and some to be Pastors and Teachers. 12 To prepare God's people for work's of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. 13 until we reach unity of Faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Money talks right? the almighty dollar turns men and woman into total jerk off's.
Today many preachers and ministry folks use psychological methods to bore fear into God's people for control tactics and easy I put three hard facts about God's plan for mankind and a must to have a stable promising lasting faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God takes storms and let's us learn from them to the ability to
teach others truths for sanity and stability and maybe not getting robbed for no good reason.

I can't get into detail but money hungry morons have attacked my faith for financial interest for about 7 years now. Preachers, Sunday school teachers have used Psychological methods to break down a foundation I have in the Love and presence of the Lord. Of course they failed and of course the many who will continue to try will fail.
One win win defense I have used in this insanity, is simply letting the Spirit of Grace be my Rock and confidence. You can't lose with that applied, you can't loose sight of God and you can't be conned by morons with that applied.

You really don't need Jimmy Bob saying, now that there is a Christian Sue Ann. You don't need the approval of men dealing with salvation. The only thing you need is God's Spirit flooding your soul daily. And those who speak against the Spirit of Grace calling what is clean demons or evil or whatever yes that can lead to speaking against the Spirit. Reason for, slandering and demonizing God's anointed you are confusing people and leading them away from truth. Basically you are calling God's Spirit evil.
And very clear in the Bible that is unforgiven.
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heredity n. , pl. , -ties . The genetic transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring. The sum of characteristics and associated.

Oswald Chambers: When I have really transacted business with God on the basis of His convenant, letting everything else go, there is no sense of personal achievement- no human ingredient in it at all. Instead, there is a complete overwhelming sense of being brought into union with God, and my life transformed and radiates peace and joy.

Oswald Chambers: Every element of our own self reliance must be put to death by the power of God. The moment we recognize our complete weakness and our ((dependence)) upon Him will be the very moment that the Spirit of God will exhibit His power.

Failed opinions dealing with Grace and failed ways to scare people to Grace and failed feel good tactics or Jesus promotions to lead people to Grace. Heredity isn'tfactual to a person under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. People who teach that are wrong, and are a hindrance to beautiful people being molded into products of Grace, self control and character. They don't think they are good enough and no matter how hard they try they are broke down and hurt.

This is all based on abusive Christian methods that have nothing to do with Grace or Jesus Christ. How can a person receive a gift if you drill in their head they are not good enough for it. Maybe many can't teach poor teachers, poor preachers, etc. One minute you hear Jesus loves you, the next you hear you are not up to par etc. So let's rid all that BS and stumbling blocks to stable self controlled people of Grace.

Heredity is dealt with up bringing. If a child is brought up certain way. Than more than likely he will follow that in his days. Most drug abuse and alcohol abuse or even s*xual abuse or homosexuality is caused by choice, stress many other reasons. I can't blame a addiction on a gene, you are setting people up for failure and psychological failure. Most of man kind's addictions and wrongs are by choice. And to make it more you are creating confusion and people accepting harmful addictions and not thinking they are no better.

I have good news, no matter your family's past or your gene's that you may think you are not good enough. Jesus Christ died and said it is finished, He didn't say for good gene's or for the so called good folks, he meant for all<<. Anyone who see's a need for a character and conscience make over and open to God's love for that, will be transformed if applied daily. And with that act you are adopted into God's Family and now are given a new heredity the heredity of your Creator.

No work required, no funny hats, no cultist mess. No snake handling, no paying a man all your money to get to Christ. Just a simple prayer and a simple dependent faith that you need Him daily will change you inside and out.With that prayer the Holy Spirit will flood your soul and just mold that conscience and bring you to Christ likeness.

Now I am far from perfect, I still get mad and I still get defensive and I still would like to get many annoying people in a head lock and say CALM DOWN. The key and trick to being a productive person in Grace is to keep receiving Grace daily. Can't overdose on Grace lol, the more the better. Love Changed me, nothing else.Now I am a child and Heir to the Kingdom of Christ.
God Sense 101
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Ephesians 4:11 It was he who gave some to be Apostles, some to be Prophets, some to be Evangelists, and some to be Pastors and Teachers. 12 To prepare God's people for work's of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. 13 until we reach unity of Faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Oswald Chambers: Once you are ((rooted in reality)), nothing can shake you. If your faith is experiences, anything that happens is likely to upset your faith. But nothing can change God or the reality of redemption. Base your faith on that, and you are eternally secure in God Himself.

