Swedish2015Swedish2015 Forum Posts (294)


The Star of Bethlehem not only moved across the sky but it also moved and stopped as if it were piloted by an intelligent being eventually hovering over the house where the child lived. The scripture (if we are to take it literally) is evidence of this. The light over Bethlehem hung low in the sky. Low enough that the wise men knew exactly which house the Christ child lived in. This would mean that the star, light, altar or craft, positioned itself right above the house. Within the modern era, there have been many views on how angels and Gods have interacted with mankind. It also has created a method by which Pope Francis and others have created or at least have tried to mix science and spirituality through a new cosmology and exo-theology. It is important now to re-envision what we know of angels and how they have somehow lent themselves to being more than religious figures, but figures that veiled though the centuries as heavenly emissaries that share the same attributes as fairies, and even extra-terrestrial entities. After all, there are plenty of the Christian faithful who believe that an extra-terrestrial invasion will be a great deception, and that the aliens that arrive will be accepted as saviors. It would a cosmic joke to see that they were really demons, and all of humanity's faith in them would lead to their ultimate end. You have been warned...


Now, reading only Luke, we see that the shepherds fell to their knees and covered their faces when they saw the angel. The angel told them not to fear for there was great news about a child from God born in Bethlehem. In many translations of the biblical account, we learn that the angel came down on what is called a flying altar, which is described as a golden bowl. In other translations, the angel arrives in red robes and is seen standing on a gold tetrahedron known as the Merkabah. A Merkabah is described throughout the Bible as a light that burns like fire above the head of the anointed.

The Merkabah and the Golden Bowl or dome has been described elsewhere as the method of travel for angels and other beings from Heaven.“Then I looked, and above the dome that was over the heads of the cherubim there appeared above them something like a sapphire, in form resembling a throne.” — The Book of Ezekiel.

The altar that assumes the shape of pyramids and domes is a type of craft for the mal-awk, or messengers. When it is seen from the side it appears like a jewel. As it rotates, it becomes a Tetrahedron. It was known anciently as the vehicle in which the spirit of God travels. It can be called the “Chariot of Fire” or the “Angels’ Fire.” One of the other possible misconceptions about the nativity is that the star of Bethlehem was in fact a star or a comet. The literal translation from the Greek is that a flying altar had led the shepherds and the wise men to the Christ child. A flying altar is far from the story of a star. The star is plain and simply an interpretation.

The star or altar was not stationary in the sky during the time of the nativity and as cited in several scriptures, it appeared before the wise men and moved ahead of them, much like a Merkabah or Chariot of Fire. This scripture will demonstrate that the Star of Bethlehem was a moving light, and quite possibly not a star at all:

“When they had heard the king they went their way; and lo, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came to rest over the place where the child was.” — Matthew 2:9


No matter what atheist and agnostics will tell you, one cannot reject the ideas that the stars, the planets and the mover of such celestial bodies took part in creating wonders, thunder’s lightning and cosmic violence. All histories insist that powerful gods ruled for a time, then as quickly as they came, went back up into heaven leaving behind the promise that if the planet ever needed them, they would return. Monuments would then be erected to these Gods as beacons for their return – obelisks, pillars, monoliths and steeples have been erected on sacred places to send a signal to whoever is out there that we are hopeful for their return. Each one bears a symbol that some say is a sacred sigil empowered to divide each tribe according to its beliefs and particular God. Some argue that they are all the same God. Regardless of the different sects of the world, extra-terrestrial gods are something that mythology indicates were a collective memory. The obsession over the history of these beings is a gesture that keeps us remembering what shaped early civilizations in the first place. Although we were warned at the time of Moses that God should not be depicted in any graven image, the images of both God and the Devil have been adopted by generations who need iconography that borders on idolatry depicting god in both statues and paintings.
Whether you believe it or not, bearded gods, angels with wings, and devils with horns, have been part of the universal programming since the middle ages. God has always been depicted as majestic and powerful. He had a billowing beard and robes. In some sculptures, God and even his prophets were depicted with horns poking out of their heads.

In Christian art of the Middle Ages, Moses is depicted wearing horns and without them; sometimes in glory, as a prophet and precursor of Yashua or Jesus. Michelangelo’s horned Moses stems from the description of Moses’ face as “cornuta” (“horned”) in the Latin Vulgate translation of the passage from Exodus in which Moses returns to the people after receiving the commandments for the second time An earlier biblical translation stated translates as “And when Moses came down from the mount Sinai, he held the two tables of the testimony, and he knew not that his face was horned from the conversation of the Lord.”


They turned away from the influence of the Overmind. So we see that Karellan is Satan and that he and his demonic subjects help the world build a Utopia. When the Overlords reveal the end of mankind is about to transpire, we see the assimilation of the children into the Overmind. It is a science fiction version of the Rapture. Clarke creates a religious allegory that is interchangeable with all of the ancient alien theories that are now part of speculative history. Ancient histories have a coherent story that is told about our planet and how you see these stories, religious or historical they all seem to tell us that there is an apocalypse that we all have to experience, because our ancient ancestors experienced it. Their ancestors did too – even pre-Adamic civilizations saw the building of the planet by a “great extra-terrestrial” intelligence or a “Universal Monarch” that made the planet a paradise, a Utopian existence that in the end, was blighted by the interference of a chaotic and irreverent adversary that fell out of favor with God and the custodial guardians that took mankind under their wing. A good metaphor or allegory teaches us many things and if it is successful generates ideas that we have a hard time shaking from our consciousness. Metaphors and mythologies teach us valuable lessons and make us think about things in a more simplistic way.

Some say the mythology is often the milk we drink before we are fed the meat. This can be compared to the child who is nursed, until he is ready to eat like an adolescent or an adult. Mythologies and metaphor are typically a product of imagination that has within it, simple enduring truths that believe it or not, make us who we are mentally and spiritually. There are many stories we relate to on a personal level because within them are timeless lessons that have been wired into us for some strange reason. The mythologies about the great Gods from the sky are the most established stories in all cultures. Most of these stories have shaped many religious beliefs and have served to keep mankind in constant wonder about destiny and the future of all. It can be said that affairs from above have guided and shaped affairs down below. Planets and stars ruled the destiny of kings and kingdoms. The signs from the sky heralded the arrival of destroying entities and messiahs. The heavens will eventually show us that time is up and that the world has met its final definitive end. Many religions today are obsessed with what has happened in the past. In fact, all civilizations should have a keen interest in history both ancient and contemporary.


