Dating for the Aware


A comment on the times? If so, I think that’s very sad.

I take your point, but for me the wearing of a mask in an online profile photo doesn’t just happen without a clear choice being made. I don’t know whether it’s to make some kind of point. But, what I do know about masks is that throughout the centuries they have been used in all sorts of rituals and they are clearly a means of disguising ones features. So, I believe that the question about what’s being hidden is a valid one.

I notice that my question to Rizlared was unanswered. So, if no answer is forthcoming, we’ll be left guessing. But, I stand by my point that wearing a mask in this kind of context is quite bizarre and I think it’s perfectly understandable to question what’s really going on.

Dating for the Aware


It’s interesting that you’ve turned things around and have completely avoided the issue of why someone would choose to wear a mask at all in an online profile picture. To come back to yourself, you choose to wear a mask in your main picture. I would ask you why that is. On the blogs people don’t necessarily look at the profile and check out any other pictures. Yes, it’s about what’s underneath that’s important, but the mere wearing of a mask in this context brings up so many issues. Wearing a mask is obviously a way of presenting yourself, a persona which you’re presenting in public. A persona is a kind of image which is very different from the person’s real self. What is it you’re trying so desperately to hide? I really hope you will respond directly to that question. I’ll repeat it - What is it that you’re trying to hide?

Dating for the Aware

Hello robbyreal

You’ve made some good points about the make-up of CS membership. I think it’s certainly true that some nationalities are under-represented. Also, if people spend a lot of time on the blogs, it’s easy to forget that there are thousands of members of CS who never go near the blogs. So, again it brings us back to CS being a dating site, but not solely a dating site.

Dating for the Aware

That’s a good distinction you make between a singles site and a purely dating site. As you say, ultimately each one of us is alone and making connections is what makes life more meaningful.

Dating for the Aware

avocet 22

Thanks for the kind offer, but though I live in the Highlands, I don’t drink whisky. I might just have a glass of full-bodied red wine to chill out, but I’ll leave the bottle of Highland Queen for you.

Dating for the Aware

Hello Bo,
Thanks for your thoughtful sentiments. I’m just engaging in some reflection and have no plans to leave at the moment. So, it’s definitely not time for singing Auld Lang Syne.

Dating for the Aware

I like the idea of socialising without having to dress up and also being able to engage in stimulating, perhaps even contentious international conversations. But, I’m still left wondering whether dating features anywhere in all of this.

Also, the title of the post ‘Dating for the Aware’ really speaks to the issue of whether those who are awake and aware may actually want something more from a dating site. I’ve questioned whether it would be preferable to be on a site where people are basically on the same wavelength. Or, on the other hand, might that become a bit boring. Perhaps all the bickering that seems to go on here at times may actually spice things up and make the experience a lot more interesting.

RE: Left or Right


I think you’ve summed up the root of the problem very well.

RE: A Young UK Man, Wise Beyond His Years


One of the things he’s referring to is the possible introduction of COVID Passports in the UK, which have already been implemented in France. For many people this is a real violation of basic human rights. It’s like a demand for ‘Papers, please’ in order to engage in everyday activities. It would create a two-tier society, with those who have chosen not to take the so-called vaccines being denied access to public venues, perhaps even to food. You say that he doesn’t explain why the government would need to create an emergency to assume even more control. What he’s talking about is the Orwellian nature of what’s going on, which understandably raises a concern regarding the imposition of even greater top-down control. It all comes back to the issue of whether you believe that the government has people’s best interests at heart. I would argue that there are plenty of instances when the government has been caught out lying.

RE: A Young UK Man, Wise Beyond His Years

It’s very encouraging to listen to a young person who thinks for himself, stands his ground against pressure from others and spells out so clearly where all this is headed. As he said in the interview, it’s about control, pure and simple. People don’t seem to realise that when they give up their rights willingly, it’s very unlikely that they’re going to get them back.

RE: Where are all the humanitarians now

I’ve just watched this video by Kareem Dennis, a British rapper, who addresses a number of significant issues in relation to what has gone on in Afghanistan and how this has led to the playing out of the war against terror.

