cruelty to a widow...for real

go to the forum confused and c for ur self also read the blog need to write this cause i wonder posted by myself just yesterday...and after this is read...morgen if u haven't read the forum just listed, u need to, then u need to come and give me an apology for all of this...i am so emotionally worn out, i even sent him mr confused a message back today saying that i was crying...yes i was attracted to him and him supposedly to me...pleading w me to go to him...and now all of this..i am tired...i am upset...and i have to go to my art show very, very upset w all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guess i need aa apology from HIM also!!!
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Comments (11)

Ok. Sorry if i caused any stir.

I think i best keep away from your blogs, but if i do don't be mad at me for it, and it's not cos i dislike you or nothing.

I care about you. Care about people in gen. Maybe too much.

SORRY if i did something dumb. Forgive me.

Tell him i said that too if u want to. A sorry to him from me here also.


Now where there is will there is hope Sweetiefireball!

You two can still make it if that's what you both want. Ok?!


Chill and good luck!

Please do not worrie about nothing. Go off to the art exibishion and have the best of day, ok!
Do not worrie, please.

We all love you here.

what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, but Frank, they weren't in Vegas. confused
TT, what happens at cs stays at cs... ok... wink

What happens in private should . . . . . well you know !
well here i am after a very, very long stay...i was so upset i forgot things, was late, had to go back home to retrieve things, shouldn't have been driving cause i drove over a curb and got stuck, locked my keys in the car, forgot some of my paintings...and this is something i have been planning for a year...i have been getting ready for a year for this...God help me...and He did...there were a father and son team next to me who helped me set up cause the show was suppose to start in 15 minutes and i was suppose to have been there 2-3 hrs before that...these two fine gentlemen helped me all day...i took my projects along to make more things to sell for my family...I did manage to bring some of my religious art...and thanks be to God people were very impressed and i handed out a lot of business cards, sold some of my items...and it ended up being a professional day...since my work is religious pics of Christ suffering and such people were not surprised that i was rather serious all day long...and at the end of the day these two men helped me to pack up and i went over to Notre Dame (Our Lady) campus where my choir director was sweet enough to buy me a special dinner along with the rest of the choir all of us were outside having dinner together...a lot of theology and science majors, God bless these young girls...Deo Gratias my Father...He is my strength and salvation...He is always there for me, never changes, is constant...angel
and Morgen thanks so much for apologizing to me...and Frank i am not usually like this but if u have read any of this carefully u can c that i was rather distressed and just wrote it out, to get it out, certaintly couldn't speak of it at the art show...and yes i like blogging that is one of the reasons that i am on here...i was rather professional and very serious with the people who approached me, i had a great location, people to help me, and some sales, and a lot of inquiries that hopefully shall flower into a much more prosperous art career, i am known, locally, now as a serious painter, and icongrapher, and the items that i made for children were what i sold...people were surprised that i make things for kiddies along w the serious is refreshing to make cute items for babies and little kids as they get so excited, some men even bought some of the baby clothes i made for their sister who is about to have a baby, and i have a lot of people interested in my handiwork (knitting hats and scarves...probably could have sold more today but it was so hot and i was too early having fall items son is going to help me build a website(he's also an artist out in LA, Cali) so i will not have to rely so much on this once a year art show to bring my work to the public eye...angel
thanks Ed i was just telling my son's youth group leader about the child who had never seen a pic of Christ until today, i painted him being scourged and the mother was explaining to the child who He was and what He had done...i wrote down the comments people man who stated to me that he had never seen an icon outside of a was faith affirming for a lot of people...even had the chance to talk to a theology student who is wondering what to study ...after we had this discussion i mentioned to him Roma, all roads lead to Roma, and when u r there nothing else matters viewed against the ruins and eternity...obviously i have a great desire to go back to the See of Catholicism...God blessangel
Sounds like your day actually turned out pretty awesome, Fireball!
yes thank you hugger man and i stopped by after Divine Liturgy to c a friend of mine who was having an outdoor sale due to these difficult times and received some hugs...this was good, and just before that sat down w an old friend of mine after church and we had a snack and caught up w was good...whoa...i needed thisangel
yes today is sunday a day of rest and relaxation and whoa do i need this...still somewhat shakey...and feel concerned that i did post all of that...nevertheless...angel
Hi sweetfireball

That 'person thing' is NO WORTH IT very mad BUT IT IS PAST RIGHT!? mumbling

I hope you are FINE now....I just feel like sending you this now hug

teddybear take care
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Oak Forest, Illinois, USA

Hi. I am a good looking petite blonde with blue eyes and dimples and am considered Very energetic along with the good looking and outgoing who has many interests and hobbies from the casual to the elegant! So many activities that I am into such as th [read more]

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created Aug 2012
Last Viewed: May 19
Last Commented: Aug 2012
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