What I seek, have you found yours?

The essence of the air I breath contains an aroma I thought I knew

but as I breath the fragrance consumes me

So strong and beautiful, I can taste it in the air

surrounded by this mist, a flavor of it's own

I'm a man of the world, much older now

No child to be deceived

The fragrance caught me so off guard

Consuming my very soul

It follows me catching me day and night

It lights a path as I walk

It holds me tight when I hurt

It fills me yet it creates a desire

I can't see it or touch it or hold just yet

But it's there, always with me

It's there, always watching over me

When I smell the air and it seems to be gone,

I can feel it's warm embrace

My mind is lost, addicted so quickly

My heart is gone, snatched by this magic that has taken me

What is this spell, what is this curse, am I lost and entwined?

My heart cry's out, I've given in, I don't care anymore

No flower or pedal or fragrance on earth

Can take me to the moon to dance with the stars

Walk by the sea and watch the sun settle in

You touch me, I'm lost and can't understand

But I know, this fragrance, this beauty, this essence

It's you.

It's you

I don't think about it any more, I really don't know just what you have done,

But this fragrance around me can only be you

Let me taste you, touch you, bask in your glow

The gift that is my heart is now before you

Open the gift and bring me alive

simply touch me

and I'm yours.

This is what I seek. I ask you, have you found yours?
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Comments (16)

sure I did mate... she's in the fridge and in my thoughts right now!

All I gotta do is pour me a pint and enjoy!

roll eyes
No, unfortunately I haven't but its nice to see such a romantic poem written by guy.
@10K A beer is no substitute! Besides I hate beer. Don't know how anyone can say they like it! How about a sangria?
10K, if a cold one can touch you in that way then you got on helluva drink. Tough to sleep with though...

Oh sorry.. now got what u mean with 'tough to sleep with' ... not if someone soaks u in it and u get home too late to have a shower/change cloths though...

@10k Very funny!laugh
I have not found mine....I have found substitutes and at times I thought I was close to finding him...but I was wrong. A part of me does not want to believe in fairy tales but deep in my soul there is a longing for something.....someone who will take my hand , look into my eyes and say "I am the one you have been waiting for"
I don't think he will have to say anything when you look into his eyes. You will know because you will only see yourself within his eyes and know that his every thought is you. That is how... If we search for anything else, we settle and all is in vain...
Sorry, hit the wrong key. It should say Lana... sorry.....
lana luna..The faster the sooner.Im sorry! this isnt the poetry blog is it ?? . And Belle,Sangria ?? Is that toxic? grin wow
I used a piece of poetry to see if I could stir some conversation out of people as to what they are looking for, memories of the past or where they are now. Out of all the reads, Belle and Lana expressed their feelings or opinions and 10k had a beer. So I guess even poetry can't bring out the romantic opinions people hold, whatever they may be. Even you made comments, but not in regards to the subject. Guess I will stick to leaving comments and letting others do the blogging.
@foreverdestiny Don't give up blogging! I've written on my profile what I'm looking for basically. Women want a guy who is romantic and will send flowers but he also needs to be I don't know, funny or interesting as well. Hard to describe exactly what one is looking for. I guess one knows if someone is right for them after a few dates.
Rowdy, well, thank you. Nothing else can be said but thank you my friend.
Belle, your words are always kind,thank you also.
wave ForeverDestiny
... yes I found, but ...
PS ..I found out what sangria is...Its Sangaree a drink of spiced wine and water.wow
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About this Blog

by ForeverDestiny
created Apr 2011
Last Viewed: May 1
Last Commented: Apr 2011

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