They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say ( Archived) (54)

Jun 5, 2006 3:17 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
DarkhorsemanDarkhorsemanGladstonia ... it's a strange, Queensland Australia40 Threads 3 Polls 1,304 Posts
I am sure that you have faith. Faith that "The Man" will always take care of you. After all, you voted for him. The sad truth is that as religious and righteous as they like to proclaim themselves to be, your conservative leaders (and mine) have only one god and that is the mighty dollar.
They have no consience and no code of ethics.
Your president and his helper gnomes Cheney, Rumsfield and Rice have told you barefaced lies to get you into a war that his own daddy knew you could not win. They told you lie after lie and what you call the "liberal press" assisted them so that they could be "imbedded" ... PPPPpppp! They were not only "imbedded" but all the activity that went along with beds and positions with heels behind ears.

My own government has paid bribes to the Hussein government to secure wheat sales. You might have been asking yourself how in hell Saddam and his sons managed to keep the ethnicly diverse nation of Iraq under control after Gulf War I. He was supposed to be left with no war making ability and only enough resources and rights to sell just enough oil to feed his own people.

Put simply, HOW did he manage to buy ammunition, let alone develope Weapons of Mass Destruction? Simple, every tonne of wheat sold to Iraq was sold at an inflated price that allowed some of the money to come back as a kickback to Hussein.

My Prime Minister, his Ministers for Trade and Foreign Affairs and Primary Produce were all warned by their bureacrats that this could be illegal. The UN sent someone to investigate and the politicians told their bureacrats not to cooperate, They said it was none of the UN's business. Now you can bet your bottom dollar that the CIA knew about this. If they knew, your Prisident and his gnomes knew.

The AK47 rounds coming back at your young men and women were paid for courtesy of the Australian Wheat Board.

Why did the USA (read President Bush) not raise a ruckass? Hey, it's not his daughters that are facing the fire. And you can't get at the World's largest known oil reserve without a few people getting hurt.

In time, if they are still alive, I have no doubt that some of our current leaders will face courts for their crimes. But we will need to remember and insist on keeping that memory fresh.
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Jun 5, 2006 3:19 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
Lionhearted1967Lionhearted1967London, Ontario Canada143 Threads 10 Polls 9,887 Posts
I didn't vote for him...
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Jun 5, 2006 3:22 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
DarkhorsemanDarkhorsemanGladstonia ... it's a strange, Queensland Australia40 Threads 3 Polls 1,304 Posts
I know, if you look at the quote at the bottom that was aimed at the trucky who voted twice for Bush because he is against the socialists and "liberal press" and all the other guff that is in the headlines but not in the body of the message.
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Jun 5, 2006 3:23 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
Lionhearted1967Lionhearted1967London, Ontario Canada143 Threads 10 Polls 9,887 Posts
I was just making a statement wink
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Jun 5, 2006 3:30 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
DarkhorsemanDarkhorsemanGladstonia ... it's a strange, Queensland Australia40 Threads 3 Polls 1,304 Posts
Make it again ... if enough people make that statement maybe Mickey Mouse will get a run at candidate for the Republican Party next time.

John Howards Liberal Party could run the Crocodile Hunter. it won't help them.

Both our countries need viable third and maybe forth parties.
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Jun 5, 2006 3:44 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
One Point Canada Has One Of The Riches Oil In The tar Sand a most americaians Don't Know because your Goverment Isn't Telling the people,but since the Suadia Royal Family Pays 780 billion into your acodumimee,bush Does what hes told other wise the america goverment would fall but slighly.These fact were in Farinhight 9/11 but it was stop by Bush Why? Then the a Intelligent fact find it was releashed The artis documetry,sorry his name is?HELP?
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Jun 5, 2006 5:08 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
dbertdbertParis, Ile-de-France France29 Threads 884 Posts

"this action" refers to the 'intervention' in Iraq
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Jun 5, 2006 6:40 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
izzyvaizzyvaHighland Springs, Virginia USA7 Threads 2,070 Posts
Where the hell did you get that %, I tought it was lower.LMAO

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Jun 5, 2006 7:10 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
truckinman738truckinman738Montezuma, Kansas USA2 Threads 233 Posts
noone is changing anyone else's minds here. I liked bush, not his spending issues so much. Feel free to gang up on me now. I'm done with this, we could argue all day and not get anywhere. grin
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Jun 5, 2006 11:05 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
mordarlarmordarlarCleveland, Ohio USA1 Threads 37 Posts
Iraq did NOT attack the US.

According to the UN Charter which we AGREED to comly with. No nation has the right to PREEMPTIVELY STRIKE without UN approval UNLESS they were attacked first. I repeat, IRAQ DID NOT ATTACK US. Bush KNEW this. The Downing Street Minutes PROVE that he KNEW IT. Therefore to attack Iraq preemptively is ILLEGAL.

