Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


I’ve really been struck by your comment about the quote itself, as I hadn’t thought of it in that way. Upon reflection, I can see what you were getting it, as it could actually be viewed as quite an arrogant and judgmental statement in itself. In fact, you’re the second person who has commented on it. In one of the early posts Jenny said that she didn’t agree with it either. I’ve now decided that I will remove the quote, if I am able to do so.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


It’s a fair point you make that it’s important not to have contradictions in the line of reasoning. I stand by the statement that the education system, certainly in many western countries, does contain a large element of conditioning which I believe plays a significant part in leading to the credulity I talk about.

The Solzhenitsyn quote was chosen to convey the point I was making that those who go on the attack and are intolerant of opposing views lack the humility that true education can confer. From my perspective, education encompasses so much more than the formal aspects that take place within the education system itself.

In any case, I don’t believe that this quote is central to the theme of the blog, which, after all, is really about the difficulty in discerning the truth when it has been distorted and covered up in a multitude of ways. So, I don’t agree at all that the use of this quote means that my argument is flawed. However, your point has made me aware that when using quotes it’s very important to consider carefully whether they may be interpreted in ways that could detract from the main theme.

RE: Effects of Covid-19 on LDD


I love your idea of chartering a boat. It’s something I’ve thought about, too. Panama sounds good, but it’s obviously quite a long way by boat for those of us from Europe.

I don’t know if others have heard of Freedomairway which has been working to facilitate air travel, free of discrimination. One of the things they have on their website, which perhaps isn’t meant to be taken too seriously, is that on 13th April 2015 a country between Serbia and Croatia, the Free Republic of Liberland, was established. Maybe that would be a possible meeting point, at least for Europeans!

Is Fear the Real Virus?


Thanks for the link to the article about the conference of an international team of professionals and patient advocates. In Dr Roger Hodkinson’s presentation he apparently described what has taken place on a global scale ostensibly to combat the ‘pandemic’ as a ‘totally unnecessary, grotesque human tragedy.’

I’m going to quote what he is reported to have said about the use of fear in driving governments’ responses.
‘This is a pandemic of fear. Fear that was intentionally driven by two major factors. The notorious PCR test and the viciously effective silencing of any counter-narrative. The PCR test creates over 95% false positives in perfectly well people and drives the graphs in the morning papers where these false positives are called cases. They are no such thing; you are being lied to’.

We have to start asking why no opposing views to the official narrative are being allowed and why all critics are being discredited and silenced. If we accept that we are being lied to on a massive scale, we then have to ask ourselves why this is happening. What is underneath it?

Thanks also for the links related to Eugenicists. We have our own brand here in the UK. The recently deceased Prince Philip made a comment some years ago, which has been well documented, that when he died he would like to come back as a virus. So, if a new virus appears unexpectedly on the horizon, perhaps it means that he’s reincarnated in the form that he wanted. Stanley Johnson, the father of UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has written a book about World Population and he has also been described as a eugenicist. He also wrote a fictional story, which was first published in 1982 called ‘The Marburg Virus’ and then was subsequently republished as ‘The Virus’ in 2020. It tells the story of a mysterious virus that occurs and the forces that go to great lengths to keep the virus’ origins under wraps. Does this sound uncannily familiar? Are we to believe that Stanley Johnson has psychic powers and knew in 1982 what was going to play out in roughly 40 years time, Or, much more likely, was he just in the know about what was planned for the future. One reviewer of ‘The Virus’ said:
‘Stanley Johnson wants to reduce population. If only he had practised what he preached and had not had Boris, we would all be better off without the tyranny that son, Boris, has brought to all of us’.
How many children has his son, Boris, actually had? I wonder if anyone really knows!

Is Fear the Real Virus?


