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Matthew 22:29 Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God.

Oswald Chambers: We have to recognize that sin is a fact of life, not just a shortcoming, sin is blatant mutiny against God, and either sin or God must die in my life. The New Testament brings us right down to this issue-if sin rules in me, God's life in me will be killed; if God rules me in me, sin will be killed. There is nothing more fundamental than that.

You have two types of believers . Now after your seed is planted with that Spiritual experience there is still something called choice.
And I face it but the more I stay in Him the more and more I understand and built the foundation I need to stand!!!!!!!!!!!
Going to interview myself two types of believers and see what makes sense and who is living salvation or claiming something they have no idea what they are claiming.

Billy is cocky had an encounter with God and well left it there, doesn't think he has to do anything else.

Charles: Billy going to ask you some questions about your faith. I'm trying to see the problem with the church and why so many never catch root or have a foundation. Billy what is Grace???

Billy: Well ummm I got saved at 18 and they teach I'm good so I thought that I didn't have to much else. I know God is real.

Charles: Billy Grace is the Spirit of God it cleans us roots us and gives us a conscience in what please's God and what salvation really means. That's Grace Billy that's a relationship with God. We have to ask daily for that to learn and understand salvation. Billy what has changed in your life??? Besides attending church???

Billy: Nothing really same ol guy I am. Like I said I know God's real that's all that matters right?? I go to church and all. They talk crazy so my mind wonders. Guess they messed up when they told me I was good lol I see no need to getting all goody Jesus died for my sin

Charles: Well sounds like Billy you had a seed planted in your hindpot and it's sitting there and sooner or later you'll lose it and not believe.
So Billy to make a seed sprout you have to water the sucker right??
Reason its a must to receive the Lord daily to grow and become a seed that understands instead of being so confused you never have a foundation to stand and sooner or later step one slave to sin.

Billy: So why do they say once saved always saved?? That's what I'm taught??

Charles: Well Billy to solve problems to you to find the root to the problem and that one thing you just said well is what is crippling new believers like you. You never gain conscience and you well have no idea what please's the Lord and you listen to preaching and your like whatever I'm saved blah blah preacher man preach on only God can judge me and your right He will, and apart from Him you'll be condemned to hell. Your taking that saying and using it as a excuse not going into the light, and you are what I call a fallen seed.

Sue is a Believer the see who understands salvation and well rooted and grounded in truth.

Charles: Sue what is Grace???

Sue: Grace is the Power of the Holy Spirit to deliver me from my sin and gives me a Christ centered conscience.

Charles: AMEN I have no more questions for you:) God Bless:)

See the problem learn from the mistakes and start here and teach what Grace really is instead of crippling people to try to stand alone with no root or foundation. Stop blaming the people who are suffering from luke warm teachings, look at the Bible in the eyes of the Lord and learn from Him, taking your opinions and throwing them away. Your arrogance and can't be wrong attitude could send a person to hell DO YOU WANT THAT ON YOUR CONSCIENCE???
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1 CORINTHIANS 2:4 My message and preaching where not with wise and persuasive words, but with demonstration of the Spirit's power,5 so that our faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.

Oswald Chambers:The result is a refined religious lifestyle,and the Spirit of God cannot witness to it because the preaching is in anther realm other than his.

1 Corinthians 12:5 Therefore I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says "Jesus is cursed" and no one can say "Jesus is Lord", except by the Holy Spirit.

Many many ?'s about an effective witness??? Who can be the effective ones??? Who can make the difference??? and how can the impossible hearts be touched and changed by the Power of the Lord God??

Well, I've asked that ? myself tested myself people and so on. Some go by methods and some get into deep study?? is that good maybe???humm?? Well, I'll tell you what I do. Well, I keep it simple over doing things brings stress and doubt when it comes to the Lord, we can never know His reasons until we see it thats just the way it is.

Well I get up pray to the Lord in my head or verbal depends. I pray Lord fill me Lord let me be of some service to you Lord and make today (((count))) for you.
In small big Lord you are God not I so be God and use your servant. And well in that day with that prayer asking in His name He gives me something small or whatever, and I know it was given by His hand. Just a know.

