John 7:38 He who believes <<<action word in me, as the scripture said, from his intermost being will flow rivers of flowing waters.

Oswald Chambers: He who believes in me.... out of his heart will flow rivers of liver water"----hundreds of others lives will be continually refreshed. Now its time to break the flask of our lives, to stop seeking our own satisfaction , to pour out our lives before Him. Our Lord is asking who of us will do it for Him?

Does this go for just folks in ministry, I think not that's insulting to the Lord and the cross to say so. This teaching is for everyone who claims and carries the name of Jesus. A lot may say we don't have a voice in the world satan has taken it from us. Yes he has in the flesh but why limit the Lord why cut him short with my big mouth someone tell me??
Everything happens for a reason the people in my life well took my voice mocked my opinion and tormented me with it. And yes in schools at jobs kinda need to watch yourself and be careful and not lose your job for boldness. So how in the heck can I be a wittness or living waters for those around me??? Well in my experience of being shut up and all I found a new renewed faith in the Lord. Everywhere I would go in Him I could be just that to many around me without saying a single word. See a depressed face. a worried face a hurting face, one prayer if they are a Believer can change their whole day God's Spirit is the only cure for a broken or hurting heart in any way. And if you can be a help in others ways go for it never hurts to see someone who cares if you live or die. A productive Christian is a Holy Spirit filled Believer, Jesus said it plain apart from me you can do nothing. Might say how about the guy who doesn't know Jesus?? Well we are to present the Gospel any chance you can get. But learned my lesson lol I was over eager and un patient a lot to pushy and forward with good intentions not for the one's I was getting at. But in growth I learned God is big enough and I need to kinda let Him do more than me. So I have found prayer and being filled with the giver of salvation is the best tool for salvation well the only tool. Well bottom line serving God without God makes no sense you are throwing a god and rules on the people without the god and that tends to tick people off or well they'll make a joke about it until it becomes a reality to them until they see the beauty of Jesus in His presence. So what's the verdict those who receive the LIght are lovers and useful to the Lord, those who reject the light reject the light because they like well their way it's that simple. God needs Spirit filled vessels not over proud opinion holders.
God sense 101
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