Why is it hard? (54)

Mar 30, 2007 11:21 AM CST Why is it hard?
MeilandraMeilandraEden Prairie, Minnesota USA25 Threads 1,186 Posts
Totally depends on the guy... Husband number 2, during 5 roller coaster years, no... Husband number 3 absolutely!! He's by far the best parent my kids have ever had, out of their dad, their stepmom, me and their first stepdad.

Thank god.
Mar 30, 2007 2:33 PM CST Why is it hard?
outdoorannieoutdoorannieAlexandria, Minnesota USA1 Threads 483 Posts
Clean underwear is a must have on this trip buddy. You aren't traveling with me without them. Deodorant would be a definite plus. The food you're packing is just my cup of tea - add a few Ding Dongs and we're all set to roll.tongue
Mar 30, 2007 2:39 PM CST Why is it hard?
DogMaIDogMaISartell, Minnesota USA17 Threads 1 Polls 2,729 Posts
Crap....I gotta do laundry and take a shower. Hmmmm...tough decision.confused dunno
Mar 30, 2007 4:34 PM CST Why is it hard?
outdoorannieoutdoorannieAlexandria, Minnesota USA1 Threads 483 Posts
It's either that or I can put you in the back of the pickup. Little cold out there today, but I have some feed sacks back there. I can bring the dog along too for warmth. Your call.... Remember the Ding Dongs too, they ride up front.banana
Apr 1, 2007 8:11 PM CST Why is it hard?
Amber3451Amber3451Stillwater, Minnesota USA1 Threads 7 Posts
Thank you for your politeness, people are so rude on here. I'm sick of it.
Apr 1, 2007 11:00 PM CST Why is it hard?
curly1969curly1969cottage grove, Minnesota USA10 Threads 1 Polls 138 Posts
woah, Hey amber, please don't generalize like that, not all of us are rude. Many of us are attempting to help or get help and unfortunatley, I'm sure many would agree the written word just is not the same as the verbal. Hang in there. as for your original post all I can say is that it is incredibly difficult for a single guy to find a successful relationship with a Mom. (especially of younger children). they always seem to need the son's or daughters approval which makes it tougher for us. (not that that's wrong just tougher)

As for the goofballs on this thread. you can't do road trips without an agent I'll pack the grill and meet you in Forest Lake.
Apr 2, 2007 7:48 AM CST Why is it hard?
outdoorannieoutdoorannieAlexandria, Minnesota USA1 Threads 483 Posts
Sorry, buddy, already hired an agent, but you're welcome to come along and do clean up. If you're a good cook, we'll really welcome you on the ride. By the way, finding a mate doesn't have to be so dry and dull. A sense of humor goes a long way in finding friends and partners too. Lighten up a little, people!!! (Oh, hey, pick up charcoal and a 12 pack of Tab, would ya???) all set to go.....banana
Apr 2, 2007 9:03 AM CST Why is it hard?
DogMaIDogMaISartell, Minnesota USA17 Threads 1 Polls 2,729 Posts
12 pack of Tab. Your showing your age.......I mean experience your showing your experience there Denise.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing tongue
Apr 2, 2007 2:21 PM CST Why is it hard?
outdoorannieoutdoorannieAlexandria, Minnesota USA1 Threads 483 Posts
Yeah, well you young scheisters don't know squat about good pop. I'll bet you don't even remember pop in BOTTLES! Do you??? That's when it was decent to drink, not out of cans! Anyway, yes, I loove Tab, so don't forget to stop after your shower and get some. (and I am also experienced)tongue
Apr 2, 2007 7:26 PM CST Why is it hard?
curly1969curly1969cottage grove, Minnesota USA10 Threads 1 Polls 138 Posts
TAB, they still make TAB....I'll pick up a truck full and some beer and brats. How do you like your steak? I like it nice, pink and juicy. leftovers are always a nice thing to keep in mind on road trips. Whats your next choice though if I can't find TAB...laugh
Apr 2, 2007 7:32 PM CST Why is it hard?
curly1969curly1969cottage grove, Minnesota USA10 Threads 1 Polls 138 Posts
BTW who's bringing the chocolate again? And, Age has its privie's DOG, I remember when Pop was SODA and was SOLD in bottles out of vending machines where you had a bottle opener attached because you couldn't twist off the top or pop it off. And, yeah the bottles were GLASS.
I'll remember the chips too, Dorito's, Lay's (don't go there) frito's or Tostito's.

Call the ball.........peace
Apr 2, 2007 7:51 PM CST Why is it hard?
outdoorannieoutdoorannieAlexandria, Minnesota USA1 Threads 483 Posts
Hey, I always have chocolate hidden on my person, don't worry about toting that. As far as Tab, yes, they still make it, only in 12 pack cans and it's tough to find, but I know you guys will come thru!! I like my steak medium rare, fairly pink too. IF you can't find the Tab, I'll settle for very cold Diet Dr. Pepper. Used to drink Dr. Pepper with vodka, but don't drink any more, so it's straight Pepper for me. You know, if you're going on this trip, you may have to do some joke writing for Jesse and I, so I can only hope you're half as talented as we are. And by the way, your cut is 15%. tongue
Apr 3, 2007 8:36 AM CST Why is it hard?
MeilandraMeilandraEden Prairie, Minnesota USA25 Threads 1,186 Posts
Moving on...

