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What I have learned today

What I have learned today is - to smile at everyone and smile your worries away.
Today my mind was surrounded by the worries about my future. In spite of how I used to keep a straight face, I tried smiling at anyone I met and lifted a finger to those I didn't even know. From their sweet returned smiles, I could sense it was implying "thank you, You have made a better day for me, or made me feel noticed, feel important and cheered me up." All of a sudden, I felt relieved a little. When I came back to my dormitory room, I kept a smile along the way of a complaint from one of my roomates. We confided our worries and this conversation ended up with a relieved smile. After that, our worries cut off a half while happiness added up a double...

What I have learned today is - to be honest. Any promise you make should be carried out.
Morning I went to a store to return my yesterday's debt, even though the storekeeper was ill and off work today. I had my words passed on her, so she will go on trusting me and my credit will remain good. Afternoon I ran to our classroom to bring my classmate an important notebook I ought to have lended the other day for the reason of my forgetfulness. Regardless of my full schedule, I fulfilled my promise, she felt grateful...

What I have learned today is - more giving and patience, less complaint and dissatisfaction.
Well, I live in a very messy room with a bunch of order-careless roomates. Believe it or not, I do the cleaning myself everyday tirelessly compared to a super lazy girl I was at home. I try not to complain or give them demands, oddly enough I am satisfied with what has changed me to be more independent and hard-working (and probably thinner!!). Meanwhile they all seem lucky and happy to have such a voluntary cleaner getting along with them...

What I have learned today is - (in real life)
be nice, be humble, be genuine, beware of conflict and be
helpful within your power anytime. All this will surely make you well-reputed.

Since every brand new day is an opportunity of learning and developing, what I will learn tomorrow is...

roll eyes roll eyes roll eyes roll eyes
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Urgency: I am searching for a frog

There was a frog that was getting to me about 3 months ago, since then it never stopped bugging me and making me get on fire very mad It was just a pity I can't get hold of its real track today, if you are the frog I'm speaking of, sign up and contact me straight away and send me your email address so I can put out my fire on you privately! Keep in touch, ok? I need your advice outta here.

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Do you believe in zodiac sign?

Just come to think about horoscope - one of the hottest topics in school - I used to deal with people as well as their zodiac signs and I come to a conclusion, the accuracy of the horoscope for me stands for 70% or 80%. Me for instance, I am Aquarius, my best friends are mostly Libra and Aquarius. I do think zodiac signs show the general personality and compatibility in point. It says my opponent sign is Virgo, and according to my experiences I can hardly get along very well with Virgos because of our personality clashes... and as far as I have observed from my friends, I know Cancers are sentimental and of a loving and a caring nature which makes them excellent and caring parents; Leos are generous and open-minded, they may be egoistic and bossy and show deep love for magnificence and luxury, Leos are real kings; Virgos are very analytical; Libras are romantic, reasonable and thoughtful; Capricorns are are prudent and practical; and lastly - Me - Aquarius, they are among the intelligent in the crowd. A sense of humor, coupled with great intelligence and deep thinking make them stand out. They make loyal and honest friends. They are independent thinkers with great originality in their thoughts and actions. They may appear indifferent and less emotional. If you have an Aquarian around you, you may find it difficult to understand him/her. (hm, 90% correct for me, pardon me for having thick skin! grin blushing blushing blushing )

I just have a question - Do you believe in Zodiac sign? Does it correspond with your reality?

If interested, the of zodiac signs are given as follows:

Aries: Perfect matches: Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.

Taurus: Perfect matches: Capricorn, Virgo.

Gemini: Perfect matches: Aquarius, Libra.

Cancer: Perfect matches: Pisces, Scorpio.

Leo: Perfect matches: Sagittariu, Aries.

Virgo: Perfect matches: Capricorn, Taurus.

Libra: Perfect matches: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini.

Scorpio: Perfect matches: Pisces, Cancer.

Sagittarius: Perfect matches: Leo, Aries.

Capricorn: Perfect matches: Virgo, Taurus.

Aquarius: Perfect matches: Libra, Gemini.

Pisces: Perfect matches: Scorpio, Cancer.