So much for our brave new world and the cowardly fleeing of elites who can’t stay and clean up their mistakes that keep us mired in 20th century thinking. It is time to think with our 21st century minds. We have been told to be prepared for 21st century threats, yet the definition of those threats has been limited to the movements of a small group of terrorists. In the future, there will be no government, religion, nor terrorist group that will stand if the Earth should be annihilated by an extinction level event. Our so-called leaders are telling us we need to be up for new challenges, even while their myopic vision limits our growth. However, history has shown us that even those with child-like faith will have to face the reality of childhood’s end and beyond our material demise is the ultimate mystery known only by those who have died before you and God himself. The Sy Fy channel’s television special, “Childhood’s End,” premiered last night. It is based on the book by Arthur C. Clarke. It is also a book I recommended many times on my show, encouraging my listeners to read it.

The original short story, which was later expanded into Childhood’s End, was called “Guardian Angel.” The plot of “Guardian Angel” concludes when Karellen, the chief alien Overlord reveals himself to the world, and turns out to look exactly like the Devil. It looked as if Clarke thought it would be funny and ironic to write a story in which an alien race comes down and helps humans achieve new levels of prosperity and happiness, but it turns out to look exactly like the devils they have feared for thousands of years. In the original short story, these devilish looking aliens had to hurry to get humans to prepare for the Golden Age because the Overlords feared something that would happen in the future – a cataclysmic end to the planet and its inhabitance. When Clarke decided to expand the story into Childhood’s End, he chose to extend the Christian metaphor by introducing new allegorical elements such as the Overmind – a metaphor for “God” or what New Agers call the Christ-like consciousness. As the devil metaphor grew, the Overlords were said to have never achieved the Overmind conversion.


Power To The People.......
December 20, 2015

In 1950, Immanuel Velikovsky published, Worlds In Collision, a book detailing that in antiquity, catastrophe and cosmic upheaval were re-occurring events. Velikovsky’s research led to the disturbing conclusion that early civilizations were nearly destroyed by the close approach of a great comet. From ancient texts and papyri, we read that perhaps “creation” was not creation at all but a transitory moment where a reorganizing and rebuilding took place after a cosmic catastrophe. Those who were prepared before the great catastrophe knew how to take the building blocks for creation and apply them to a renewed Earth. These would have then become known as the gods. Looking around, it may be uncomfortable to realize that our concepts of where humanity is going are changing. The present seems to have the appearance of the dark future we have read about in the Bible or heard from some deranged soothsayer. In the past, we wrote about our visions of the future. That future is now our present. And in this present, we crave those visions of the future that were written about in the past. It is hard to believe five years ago, we were first warned that the planet would see an extinction level event in the not too distant future. This prophecy was not delivered by a 2012 self-appointed whack job prophet, it wasn’t said on a video by an armchair conspiracy theorist that went viral, and it wasn’t some theory thrown around by a cult leader wearing Nikes and eating drug-laced applesauce. Stephen Hawking stated the following:
“I believe that the long-term future of the human race must be in space,” Hawking tells Big Think. “It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn’t have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet. Let’s hope we can avoid dropping the basket until we have spread the load.”

Hawking also said that man is his own worst enemy and if he is not careful, he may find himself turned to charcoal in a nuclear holocaust. His views of freeing ourselves from Mother Earth are now being shared by others and it is becoming clear that the rich and powerful seem to have knowledge about an impending cataclysm and they are racing to meet some indefinable deadline to move a lot of wealthy people and human hybridsto the Moon and Mars. Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, which was the first private company to resupply the International Space Station, fears that religious fanaticism and cultural division will spark an all-out nuclear war and it will not only kill millions, but set back technological advancements. His company is preparing to announce its ambitious plans for rocket and spacecraft technology to carry humans to Mars. From climate summits declaring the environment has crashed, to the threats of solar flares and EMP’s from enemy countries and rogue terrorists, apocalyptic catastrophism is the new religion of the semi-brave new world.


Is It True?

The Truth About ISIS/ISIL


This climate of anger, fear, and misunderstanding will continue to get worse until American society can recognize this problem and begin to honestly address it, even if it is uncomfortable, or even if many of us struggle to look past skin color headscarves and prayer rugs to see human beings that bleed like we do. We know that ISIS has been brutal and have committed crimes against humanity, but must we continue to punish all Muslims for the actions of these bloodthirsty degenerates? Bigotry, prejudice, and scapegoating, like most social pathologies, is an irrational social force that is dragging us into an abyss. We now normalize the unthinkable. It can easily be defined as a political malevolence fomented by a far-reaching conspiracy of cultural terrorists. There is no coup or overreaching surveillance program or false flag event that can remedy what is happening. We can’t let the hateful subcultures and the media shape our collective perception of who or what the enemy is. You cannot help but question the objectivity and motive of a government that is known for its ability to destabilize other countries to further their ambitions of empire building. What makes us think that their ambitions for global oligarchy wouldn’t include creating a way by which every citizen would turn on each other and create a civil war remedied by a paramilitary death squad? As we shall soon see, one need not stockpile weapons or espouse reactionary beliefs to fall under the watchful eye of a government that is contributing to the fall of a once thriving and efficient constitutional republic. And out of all they are doing, and plan to do, what is desired most is the complete removal of each and every America's guns. They even plan to pass more and more bills to restrict Americans from getting guns until it reaches a point where their police forces can take on the few who they haven't been fortunate of snatching up guns from. The entire mission behind the so-called war on terrorism is to take away guns from all Americans! Doesn't this seem a bit strange to any of you? You have been warned...

Latest news:


Terrorism, like war, is the continuation of politics by other means. If there is a declaration of Jihad, we can contend the motivation of Islamic terror is religious in nature. However, while we are always being told that Jihad is the motive for all terror attacks, the true test of effective terrorism is whether or not it changes the political landscape. That is why the attacks of 9/11 were so effective because it changed the way the United States government handled its citizens. Terrorism’s effectiveness does not change the religious landscape, it will not convert us to any religious ideology – it is effectively changing us politically. Many types of terrorism exist, but each of these have the same objective of effecting change within, or in respect of, a political system through the threat or use of violence. It remains to be seen just how the terrorist event in San Bernardino changes America and what rights will be taken away because of it. There are indications this act of terror will somehow give President Obama the ability to circumvent the second amendment. However, it is crucial to point out that while we are hearing about the guns and the pipe bombs as the weapons used, the primary weapon of terrorism is fear, not the bomb, or the gun.