Resolution 1441 was passed by the UN. It stated that Saddam must...
-Declare, in writing, all weapons and agree with disarmament. Iraq submitted a 12000 page weapons declaration in Dec 2002. He complied.

-Allow full inspections, including inspections of his residences and places he had previously forbidden entry. He complied. Inspectors were allowed uninhibited access. They did not find ANYTHING that was not listed on Iraq's weapons declaration.

The US claimed to have a witness that there WERE still weapons. An Iraqi defector called Curveball. Supposedly a cousin of Chalabi, who in 2005 was made Iraq's Oil Minister. Interesting. The US had used Curveball intelligence before and KNEW him to be unreliable.

Then there is that whole bit about Chalabi being involved with US cash being flown out of Iraq but that would be a whole new post.

So going on Curveball's claims, DESPITE MANY (ignored) claims to the contrary, the US declared that Iraq had not been forthcoming about it's weapons programs. Problem was not a single shred of evidence had ever been found to disprove Saddam's admissions. In fact the IAEA had said AT THE TIME in their inspection report that they felt that Saddam was being forthcoming.

Part of the 1441 Resolution, which the US drafted, said...

"...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq’s obligations".

Problem is Iraq DID comply with it's declaration.

Iraq had declared any weapons they had and gave testament that any others had long been destroyed.

So the US claimed that due to Curveball's claims and IN spite of what the inspections had revealed to the contrary, Iraq must be lying. Which was accoriding to the brilliant additition to the 1441 Resolution was enough justification for war.

Ambassador Joseph Wilson who spoke out and said that bush KNEW that Iraq did not have WMD, was retailiated against by THE WH. His wife, a spy working on WMD intelligence in Iran was outed. This is ILLEGAL. There is a Grand Jury investigating this illegal outing as we speak.

Finally the boy king ADMITTED that there were no WMD. But what then is the justification? WHY are our kids DYING? Why are Iraqi CIVILIANS DYING? And the most pressing question in light of all of this....Where is USAMA???

Of course it is all fun and games to the fraud we call president.

Watch his humorous speech about WMD to the Radio and Television Correspondent's Dinner. Funny, eh?


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Jun 5, 2006 11:10 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
mordarlarmordarlarCleveland, Ohio USA1 Threads 37 Posts
Here is the link to the Diner bush spoke at where he made a JOKe out of the fact that no WMD could be found.

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Jun 5, 2006 5:39 PM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
knight42knight42london, Greater London, England UK1 Threads 4 Posts
Okay a view from across the pond for you.

Bush is an idiot, well I counter that because he's clearly not. He just has a completely different agenda to the most of his people and most other countries. It seems that all he is concerned about is making money for himself and for his cronnies.

As a nation America is too violent (Not all of you before I get attacked by you all and die of irony!) Any nation that sells bullets and guns in its supermarkets and wants it citizens to be armed with automatic weapons has some serious problems. When Americans by guns who are the defending themselves from? No one will ever invade you, so that is a stupid argument. In the constitution it was meant to protect you from us evil English people….well news flash….we aint coming! You have an arms race between home owners, the police and criminals as to who has the best/biggist gun.

In the UK we have virtually no guns. A few criminals have them and so do SOME of the police. If a burglar comes into your house you don’t pull out your AK47 and shoot him, he has no gun. So we do the British thing of hitting him over the head with a plant pot. Then we all sit down and have a cup of tea and discuss things like cricket and the weather.

Seriously, your foreign policy reflects your society. Does Bush really think that when he bombs Iran that will stop them making a bomb? Of course not, it will make them more determined to make one and more people will hate the US.

We in England have many, many faults. (Mostly following America into wars and the such) so Im not saying were perfect, were far from it. I just think that if America wants friends (and to stop people hating it/bombing it) then it must look at its own society before its foreign policy.

Thank you for reading, Ill be here all week, please buy a t-shirt on your way out!
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Jun 5, 2006 5:45 PM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
knight42knight42london, Greater London, England UK1 Threads 4 Posts
Oh just to add a few points.

London is the murder capital of the world at the moment. But that is a small minority of gangs, if I where a wind up merchant I would surgest that most of those murders are buy American tourists dissapointed with the British food! But im not so I wont say it.

Still Id rather face a mugger with a knife rather than a gun.


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Jun 6, 2006 5:54 AM CST They Just Said that Bush only has a 30% Approvalrate in the USA What do The Public Say
dbertdbertParis, Ile-de-France France29 Threads 884 Posts
The provision in the constitution for arming citizens was not put there so that invaders could be fought off. It was put there so that the central government could be kept under control.

That idea has been lost, and the central government is out of control. The constitutional intentions are not being adhered to. It is time to change. But for that, the people have to wake up. Perhaps they are too full of Prozak, though.
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