RE: needed prayers

Oh this is such wonderful news.

Hi I'm somechick

I guess so.laugh

Hi I'm somechick

I was approving another person as my friend and appoved myself instead.

I was on the phone with the person I was approving and we laughed about it.

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Hi I'm somechick

And to think I didn't have to look in the mirror to find myself.

Well the other day I did befriend myself.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Hi I'm somechick

It's sure breaking up the boredom.rolling on the floor laughing

I'm not lost anymore I found myself.rolling on the floor laughing

Hi I'm somechick

I don't why that person brought this back up.

Oh my word I found myself.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Hi I'm somechick

I swear I didn't bring this up.rolling on the floor laughing hole

Hi I'm somechick

transport tinfoil hat rolling on the floor laughing

Hi I'm somechick

Maybe we're all the outer limits.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Hi I'm somechick

Ken I don't know why Sharksonfire brought this old thread back up.

Yes I know I'm one of the crazy ones.

rolling on the floor laughing tongue

RE: A man that knows his priorities..

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: What do you do ??

I listen to relaxing music it calms me down all the time.

I bought myself a punching bag which I take out my frustration on.

RE: Have ever had a time when you feel down.. and you shouldn't

We have all been there, at least I know I have. You come home from a stressful day at work, or maybe you felt too depressed to even get out of the door.

Everything just went wrong, your girl left you, your favourite sports team lost an important game; It doesn’t matter.

The thoughts just swirl around in your head, and you can’t really focus on anything. Even the easiest tasks seem impossible, and at least for now, you just can’t enjoy life.

When I feel down, here are some of the things I do to drag myself up:

Stop doing whatever I'm are doing, and sit down. Breathe slowly and controlled, and think about what it is that gets me down.
I tell myself that I need to identify the problem(s). Without a problem I can’t really make a goal, and without a goal I can’t take action. In this case, no action means no mental healing. And that’s what we want, right?
I write it down. Make a list of what’s depressing me . Take out a paper and pen, and start writing. It’s that simple. This is done to physically get it “out of my head”. Now I can look at my problems in a more objective way.
Once I have it out of my head and in a different perspective, start thinking about solutions or positive things about what’s bothering me.
Take massive action. Do whatever is necessary to solve my problem. Iknow what to do, now I just need to actually do it. Start now!
Be happy:
Sometimes I can’t seem to identify a problem, or there are just too many to overcome. In these cases, I advice myself to focus more on being happy than anything else. This have to come first, as I will get a whole new outlook when I really feel alive. Then I follow these tips to bring myself up again.

I try to understand that it’s okay to feel sad. I try not to ignore it, just don’t let the feeling take over me.
Once I can do that, start focusing on what makes me happy. I do what I enjoy, go see a movie, walk the dog, whatever. And whenever the bad feelings start popping up, I acknowledge them, clear my mind, and think about something else. I don’t ever think negative thoughts for more than a few seconds.
Again, lists can help me. I write down some of the things that I like to do, and hang them up on my fridge. I do at least one of these things every day. I look forward to it, and enjoy it while I do it.
Use fantastic words. If someone asks me how my day was, and I answer with a “fine”, that fine is going to define my day. If I instead tell him that I had a marvellous, amazing or incredible day, that is what my day was or is going to be. Keep this in mind!
Think in opportunities. Remember that every failure is one step closer to success.
Think about what you really want to do. Maybe this is a golden opportunity to try a new challenge or new direction in my life. If I really always wanted to be a stock broker, a teacher or a marketing gal, check out what I need to do or learn to get there. Enroll at the university, go to evening classes, seek out profesionals in the industry. Whatever it takes, my only limitation is my imagination.
Look good. While I feel a little down and depressed, i remember to take good care of myself. It’s much easier to feel sorry for that sad bum in the mirror, than it is to feel the same way about a well groomed, and well dressed woman.
I get out. I have probably heard this hundreds of times before, but a little exercise and some fresh air can do wonders for my mood. I try be open and positive, and a trip to the park can be amazingly beautiful. I take time to look at the birds in the trees, the couples walking around having a good time.
I also make it point to surround myself with happy people. I don’t hang around negative types, sooner or later their mood will affect me.