The terrorist event should not shape the future. It is the response to the event that shapes future outcomes. So it is with terrorism as well. As long as oppression or the perception of oppression remains, and as long as there is a militant sect in the parties on the various sides of the political argument, there will be those who choose violence as a means of advancing their aims. It is a low blow to shame people who want to pray. It is equally low to see people being shamed because they believe in constitutional rights. We are losing our social cohesion. If God doesn’t fix things, the mainstream and social media outrage doesn’t either. Political exploitation of a tragedy to push gun agendas doesn’t fix things either. The events of the past few months, all of the shootings and spiking events tell me that we continue to cover the same old ground and we still are angry and afraid. Withholding information keeps others in the dark and at best, is irritating to them. Withholding information breeds conspiracy theory. Intentionally withholding information has a negative impact on others while simultaneously giving the person withholding that information power. The person who determines who needs to know has the power; the person who wants to know has a feeling of being annoyed. Ever since the Sandy Hook shootings that happened three years ago this month, police have withheld information about the incident to the point there is a contingency of Americans who say the event never happened.


Before the Internet, television, telephones, and automobiles all had their turn at being ridiculed by people afraid of social change brought on by new technologies. However, these criticisms did not include the accusations of bringing about or inspiring terrorist attacks, jeopardizing the safety of American law enforcement, and thwarting the agendas of the mainstream narrative. There has always been a real conspiracy against the free flow of information on the Internet. Lawmakers have always expressed concern about web content and how it may allow the easy access to radical viewpoints that may inspire terrorism. People believe what they want to believe and sometimes reality is harsh especially when it goes against the perceived bias that is fueled by disinformation. The reality, at least what we have been told is the incident in San Bernardino, was an act of terrorism that may or may not have been directed from overseas. A small Christmas party hardly seems like the sort of target ISIS or al-Qaeda would zero in on. It would be silly to think that a huge operation like ISIS would order a hit on a small group drinking egg nog and exchanging white elephant gifts. It is also interesting they call it a Christmas party when the token Muslim was attending. It was probably an informal holiday party as political correctness provided by the HR department would have shunned any and all Christmas themes. It is also interesting to note that there have been no reports or claims of responsibility by the overseas terror groups they were in contact with or even word of an organized Jihad against the United States. But of course, our confirmation bias is building all sorts of hysteria regarding what has happened. Yes it was an act of terror, but what motivated it?

There will be many religious fanatics using violence in order to show their dissatisfaction with the power elite, however, radicalization in its proper perspective is and should be associated with politically motivated terrorism that disguises itself or is perceived to be motivated by religious beliefs. Radicalization is complex. Yet a thinly-sourced, reductionist view of how people become terrorists has gained unwarranted legitimacy in some counter-terrorism circles. This view corresponds with and seems to legitimize “counter-radicalization” measures relying heavily on non-threat-based intelligence collection, a tactic that has proven to be ineffective and even counterproductive. Only by analyzing what we know about radicalization and the government’s response to it can we be sure these reactions are grounded in fact rather than stereotypes and truly advance our efforts to combat terrorism. What is religious terrorism? What are its fundamental attributes? Religious terrorism can be defined as a type of violence motivated by an absolute belief that an otherworldly power has sanctioned and commanded terrorist violence for the greater glory of the faith. Acts that are committed in the name of the faith or of God are assumed to be forgiven by the otherworldly power and perhaps rewarded in an afterlife.


This climate of anger, fear and misunderstanding will continue to get worse until American society can recognize this problem and begin to honestly address it — even if it is uncomfortable, even if many of us struggle to look past skin color headscarves and prayer rugs to see human beings that bleed like we do. We know that ISIS has been brutal and have committed crimes against humanity, but must we continue to punish all Muslims for the actions of these bloodthirsty degenerates? Bigotry, prejudice and scapegoating, like most social pathologies, is an irrational social force that is dragging us into an abyss. We now normalize the unthinkable. It can easily be defined as a political malevolence fomented by a far-reaching conspiracy of cultural terrorists. There is no coup or overreaching surveillance program or false flag event that can remedy what is happening. We can’t let the hateful subcultures and the media shape our collective perception of who or what the enemy is. You cannot help but question the objectivity and motive of a government that is known for its ability to destabilize other countries to further their ambitions of empire building. What makes us think that their ambitions for global oligarchy wouldn’t include creating a way by which every citizen would turn on each other and create a civil war remedied by a paramilitary death squad? As we shall soon see, one needn’t stockpile weapons or espouse reactionary beliefs to fall under the watchful eye of a government that is contributing to the fall of a once thriving and efficient constitutional republic. And out of all they are doing, and plan to do, what is desired most is the complete removal of each and every America's guns. They even plan to pass more and more bills to restrict Americans from getting guns until they reach a point where their police forces can take on the few who they haven't been fortunate of snatching up guns from. The entire mission behind the so-called terrorism is to take away guns from all Americans! Doesn't this seem a bit strange to any of you? You have been warned...


The distinction between their Muslim-banning plan and Trump’s is really nonexistent. So why is it that Trump’s comments drew widespread outrage? Is it because we are seeing a spin provided by the media that feigns political correctness in the face of extreme intolerance of radical Islam in this country? Could it be that the media is about to cave in and indulge in accusations of open anti-Muslim prejudice in order to add fuel to a culture war that has already begun? The proposal to admit 10,000 Syrian refugees has now created an emotional and in some cases hostile arguments between the political left and right. The debate on this issue is primarily about confirmation bias which considerably furthers the misconceptions that media likes to create to aggravate the public and provokes an air of anger, frustration and fear. While these issues should be delicately balanced with the logic recourse of vetting refugees in order to prevent the arrival of “refujihadis.” Those who say they are progressives continually remind us that they are “humanitarians” because they believe that President Obama is right to invite these refugees into the U.S., where they will be resettled at taxpayer expense. They keep referring to those who are reticent about the refugee proposal as xenophobes.

