My age is showing.

Yes, I'm well aware that being 25 years old isn't very old... but I have lived long enough to reflect on certain things and notice when changes happen in my life. One thing I see happening in the near future is the dissolution my my weekend social group. There are six of us right now. We have all been friends for a long time (some of us since middle school, others since high school). Just about every weekend we get together for drinks, maybe a movie, some cards, and a whole lot of B.S. I just realized our group may permanently fall apart when my friend told me he is seriously considering joining the army. I already know I'm leaving soon... because I'm already in the Navy. What I did not know until now is that our social group might not be together anymore if I ever pay them a visit. One of them moved 45 minutes downstate, and hardly shows up anymore because of ho long the drive is. Another spends most of his time running a robotics club for high-school kids. I'm leaving for the Navy, and another is leaving for the Army.

Guess nothin lasts forever... and I of all people should know that. I had to move so often when I was younger that I never stayed in one state for more than 5 years. Its sad, however, that I had started getting used to my life here. And now... I know these times are coming to an end. So here's a somber toast to getting old. sigh wine
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Comments (2)

I know u will do us proud. Your'e not getting old just opening another chapter in the book called life. Enjoy your'e experiences.
No worried.. I'm 25 too and i have none of friend who could stick with me at all.. Maybe cause of i move all the time so that's why... You not alone on this situation... but yes we all will get used to it (I guess)

Cheers cheers grin
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