Guess the corrupt rule the world, and the innocent

Hi yes conga, but even knowledge may not help you.
You can have loads of knowledge, but the chess players.
Its a game of who you can keep at bay, and who you can surround yourself with. And unfortunately thy enemies, force themselves upon thee, and in a work environnent, its sometimes, if you are outnumbered by the players, you cant manipulate, you are doomed.
Thats why your usually find, the same people in the work environment for ever. They useless, but nobody can get them out, and if a competent person comes along, they just play him out.
Its easily done. just dont give him a chance to use his brain, make him look stupid and imcompetent infront of the employer.
Play with his emotions, and he wont be able to be himself.

Anyway, I know who my natural enemies are. its aquarius, pisces and leo. I keep them or try keep them at bay, but pisces always is investigating, and can make huge trouble for you, if you have nothing to offer him.
Aquarius is dangerous to the T. They get everything for nothing in life, and have a business brain to take whatever they want from you. They usually cover themselves with religion.
Leo, well, they just look everywhere sniff people out who might have a dime or two.

Scorpio, well, they just keep trying to learn all the time, but unfortunately they need space to do that, and not have people around them. Pisces knows this, and puts a stop to it emmediately, this little scorpio cannot survive, gets vengeful, and then nobody will help him. His emotions come out etc, and that is the end.

Guess the corrupt rule the world, and the innocent

Yes Conga, I agree, the adverts come up on ones emails etc, with a beautiful looking model, saying she won so much.... in one trade, or few days, its so easy, trade forex.

The truth is, its like anything else, you have to know what you doing and have experience, the more experience you have the better your be at it.

But, they so darn clever, If they are suspicious or think that your make money out of them, they wont even let you trade.

Like everything in life, a stupid person has much more chance of being employed than a intelligent person.
Its all about control.

Guess the corrupt rule the world, and the innocent

St Elma, what are you on about.

Guess the corrupt rule the world, and the innocent

No Sakineh,

Soon as I put the money in, then they said I must put more in.
Thank God I didnt.
They didnt even let me trade my first trade, so I didnt even get to feel what it feels like with real money.
Now, they wont give me my money back.
Its the usual old story. People take, but dont give or give back.
And if you have knowledge in this life, you never get to use it.
and if you do, they dont pay you.
So, I guess Im totally doomed, especially with bills and no income.

Not to worry. Ive had enough, so Ill just end up stabbing myself through the heart, Its much better, than beeing under everyones control and not have a say or freedom in life or beeing imprisoned. Stuff that.

The fraudster who tried to swindel me out of everything, Well, he wont live long, put it that way.


I am glad everything was taken from me, its got me

Yes, a complete optimist, even if the odds are stacked against you 100 to one. To be an optimist, you need your space and stay away from certain mentalities. And those that want to keep you down and out, well they have to sleep sometime.
Luckily I know astrology inside out and know exactly who to stay away from and who I want by me, and when I want them by me.
And I know, how to get out of any situation where people try trap me and corner me and know 100s of hideouts.
One thing I learned and know. is that nobody in this life wants you to have anything or get anywhere.
And when you do, then they want your help.
And I dont even need a roof over my head, just a cellphone, laptop would be nice, but I cant carry it around with me all the time.
And time to be alone for a few hours each day, the more hours the better and faster I can work in worming my way out of a hole.
Wont tell you anything else, used to share everything, not anymore.

RE: Happy friday !!!

Hey Bambino, missed you.

We are all becoming walking encyclopedias.

Becca, what are you doing in Ireland, its freezing there, or is summer starting now. Africa is dangerous, but its nice here, I love it, but do worry alot, and would like to feel safer and get to Europe, Just broke at the moment, otherwise I would be on a cruise ship or moving around, just with my laptop, tading forex.
Because of the fraudsters, I am working full out on learning to build webdesigns, and set up businesses, without any or much money down.

Just realized that cyberspace is worse than the re

Thanks Mataloona, thanks Yash, I thought this was the only one tech forum on the internet. Thanks alot.

Just realized that cyberspace is worse than the re

Your a genius Max.

RE: Ladies are like apples

Ariel, your wait forever, like I did, then I changed and became the rotten apple, and thats when the action started.

I just want my dough, so I can have all these girl

Hey sweetreat, if you could publish it for me, or find me a blog, that would pay for my writing, then yes, I could write a whole soapy. I could write, my life, and make you cry.
I could also write about other peoples lives, horrific, and cruel and unjust behond belief.

RE: For Shez

Now Diamond, go to the poem blogs, where they pay you for this, before someone else steals your work.

What happened Shezane. where is Elmorya

Or should I say, when he spoke out. As it says, the innocent must die and be punished for the guilty.

What happened Shezane. where is Elmorya

Thats not nice Frank, all this hatred towards me, cause of some glorified fraudster, that Im out to get. Cant figure that out.
Oh well, suppose everyone turned against Jesus aswell and crucified him and labeled him as the evil and bad one, when he spoke the truth.

RE: For Shez

Diamond, do a painting of your dreams and put it on here, Paint the white horses. Ill swap you a painting if you want. You can go to my site, Im still building it, just trying to get a payment gateway, as paypal doesnt really work in this country. we are still far behind here in technology.
But, Im going to really try build it big and not just with my own paintings, then Im going to market it extensively. so, you can put some pics on there if you want, just email them to me,
with a price, Ill pay the money to you, or you put your own payment gateway on.