The harsh rhetoric brought on by the “let them in” crowd seems to make them feel good about themselves. This passes as an attribute of high morality in their opinion. All this has done is attracted bullying, moralizing fanatics, whose identity and livelihood depend upon growth and expansion of their particular kind of victimization. Everyone now is a victim or is offended at everything and huge leaps of logic are being lodged at people who want to play it safe. There is something to be said about the old idiom, “Once bitten twice shy.” Equally there are ignorant leaps of logic that are being lodged at people who say that there is a difference between Islam and the Islamic state. People forget that President George W. Bush said the Islam is a religion of peace and cautioned that it would be wrong to say that all Muslims are a threat to this country. It is imperative that we understand something about the basic traditions of Islam so that we can establish the historical and principled differences between Islam as it is practiced by the vast majority of Muslims worldwide and the ideas and tactics of the Islamic radicals that advocate terrorism. The sad thing is that it won’t be done by average Americans because we have normalized the idea that they are the enemy, that they are all Middle Eastern and that their Quran is the basis for a violent and satanic religion.


We are seeing what can be termed as rational inconsistencies in this country and a sense of pathological dependency on government to keep us safe. By succumbing to this reality, we are stoking the fear level in order to increase the levels of this mental dependency to the point of seeing government as a parent that makes rules to keep us safe, even if it means we feel held down by these rules. The dynamic is destructive, wherein it is using fear to keep you in line – to gradually coerce you into giving in to what can be termed, Fascism. These techniques have been proven very effective as we have seen various cult leaders throughout history – use fear as a tool to guarantee co-dependency on a leader, and to not trust anyone who may try to take away the one of the group that is allegedly looking out for your well-being. In more general terms, the idea that cults tend to promote an intense dependency is implicit in the unanimous definition reached by different specialists as to what is understood by a “cult”: “a group or movement that exhibits a great or excessive dedication or devotion to some person, idea or thing and employing unethical manipulative techniques of persuasion and control.” The government and the current administration have succeeded in developing ways to heighten suggestibility and subservience. The network media is crucial in creating a narrative that is full of fear and mistrust, using key words and phrases that trigger fears in people to the point of an angry or compulsive response.

This creates a large number of people that wish to pressure others into believing the whims of the government and create a solution where people are willing to surrender their civil rights and suspend their individuality for the collective thoughts and agendas. The “spike” events, whether they are mass shootings, bombings, or assassinations are all exploited and some even say designed to advance the goals of the government all to the detriment of the public they are supposed to serve. You see, the overall co-dependency personality disorder many Americans are adopting is becoming more than just blind following of leaders. It is becoming a health crisis. A health crisis that if unchecked, can lead to more attacks, more hatred for minorities and more reasons for the citizens to enable a police state managed by fascist rulers. Our government now has fueled the idea of fearing and loathing phantom enemies. They are also doing things to perpetuate dread and suffering. For example, the flag of the United States was lowered to half-staff at the White House, federal buildings, and at American military and diplomatic stations around the world after the terrorist attacks that occurred in Paris, France.


The Imam at the Al Abidin mosque in Queens told his congregation, “We join with our fellow Americans in prayer for the killed and injured.” However, the reverence, the mourning and the fear quickly turned to anger. It began when the Reverend Jerry Falwell said on the “The 700 Club” that he believed the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians, the ACLU, and people for the American Way– have all tried to secularize America. He ended his remarks by saying they all helped making the tragedy happen. When George W. Bush told us that Islamic terrorists were responsible for the attacks, the anger exploded and erupted into attacks on people of Arab and Muslim descent, with nearly 600 incidents in the first 10 days after the attacks. Five hundred furious people mobbed a Chicago-area mosque and refused to leave until they were forced out by police. A Pakistani grocer was murdered in Texas. A man on an anti-Arab rampage in Arizona fatally shot a gas station owner who was an Indian-born Sikh – he was not a Muslim – but of course fear and anger make people do stupid things like attack anyone who wears a turban and has brown skin.

If our model for perceiving our environment and time is limited, or if we happen to perceive something while in crisis or after a traumatic experience, we run the obvious risk of missing important information that may be crucial for our well-being and survival; or conversely, of hallucinating imaginary information that may be misleading or hurtful or even dangerous. There are times when fear and anger can cause us to have an extreme break with reality. When a person has an extreme break with the reality and the world view, there is always the consensus opinion that the mental health of the person is under suspicion. However, there has never been a consensus opinion that the breakdown of reality is happening and that people of the United States are now are all suffering mentally from a constant bombardment of fear-based disinformation. It needs to be said that a calculated and manufactured inducement of fear is now creating a mass dependency disorder, along with the selective reality that seems to be a refuge for the person in denial. President Nixon once said “people react to fear, not love. They don’t teach that in Sunday school, but it’s true.” It is true but when the fear turns to irrational behavior, I think we need to be prepared for more than just an ISIS invasion. We need to prepare for reactionary behaviors that will harm innocent people.


Power To The People.......
December 12, 2015

Recently, Governor Malloy, of Connecticut, signed an Executive Order into play which shall have a massive impact on the entire USA. 5 or more states have joined in with his conspiracy to take guns by force from the population! At the time when the U.S. Government, the local and national news medias, and countless others are warning that Americans should be concerned about ISIS being in the U.S., they are trying to take your guns from you. Now we ask each American who reads this, what is wrong with this picture? They are telling you that foreigners are here to kill you, and at the same time, they are trying to take away your guns (protection) by force. In order to get your guns away from you they are using mass shootings, et cetera, as ammunition. The Newtown Conspiracy is a major player in all of this as well. However, Governor Malloy is tied into many secret societies, and doesn't want whats best for Americans, but whats best for the New World Order. He has been overheard by myriad parties saying this over and over again. So look out Americans, this monster signed an Executive Order to possibly have cops kill you in order to take away your protection. He further has pushed that blackmen shouldn't have guns at all because certain caucasians within his circle feel that blacks will turn against those who have incarcerated and murdered black youth at phenomenal rates.