People seem to get tied up in methods and mind games and witness tools nothing wrong with it until you make them god. Greatness in the Lord is not greatness in man.
We want glory and whatever to have a belt for souls we win to Him. We want to be noticed for our work I'm guilty as charged. Greatness to God can't be explained its something you have to find in your own life:) Your one of a kind and you have to know and see that in order to be all He called you to be:)

I've seen many reject the Spirit, and walk away from the choice of a touch and reality of the Lord. The Lord never rejects people they reject Him ends there. And and the most effective witness is a rooted grounded Believer who lets God be God, and you simple being a servant in His Spirit. That's when greatness for Him comes in:)
To die for God and to let go of your personal opinions and let His Spirit rush in and give you His. Dying to the Lord isn't service lol geez<<<<is that why some many pricks are doing things lol. Let the Lord teach you ground you and make you a Tree that brings life to others around.
God sense 101
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John 15:6 If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers, such branches are thrown into the fire and burned.

John 3:20 Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.

Oswald Chambers: Sanctification makes me one with Jesus Christ, and in Him one with God, and it is accomplished only through the magnificent atonement of Christ. Never confuse the effect with the cause. The effect is obedience, service and prayer.

If I have a hard block of clay and I pour a one glass of water on it. it'll get kinda moist and what not right?? And in time it will get harden again. Same thing with my heart, I can have experience with the Lord get clean and don't continue in time I'll get harden and well separation from the Lord.

What Jesus was teaching in John 15 my personal favorite chapter is that without Him a oneness with Him daily you will fall and fall and fall and never catch root. A fall is not sin itself its not mess up's its not mistakes its when you become so cocky and independent on everything but the Spirit of God and that's the biggest mistake I think everyone makes I have. To confuse a single sin or a mistake to separation from God is dangerous, for the church's confidence in the Lord.

I can't throw rules they will be broken, If I can't do as I preach I can't judge on things I do myself right?? So what's the only solution to this issue??? I've found my solution and it feels well good a burden lifted I should have never carried. The greatest men in the Bible prophets etc. They were not great in themselves they where losers to the world lol:) So what choice did they make to make them great???? They let God be God and trusted Him and took focus off self and put it on Him<<<the one who gives salvation.

Last night bRIthed this devotion. There is some huge debate all through time that you can or can't lose your salvation. Well I know the Lord's voice and I've prayed about it and this is the answer I got.
To believe is an action word. To trust is an action word. And to keep my commandments is an action word. Well that's to darn hard it sure it and its something i can't explain or teach. All any preacher or teacher can do is a how to get there. And that's simply staying in the Lord in being one with Him in Spirit and trusting Him to do the rest.
And don't mix worldly things with salvation again dangerous.

Kinda ends here don't dry up stay in His presence don't harden your heart to Him, stay in His love:) and there is no condemnation for that choice none<<<<<let someone say there is and well He will show other wise:) trust me on that one lol:) Salvation is a process keep your heart, soul clean and pure to the Lord by just simple receiving Him daily and well again no worries in that chioce:)
God's Spirit has no limits and no end its there for those who ask for it that simple. That's the child of God<<<<understands a need for Him to be good:) begins and ends there and its a lifetime thing:)
God sense 101
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Matthew 12:14 You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are; but you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth.

Jeremiah 9:23 This is what the Lord says:
Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom.
or the strong man of his strength or the rich man of his riches.
24 but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that i am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight. Declares the Lord

How can you earn respect?? 10 may say good job buddy 10 may say your a loser. There is no way you can earn respect no way under the Lord's sun. The problem is people get hurt and such with losing the opinion of man and there is no need.
It's a meaningless effort to earn someone's respect??

Some may say that man's character tickles my fancy or man he is good in sports or so on. Than I may not be up to par in character one day ??? Humm did I lose your respect hummm.
Does it matter??? hummm good ? lol:). The Lord does not expect us to win a popularity contest I think He knows what we are dealing with here on earth (((battle of wills))).

So what's the solution to the earn my respect man??? Well, as far as worldly things?? Do your best in your daily tasks, and leave it there. Someone says yo buddy ol pal good job thanks man:) ends there ;) Someone says your a loser and you get nothing done etc. Well you can say done my best there guy:)
ends there.

