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Last Sent Love/Friendship eCards (295)

Here is a list of Love/Friendship eCards ordered by Last Sent, posted by members. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

From Where I Am

From Where I Am ...

From Where I Am ... With Love ! ...

Thanks for being there for me xx

Thanks for being there for me! xx

Days, hours, minutes go by, yet I still can't find a way to tell you how much you mean to me!

you are loving

you are loving

Love and kindness are never wasted They always make a difference They bless the one who receives them And they bless you, the giver ( Barbara De Angelis )




I love doing things with you

I love doing things with you

I love doing things with you



Friends like you are like a beautiful flower. You have to be up close to appreciate it.

Love love love love love from me

Love love love love love - from me

Love love love love love... from me

Big kiss from me to you

Big kiss, from me to you

From me to you

A Miles Apart

A Miles Apart ...

We May Walk Side By Side Or Live Miles Apart ... But a Friend Like You Will Always Be Close To My Heart ... I'm Thinking of You !

Adore you

Adore you :)

Simply Adorable .................... I Adore You :)



Happiness is hiden everywhere... You just have to look for it!

one rose

one rose

" One rose for the one special person in my life "

the rose speaks of love

the rose speaks of love

The rose speaks of love Silently, in a language Known only to the heart

bright and lovely day

bright and lovely day

I was just sitting here smiling As I think of you I felt you very near And wondered do you too? Bright sunshine warmed my spirit With pleasant thoughts to share Now I'll pass them on to you They're sprinkled with tender care Packaged up in em

Winter in the summer

Winter in the summer


have a nice day

have a nice day

Good Morning Sunshine Have A Nice Day

friends for ever

friends for ever

Friendship isn't about WHOM YOU HAVE TO KNOWN THE LONGEST... It's all about who came, AND NEVER LEFT YOUR SIDE...

Sometimes You Seem So Near

Sometimes You Seem So Near...

Sometimes you seem so near, That I could just reach out And touch you.. And sometimes you seem miles and miles away, And yet somehow, I know That what we share is real.. And I love you, So much more than words can say.



You got a smile, that never fades... A golden heart, that never hates... A style that's, immitable... That's many of the reasons Why you are so lovable!

your friendship is a blessing

your friendship is a blessing

Your friendship is a blessing May the Lord bless you my friend For the warmth and laughter That brought us together And the trust that keeps us close

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you for such a great time while talking to each other......

thanks for being in my life

thanks for being in my life

Thanks for being in my life You are so cool!

recipe for happiness

recipe for happiness

2 Heaping cups of patience 1 Heart full of love 2 Hands full of generosity Dash of laughter 1 Head full of understanding Sprinkle generously with kindness Add plenty of faith and mix well Spread over a period of a lifetime And serve

let go and let God

let go and let God

Take time to "Let go and let God" Every single day With Love

Good Night Sweetheart

Good Night Sweetheart ...

Good Night Sweetheart !

no three words

no three words

No three words Have greater power Than I LOVE YOU!

Just let U know I am not here for games

Just let U know, I am not here for games

Just let U know, I am not here for games

To love and be loved

To love and be loved

To love And be loved Is to feel the sun From both sides

Peaceful Cosmos

Peaceful Cosmos

A Peaceful Sunday

I Was Just Thinking

I Was Just Thinking...

I was just thinking about you... And wanted you to know.

Hope Floats

Hope Floats

I thought of you today

If friendship was a flower I would pick you

If friendship was a flower I would pick you

Sweetheart If friendship was a flower I would pick you

Love Seat

Love Seat

[Your Greeting Here]



Precious You

Within your love I bloom

Within your love, I bloom!

Within your love, I bloom!