Is it wise to fish for more than one girl on here,

I thought, speaking to more than one girl on here would help me decide which one whoever commits would be the one, but what I keep finding over and over, is that you just end up loosing all of them, because somewhere along the line your make a mistake, and the one will find out your speaking to another one.
But, its irritating, because sometimes your find a nice girl, but then she tests you, and wants to be friends for a long time, sometimes months before she commits as she is very careful, but unfortunately that is so risky aswell, you invest all this time, and then later she decides no.

So, I guess thats why we see the same faces on here over and over and thats also why everyone never finds the right one for them. Are there any solutions to this problem
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Comments (11)

Rainbow...Count them up,there is ablolutly thousands of them!!wow Get Stuck In !!! Go Long Line Trawling !!!!!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
handshake cheers
as long as you made it clear that you are still chatting with other girls and you wont commit just yet, pasop dat jy nie harte breek niewave
after posting this maybe one them will see ur post and think ur a player?
If you are going to overdue the flirting and say things like I care for you then you will continue to lose them. Put yourself in the same position, would like a woman to talk love to you if she's not really serious? But I find that guys do this all the time. It's just not right.
Welcome to the wonderful world of dating
... strap yourself in and enjoy your ride!
Meet all people with the intention of making new friends only, there can be no qualms from anyone if you are only making friendships, and make it clear you are looking for friends. Meet as many as you want and hopefully the law of averages will dictate that one will present him/herself sooner or later that makes a connection with you.

Please note!! I am still single after applying this method, so maybe try something else.laugh
I'm sure everyone here does it. wave
Morg ..That's a Good Story,
handshake cheers
Morg, you make some assumptions pertaining to character that may not be correct, in my case anyway.

If I am meeting people I AM only meeting with the intention of friendship. IF that friendship then develops beyond into something else I will only have eyes for that person.

If some of my new acquaintances/friends harbored any feelings more than friendship toward me after meeting them, although I may feel awkward, my conscience is clear as I will have been completely honest with them from the start, and it is my business only who I sleep with.

Deceit is not part of my character, although I believe it unfortunately to be entwined into the fabric of others.

I think it works both ways, because I have met a lot of guys on here and it seems to fizzle out very quickly. Most of the guys want to meet me straight away, without actually having a bit of conversation with me beforehand in order to just get to know me a little bit. I wish you luck in your search for the right girl, she is out there somewhere and am sure she will find you, if you dont find her first!
Good Luck
PS: message me because I would like to chat to you, as a friend!
I think it works both ways, because I have met a lot of guys on here and it seems to fizzle out very quickly. Most of the guys want to meet me straight away, without actually having a bit of conversation with me beforehand in order to just get to know me a little bit. I wish you luck in your search for the right girl, she is out there somewhere and am sure she will find you, if you dont find her first!
Good Luck
PS: message me because I would like to chat to you, as a friend!
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