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Best Wishes to You, Kitty

I picked this kitty up on a street 2 years back in a summer vacation, she was stray, starving and skinny. I took her direct home despite of my parents' objection. I looked after her with all my heart, fed her with the best food, had her checked in the vet's, gave her a good company and all. I used to place her in a small basket whereever I hang out by my cycle. Maybe she was scared by the crowd and the traffic noice that she kept meowing all the way, I know she wasn't "on purpose" but I couldn't stop her from meowing. I saw her as an innocent kid that never really meant to hurt anyone in the first place, yet my parents misunderstood her and pushed me to send her away to the strays' home before I was leaving to my Uni city for another semester. They came with an excuse for their incapacity to take care of this kitty. I sensed they don't like her so eventually I had to abnegate my desire for keeping her. When the day I sent her off, tears welled up in my eyes. I saw her trying to struggle out of someone else's arms, she was so unwilling and I could feel and understand that. It was our last meeting ever since.

One-month get along with my kitty didn't help me knowing her better, but she never meowed at me and always brought a smile on my face. I genuinely savored her company... Take care of yourself Kitty! I will always remember you at the bottom of my heart whereever you are, I wish you are doing fine and have gained some weight. grin

And I hope my one-year-old bunny will also be fit because my being away from home may still make him lonely if I am not around, although my mom likes him lots. crying

Ok, let's call it a day here. All my little cute fairies, I will see you in awhile. wave handshake
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Ich Liebe Dich, BunnyJojoOmega!

German Practise (3) Love Story

Ein Jahr zurueck begegnete eine Maedchen drei Maenner, die Bunny, Jojo, Omega heissen. Was brachte der Maedchen die grossen Kopfschmerzen war, dass diese drei Maenner gleichzeitig ihre Liebe zu der Maedchen ausgedrueckten. Aber wer wuerde denn der Passende sein? Das Maedchen fing an zu ueberlegen...

Bunny ist ein Witzbold. Er hat grossen leuchtende Augen und hohe Nase, er ist uebertreffend und humoristisch. Wann immer Bunny die Maedchen sieht, macht er ihr lachen. Aber er ist manchmal gereizt, Maedchen hast Angst wenn er wuetend ist.

Jojo ist ein Introvertierter. Er fuehlt sich scheu im ersten Treffen mit Fremden. Seine Worte sind nicht so viewl aber sehr nett und warm. Er ist sanftmuetig und wird niemals boese auf die Maedchen.

Omega ist ein reifer Mann, er mag laecheln wenn er mit Leute reden. Sein Laecheln scheint suess ebenso wie seine Worte. Er troestet die Maedchen wenn sie weint, er beruhigt sie wenn sie schlechte Laune hat, er will alles fuer sie tun so lange sie froehlich ist.

Die drei Maenner haben ihre eigenen Besonderheiten der Charaktere, die die Maedchen beeindrueckt. Zum Schluss draengte ihr die Situation zur Entscheidung, dass sie oeffentlich deklarierte haben: Ich liebe dich! BunnyJojoOmega!

Eigentlich sind die drei Maenner dieselbe Person! grin


(Ja ja, was fuer eine dumme kurze Geschichte hab ich geschrieben, doch ist es echt - meine Liebesgeschichte.heart wings )
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Better Not Bring Religion Topics Everywhere

(My practise of German writing 2) happy place

Soweit ich beobachtet habe, bringen manche Menschen gern etwas Religiöses in jeden Kommentar den sie geben,writing wie Gott segne dich, oder Allah sei mit dir! bowing Sie kommen immer mit dem Gesprächsthema ihrer eigenen Religionen. Vielleicht möchten sie ihre Wärme und Wünschen zum Ausdruck bringen oder das ist bloß eine Gewohnheit? dunno Aber vorsichtig! Das gilt nicht für alle/überall!

Ohne die Religion anderer festzulegen, hätten wir lieber kein Religionsthema vorbringen. scold Denn es gibt in der Welt so viele verschiedene Religionen: Taoismus, Buddhismus, Islam, Christentum, Judentum, Hinduismus u.a.shock Nicht unbedingt sind alle Iraner Muslime, oder alle Inder Hindus, oder alle Israeli Juden. Aber aus anderer Sicht gibt es noch Theismus, Atheismus, Agnostizismus, Skeptizismus, Naturalismus u.s.w, doh wenn man nach Theismus und Atheismus sortieren.uh oh

Ich bin zum Beispiel Geist. Es sagt jedoch, die religiösen und spirituellen Glaubensysteme wie Formen des Buddhismus die keine Glaube an Götter befürworten, wurden auch als atheistisch bezeichnet. wow Und atheistischer Buddhismus unterscheidet sich von Atheismus...

Sowieso ist Religion eine komplizierte Frage, die bestimmte Kultur und Hintergründe enthältet, was weder ich beantworten kann noch redet man beliebig. Ich schlage hier nur vor, dass wir besser täten, mit dieselben Gläubigen oder den Menschen die sich für Religionen interessieren zu reden.