I also play some upbeat music which helps me also.

RE: shyness

He's an adult and already has a job and living on his own and out of the nest.

RE: shyness

Good Morning Thomaswave hug

My heart goes out to people who are shy.

I have a son who's the same way.

RE: shyness

I don't mind shy people, it's the loud obnoxious people that get on my nerves.

It's not that they don't want to talk or interact. They do, but they lack confidence, and they think about what others think about them. They are most certainly not snobs, nor do they ever think they are above others. They don't have great egos, nor are they selfish.

It is natural for people to be extremely shy - they cannot help who or what they are. But they, in their own time, eventually overcome most of their shyness, or they remain extremely shy.

They should not be treated as though they are selfish. shyness is just a character trait. It is not an illness. It is for the individual with the shyness to develop themselves or to remain as they are. It is their choice, and they should not be judged if they remain extremely shy.

RE: Looking for Somechick and all Ohio members.

I appreciate the concern but I was surprised to see this thread.

While I was still online Sunday the lights flickered and then they went out.

We had to throw all our food away and buy ice to keep what we bought to get us through today when our lights finally came on just before 1:pm.

My heart goes out to you regards to the services for your dad.

I know how you feel and can feel your pain and know all to well what you're going through.

RE: Have you ever seen a ghost?

I've had dreams about a vision but if I posted noone would believe me and probably tell me I was crazy.

That vision seemed so very real.

RE: Good morning, Good evening, Good day

You have a good work week and please be careful.

RE: needed prayers

That's good news.

RE: where is everyone

I've learned to find the humor in things. Mother nature did what she did so there wasn't awhole lot I could do but roll with the punches.laugh

RE: where is everyone

laugh It was an idea that a very good friend and I came up with.

RE: where is everyone

After the last couple of days being without electricity, having to throw food away and having to feel like I'm fallen off the face of the earth I fell like I'm from another planet.

laugh wave

RE: where is everyone

I'm here but I don't know if I'm here mentally or physically.laugh wave

RE: Do you believe in interracial relationships?

rolling on the floor laughing Rilly you're on a roll tonight.

RE: Do you believe in interracial relationships?

The different groups within the human race are ethnicities, not ‘races’. We are all part of one race, the human race.

RE: if u could describe your life with one word what would it be?

Very relieved.

RE: What would you wish for NOW!!.....

Yes I was referring to electricity. Glad you caught my mistake.

I guess they can miscontrude my commnets anyway they choose.

RE: What would you wish for NOW!!.....

I would wish that all the rest of the people who still remain without power would have their restored soon.

Do you have a pick me up song????

Stevie Ray Vaughan The House Is Rockin’

Well - the house is a rockin dont bother knockin
Yeah - the house is a rockin dont bother knockin
Yeah - the house is a rockin dont bother come on in

Kick off your shoes start losin the blues
This old house aint got nothin to lose
Seen it all for years start spreadin the news
We got room on the floor come on baby shake sumpin loose

Well - the house is a rockin dont bother knockin
Yeah - the house is a rockin dont bother knockin
Yeah - the house is a rockin dont bother come on in

Well - the house is a rockin dont bother knockin
Yeah - the house is a rockin dont bother knockin
Yeah - the house is a rockin dont bother come on in

Walkin up the street you can hear the sound
Of some bad honky tonkers really layin it down
Theyve seen it all for years and got nothin to lose
So get down on the floor shimmy til you shake sumpin loose

Well - the house is a rockin dont bother knockin
Yeah - the house is a rockin dont bother knockin
Yeah - the house is a rockin dont bother come on in
I said the house is a rockin dont bother come on in

This is a list of forum posts created by somechick.

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