Is Fear the Real Virus?

Having now decided to close this blog to further comments, I would like to thank all those who have contributed.

My intention in writing the blog was to highlight ways that psychological techniques of manipulation have been used during the pandemic, which has led to a kind of brainwashing on a massive scale. The level of deception is extremely complex, which often makes it a challenge to get to the bottom of what is really going on and to lay bare the false narrative being promoted. It’s like a web of deceit, with so many inter-related strands that it’s very easy to get caught up in it. So, it requires constant vigilance to ensure that we don’t fall prey to some aspects of the deception. We all need to be willing to do our own research and question everything, absolutely everything.

I’m going to end with a quote, which a couple of others have already posted, as I believe it’s so apt for the times we’re now living in.

‘In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’
George Orwell


Some very perceptive comments, which really brought a smile to my face!

Is Fear the Real Virus?


Some good points in the Liberty Loft article regarding unquestioning compliance. It mentions a point I’ve raised before that it’s the constantly changing narrative that keeps people confused. An interesting point was made relating to massive research being done in the field of communications with regard to how human beings react to media messages. This would suggest that the level of their psychological manipulation through the media is likely to intensify and become much more sophisticated.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


I think I’m getting better at understanding your coded messages, but I’m still learning.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


I agree that information about Event 201 might help people to understand that this was a rehearsal for what subsequently played out. The Great Reset is obviously where all this is headed. But, at the moment, I’ve got quite a lot on my plate and I’m really not sure if I have the time to provide a clear summary of these in a way that might get people to sit up and take notice.

As you said, time really is short now. Sometimes I feel that if people would only switch off their TVs for a month and watch some of the excellent videos that present a very clear picture of what we’re dealing with, they might have a lightbulb moment! I know that you’ve posted quite a lot of video links, but, of course, you can’t force people to watch these videos with a completely open mind.

Speaking of videos, I’ve just noticed three new videos posted on the Natural News Website, which really seem worth watching. In the first one Mike Adams interviews Reiner Fuellmich regarding Covid Crimes against Humanity and The Coming War Crimes Tribunals. The other interviews are with Dr Lee Merritt warning about catastrophic vaccine risk and Dr Chris Shaw warning of the coming wave of neurological vaccine damage. I haven’t had the time to watch any of them yet, so I can’t comment, but I certainly intend to watch the interview with Reiner Fuellmich.

The videos can be viewed at or

Is Fear the Real Virus?


Thanks for confirming the information regarding the Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activation. It’s amazing how fast things are moving if one business in Wisconsin has already started using this technology.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


It’s so true that ultimately each one of us is responsible for becoming more self aware. As you said, there are no rescuers. I view life as an evolutionary journey towards higher consciousness. This journey is not necessarily a linear one and I believe that each person comes to a higher level of integration when the time is right. I’m a great believer in what is often referred to as kairos time, which is really connected to the numinous and can’t be forced.

Thank you for providing the quote from Yogananda, which I think really expresses what it means when people are prisoners of their base instincts and are operating at the level of the lower chakras. All your input has been much appreciated.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


Thanks for your feedback. The George Orwell quote you cited describes exactly what we’re dealing with. Yes, I did know that his real name was Eric Blair.

It’s so nice to hear from a fellow Scottish Kindred Spirit from the other side of the Atlantic.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


What I have observed, time and time again, is that you deflect from the real issue and avoid addressing the points other people have made. I can only conclude that this is because you are not able to respond in any meaningful way and it’s apparent that all you do is keep citing mainstream sources. The central theme of this blog is that the government is not telling the truth. A number of posts have outlined in some detail what is really going on and have explained why governments in many different countries have imposed similar measures, as if they were acting in unison.

You’re still doing the same thing that I mentioned in the last post - launching attacks against the messenger, as you don’t seem to have any points of real substance to debate. What does the wearing of seatbelts have to do with the real issues that have been raised by other people? Why don’t you respond to Bo’s latest post regarding the Risk of COVID-19 Vaccines Worsening Clinical Disease? But, I can already guess that if you do comment on it, this will be just another poisonous missile launch.