How can you tell if your wasting your time with someone?? Or maybe your frustrated from praying for that person? Or you have someone in your life you know will hit hell wide open?
Well in my own experience's with people and teaching and studying God's words I came up with one thing and one thing alone.

We have to understand everyone has a free will even believers, the lost etc. And yes I have a free will everyone does lol. We as people being real with yourself usually want to hear what goes with our lives sins, and personal convictions. That is good, everyone the same would be really boring. Say Jimmy was strong in his purity and Walter was strong in his boldness in preaching the Gospel. Well both can be used by God with their strength's and weakness's.

God made the universe with words, I don't think He has a problem with using a willing heart. When Jesus said be perfect, He meant to be perfect in grace not some set of rules. Reason I believe in teaching Grace because I KNOW how the Lord changed me and it was in His Love not the rules of men. If a person accepts Grace and apply's that in life will 9 times out of ten will be open to grow and learn in the Spirit of Grace.

The un teachable believer are the arrogant one's who don't have the Grace ((Spirit)) of the Lord in life, and they will base faith on everything else and be impossible to teach because they have been tricked by the satan boy. Anther one is the man or women who has rejected the Lord and really doesn't care what you have to say or what you believe, so that is someone exercising Free Will. Anther fact the Spirit will convict us and show us wrongs and bring guilt in conscience and a lot of people I'm guilty run from that.

The Holy Spirit is the teacher any man or women of God that doesn't preach that or apply that to their work is false and stumbling blocks to the faith, it's like loading one down with impossible rules without help, the Spirit of Grace is our help and will teach us all things. That's a must to have the Spirit in your work for the Lord at all times. Jesus said boldly, the flesh counts for nothing, so basically driving people mad or ticking them off and they will reject the Lord without the Spirit active in your work. So please apply that in your work and you'll be a Blessing not a curse in the Spirit of Grace and the teachable will be taught and will grow.

Yes God still call's prophet's and apostles. The Lord will reveal certain things to them to teach His people truth and lead them into His fullness, and honestly some people are just so lukewarm makes me say?? Who are you helping??? who??
Our work without the Presence of the Holy Spirit is in vain and will hurt instead of Bless. Rules without Grace are just something else to tick everyone off, His rules are not burdensome with the help of His Love.
God Sense 101
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John 15: 1"A)I am the true vine, and My Father is the B)vinedresser. 2"Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He a]prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.

Oswald Chambers: If we walk in the light as He is in the light. For many of us, walking in the light means walking according to the standard we have set up for anther person. The deadliest attitude of the Pharisees that we exhibit today is not hypocrisy but that which comes from unconsciously living a lie.

Ever been told you are not a Christian you are not nice etc. I can't be nice 24/7 I abide daily and some people really tick me off. I have control over my anger with the help of the Holy Spirit. Nit pickers can drive one into total insanity trying to be up to par to their ((false)) standards they pretend to have. Real Christians understand it is God's Grace that changes us, not some ranting morons throwing impossible burdens on your back.

I wrote a devotion once James debating Paul, I lost the devotion. The conclusion of the debate was Paul and James coming to a finish Grace produces works. Not always will our services we want to do come to pass due to satanic attacks or oppression. Paul for example in prison wrote the letter and that is a work in Christ. So never get frustrated always abide.

Legalism and controlling people really hinder the work of Christ, know it all's that know nothing. I trust Christ and I don't rant with legalism because its pointless and I know If I did the person would not do it lol. So the win win solution is leading the horse to water(((Holy Spirit))) let him drink and let the Holy Spirit give conscience for that person to do services for Christ.

I have been a walking glass of water for 7 years now.
I've went to wal mart and seeing a employee there having a hard day, praying for them and seeing them ((refreshed)) right before my eyes lol. Being lead in the Spirit is a must these days so much going on people need a refreshing in His Love. I've had hard nights at jobs satan would attack me and such and pop in a Jeremy Camp Cd and get refreshed. Some of you Christian singers please learn to abide, you are wasting peoples time and money.

What I don't get are these people saying I am covered in the blood and they rant sinner saved by Grace etc..... I am thinking...........ummmm hmmmm The blood is for all,
but we have to receive the gift. It's like this, none are worthy of the gift of the Holy Spirit. But good news is that is the very reason God came as a man and died and rose again to give us that blessed gift of His unfailing Love.