Any opposers to Mr. Malloy's plans in Connecticut is being secretly investigated by special police officers. One femnale who works at a motel in Wethersfield swears that police show up at their motel daily, in search of independent thinking men that are being targeted. Some may have had petty warrants against them for years, and even though police knew where they were, they are choosing December of 2015 to apprehend all threats. It is saying that due to ObamaCare, January of 2016 will be the beginning of the great declain for the country. There are some who believe that many within the U.S. Government, government backed secret societies, and others working with them, were involved with the death of Susan Reed. Reed had claimed on several occasions that she had become the target of creatures tied into governments across the globe, after outing on them in her book. The entities tried to turn her and make her one of them. When she refused, they sent a fellow name Brian to claim that her life was in danger.


You will never leave this moment we are having together entirely behind. It is very profound how it all works. We are sadly reaching a point in the United States where hatred is being expressed to various “others’ that have been scapegoated to shift the blame or guilt complexes that we either hide or rationalize as normal. We are now reaching a point where people want to “normalize the unthinkable” as they gradually accept the global hive mind as an inevitable rite of passage. The push towards a New World Order has revived or has seen a rebirth in ideas that we would once see as unthinkable or that were part of an evil empire that wanted to suffocate the last breath from a thriving and free constitutional republic. The rebirth of new formats, are actually despotic old formats, suitably retooled to support world government goals, processes and institutions that are strengthening, growing and consolidating at our expense. With the imposition of uncivil controls and exclusion, comes the escalation of chaos. Much of what we can call “moral values” have been burned away and then pulverized by angry observers that are now beginning to normalize the unthinkable and it is in this mode of thought that will profoundly affect you.

Every word that is spoken, every bit of programming you get from music, movies and television shows brings us closer to a major twist in the fabric we once called liberty and justice. It is failing and it is leading us into a civil upheaval. The words being used now are indicative of this twist in an ideology we believed would endure; that we believed was worth fighting for. Soon the words we are hearing will take control of us and the memes they generate will dictate and force the changes in you that you once avoided or hated. It will generate attitudes in you that history has shown creates a destructive dynamic. By then what you once thought was a conquered evil in the world will re-emerge and it will be seen as inconceivable and deplorable, but accepted as the normal way of existence.


If you believe the mainstream media and police accounts, the entire incident lacks objectivity and basic duality. In every incident there are many sides to a story, but eventually there are two sides. In the case of Sandy Hook, there is only one side to the story – which makes it more of a reality show with an agenda than a news story. For example, all of the aggrieved parents spoke to only mainstream media outlets. CNN especially had the monopoly of speaking with the grieving parents. Anyone else who asked detailed questions was told not to harass the parents because they needed time to mourn. Every parent who lost a child in the incident was sequestered by specially-appointed state troopers, so that they would not be ‘bothered’ by journalists, and that any contact would be prosecuted as “criminal harassment.” In December of 2015, a newly graduated breed of State Police, which shows about less than 10 blackmen and women, is about to carry out serious missions. Another interesting twist is that not one grieving parent has stated to the media that gun control is not the answer. Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott who was a victim of the Columbine shootings, told a Congressional committee that gun control is not the answer to violence. He said, “when something as terrible as Columbine’s tragedy occurs, politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that continue to erode away our personal and private liberties.”

During the 2006 Jewish Federation shooting in Seattle, Washington, Layla Bush was shot twice in the back and still has to walk with cane. She commented after the incident that gun control would not have stopped what happened. Put that up against a Katie Couric interview with the parents of 6 year-old Daniel Barden, one of the victims killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Daniel’s father, John told Couric that their time spent with President Obama at a staged prayer vigil was “a little less fruitful than we were hoping.” “Barden said that Daniel’s 12 year-old brother James, and 10 year-old sister Natalie, had some things to tell the President that they didn’t get to. He went on to say that Natalie was interested in asking him if he could pass some legislation so that the only people that had guns were military personnel and law enforcement,” Mr. Barden told Katie Couric, “And if people needed guns for sport, they could go to a range, and the guns would have to stay there. That was my 10-year-old daughter. That was all her own original thought.” It is also interesting to note that Natalie seemed to be absent from the interview.


Power To The People.......
December 10, 2015

The vast majority of the population in Connecticut appears to be very passive, and will call the police for anything. It was recorded by sources that in Wethersfield, Connecticut, people are so dependent on police to that they call the police about any little thing. There are police reports where certain Guests at motels have called police because their internet service wasn't working right. This have been documented in recent reports. Other citizens are saying that police are involved with many conspiracies. One man was arrested on December 10, 2015, because children were being abused at an Elementary School in Wethersfield, and he had proof that police were involved with others to keep it quiet. In retaliation to his complaint which was aired by local news in Hartford, they imprisoned him for harrassment. Americans speak alot about the Order of Skull & BOnes but seems to take their eyes off the ball when it comes to the State of Connecticut. Yale University is in New Haven, Connecticut, where the rish are crushing the Middle and lower class of people. When blackmen steal to feed themselves, the penalties they endure for stealing goes beyond anything most Americans have ever witnessed. If you want to know about massive global conspiracies, we must first start where the Order of Skull & Bones originates. There is a secret government list, according to opposers of Governor Malloy, that have millions of Americans names listed. Many of whom aren't even terrorists, nor threats of any kind!

The latest conspiracies taking place involves the Governor of Connecticut, Mr. Malloy, who created this bill that will affect the entire U.S.A. He has cited in this bill, that certain Americans should suffer Gun Ban Permits. He also supports police all across the U.S., smashing down Americans doors, and taking away their guns for the New World Order. This Governor also has ties to the Secret Societies hellbent on disarming all Americans. And he declares that he has the power to implement all of intents. Americans should keep their eyes on Connecticut because the Newtown Shootings is being used, along with multiple other mass shootings, to ruthlessly get your fire arms from you. There is some of the richest people in the country backing him! And many of them are in wealthy territories within Connecticut. There is no longer an American loyalty when hierarchy is in charge. There is now a world concern, and a world campaign, forged by American policy makers, which is now beginning to trouble those who have been the star players in the patriot games. The rules have changed and the game theory no longer favors the residents of the homeland. The list of enemies is now a “kill” or “hit” list on which American citizens are in the crosshairs.


We are told the vast majority of the people on the planet are contributing to global warming by using fossil fuels and coal. However, the so-called science of global warming does not include the possibility of resiliency which is a factor in all Earth science. Those who question the motive the climate science movement are meant with derision and threats. We have been admonished that the science on global warming is settled and it should no longer be debated as to its validity. The scientists have become so hostile and militant about those who question their data that 20 of them are asking President Barack Obama to prosecute people who disagree with them on the science behind man-made global warming.

