Ephesians 5:13 But everything exposed by the Light becomes visible, 14 for the Light makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
Wake up, oh Sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.

Oswald Chambers: ((True Salvation)), worked out in me by the Holy Spirit,((frees me completely)). And as long as I walk in the light as He is in the Light. God sees nothing to nothing to rebuke because His life is working itself into every detailed part of my being, not on the conscious level, but deeper than my own consciousness.

So many men who taught that where in Christ ever notice how they lead people to the Spirit of Christ.Some take verses out of context and well the truth is confused. The light is the Spirit of God and when a person receives it well gain a conscience in Christ, well God writes His law on your heart. Basically reprogramming you to know what pleases Him instead of leaving you in wonder you'll know that simple. When I receive the Lord I don't need to worry about what pleases Him because that's what pleases Him the humble child in need of a savior. There is no such thing as a baby Christian. Study the parable of the sower, you have seeds that sprout and root and you have one's who don't. So why gamble and teach once saved always saved one encounter with God is it for someone?? I do believe one encounter with God is all He needs to keep someone from hell and a awareness of Him in a life.
Still we have free will and that teaching leaves a huge gamble right??
So what needs to be taught??? Make it so simple a 1st grader can understand. Ok a seed needs water to sprout right?? Ok water<<<God's Spirit
seed<<<<<you. Ok you must water the seed you everyday in order for it to sprout and catch root for a firm faith and foundation. Ok so let's take this one time deal and forget about it no where in the Bible does it teach that. Ok new saying instead of Forgiven say Forgiven today, make it a daily thing to receive the Lord to catch root you will with that applied He is big enough.
Don't gamble your salvation no need make it a sure thing love and respect the Lord and take the simple instructions in what He taught. The Spirit is your food and water to stay alive and no worries of falling or separation of God.
No matter how man judges you as long as your in His presence everyday doesn't matter, you are doing the will of God receiving Him in Spirit everyday is the will of God. again ((Watered Plant is a growing plant))
God sense 101
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