And as far as respect for believers?? If the Lord testifies in Spirit to someone's life or words??? Who the heck are you to say other wise?? That's all I judge by ends there. I may not agree with everything they may say, but if the Spirit testifies well it's the Lord bottom line. So in all do your best in your daily tasks and let the Lord keep your head up the opinion of man will leave you bare sometimes. That's the reality of this life and it ends there. Respect is a choice some may respect you others may not but the Lord's love is always there for you:)
Receive it learn in it and have that alive faith in the Spirit of life.
God sense 101
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Revelation 3:6 He who has a ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

John 10: 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.

Ok going to explain how God speaks to me and I pray you don't call the insane hotline and have picked up lol. It's really simple really to simple:) A lot people make the things of God impossible to reach?? I don't get that why would He?? Ummm He died a horrible death to have a relationship with man.

Goes like this many ways He can speak to His child. Ok ways He speaks to me, through other Spiritual Believers, the Bible, other books written by Spiritual men, thoughts and words I speak the Spirit testify's to. Wow no verbal??? no kinda erases faith and well can't make it that easy we would never learn to rest in Him.

This the most important thing to a believers life for one reason??
A lot of con's false teachers and bull crappers out there. I'm sure you people value your money and don't want to waste it amen to that.
So it is important to discern God's speakers from those who confuse.

I've been in church and so on and people throwing God's word and so on at me and the Spirit didn't testify?? I'm thinking man if I had of listened?? humm?? See the importance yes some people the reality of life are that mean to stir you wrong using the Lord's Word to do so. ((Very Low Act)) So knowing His voice is the key to keeping the bull crappers words meaningless to you.

Also knowing the Lord's voice can help nation's, build sound government's He lead our Fore Fathers to build this one and well seems like getting away from Him is messing us up big time.
So reality to me is I love listening to Life's voice and being humble enough to listen and know that He means well and the best for me.
And those who don't listen you self willed independent believers good luck with that doesn't even sound like salvation, sounds like metation and that is a condemning choice. He means the best of you learn His voice in His presence:)
God sense 101
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Matthew 18:5-7 And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. 6 But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believes in me to sin, it would be better for him to to have a large milestone hung around his neck and he drown in the depths in the sea. 7 Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin!<<emotion:) Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come.

Charles Stanley: A satanic attack is deliberate, willful, intentional, and well designed act intended to bring harm to a person in any way-physical, mental, economic, relational, or spiritual.

Charles Stanley: The only people who don't find themselves under satanic attack are those who are totally controlled by the devil that they no longer feel guilt or have any conviction about a temptation.

You know it's bad enough when we as people choose to do evil things or bad choices. But it gets even worst pulling everyone and their moma down with you in those choices. Jesus warned us fairly and with emotion that hindering His relationship or trying to is a condemning sin (((big time))). I've been in some insane fire and I tell you it put a fire in me I can't explain to find ways and find solutions to the problems people are causing for a growing wanting to do good seed child of God.

Someone trying to separate you from the Lord or lead you into a sin filled no morals no conviction type life is lead by satan no matter how much they may sound of God. I've been in Sunday school and they would say in an psycholoical way, your going to fall, your going to go back to your old life, it became a hobby to them.
I didn't buy it and you shouldn't either stay in the presence of the Lord and let the waters of life to root you into a Tree to say hey chump I know better so get to stepping. Jesus didn't raise no fool man :)

Bottom line those not in Christ the conscience sheered ones, your own God type deal will try to get you away from the Lord sometimes they don't even know they are trying satan is that cunning. But remember this no one say it again no one can separate you from the Lord but (((you))). When someone try's to take a child from a loving Father reality is they get a fight same with the Lord they will get a fight and He warned in His word fairly and boldly. He has every right to love His kids and we have every right to love Him, don't like it get ot stepping:)

Bottom line is this if you want to be a rooted saint and you want to be the best you can in the presence and Spirit of Christ, don't let no one I mean no one stand in your way. Oswald Chambers said to listen to someone or take advice apart from the Spirit of Christ your siding with satan. I still take advice and I go with my gut with the advice and if it's a serious matter I pray about it do the same. Deciet is like brushing your teeth to some. And I don't enjoy seeing people getting humilated or hurt so please be smart :)
The Lord is Life cling to Him
God sense 101
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Luke 6:46 Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and not do what I say?47
I will show you what he is like who hears my words and puts them into practice.

