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What 's Love?...

Love for me 's sustained.
One story among many others, including many that have no end.
My life was determined to dismiss the love of a man. Then came the one I thought and felt, he could be the man of my life. I met him here. Almost two years struggling with my feelings, to take courage, and decision to face the love. And all for what?..
It was all in vain... Nights and days of anguish, sleepless days of suffering and the hunger...Only my pillow can count my tears...The pain and despair of a distant love... I was woman enough to board a plane and cross the seven seas, to a destination that didn't know. Risking my life and future of those waiting my return...
I never regret those two weeks, which for me were the glory...two weeks full of love..the most intimate contact that two ppl can feel...back with dreams, plans and desires to make a new life...
Everything collapsed, as a book already read, that will never be read again..and all that for the man I had put all my heart and all my hopes..didn't have the courage, as a man, to face life...
for a man, believed that his whole life depends seated behind a screen...the other side of that screen, there 's only cold and evil....for a man who didn't know to value me as a woman...What I learn from this??...delusion, pain and distress..and he put them before me...and don't appreciate the moment we live..I'm a woman, who in this life, has suffered to much..and I had the courage to get up from where I was and take a step fight for something..I thought that he would give me the love I expected..and give unconditional every day I wonder, as I can start my inner feelings, pain, anguish and despair..I'm a shadow in my own home...when I walk, it's as my body had no soul..that love has no meaning..when wronged and hurt..may be a beloved person..without being deserved that love?..a man who 's afraid to love and be loved..what do I do?..still try..I want to forget..I want to rip out that page of the book..but always a hammer on my head..I want another chapter in my life...I feel that I'm a woman..whose heart wants to be loved..that's what I want..but my heart wants to keep loving him..against all desire...

I want to share this with the reader...I fell like I need air...I'm a voice that wants to be heard...broken heart
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Bed and Breakfast!!!!.....

"Bed and Breakfast"

I want to be your song from the start to the end
I want to graze your lips and be your carmine red
Be the soap that softens(your skin), the bath that baths you

The towel you wrap around your wet skin
I want to be your pillow, your silk duvet
To kiss you while you dream and to watch you sleep

I want to be the sunshine that enters and falls over your bed
To wake you little by little and to make you smile
I want to be in the softest touch of your fingers
Get to know your deepest secrets
I want to be something good, released or forbidden
Be everything in your life

Everything you wish to give me, I want you to give it to me
I give you everything a man can give a woman and beyond the love you always give to me
I fantasize so many things, I always wish for more

You're my sweet breakfast, my perfect tart
My favorite drink, the preferred dish
I eat and drink only tasty things at any given hour
Be it morning, afternoon or night I'm never on a diet
And that love that fuels my fantasies
It's everything in my life

Any man that knows how to love
Knows how to give and how to ask for
the best, to a lady and to make of this love
what he eats, what he drink, what he gives and what he's awarded with

Any man that knows how to love
Gets passionate about a woman
It makes of this love life
his food and drink in just the right amount

Any man that knows how to love
Knows how to give and how to ask for
the best, to a lady and to make of this love
what he eats, what he drinks, what he gives and
what he's awarded with

Any man that knows how to love
Gets passionate about a woman
It makes of this love his life
his food and drink in just the right amount...heart beating

"All the what woman want in a man"

heart wings heart wings heart wings

Roberto Carlos

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Only words!, just words!!...

How many times have we raised our eyes to heave?...

The beauty of his greatness in the day, the blue and clear, clouds, coming in a hug, as if to show what we have never seen...
The evening full of stars and full moon. The silence of the darkness, only the sound of our sighs...
The glow of dawn, announcing a new day. The hot and aromatic coffee in the morning, bringing with'm the nostalgia; the good times of our lives...knowing that another day, bringing new hope and desire to continue living...
To be like birds that know their the trees dance to the rhythm of the east wind caresses us and take it all the sorrow and weariness of life...
We would like to stop time, just a moment, to capture it in our minds... Struggling to reason, trying to build the world as a puzzle...
Were alone with our feelings, and hoping to achieve those dreams that have never been made...
And we wonder: there will be someone out there to share the majesty of heaven and greatness....and together learn how to draw the stars...Forgetting the wounds caused by the sufferings of life...
Feel free to love and be loved without conditions and terms that we dictate the time and life...
Waiting for a gap of light, that show us the way and lead us to eternal life...May join two hearts with the power of the mind?...
Two minds with one mind, and the same eagerness..connected by a thin thread of light, without being hurt by the feelings that hit our souls...

I'm still looking at the sky....I fell asleep...
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The Trophy!!!...

For more Love you'll want to give to others, always end up crushed.. This world 's full of hate, where some believe to be right, and always want to win to be ovation, looking for Trophy, but never won on the blood of others...Those who possess this Love, this Love will keep us alive...The Love that nobody can give us on this earth, that only comes from Him who created us... Many who don't feel that Love and Respect to all creation, will always live in loneliness and sadness, waiting for something that never arrived, only the consequences of their mistakes...Always share that Love, that at the end of the road, someone will always be hope, no matter the rocks we find on the road..Love is in who wants to share, not just those who want to receive...

Trophy of Love...teddybear
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When love 's lost, do not bow ur head in sadness, instead keep ur head up high and gaze at the stars for that 's where ur broken heart has been sent to heal!!
When sadness comes, just sit by the side and look at it and say,"I'm the watcher, i'm not sadness," and see the different. immediately u have cut the very root of sadness. It's no more nourished. It will die of starvation. We feed these emotions by being identified with them."
"we gather strength from sadness and from pain Each time we die we learn to live again."
I'm responsible. Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I'm responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life. bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have-life itself."
"The essential sadness is to go though life without loving. but it would be almost equally sad to leave this world without telling those u loved that u love them."
"Do not assume that she who seeks to comfort u now, lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes do u good. her life may also have sadness and difficulty, that remains far beyond urs. were it otherwise, she would never have been able to find these words."
"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, where there 's hatred, let me sow love, where there 's injury, pardon; where there 's doubf, faith; where there 's despair, hope; where there 's darkness, light; and where there 's sadness, joy."..S.F.A
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