RE: Did Victoria Nuland resigned under pressure?

The text might be to long but I did read it. Again it shows us that concerning the use of power, violence and other criminal facts the US isn't better as Russia, China or any power on the geopolitical stage.
Since the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors the new immigrants have conquered the American continent by violence, spreading diseases and support of the Catholic church of Rome!! This legacy is still active today. After first have taken the continent from the natives the descendents of the colonists
want to tule the whole world by there philisophy of freedom! Their freedom meaning retrictions for the others. After the WWII the US made Europe a (economical) "vassal" state of the USA. Now they want to go further, after the fall of the USSR. The USA expanded its power by incorporating the independent states into NATO or European community under the guise of freedom of choice for nations, ignoring the agreements made after WW II. American imperialism !! Therefore nothing was to bad to obtain the chosen goals.
There is where people as Victoria Nuland appear, their life is dedicated to bring all the proposed ideas to a good end. Though several presidents of the US did know about her activities but they did nothing to slow her down or condemn her at least, on the contrary they let her do it. The presidents came from both camps democrats and republicans. This shows that there is little difference in the mentality of current American politics. That this leads to reactions and war as in Ukraine and Gaza does n't bother them. As long as the profits from arms sales and from energy export remain guaranteed and make America even bigger. Elon Musk did respond to her resignation but is no better. For him too, the only thing that matters is money and the power over it.

RE: The difference between a Human and an Animal.

Biologically were are the same as the other mammals. They only difference is we are aware of our existence.
Animals and plants adapt to changing conditions, trying to survive according to the evolutionary principle of the "survival of the fittest" .
Because their awareness humans use their brain to adapt the surroundings to their needs.
The result can be seen every day. We believe we are the kings on this planet, religions are used as ideologies to justify our actions. After all, the god(s) have given us this planet to use according to our needs!! This reflected in the most hypocritical situations. f.i. In overexploitation and mass pollution of the planet. Or in the continuous wars all over the world.
In reality it are still our primal instincts that unknowingly control our activities! f.i.Warfare as a manner of territorial expansion, greed as a way of increasing social status,....
The saying goes "history is repeating itself" this is wrong !! It is the human being that repeats its history!!
Animals never do! They just adapt and leave everything as it goes.
The more we evolve the more it seems the real aliens on this planet are ....the "civilized" human cultures! doh

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