Matthew 7:22 Many will say to me on that day. Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?
23 Than I will tell them plainly, "I never knew you. Depart from me you evildoer!

What is the biggest issue within the Church>>?? To many opinions and not enough God?? To many different teachings the new things instead of foundation focus and true Discipleship?? To much whooo hoooo look at me!!!!!! instead of hey look at Him?? To many actors instead Holy Spirit on fire Saints??? Or satan has our number and we can't look to God for one second and catch that simple foot he has in??? To me all of the above and I'm man enough to admit I'm guilty of all. What was Jesus saying up there??? You call me Lord and do nothing I ask?? not a thing?? your own god people?? I will show you the one's in themselves and the man in Me and He will and He does it well lol. Many will say???
I've studied prayed thought and went in deep dazes lol with this passage from the Lord. This teaching is the once saved always saved down the drain. I have so many verses that back that up in common sense terms and never twisted. People said I'm in the Lord I'm saved this and that and so on. So apart from Christ, I'm evil says in clearly reason??? God sure you heard it a million times expects perfection, reason Jesus died to make us prefect to God through a oneness with Himself. So understanding the reason instead of making up your own makes a world of difference amen?? Really simple for 6 years now growing and learning in the Lord, really simple I pray and pray and pray some more in my head secret place and so on. Lord Jesus fill me with your Love to make it anther day of the coldness that surrounds me Lord. Done deal one prayer son and its done. That's being a child to the King and with applied your living salvation instead of talking about it. You'll have confidence and a passion well that gets things done for the Kingdom.
Apostate??? are you the Apostate your own god type deal??? instead of taking you Love (((Spirit)))) dose daily???? Lose the excused people and be made new in the beauty of your Creator. Stop making us look dumb and start letting Him exalt us:) Harvest is ripe????
Who's ready to plant???
God sense 101
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Malachi 4:1 Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evil doer will be stubble, and the day is coming when I will set them on fire says the Lord Almighty."Not a root or branch he left of them. 2 But for you who revere my Name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in His wings, And you will leap out like calves released from the stall.

1 Thessalonians 4:7 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a Holy Life. 8 Therefore who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God who has given us his Holy Spirit.

Malachi 3 and 4 I've done a lot of studying praying and using my God given common sense. Malachi 3 is full of questions 4 is your answer from the Lord wrote from the prophet. Ok a un Believer has no root ok they are condemned. So with that knowledge I said to myself hmmmm
Lord is this for the apostate so called believers carrying your name in vain. Spirit testified to that very thought so in that process yes it is.
Arrogant believers the I'm evil and I know it and still some how think in man's wisdom I'm getting my ticket to heaven, right??? umm heck no your wrong. Ok well you have a choice be arrogant and claim grace apart from the Lord or walk in the Spirit which is Grace so simple. Ok you have the arrogant one's who well claim grace in total rebellion and wickedness good luck with that yeah common sense says your a well to big for your pants lol. Ok now you have those who respect the Lord those who give a flip about Him and what he done at the cross and hold
respect and not arrogantly say urrr I'm forgiven urrrr. Says who ?? and where in the Bible does it say that?? taken out of context maybe??
They will rise from the stales Rapture???ummm pray about that>>??
Arrogant grace as air left behind Spirit Filled God lovers will meet the Lord in the air. 1 Thessalonians 4:7 <<<says it all God called us to live a Holy Life, ok Bible says we can't. Ok keep reading it says who rejects those instructions does not reject man and his non sense teachings but God<<<<who gives us the tool to be Holy the (((((Holy Spirit))))).
So the reality is God set it up so simple only fools go to hell. ends there
God sense 101
if you want a renewed confident faith in Jesus Christ pray this prayer

Lord Jesus reveal to me your truth apart from man show me your face in your Spirit Lord, give me a new heart in your Spirit Lord and give me a confidence in your Spirit Lord. Lord I understand there is nothing I can do to earn your love or Grace so let me receive it humbly to please you in Jesus name I pray amen.
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Apostasy: The rebellion or falling away.
Tim Lahaye: many who confess biblical truth and profess a relationship with God will be simple acting, living a lie, walking as religious charlatans. Apostasy will be intense in the final days before the rapture of the Church. Jude defines apostates as those who turn the grace of God into a license for excessive immorality and deny the lordship of Jesus Christ. Apostates deny the faith because they have not be transformed by the grace of God.