Scientists from several universities and research centers even asked Obama to use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) to prosecute groups that “have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change.” RICO laws were designed to take down organized crime syndicates, but scientists now want it to be used against scientists, activists and organizations that voice their disagreement with the so-called “consensus” on global warming. The scientists repeated claims made by environmentalists that groups, especially those with ties to fossil fuels, have engaged in a misinformation campaign to confuse the public on global warming.
This type of suggestion shows how desperate the United Nations and its minions of scientists are in developing a bogeyman that will give them a reason to redistribute wealth and to control vital resources needed for global sustainability. When the powerful elite decide who gets what, when it comes to food, fuel and water, a system will have to be in place that directs and otherwise limits the intake of resources by certain individuals. Now, it seems that not only are the climate science militants willing to suggest jailing what they call deniers, they are also going after another big gun for support and that is, God himself.


Father Time has always been depicted as a white haired bearded entity that carries an hour glass and scythe. The bearded Father Time looks like a mirrored version of Santa or Ruebezahl, the entity that would gather the children for the Yule sacrifice. Traditional depictions of the Grim Reaper come from the image of Father Time and are a reminder of man’s mortality. It was written in old mythology that Kronos ate his children, which is metaphoric of how time devours all, and on the day of Saturnalia the king of rings approaches with his scythe at the end of the year, we learn that the time of the harvest is at hand. In ancient times anxieties that existed when the darkness gathered were released by sacrificing a child to the horned god Molech. Krampus seems to be the mirror image of Molech. What is even more chilling is how Molech and the horned Image of Krampus has evolved over time and how in biblical times that ancients knew of the Saturnalian sacrifices to the horned one.

If you open the Bible to Isaiah chapter 57:5, you read about the ancients placing idols of worship under a tree. They inflame themselves under near the evergreen trees and sacrifice their children in the sanctuaries to horned idols. They did so in valley of Ben Hinnom. In the 1920’s, an explorer had found 6000 funerary Urns in Carthage. They were sacrificed in the sanctuary of Tanit. It was believed that the children were killed in order to provide safety from evil entities and to insure that the Sun would return. This would bring peace and good will to all men according to the ancients. Molech in effigy had the head of a horned bull. The horned god had arms where the child would be placed. Ropes and pulleys would raise the arms to heaven. The child would then fall out of the arms into a pile of burning oak. This was the gift under the trees. The gift to Molech would be an exchange for the birth of the Sun, or “Sol Invictus’ the unconquered sun. It is a very interesting twinning of the entities and the legend and how it all evolved into Santa Claus. In the beginning demons like Abyzou, Lmashtu and Molech somehow melded the two personalities of both Santa and the Devil.


Krampus is a horned goat-like creature with fangs and a long tongue. He wears around his waist loud clanking bells and in some legends he wears the skulls of naughty girls and boys. Krampus, whose name is derived from the German word krampen, meaning claw, is said to be the son of Hel in Norse mythology. The legendary beast also shares characteristics with other scary, demonic creatures in Greek mythology, including satyrs and fauns. The legend is part of a centuries-old Christmas tradition in Germany, where Christmas celebrations begin in early December. For most people, before the 1800s, Christmas was not a domestic quiet holiday; it was a holiday characterized by unruliness and irreverence. It was sort of like a combination of Halloween, New Year’s Eve and Mardi Gras. Krampus was created as a counterpart to kindly St. Nicholas, who rewarded children with sweets and gifts. Krampus, in contrast, would swat “wicked” children, put them in his bag or basket and send them to Hell. Nearly 400 years ago, it was customary to open the windows and the doors of the household to banish the shadow entities into the howling winds of Winter. A candle was lit in every household to protect it from the Winter demons. Prayers were offered and families would kneel on the cold floors praying that demons of the North would pass over their homes and give them yet another year of life.

It was 456 years ago that the Moon had turned to blood in the night sky. It was the lunar eclipse falling at the time of the Yule. It signified the birth of the unconquered sun, and the power of the Triple Goddess in all of her forms. It opened the metaphysical door way for all of the creatures of twilight, known and unknown to go about their reverent and profane activities. There were no celebrations of the Christ child’s birthday at this time. This time was a dark time and people were cleansing their homes of anything foul that might enter in. Many knew that as the nights grew longer and colder, the nocturnal creatures would visit and do damage to homes and farms. There were many stories about hobgoblins and gnomes that would crawl down the chimneys at night to smell the shoes and socks of the children. If the socks were clean, they would leave a nugget of gold or silver in the toe of the stocking. If they were not thoroughly clean and there was an odor in the shoe or the stocking, the Gnomes would report to the Belsnickel or Krampus to pay the house a visit.


It appears terrorism and the act of attacking innocents seems to be fueled by a combination of an explosive brew of politics, culture and psychology that leads fanatics to target individuals and take their own lives in the process. Terrorism, like war, is the continuation of politics by other means. If there is a declaration of Jihad, we can contend the motivation of Islamic terror is religious in nature. However, while we are always being told that Jihad is the motive for all terror attacks, the true test of effective terrorism is whether or not it changes the political landscape. That is why the attacks of 9/11 were so effective because it changed the way the United States government handled its citizens. Terrorism’s effectiveness does not change the religious landscape, it will not convert us to any religious ideology – it is effectively changing us politically. Many types of terrorism exist, but each of these have the same objective of effecting change within, or in respect of, a political system through the threat or use of violence. It remains to be seen just how the terrorist event in San Bernardino changes America and what rights will be taken away because of it. There are indications this act of terror will somehow give President Obama the ability to circumvent the second amendment. However, it is crucial to point out that while we are hearing about the guns and the pipe bombs as the weapons used, the primary weapon of terrorism is fear, not the bomb or the gun.