By the way, I don’t go to the pub. Please don’t judge others by your own standards.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


I really like your point that what’s happening is like an arsonist demanding that he be the one allowed to put the fire out. Yes, it’s the very people who have accelerated the economic collapse who are positioning themselves for absolute power and top-down control when the collapse happens. It’s the old PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION. Clearly, what they want to create throughout the entire world is a kind of feudal system, with people owning nothing and having all their behaviour monitored and tightly controlled in ways similar to what happens in China’s Social Credit System. At that point there would be no freedom of speech, freedom itself would be severely curtailed or non-existent and opposition would be almost impossible. A very grim scenario. I sincerely hope you’re right that their plan is going to go up in smoke!

Is Fear the Real Virus?


Yes, I agree that this is a very good point which highlights how futile it is to waste time arguing with people who are completely programmed by the system.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


Thanks for all your input. You made some quite incisive points in dismantling arguments and a line of reasoning, which doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


I think that Dan has made a really good job in demolishing your arguments, so I’m not going to go over all the same ground. Ana’s comment about the government’s use of invisible enemies is also very relevant in relation to the government response.

Your claim that less than 10 people have died as a direct result of the ‘vaccines’ is preposterous. Have you actually looked at the VAERS and Yellow Card numbers for deaths and adverse reactions? These numbers just relate to the US and the UK and, in my understanding, the numbers are vastly under- reported. I notice that Bo has posted the links for this data.

Yes, the UK is bankrupt and has been for a long time. Do you really believe that quantitative easing, which has been going on for years and is basically printing money out of thin air, compounded in the last year and a half by paying people to stay at home and do nothing through the furlough scheme, comes without a cost.

In relation to your question about links, I’ll give a couple of examples. As I understand it, Patrick Vallance, the UK Government Chief Scientific Advisor was previously President of Research and Development at Glaxo Smith Kline. Professor Neil Ferguson of Imperial College was the person largely responsible for providing the advice that led to the lockdowns due to massive miscalculations. This is the same Imperial College, which is the recipient of large sums of money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation is also the largest donor to the WHO. There are other conflicts of interest, which I really haven’t got the time to go into right now.

You seem to be defending the mainstream press, which is a big part of the problem in terms of what actually gets reported. Yet, again you have attempted to divert from the issue, which is basically that members of the SPI-B group made the explicit claim that the British government engaged in social engineering through the use of fear as a mechanism of control.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


Thanks for your supportive words.

Is Fear the Real Virus?

Hello Dan

Yes, that’s right. For me, there is no higher value than truth and I imagine that’s the case for all of us who are speaking out. We may not always agree on every single detail, but the important thing is being sincere in all we say and do.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


Yes, you’re absolutely right. That’s a good point you make about the truth actually being more frightening for some people than the lies they hear on the mainstream media. It’s often a lot more comfortable to stay with illusions than to face harsh realities.

Is Fear the Real Virus?


I haven’t actually seen that Harry Potter episode, but from your description it certainly does seem to mirror what’s being played out right now in the world. Yes, we’re definitely entering a new era of tyranny. Many of the things now taking place under the guise of health would have seemed completely unbelievable just a few short years ago. Yet bleak as it may seem at times, there are a few encouraging signs, with more people starting to wake up to what’s really going on. Things are only going to change when enough people refuse to comply with the tyrannical dictates.

RE: Where are all the humanitarians now

Yes, I totally agree. The real suffering of the Afghan people doesn’t matter in the slightest to some, who just like portray themselves as having humanitarian values, whilst they push political agendas. Watching videos of ordinary Afghans trying desperately to get on the last planes out of Kabul, was truly heart wrenching.

RE: The real history of the Taliban - They were NOT the Mujahadin, for one thing.

Very interesting and informative thread. I’ve known a few Afghans in the past and they were among the kindest and most hospitable people I’ve had the good fortune to know. It’s a very sad day for the nation. We all need to pray for the people of Afghanistan.

This is a list of blog comments created by Shelora.

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