You have many types of denominations and in all of them you have many types of different beliefs and many many opinions. Ok how can I tell if I'm an apostate or wrong or right?? Ok let's kinda put some words in Paul's mouth and I pray the Lord doesn't rebuke me lol:) Not one is right not even one, no one can have the knowledge of God apart from God, no one can please God without God on your best day. Ok I got so called saved at 11 ok I fell away a seed that didn't understand not prepared for attacks and in pressure I lost my connection with the Lord.
I was a apostate<<<<<<<<<<<<,bottom line. Ok let's go into my mind motives and drives for my choice in the Lord in that time of my life.
I knew He was real ok I knew the Gospel and I have had many Spiritual encounters with God?? So what was my problem?? My problem was this satan's greatest victory in my life. I had believed in my own mind no matter it was done I was saved and nothing was left, as you people say forgiven. I was a lazy believer no root no wisdom no witness no better than the atheist. I partied I cussed was a hot head and just didn't carry a Christian character at all. I was an arrogant dummy with no grace in my life a withered so called believer that showed no signs of salvation a falling seed. Ok now that I have insulted myself enough let's see what changed my heart and life. When I came to understand my opinion didn't matter, my ways where crappy and my attitude was all wrong, and I went to the Lord and admitted every day for these last 6 year did I understand what Grace, Salvation, and what it means to have a alive faith in Jesus Christ. I stayed in His presence I learned in His presence and gained a amazing conscience and character in His presence. I'm not perfect it's a battle everyday, but I'm not lazy and un caring to His want's for me and I go to Him as a child that is the only thing that pleases the Lord, the only thing that will bring any kind of character or wisdom in your life the only way. Ok so believer you can be arrogant claim grace apart from the Lord and a doubtful forgiveness or you can have a sure confident faith in Jesus in His presence everyday and receiving Him in Spirit all day to learn and grow and
((((((((know)))))))))) what it means to be a believer and not act it for attention. Nothing wrong with getting attention from each other nothing at all but leave your salvation to the Lord and confidence in Him alone not the opinion of man it will drive you crazy trust me lol no fun lol.
So who are you today a Apostate or a Child of the King???
Ask the ? to yourself and if you want to come back to being the Child pray this prayer.
Lord Jesus I understand I've gained a conscience in myself I have become my own god. Lord restore me to you Father for a renewed faith and Spiritual rebirth I need to start a rooted alive faith in you Jesus. Lord help me to look to you instead of man for salvation and help me to value your opinion over man's Lord. Give me a new heart today in your Love Spirit to become a Child to you and not to the evil one. In Jesus name I pray Amen
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Ephesians 5:13 But everything exposed by the Light becomes visible, 14 for the Light makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
Wake up, oh Sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.

Oswald Chambers: ((True Salvation)), worked out in me by the Holy Spirit,((frees me completely)). And as long as I walk in the light as He is in the Light. God sees nothing to nothing to rebuke because His life is working itself into every detailed part of my being, not on the conscious level, but deeper than my own consciousness.

So many men who taught that where in Christ ever notice how they lead people to the Spirit of Christ.Some take verses out of context and well the truth is confused. The light is the Spirit of God and when a person receives it well gain a conscience in Christ, well God writes His law on your heart. Basically reprogramming you to know what pleases Him instead of leaving you in wonder you'll know that simple. When I receive the Lord I don't need to worry about what pleases Him because that's what pleases Him the humble child in need of a savior. There is no such thing as a baby Christian. Study the parable of the sower, you have seeds that sprout and root and you have one's who don't. So why gamble and teach once saved always saved one encounter with God is it for someone?? I do believe one encounter with God is all He needs to keep someone from hell and a awareness of Him in a life.
Still we have free will and that teaching leaves a huge gamble right??
So what needs to be taught??? Make it so simple a 1st grader can understand. Ok a seed needs water to sprout right?? Ok water<<<God's Spirit
seed<<<<<you. Ok you must water the seed you everyday in order for it to sprout and catch root for a firm faith and foundation. Ok so let's take this one time deal and forget about it no where in the Bible does it teach that. Ok new saying instead of Forgiven say Forgiven today, make it a daily thing to receive the Lord to catch root you will with that applied He is big enough.
Don't gamble your salvation no need make it a sure thing love and respect the Lord and take the simple instructions in what He taught. The Spirit is your food and water to stay alive and no worries of falling or separation of God.
No matter how man judges you as long as your in His presence everyday doesn't matter, you are doing the will of God receiving Him in Spirit everyday is the will of God. again ((Watered Plant is a growing plant))
God sense 101
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John 6:23 Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven, for this how they treated their fathers treated the prophets.