Terrorists need to instill fear in order to control minds and to gain advancements from those they are attacking. This methodology cannot normally be defeated by firepower or coercion. Like the head of the hydra, one head can be severed and many more will grow in its place. It is a question of, are we willing to wipe them all out or are we willing to confront it by knowledge, experience and organization? America attempted to do that in Afghanistan and Iraq. It can be argued that we are not effectively wiping out the scourge of ISIS. Vladimir Putin is his state of address had some harsh words about Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian military jet on November 24th. He also had some very threatening words about terrorism and ISIS. He called it a war crime and that even though his government is issuing sanctions against Turkey, he has indicated that this is only the beginning. “We are not planning to engage in military saber-rattling (with Turkey),” said Putin, after asking for a moment’s silence for the two Russian servicemen killed in the immediate aftermath of the incident, and for Russian victims of terrorism.


To attack one religion as more violent than the other could create an air of other religious persecution. This could eventually lead to some of the religious bias and persecution laws that exist in Europe. All religion will be unfairly tarred as part of the terrorism dynamic. Our confirmation bias tells us that all terrorism is motivated by “religious sacred values.” The question is: Is it truly the religion that fuels the terrorism or is it the idea that radical terrorist acts are nothing more than a way to demonstrate political purity – or devotion to a radical political ideology? The word “radical” has always been an overly-vague term, easily filled with whatever meaning people want to give it. There is the radical right, the radical left, even the radical centre, whatever that means. We are very familiar with “radical” when it comes to Islam, however it seems more like the word radical would be associated as a political terminology as opposed to the word “fanatical” that is used when it comes to religious extremism. We often use our confirmation bias to always cite religious background when it comes to terror and terrorist acts are now becoming Muslim heavy. However, that very same confirmation bias gives us the logical excuse to blame a religion or a religious ideology when we most certainly should focus on how the political climate that is breeding terrorists both foreign and domestic.

There will be many religious fanatics using violence in order to show their dissatisfaction with the power elite, however, radicalization in its proper perspective is and should be associated with politically motivated terrorism that disguises itself or is perceived to be motivated by religious beliefs. Radicalization is complex. Yet a thinly-sourced, reductionist view of how people become terrorists has gained unwarranted legitimacy in some counter-terrorism circles. This view corresponds with and seems to legitimize “counter-radicalization” measures relying heavily on non-threat-based intelligence collection, a tactic that has proven to be ineffective and even counterproductive. Only by analyzing what we know about radicalization and the government’s response to it can we be sure these reactions are grounded in fact rather than stereotypes and truly advance our efforts to combat terrorism. What is religious terrorism? What are its fundamental attributes? Religious terrorism can be defined as a type of violence motivated by an absolute belief that an otherworldly power has sanctioned and commanded terrorist violence for the greater glory of the faith. Acts that are committed in the name of the faith or of God are assumed to be forgiven by the otherworldly power and perhaps rewarded in an afterlife. In essence, one’s religious faith legitimizes violence as long as such violence is an expression of the will of one’s deity. Extremist ideologies have historically scape-goated undesirable groups. With every possible act of terrorism, it appears that religious terrorism has increased in its frequency, scale of violence, and global reach. Grassroots extremist support for religious violence has been most widespread among populations living in repressive societies that do not permit demands for reform or other expressions of dissent. In general, scholars have concluded that religion — be it Islam or any other faith — is neither the chicken nor the egg when it comes to creating terrorists. Rather, religion is one of many factors and is the final accelerant that fuels the process of terror. American media and propaganda has abused the issue of Jihad as the main reason for terrorist attacks and has filed to point out that most terror attacks are triggered by politics, cultural pride or jingoistic psychology that targets innocent people. The process usually ends in the assailant or assailants taking their lives.


Power To The People.......
December 9, 2015

Fighting against propaganda is now a revolutionary act. Speaking up in an era of political correctness is an arduous task that can be equivalent to “talking on eggshells.” The Technocrats will use the incident in San Bernardino as a pretext to abolish the Constitution and push more repression and surveillance. To put things into perspective I need to once again emphasize that the vaunted surveillance system our government told us we needed, the spying and data mining they said was crucial for our safety, did not work in San Bernardino. All of the dead suspects were found to be radicalized after the fact and has still failed in providing us with any information about a third suspect that witnesses swear they saw accompanying Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik during the attacks on the Inland Regional Center. It also needs to be emphasized the FBI was not aware of the fact that at least a day before the attacks, Farook began deleting data and exchanges he had with other possible militant associates and that Malik allegedly had also was in contact with others affiliated with ISIS. Most Americans are beginning to awaken to the fact that a lot of the information about this case is inconsistent. However, there is group of very vocal Americans that have formed their opinions on what can be called, confirmation bias. Our perception of what happened and the motive behind what happened has been shaped by our preconceptions.

People believe what they want to believe and sometimes reality is harsh especially when it goes against the perceived bias that is fueled by disinformation. The reality, at least what we have been told is the incident in San Bernardino, was an act of terrorism that may or may not have been directed from overseas. A small Christmas party hardly seems like the sort of target ISIS or al-Qaeda would zero in on. It would be silly to think that a huge operation like ISIS would order a hit on a small group drinking egg nog and exchanging white elephant gifts. It is also interesting they call it a Christmas party when the token Muslim was attending. It was probably an informal holiday party as political correctness provided by the HR department would have shunned any and all Christmas themes. It is also interesting to note that there have been no reports or claims of responsibility by the overseas terror groups they were in contact with or even word of an organized Jihad against the United States. But of course, our confirmation bias is building all sorts of hysteria regarding what has happened. Yes it was an act of terror, but what motivated it?


The incident was the first bio-terrorism attack in the United States, and the single largest bio-terrorist attack in United States history. The attack is one of only two confirmed terrorist uses of biological weapons to harm humans in the United States. In a 2005 American study based on responses from 4,260 people interviewed by Stinson, Kinsey, Degeneffe and Ghosh, stated that 77 per cent of the respondents expect some form of food terrorism to take place within their lifetime. Not all food is produced by the companies that initially developed or created it. Increasingly for economic reasons, the manufacturing role is being transferred to contractors. These food items are produced and consumed locally and in some cases also exported. It is possible to contaminate food stuffs and have the contaminants spread all over the world. The industry should perhaps consider a path that will protect them against harm and financial loss. It is important not only to do something, but also to be seen doing it. It is also of great significance that companies like Monsanto have more transparency.

This is why GMO labeling is very important. Monsanto’s CEO claims that adoption of mandatory GMO labels results in “confusion” and “more expenses,” rather than transparency. Knowing what we know about the agenda to cull us all, wouldn’t this final solution be the greatest secret – one that can be implemented with plausible deniability? You have been warned...