What is more important than that very act?? I believe in charity and I believe in helping folks. But we shouldn't see that as service that should be done in conscience.
Just wanting to do the right things, service in Christ is
being that walking glass of living water. Being that refreshing Drink for the thirsty. So what is the definition of a real Christian???

The definition of the real Christian is the person is abides in the Holy Spirit, see's a need for God's love daily. Understanding that very Love makes us Christ like.
Not by effort, not by being pounded in fear and legalism.
But by the very refreshing awesome Love of Jesus Christ.
The more Grace one obtains the more Christ like he becomes, not by effort but by God's work in us.Be the wise Christian in His Love. It's the only thing that makes sense and produces stable people with conscience. There is nothing better than people in your life with a conscience!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
God Sense 101
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Oswald Chambers: All our promises and resolutions end in denial because we have no power to accomplish them. When we come to the end of ourselves, not just mentally but completely, we are able to "receive the Holy Spirit.' Receive the Holy Spirit"-the idea of the invasion. There is now only one who directs the course of my life, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness but denying its power. have nothing to do with them.

Charles Stanley: The only people don't don't find themselves under satanic attack are those who are so totally controlled by the devil and they no longer feel the guilt or have any conviction about a temptation.

Chambers said it all up there wow, no need for me to rant is it?lol And Stanley just told you once saved always saved 90% of you your hard headed none productive teaching leads. Let's do a example of 2 different believers. Going to examine the once saved always saved Christian vs the Christian in Grace.

Ok Jim Bob accepted the Lord at a early age and was taught that he was saved and nothing else was needed. Jim Bob never received Grace only once, and really never grasped the meaning or reason for the Cross. He didn't know Jesus and didn't have the reality of His love daily refreshing his faith in Christ. How can this man be in Grace when he has no understanding he denies Grace?

Ok Sue accepted the Lord in her life and was blessed to have someone lead her to understand the importance to receive Grace on a daily basis. Sue has great understanding now of the Gospel and very productive in Grace in life and church. Sue is grounded in Grace and full of wisdom a true Blessing in Christ.

Let's weight the 2. Poor Jim was taught once saved always saved, gained no knowledge, root, nor understanding of the Gospel. And the parable of the sower teach's Jim is the seed that doesn't understand and doesn't find root and understanding of the Gospel. Simply because he was taught a false teaching that produces people denying the very Grace Jesus died to
give us.

Sue gained wisdom, root, knowledge, productive in the Love of God growing in knowledge and wisdom daily in Grace. Who is the one born again?? who is the wise Christian out of the 2? Who will make it to heaven?? Who will be rewarded in heaven? Why is it so hard to understand the Christian who denies Grace your no better off in Christ than the non believer?

It's not about being perfect or a trophy Christian. I am sure not, sure I never will be. But I don't deny God's love and I do not deny His daily salvation plan for me. Even in the middle of my sin daily the Spirit convicts me. I have confidence the Lord is molding my conscience daily in His unfailing Love. Can one person tell me what else matters when it comes to Christianity?

I really don't care and I am sure the Lord doesn't either if one needs once saved always saved as a psychological
security in the mists of fires in this life. But the trick of satan is just this. Don't deny Grace, keep the Lord's presence in your life and make sure daily you are on the wheel of being molded in His un failing Love.

I have been threatened and marked for heresy and that is just anther day for me, kinda use to it lol. I don't care who is right or wrong. My reason for writing these devotions are not to self promote, I reject ministry. My simple reasons are for those who read them to see a need for God's love in your life, and to relay on that Love daily for your confidence and security to be firm, sane,moral people of faith. Please don't let that hearsay of men lead you to deny the Love of Christ. Grace changes me, nothing less nothing more.
God sense 101
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Matthew 12:39He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.

1 CORINTHIANS 2:4 My message and preaching where not with wise and persuasive words, but with demonstration of the Spirit's power,5 so that our faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.

Oswald Chambers: The result is a refined religious lifestyle, and the Spirit of God cannot witness to it because the preaching is in anther realm other than his.

Oswald Chambers: The goal of faithfulness is not that we will do work God, but that He will be free to do work through us.

Ok I have been watching the news and Christians being called bigots etc for not agreeing with the practices of other faiths.......... . Ok I am not a cheater lol, I believe in being faithful to what I believe and not passive to other faiths. I don't really care what others believe that is their business. But by no means is it not a law I must be passive to their practices or dabble in them. I am guessing I am a bigot, and for the record who cares.