John 16:8 When He comes , He will convict the world of guilt regard to sin and righteousness and judgement.

John 7:6 Therefore Jesus told them,"The right time for me has not come; for you any time is right. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify what it does is evil.

This devotion is for why am I persecuted why do people give me a hard time and the reasons behind it. Great is your reward Jesus said there in John 6:23 for that is how they treated the prophets before you.
OK those guys where lead and filled with the Spirit of God. That is the reason for persecution haters of the light basically. Ok why do people run from the light??? Says there in John 16:8 The Spirit convicts the world of sin, really in reality the Spirit of God reveals how horrible we really are. The Lord reveals things everyday about myself but without seeing things I can't grow or be any use to the Lord. Ok there in John 7:6 Jesus said before the Spirit fell on the disciples basically the Spirit hadn't feel on them. Jesus was God and preached boldly in parables and direct the reality's of God and judgement. Sigh you have two spiritual forces. You have the Spirit of God and you have the demonic forces opposes the Lord and salvation plan. Really satan only has power over those who give him power you people who don't follow the Lord give him <<<satan power ends there. It's like rejecting peace and love and serving hate and suffering that's what defines satan. Satan is a defeated moron but this world gives him so much power world of fools. It's like elected Hilter to the foundation of your soul kinda bad choice there buddy. If you are in Christ a Spirit filled vessel let them say whatever. they are hating Him persecuted Him rejecting Him condemning themselves ends there. Anyone not in Christ will mock you persecute you for one reason they can't understand you<<< and when people can't understand something well you get crap. When made fun of rejected as evil keep in your mind. They have made up some false right and wrong became their own gods and stand condemned. Haters of the Light<<<Spirit of Truth)))) ends there.
God sense 101
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John 7:38 He who believes <<<action word in me, as the scripture said, from his intermost being will flow rivers of flowing waters.

Oswald Chambers: He who believes in me.... out of his heart will flow rivers of liver water"----hundreds of others lives will be continually refreshed. Now its time to break the flask of our lives, to stop seeking our own satisfaction , to pour out our lives before Him. Our Lord is asking who of us will do it for Him?

Does this go for just folks in ministry, I think not that's insulting to the Lord and the cross to say so. This teaching is for everyone who claims and carries the name of Jesus. A lot may say we don't have a voice in the world satan has taken it from us. Yes he has in the flesh but why limit the Lord why cut him short with my big mouth someone tell me??
Everything happens for a reason the people in my life well took my voice mocked my opinion and tormented me with it. And yes in schools at jobs kinda need to watch yourself and be careful and not lose your job for boldness. So how in the heck can I be a wittness or living waters for those around me??? Well in my experience of being shut up and all I found a new renewed faith in the Lord. Everywhere I would go in Him I could be just that to many around me without saying a single word. See a depressed face. a worried face a hurting face, one prayer if they are a Believer can change their whole day God's Spirit is the only cure for a broken or hurting heart in any way. And if you can be a help in others ways go for it never hurts to see someone who cares if you live or die. A productive Christian is a Holy Spirit filled Believer, Jesus said it plain apart from me you can do nothing. Might say how about the guy who doesn't know Jesus?? Well we are to present the Gospel any chance you can get. But learned my lesson lol I was over eager and un patient a lot to pushy and forward with good intentions not for the one's I was getting at. But in growth I learned God is big enough and I need to kinda let Him do more than me. So I have found prayer and being filled with the giver of salvation is the best tool for salvation well the only tool. Well bottom line serving God without God makes no sense you are throwing a god and rules on the people without the god and that tends to tick people off or well they'll make a joke about it until it becomes a reality to them until they see the beauty of Jesus in His presence. So what's the verdict those who receive the LIght are lovers and useful to the Lord, those who reject the light reject the light because they like well their way it's that simple. God needs Spirit filled vessels not over proud opinion holders.
God sense 101
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