The same people who enjoy your downfall are the sa

Gosh Frank, someone like me must have slowed or even blocked your progress in life, but I can tell you something, you havent been threw what Ive been through, believe me. I never got a career, because I was tricked when I was young, homeless for nearly 20 years, unfairly judged and avenged, punished continously for things I didnt do, seen more death than you can imagine, horrific, and Im supposed to be a nice good person now, impossible. But, I have never taken or stolen from anyone, didnt even steal someones job, and yet Im the one that everyone wants to see in the ground and keep me there, not to recover, at least you had a wife and a child. I was denied that, cause of people.
So, how am I supposed to love anyone or do anything for anyone, like as you said, give someone a finger, and they take your whole hand, and think your stupid and a fool.

I dont have many possesions, cause, yes what you are saying about not having any possesions or anything to be safe from jealousy etc is true, but you must admit, you have to try have a roof over your head, now that is taken away from me, just when I got it.
So, when people get murdered for doing these things to people, why are they the ones that are now labeled physicos etc for being emotional, and fraudsters labelled as glorified and decent people.

The same people who enjoy your downfall are the sa

T was just thinking Frank, youve just given me an idea, if I have him dissapear, and I get caught, I can plead insanity, instead of going to prison. And then maybe Ill be out the physico ward within a year. Although I have read that that out of every 1000 murders, only 50 get convicted, of those only 8 go to prison and only stay on average 1 to 2 years. Apparently its so much documentation etc, and it gets, can get lost, its an extreme amount of work, and resources and gets very complex
Ok, before anyone gets ideas in the country they living in, this is only what Ive read, and its only in one country, I wont say where. If you murder in another country, chances are, you will go to prison and never get out, your have to google the stats and info for your country I think. Not sure.

The same people who enjoy your downfall are the sa

Frankenstein, you are very clever and very dangerous. I guess its your revenge on life aswell, but you are avenging the wrong people. you must avenge pisces, not scorpio Frank. You know that we both dont ask for much in this life, just want a roof over our head and some security, so we can have a bit of freedom and not have to ask and beg for anything, but unfortunately people dont and wont allow that. You know that we enjoy helping people, thats what gives us fulfilment, but we have to try help ourselves first. Anyway, I think your older than me, and know all this, so I wont go on.

A shootout at the lawyers offices today.

I could just take him out, with one move, and no weapons, but unfortunately this is the world where money and the law is used as a combat tool, not military techniques.
At least for now, anyway, maybe things will change.

A shootout at the lawyers offices today.

I bought a AK 47, from Mozambique, it only cost me 200 bucks. The cops stopped me at a road block, and didnt even arrest me, I wont tell you why though.

A shootout at the lawyers offices today.

Maxismad, no, the rental company just doubled the money. Saw they took off another 5000 grand off my credit card, so my credit card limit is now up, and I owe a hell of alot, and dont have an income, No, I havent taken revenge, Just putting all these names on my hitlist, for when the time is right.

But, Im trying to stay away from people, so I dont make more enemies, otherwise Ill have so many people to avenge, its just impossible and takes too much of my energy.

Ill just concentrate on the big fry at the moment, the little ones, I can just make them loose business, by putting some comments on some sites, when Im bored.

A shootout at the lawyers offices today.

Ok, what do you think of this idea, I wear a disguise, , do a huge drug deal, give them his name and address to pay them. And see what happens. (jokes-this is tongue and cheek)

Oh goodness, it was so close today.

Hey Bambino, I liked you, but you cut me off beautiful.

Should I or shouldnt I.

Holy cow Elmorya, am I really making you that angry. Are you sure your alright in the head.
You might just like me you know. I dont hate you, so why are you trying to get me exterminated.
Im not taking anything from you.

Should I or shouldnt I.

Ok Zaanderhawk, whatever, No Im never going to loose my computer, and if I do, Ill just get another one. Just like loosing a woman, you just get another one.
Im sorry for your bitterness and sarcasm towards me, but yes, maybe Ill just draw more energy from it like you mention.

Should I or shouldnt I.

Shezanna, somebody mentioned that long ago, I said they are welcome to take it off, I dont even remember the passord to get on that, Ive forgotten about it long ago, That was actually a mistake, I had joined, but didnt know it was the same site, cause it only showed for one country, not international.
So, that profile can go anytime, I dont know if you mentioned that, to just stir things hoping they will ban me.
Its fine if I get banned, but Im not too sure if everyone wants me banned off here, as I think I might be a bit entertaining, not sure.

Should I or shouldnt I.

Zaandarthawk, at least I have stories, not like you who just comes along casually and makes a critical boring comment to try keep me off the blogs.
What are you holding there on your photo, is it a fish you caught or something.


Yes, I agree with Frankenstein, religion was designed to keep the poor at bay, and the rich to get richer.

RE: It's Safe To Be Who we Are.

Definitely not, people that stick out, are often labelled insane etc because they are a threat, and then are put into institutions etc, I know that for some people, especially emotional people and strong characters, it is definitely not safe to be real or yourself, otherwise people are always out to get you. And they usually succeed.

Should I or shouldnt I.

Elmorya, it is not I who should be taking medication as you are trying to brain wash the people, I see your a very dangerous and clever man, especially after that well organised and thought that went into it, when you put a target on me to be murdered.
I could actually have you put away for a very long time for that as I do know quite a bit about law. But, I wont dwell on that, and dont have the time.

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