Our founding Fathers where victims of forced religion from the Catholic Church. The Baptist founders where burned like witch's for heresy. And for the record if one wants to practice witchcraft gives no one the right to harm them, I don't agree, I will never harm someone for their choice of faith. The Holy Spirit does not lead anyone to harm others based on their faith.

Separation from Church and State is a genius law. Everyone has a right not to practice other peoples religion. I don't have to praise other peoples gods and I can worship my Lord in freedom and peace. I love that law and right its perfect and if any Christian has a problem with it??? seems to me they doubt God and His Love drawing people to Him.

What's the problem Christians?? We have free rights to worship the Lord and have events, write books, make music, make movies, own networks, online ministries.What else do you need??? are you that incompetent?? What does Paul say up there in that passage?? Let me not draw people with psychology and BS. Let God
draw people with His Love and Spirit.

Last time I checked that's what grounds the Christian,
that's what gives the Christian hope and confidence in their faith. And that is simply the anointing and drawing of the Holy Spirit. So in all what are people doing??? Do you really think control is going to change people?? Do you really think trying to run things you will please God?

Only successful Churches are the ones who are lead and molded and ministered to through the Holy Spirit. Now with that act who becomes the Boss?? The Lord becomes the Boss right?? Discernment is a great thing to have these days, so many con artist, people who don't understand a simple Gospel that they pretend to.

And you Tea Party folks and Shawn Hannity followers,
can't you see the moron is attacking our President for raitings? He doesn't care about anyone other than his pay check and starting major strife in the mean time. I have a BS monitor gift in Christ and most people are all about money and really don't care what it takes to get it. Wake up America and see some of these cons for who they are. Don't promote or be an accessory to hate and slander.

And by the way the Holy Spirit testifies to that remark I just made. God gave us common sense and discernment to point out so called angels of light to see the devils they really are. That discernment has kept me alive, very important thing for all Believers to learn. And no one has to be passive and agree with other religions, win win solution you mind your business I will mind mine.
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Being labeled a bigot or not, by law its my right to not follow Christian traditions I don't agree with or other religions I don't agree with. I have the right to worship and walk with my Lord Jesus as I please and to do it in peace. Our Constitution is what makes this Nation so great and it would be a shame to attempt to change it.Being forced into a certain tradition or religion would be insane and I'd be the first to say NO.

Tradition and Christian right and wrong to me is non sense and a waste of time. The Gospel is so simple anyone who can't get it. Either doesn't want to get it and have it their way. Or simply reject the conviction of the Holy Spirit and want it their way. And hey people that is your right, but you will not push it this way. I believe Jesus died for my sins and that opened up the door to His unfailing Love that transforms me daily. I have confidence, I am rooted in Grace and given a conscience in Christ that makes me a better man daily. But if you believe different good luck to you and have a Blessed life. ATTENTION STRIFE LEADS TO DIVISION
I'll leave it there
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Dangerous Cults Vs Life In Christ continued

If you want to be better than your brother or sister repent your wrong. If you think the Lord loves you more than others repent your wrong. If you are playing god in peoples lives you are insanly wrong repent. If you use your faith to harm anyone you are wrong repent. Jesus died for us to have peace and restoration in His presence.

These are insane days and if people can't get off this crazy train it will not get any better. And people can't blame the Lord we can't even follow simple simple rules He gives us. I know there is alot of force in this life as rape, slavery, opression, and crimes that are just horrible. If these have been in your story, you are not to blame and you are not loved less by God.

We have to understand people apart from the Lord are just helpless to demonic force, and if someone allows that demonic force to lead them you get those crimes. The only advice anyone can give is be innocent of doves in His presence and sly as serpants, meaning outsmart your enemies all you can.

Use your rights and the laws to protect you from religious nuts and for criminals. Let the Lord of Love restore you daily in His Holy Spirit and you are good to go and are in His hands. Anything taught other than restored lives in His Spirit be careful and discern them in the Lord. Angel's of light appear everywhere, so let the Lord be the judge to protect you.
God Sense 101
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Dangerous Cults Vs Life In Christ

Proverbs 1:32 For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; 33 but whoever listens to me will live in safety
and be at ease, without fear of harm."

John 4:13Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

John 4:23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."

There is a serious problem brewing among the faiths.
Listening is good, you learn things and kinda see things for what they are. I love the Lord and He has saved my life and has given me love and life when I couldn't find it no where else, and one thing I can say I done in this was getting to know my Lord.