I think this is a very good point and I’m not sure how it can best be managed when there’s a large number of comments. Clearly, the direction of a blog is determined by people’s comments and, as you say, it’s easy to lose touch with the original thread. But, in this case, I think that a number of the early comments veered away from the actual theme and that we’ve now come full circle to the real issue of fear being used to control people’s behaviour, so that they willingly accept measures that otherwise they would have rebelled against.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


Yes, that’s certainly true and there’s no doubt that fear has been a driving force in all of this. I would go even further and say that not only is the media feeding the public half truths, but at times it’s actually downright lies. The media is absolutely complicit in the false narrative and needs to be called to account for their part in promoting this.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


Although the seriousness of what we’re dealing with cannot be over-stated, as I think you’re well aware, sometimes it can help to inject a little humour into things, no matter how dark they are.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


Thanks for the link. I will check this out.

RE: Hiroshima Day August 6.


Yes, you’re right. It is coercion. What’s going on in France now is unbelievable. Yesterday I watched a video showing French police going from table to table in a restaurant, asking people to produce their Passeport Sanitaire. So, it’s now reached the ‘Papers Please’ stage if people want to dine out.

RE: Hiroshima Day August 6.

Hello Tiger_Moth

I appreciate what you’re saying about there having been epidemics in the past and understandably questioning why we should view this one any differently. I’ll try to respond to your question as succinctly as I can, bearing in mind, as you rightly say, that the theme of this blog really relates to Hiroshima.

Firstly, there are a significant number of things that strongly suggest that Covid-19 was planned in advance, for example patents and simulated events, such as Event 201. Secondly, some globalists, who are also eugenicists, such as Bill Gates, have been talking about the need to reduce the world’s population for a long time. I can’t go into all the details here, but I will just say that Gates and others in powerful positions have links with major pharmaceutical companies and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provides funding to a number of institutions that play an important part in the decision-making of governments. Finally, whether people choose to believe it or not, many scientists, doctors and lawyers worldwide are sounding the alarm about the dangers of these gene altering vaccines. A number of lawyers, including Anna de Buisseret in the UK and Reiner Fuellmich have either served or are in the process of serving notices of liability on those responsible for what is being described as Crimes Against Humanity.

If you are interested in looking into this further, you can always go to the World Doctors Alliance website.
On the UK Column website you can watch Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium 1 -The False Pandemic and Symposium 2 - The Going Direct Reset

RE: Hiroshima Day August 6.


As I said, only time will tell. But, if people study history, I mean true history, not what is usually taught in schools, and start to join the dots regarding so much that’s happening in the world right now, a disturbing picture starts to emerge.

RE: Hiroshima Day August 6.


Yes, the figures are based on predictions, but if you look at the numbers reported on the Vaers and Yellow Card Reporting Systems, which only cover the US and UK, the actual numbers would justify this kind of prediction. In any case, it’s widely accepted, that only a fraction of cases are actually being reported.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread

Tiger_ Moth

I think that’s all that any of us can do - Speak our own Truth. A key point that I was intending to convey in the blog was that it’s often not easy to know what’s actually the truth in terms of the bigger picture.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread

Tiger_ Moth

I’m not sure if you read the whole post and understood the relevance of the point I was making in relation to David Icke. I was actually questioning whether he is an authentic truth-teller, as many people believe.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


Yes, I would be interested to know what conclusions David Icke came to and the basis for that. Although I haven’t heard his talk at the end of the Freedom Rally on July 24th, I did hear him talk at the end of another rally. In the one that I recall watching, I felt that his son, Gareth, gave a much more impassioned speech than he did.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


That’s so true. I could ask you to expand upon that, but then it would no longer be unspoken!