When trying to find the origins of these outbreaks, it is difficult to obtain the smoking gun. That is why incidents like this are frightening as well as suspicious. It is highly coincidental that with all of the food contamination scares happening in the news, Monsanto CEO, Hugh Grant appeared on the morning addition of CBS News to promote the safety and efficiency of GMO foods. He also commented about the recent FDA ruling that approves the sale of genetically modified salmon, and while he is not in the GMO salmon business, he did call Monsanto a company that cares about nutrition and agriculture. The Grocery Manufacturers Association says up to 80 percent of processed food sold in the U.S. is genetically modified, and most of it is not labeled. Once again, giving us a reason to wonder about where and how our food is made and how this could lead to a national security risk. According to an Associated Press poll, 66 percent of Americans support requiring food manufacturers to put labels on products containing GMOs. But Monsanto spent millions of dollars, lobbying against a GMO labeling ballot initiative in Colorado and Oregon. Back in October, Good Food Concepts, a Colorado Springs, Colorado establishment, recalled approximately 12,566 pounds of beef, pork, and poultry products that were produced without a fully implemented Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points plan.

Oregon has been affected by the celery recall and the Chipotle recall as well. Monsanto was embroiled in another controversy surrounding its popular herbicide, Roundup. Earlier this year, the International Agency for Research on Cancer said that its main ingredient, glyphosate, could cause cancer. The Environmental Protection Agency has approved Roundup for use in America, but the majority of the studies the agency considered – 14 of the 23 studies cited in EPA’s report – was conveniently funded by Monsanto. Grant also stressed that GMO foods played an important role in food security and climate change. Any breach of food security and continued recall horrors provide opportunities for sponsored content interviews with companies like Monsanto. Recovery from a mass food recall or even a food terrorism event would take a long time and would be devastating to the economy. In 1978, Palestinian terrorists injected mercury into Israeli oranges to destroy their economy. In 1984, the Rajneesh bio terror attack made headlines when more than 750 people were poisoned with Salmonella in The Dalles, Oregon. A leading group of followers of Osho, then known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh had hoped to incapacitate the voting population of the city so that candidates who were members of the cult would win the 1984 Wasco County elections.


Affected stores include 7-Eleven, King Soopers, Raley’s, Save Mart, Albertsons, Safeway, Vons, Starbucks, Target, Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club. Starbucks Holiday Turkey Panini was pulled because of the Celery scare. E. coli was found in sandwich at California, Oregon and Nevada locations. Five people sickened in the E. coli outbreak have been hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Two patients developed hemolytic uremic syndrome, a type of kidney failure. The specific type of bacteria in this outbreak, E. coli O157, is particularly dangerous, especially for children. E. coli 0157 is more likely than other varieties of the bacteria to cause hemolytic uremic syndrome, which can leave survivors on dialysis. One in 6 Americans — more than 48 million people — are sickened by the food they eat each year in the country, causing about 3,000 deaths and 125,000 hospitalizations and costing the economy $14.1 billion, according to the CDC. The Starbucks recall comes shortly after Chipotle Mexican Grill was forced to temporarily close more than 40 locations in Oregon and Washington after at least 35 cases of illness from E. coli were linked to its restaurants.

The Chipotle Mexican Grill recall happened coincidentally after the company announced they would no longer use GMO’s in their food. McDonalds also announced that they would discontinue using GMO potatoes in their French fries. McDonald’s stock and profits have been in serious decline. Immediately after the recalls of the food at Chipotle and now the celery, there have been many blogs thinking that this may be a result of what is called, “corporate espionage.” It is unfortunate most Americans are unaware of the food system and how it can easily be attacked by a greedy corporation wanting to send a message to another company that is a competitor or even an enemy to curtail their ability to do business. Americans only know that most foods go from farm-to-table, but it would be better to say that from farm-to-table is purely a fable. There is a complicated bureaucracy and lobbyists that determine branding strategies, business partnerships, acquisitions and mergers with agribusinesses, thus causing the consumer to never really know who makes and distributes our food and at times, what goes into making it. This is evident in the celery scare. One company provided tainted celery that affected many products and many food businesses. Many of us have never heard of Taylor Farms – we just know 7-Eleven, and Wal-Mart. Many would never even associate a celery recall with Starbucks.


However, if you look closer to what is really happening, you will find what we are eating is killing us. We have all realized over time, there is an alleged agenda to keep the planet sustainable and we are told resources are diminishing and thus, the planet needs a way to rid itself of what is depleting its resources. The idea of sustainable development consists of a number of suggestions to improve environment. First in the agenda is to establish a group consensus of crises and solutions that include separating the people and eventually culling them. One of fundamental ways to do this is to withhold food or control food stuffs. When a government offers food to a poor country, it is never neutral. It is never an unconditional act of charity. In most cases, food can only flow with the consent of the men with power. In poorer countries where the military rules outwardly, food is often controlled by the men with guns.

When a nation is starving or is deprived of nutritious food, we begin to see the health of a nation decline. We also begin to see and overall downfall of the critical mass and soon we begin to see people take on a whole new persona as instinctive primal attitudes become the norm. Where there is hunger there is desperation and so is the desire for the average person to do anything for sustenance. It is at this point we can see that in the future, food can be used as a weapon through the use of government regulations, genetically modified foods and biological or bacterial contamination through lack maintenance and terrorism. Not to mention artificial inflation, speculation and hoarding. We should not be surprised in the future that with the poor economy, food will be used as a weapon and that sustenance will be an issue throughout the world. The country’s health and its food safety is a matter of national security. The question seldom asked is what happens when confidence in the food supply diminishes when we hear of recalls of foods containing E. coli bacteria, Salmonella or viral hepatitis? A large California vegetable producer has expanded its recall of celery linked to a dangerous strain of E. coli bacteria that has sickened 19 people in seven states. The celery was sold by Taylor Farms Pacific Inc. of Tracy, California, and was used as part of an onion and celery mix included in chicken salad at Costco stores. Now, the FDA has expanded the recall to a dozen retail chains in 16 states.
In addition to Costco’s chicken salad, the celery was used in sandwiches, wraps, vegetable trays, cornbread stuffing and other items sold at a variety of stores.

This is a list of forum posts created by Swedish2015.

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