How many people learn how to listen to someone else's feelings without taking it personally?

How many people really understand that their happiness is completely dependent on what's going on INSIDE them? How many people are out there looking for the myth, someone else to MAKE THEM happy?

No one can do that for you! You react the way you do to situations because of YOUR beliefs, YOUR fears, YOUR unresolved issues. As an example, if I get unhappy about my husband turning away at a certain point in a conversation, he didn't do anything wrong, he's not "making me" feel unloved, I'm getting triggered about an incident that happened with my mother when I was 5. I need to be willing and able to identify that so that we can talk about it.

Our reality is so real to us, we don't consider that there could be another perspective in the situation, one that's reasonable, even loving, or certainly forgivable.

The truth shall set you free. The degree to which people don't take responsibility for their issues, their relationships won't be happy or healthy. Expecting your partner to take responsibility for what is really YOUR stuff disempowers YOU and sets them up for an impossible task; they can't change something they have NO CONTROL over!

The degree to which people do take responsibility for their issues, that's where the power lies to heal and improve things. It's not about blame, it's about power and responsibility - "RESPONSE-ABILITY". Who has the power to change something about the situation? If you get out of blame and looking for your partner to "make you happy", there is an enormous amount of power and healing available. Looking to your partner to "make you happy" without taking any responsibility for working through your own stuff is a guaranteed recipe for failure, or at least unhappiness.

ARE YOU MORE COMMITTED TO "BEING RIGHT THAN BEING HAPPY"? Are you truly committed to doing YOUR emotional work and making sure YOU are coming into a relationship as mature, healed, and emotionally responsible as possible?

My husband and I are incredibly, ridiculously happy because we know it isn't about "being a good person"; for us, it's about...

being TOTALLY honest (no withholds)

keeping our commitments to each other

talking honestly and TOTALLY RESPONSIBLY about issues as soon as possible when they come up

having an attitude of gratitude (we are constantly acknowledging and complimenting each other)

sharing a strong spiritual foundation

practicing forgiveness

not sweating the small stuff

trusting each other about EVERYTHING

having similar major goals

No blame, no bringing up the past, no yelling, no assuming the worst about each other, giving each other the benefit of the doubt, taking the time to CALMLY and respectfully explore fully what the other person's feelings and perceptions of the situation were. His reality is no less valid than mine!

How many other people actually live this way?
Apr 4, 2007 8:17 AM CST Why is it hard?
MeilandraMeilandraEden Prairie, Minnesota USA25 Threads 1,186 Posts
geez, not one single comment...
Apr 4, 2007 2:04 PM CST Why is it hard?
StudioGuyMNStudioGuyMNBrooklyn Park, Minnesota USA22 Threads 242 Posts
Only the beautiful people get to lead happy and exciting lives.
Apr 4, 2007 2:33 PM CST Why is it hard?
outdoorannieoutdoorannieAlexandria, Minnesota USA1 Threads 483 Posts
Not true at all, Studio, it is the beautiful people that usually end up lonely and bored. It is we who have to work at our lives to keep them exciting and happy that grab the brass ring in the end.... join the clubtongue
Apr 5, 2007 11:44 AM CST Why is it hard?
MeilandraMeilandraEden Prairie, Minnesota USA25 Threads 1,186 Posts
Now THERE is a very powerful, limiting belief...

Who am I?

I'm highly intelligent, which makes my life interesting; I have two terrific, smart kids; a marriage most people only dream of; I've been to dozens of countries and 6 continents (and no I'm not missing Antarctica); I have friends all over the world; I have a gorgeous house on an acre of land bordering a nature preserve; I am basically healthy, and I have wonderful friends and plenty of money. My husband is retiring next year (7 years earlier than he thought he'd be able to, when he met me) and we're going to be doing relationship coaching as a next career. I'm also making an enormous difference in the life of a 4 year old Indian girl Kalyani, and her family, by sponsoring them through World Vision.

Who else am I? I'm a 160+ lb size 12-14 almost 50 year old Minnesota "housewife" with very pronounced non-midwestern ethnic features, and a permanent ileostomy (major abdominal scar and a "bag.")

I know I'd never be considered anywhere near beautiful by current entertainment standards.

I dare anyone to say I don't have a happy and exciting life.

Apr 6, 2007 12:11 PM CST Why is it hard?
bulldog32bulldog32Worthington, Minnesota USA1 Threads 5 Posts
I dont have the slightest idea but is nice to no that im not alone
Apr 17, 2007 12:25 PM CST Why is it hard?
DUSTYROSEDUSTYROSEEly, Minnesota USA1 Threads 3 Posts
Jun 23, 2007 1:00 PM CST Why is it hard?
newdudeniceguynewdudeniceguyduluth, Minnesota USA8 Threads 40 Posts
I really wish I knew...because if I did I wouldn't need this site..but yep here I am point taken and givin..it is hard but gals for once just be youreself don't pretend or lie and mabey things would go better...or better yet mabey realize some guys have lots of bagage from gals who where not nice.and ladys we are sorry to say this but there are a lot of jerks out there....But I am not one of them...-Jsmitten confused
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