And things people are doing with His wonderful name sickens me. Jesus isn't for torture, He isn't for no kind of murderer none. The Holy Spirit testifies we are to value life, and if you don't you don't know my Lord and God. And those for you who play god in people's lives as far as messing with thier life, breaking the laws etc, I pray you are caught and arrested.

The only judgement a believer can make in Christ is that person is condemned and hell bond thats it. Anything else your not of the Lord or for the Lord. Unless someone is breaking the law of the land we have no right to take insane actions, unless they are your kids in your care.

You can say hey that sin leads to this and that or that or this, but bottom line you have to leave it there. They may laugh at you, but when it bites them in the hindpot they will see what you are saying. And goodness for the record, a believer cannot cast a spell on anyone lol goodness.

I'll tell you a believer's power, we have power to control ourselves not others. Reason we have laws and goverment. If the Lord interferes in someone's life it is between that person and the Lord. If you are out here wronging people committing hate crimes and it bites you in the butt blame no one but yourself.
No one chooses evil but you, thats the end of that.

Im not for insane religion and my Lord isn't. He died to deliver me from sin and shame, to give me a new heart and mind (((conscience))) in His Spirit. I do not have to do nutty things to prove Him, or bring someone to His name. I've been through alot, I know I know I'm not the only one. But in all my suffering I learned one thing and one thing alone.

The Lord of all's greatest desire is a simple simple love between me and Him in Spirit. Ok that goes for everyone, if He can create the universe with words, I believe He has enough Love to go around. And the evil and suffering in this world He has enough work to go around. So stop comparing and stop actting nutty, and everyone wants to be boss hog is non sense.

Take your anointing learn in it and be the best you can with what the Lord gives you. Don't compare if this will help pretend there is no one else but you and Him. Satan can and will use the Lord loves so and so better than you, thats crap and don't believe it.
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But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6).

Again the act of God's out pouring of His Spirit.

For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under Law, but under grace (Romans 6:14).

Under Grace is the key statement here which once again the act of abiding and really common sense understanding. In what Paul and the others taught of Grace. These teachings that leave people with no idea who God is and no connection or the act of abiding or just not connecting with God any are false and don't listen. Facts are many want Heaven without the conviction of the Holy Spirit and allowing the Holy Spirit to mold them. Refer to the verdict taught by John in John Chapter 3 the verdict. These are the ones who make up total non sense what Grace is and exclude the act of abiding which in fact is the act of rejecting salvation and God.

God sense 101
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Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have obtained our introduction by faith into this grace in which we stand; and we exult in hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:1-2).

Let's learn how to read the Bible or understand simple things. Key statement in this verse is by faith into this Grace we stand. Abiding in Christ is faith that equals Grace that is simply the anointing of the Holy Spirit. By faith we receive the Grace (((out pouring of the Holy Spirit))) the act of God, which is defined as the mercy and Grace of God, through the act of the Cross.

Now when the meeting of the synagogue had broken up, many of the Jews and of the God-fearing proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, were urging them to continue in the grace of God (Acts 13:43).

Key statement here continue in Grace. Continue is an action word, I'll leave that there lol............................ .

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain; but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me (1 Corinthians 15:10).

I am what I am because of the Grace of God. Jesus taught in John 15 what changes us and that is the act of abiding and that is the act of the Holy Spirit building and molding a conscience in the free Grace of God, out pouring of the Holy Spirit. The Grace of God with me, that sounds like Paul felt God's Grace with Him?? right?? So that is the act of abiding in the Spirit of Christ, other words anointing of the Holy Spirit.
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. (2 Peter 3:18)

We grow in Grace and knowledge of the Lord.............? How can I grow in just merit?? or favor?? how can knowledge merely come from favor??? Again the act of abiding in Christ gives the Believer knowledge and growth<<<Christ centered conscience produced by abiding in the Love of Christ.

As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God (1 Peter 4:10).

Receiving Grace and good stewards of Grace is again the act of the gift of the Holy Spirit giving to us by the act of the Cross, not earned but given freely to the open repented believer the child like Believer in need of God's Grace to stand.

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me (2 Corinthians 12:9).

This explains itself, My grace is sufficient for you. The power of Christ perfected in our weakness. Again the act of abiding the Holy Spirit giving us a conscience and power to stand in Christ. Again the power of Christ that dwells in me is the act of abiding the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

Asking and receiving same thing the act of mercy and Grace by out pouring of God's Spirit to comfort us in times of need of lost of guilt and forgiveness.
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