family lov WHAT?

the meaning of the word(dsyfuctional) or is it just polite for just stupid?

I dont remember exactly how old I was but I would guess 6-8 as my uncle was born with
downs symdrome,yet could relate words to understanding and actions and one night he had
slept over as we both slept in my bed eating candy, large jaw breakers he started to choke
on his and off I went for help, my mother came to my calling and he was still choking a few
minutes later as she retuned with some bread as she made him eat it (not so advisable) and
it truamized him such he never ate bread again for the rest of his life.
I didnt think nothing wrong with it but as time went on I later started to question life alot
as what the ---- was wrong as I was just a average kid minded the alders and was happy to
be able to explore the city woods fishing bicyling with other kids kids activites.and insightful problems
or talks of by our alders was non existant so the guildance for bonding trust and friendship
was just wishful thinking. skitzo mother/and her clown. school,? my learning ability was
painful stress and depressoin already ran its course and that was the result failures so I
later sought employment and found it. I also got my drivers lic and drove there car when they
let me on night as allowed driving her to the food store and back she explodes on me I didnt
do nothing wrong in life to that point the reverse psychology why dont you ever talk to me or
your father I kept silent just sensing it wasnt right and then she explodes and says I will
drive you out of your mother loving fking mind then life as back to usual no apology or further talk of it ever again.
I desired a life as I started to pass my teen era I was a book worm wanting info I had
watched all the tv local and national news hoping, talk shows and news papers and radio and
almost like a obbessoin I didnt know and couldnt realize the factor of depressoin stress
sleep deprivation mental abuse cruelity and denails and manupulation from relitives or the
influence they had to had others (peer presure) acting upon it.
the point?something so easy to reslove of stupidity yet as years go by the word term turns
to complex but basicly still. why should I live to prove it I ask (deleted).

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by doeicjr218
created Sep 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 23
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