Lieber Harmonie statt Hähnchen-und-Enten Diskussion und Verwirrung! blah blah blah blah blah blah

cheers choir angel2angel2 angel2

popcorn popcorn
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Rammstein - Love Is There For Everyone

Also, 3 Tagen davor hab ich im Ort meiner Grosseltern fuers Fruelingsfest verbracht.motorcycle Dort hab ich sehr viel Spass gemacht. All meiner Familienmitgeliedern sind zu einem Festessen zusammengekommen.buddies Waehrend meines Besuch zu den Grosseltern hatte ich kein Internet, ich hab mich nach den eins nach dem anderen spannend aergerlichen Blogstreiten sehr entspannt gefuehlt. happy place

Auf dem Bus nach Hause hab ich Lieder des neuesten Album Rammsteins dauernd gehoert. violin Das Album Liebe Ist Fuer Alle Da hat mir viel gefallen. listen to music Aber etwas hat mir zu denken gegeben, was denn die echte Liebe ist? confused Meiner Meinung nach ist Liebe undefinierbar, es sollt selbstlos sein. Man will alles fuer einander im Namen von Liebe opfern, flirty trotz der Entfernung, der Geldbeschraekung, oder der Kulturunterschieden u.s.w. wenn man ist... love pointing

Zuletzt moechte ich nur sagen, dass so lange du verliebst bist, koenntest du dein Verhaeltnis und alles was du gegenwaertig hast sorgfaeltig schaetzen. Warum sind die anderen Meinungen der Aussenstehenden wichtig? Ignoriere doch mal die Kritiken und koste dein Liebesleben aus! Weil Liebe fuer alle da ist! love love smitten Wenn man die echte Liebe im Herz verwahren bleibt Liebe ueberall, und wenn man nichts vertraut oder es darauf ankommen laesst gewinnt er auch nichts! wink wink wink
(Hoffentlich hat mein Blog nimanden verleidigt! bouquet teddybear

Ok, now again go back to the album Liebe Ist Fuer Alle Da (love is there for everyone). It's the sixth studio album by German rock band Rammstein, which has released in the year of 2009. This album is mostly Metal and Techno style, strong tempo makes your blood surge. Although I'm not a real fan of Rammstein, this album really gives me a fresh and new perspective about them. My favorite songs of this album recommended:

Rammlied, Ich Tu Dir Weh, Frühling in Paris (a bit quiet one), Liebe ist für alle da head banger

So anyone ever liked or heard this album? By the way, I enjoy Rock and Roll, any recommendation? head banger head banger head banger
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Wir Moorsoldaten

We live on tea and grief
We who brought this cult to light
We who only live for them
And only by their code
We are entombed alive
In these poems
Watch us dance on the beaches
Watch us die in the sun
You think you understand our pain
And that lives full of fatigue
Can sweeten up
You have come to love
Our name
This dancing spray of flame
This tribute to our god
But we are savage children
We are sleepless soldiers
We partners in grief
We have turned to them
As flowers turn to the sun
For they make us disappear
In the darkness of their fire

"Wir kennen einander nicht
Wir moorsoldaten
Und suchen wir alle auch das licht
Wir moorsoldaten
So leuchtet doch all unsere müh vergebens
So leuchtet auch der tod vergebens
Leuchtet das leben uns denn nicht?
Wir belügen einander nicht
Wir moorsoldaten
Wir betrügen einander nicht
Wir moorsoldaten
Und bleibt auch alles stehn
Um in gleichgültigkeit zu vergehen
Wir zerfressen einander nicht
Es lebe die freiheit!"
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Poem For Moonlove

She's the moon
Smiling at night
Lightening your mood
Kissing you goodbye

She's the flower
You smell the fragrance as you're getting close to her
You feel the kindness as you're talking to her
You see the beauty as you have known her better

She's the breeze
Whispering in your ear
Blowing away your fear
Wiping off your tears

She's the best friend
Turns up in the nick of time
When you need a helping hand
Trying to be your sweetest wines

Umm..Get the gooze bumps? Don't be that way!:) My head was about to explode after contemplating these rhymes. I know they sound broken, but not holding me back from getting myself across.
So, thank you! This nice, cute, innocent, helpful, kind-hearted and easy-going Ruth. But fur CS, I wouldn't have the chance to meet you. You'd probably be the one who can keep in touch with me for a long term (or even the whole life? hehe)
Thanks for advice, thanks for comments, thanks for talking, warning and helping me out of the embarrassment and troubles.
Meanwhile also say thank you to all the great ladies out there.
I savor your warmth!
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