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread

Hello Dan

I can appreciate what you’re saying about David Icke, particularly if you’ve met him personally and feel that he’s really genuine. Certainly, when I’ve listened to him talking, he comes across as very persuasive and he dissects issues in an extremely in-depth way, as well as presenting very compelling arguments. In my last comment, I’ve mentioned some of the points that raise questions for me regarding Icke. I knew that saying I view him as controlled opposition would be quite contentious, as I’m aware that many people think highly of him. One of my friends will not listen to a word spoken against him, so we just agree to differ in our views. But, it would be really interesting to talk more about this with you, as I’m always open to revising my views.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


Yes, I think it’s true that our personal history and unresolved issues from the past predispose people towards particular ways of thinking and contribute to the difficulty in facing painful truths. But, what I really wanted to highlight was the extent of the mind control that is now taking place in our world and the ways in which this is leading to a kind of mass hypnosis.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


I’m in complete agreement with you on this. We may have different views about certain things, the ‘vaccines’ for example, but that certainly doesn’t mean that we can’t talk and be respectful of each other’s views. As you say, that’s what often seems to be sadly lacking in society. It’s when people are not willing to engage in dialogue and address their differences that relationships break down.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


Thank you for your feedback. With regard to the quote, I don’t think that education necessarily means formal education. I know a few people who were entirely self-taught and on the whole were a lot wiser than those who have studied for years in institutions. It sounds as if you’ve got a very inquiring mind. Funnily enough, I remember being told something similar as a child about continually seeking answers to my questions.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread

Mr BoDangles

I tend to take the view that if something isn’t helpful, it’s best just to discard it. It sounds as if you find self-help books a useful avenue to pursue.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


Yes, agreeing as to what’s the truth may well be the crux of the issue. But, if we’re willing to engage in exploring this with a spirit of genuine openness and curiosity, I believe we can all learn a lot from each other in the quest for truth.

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


I really don’t understand what point you’re trying to make

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread


I like your point that we need to hold the faith that the truth will eventually come to light, though it may take a long time.
I’m not sure what happened with the profile delete. This has happened to me once before. Technology is perhaps not my thing!

Truth is a Lonely Path to Tread

The previous post is a continuation of the blog, but for some reason, the profile was shown as unknown.

RE: Long, Detailed Video of Covid 19 Source and Purpose


This video was either produced or circulated by the Epoch Times, which in my view has put out a number of quite incisive articles in recent times. It sounds as if you may have pre-judged it without even viewing it.

RE: Long, Detailed Video of Covid 19 Source and Purpose


Interesting video, which raises a lot of provocative questions. Although it’s a bit technical and heavy-going at times, it presents a very compelling argument calling into question the Huanan Seafood Market as the source of the virus and sheds more light on the nature of the cover-up. For me, it just reinforces my belief that the virus was engineered with a very specific intent.

As I see it, there’s a major problem when many people seem unwilling to take the time to watch videos such as this or even do any basic research into viewpoints that differ from their own. As the saying goes, ‘You can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink!’

Is Fear the Real Virus?

With regard to the way that politicians lie to further their own objectives, I’m re-posting the link for the Martin Noakes song ‘The Trial of Tony Blair’.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


I agree that living in the present moment is the most important thing we can do. After all, it’s all we really have. No one knows for certain what the next moment, never mind the next year will bring.

Personally I know quite a few people who hold a philosophy that’s not that dissimilar to yours. I’m just a deep thinker, which doesn’t always make for a comfortable life, but I think we each have to follow where our heart takes us. For me, that’s about making sense of the world, the bigger picture and my own place within that.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


I really understand what you’re saying and I think it goes right to the crux of the difficulty in engaging with others, particularly in relation to controversial issues. Although it’s certainly not easy, I think we need to move beyond polarisation. I have friends who have different views on a number of subjects and sometimes it’s relatively easy to bridge the gulf and in doing so can be mutually enriching. But, when we’re dealing with strong ideologies, it’s clearly a lot more challenging, as we often don’t have enough common ground to appreciate the other person’s perspective. I think it benefits all of us to remain open to what someone else is saying, even if it makes no rational sense to us. At the end of the day, we’re all on a journey, life is transient and there’s so much we can learn from each other when we’re willing to listen. Ultimately no one has has all the answers.

This is a list of blog comments created by Shelora.

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