things always go right, so there can be no guilt, only guilt trips and people who will believe them yay

Stem Cells.

You know, that's a decent angle to discuss god and or god like properties. If we are not god, then why do we have all the tools at our disposal to play god?

Even if you just use psychological factors as a property of god, like some world leaders do to control the masses then you are again seeing god, telling us not to eat the apple or go to jail... not steal, not to usurp them etc...This has happened since out civ began. We have become much more knowledgeable recently but playing god has gone on since the beginning.

Now we can build and or regenerate humans, animals and other species. We can affectively reprogram cells with specific genes to do whatever we like, including making energy or eating deseased tissue, creating artificial lifeforms and extending our lives to a factor of ten. More god tools.

Are we god?

RE: Thoughts on "You're" and "Your," "Its and It's," "Too and To," and Sundry Grammar Issues

Type-ical mistakes ...laugh your thesis on possesive literature dynamics, within youre allotment of memes, is past due Jeff. grin only 40 more pages to go rolling on the floor laughing

Stem Cells.

jaw drop

actually this was last july 2007 (the film anyway) .. we've been godding for a few months now tongue devil
try to keep up ok!! uh oh


RE: His Visa was denied!!

maybe she needs to call Oprha, since she was able to get a visa for someone in a couple of days. Can't rmember who or why, but it proves its about who you know and how much influence you have. Rules for the poor and rules for the rich.

Also large numbers of illegals were pardoned and given citizenship, not just visas, but citizenships en masse not too long ago.

When you try to acquire a visa legally the process is so frought with prejudice and red tape that it makes one want to go the illegal route.

Sad 'state' of affairs.

Stem Cells.

Impossible is beleiving I saw you in that hat ship! laugh

I agree a positive approach is needed I think.. .though the guys you mention were fed and financed by people with conquering and wealth on their minds. And when you think about it, who will be first to benefit by new medical and technological advances. Oh they'll test on rats ordinary joe's; but when it becomes safe and conclusive, it will be prohibitively expensive for any but the rich. Thats not very positive is it? confused


Stem Cells.

What I think Smoky is that we as humans derive information from nature and so called less intelligent species. Take a beaver for one and only instance. Beavers will build dams, and couldn't careless about the ecosystem beyond that dam. As humans we watch and mimic their behavior for our own reasons, hopefully with an eye to being more careful about the ecosystem we affect... though not always so intelligently. We may, by this observation, be performing these operations using as much instinct (to survive, or support growth) as we do and purport to call it intelligence.

Its hard to argue instinct when we as a species are made up of billions of cells that do their work instinctually every second of the day without direction from any source other than energy directives and coding.

Wiping out entire civs does cause concern, but has other possiblilites as well. Perhaps one of consciouness comes where we evolve into other dimensions? One where we can see infra-red or see atoms? Just saying there is positive possibilities in these sudden disappearances? Guessin of course.

Stem Cells.

short-lived? you might want to look up a guy by the name of Aubrey de Grey and the work of Craig Venter in the human genome project. They can now take a chromosome from a cell and insert into another totally changing the cells characteristics. I hope this stuff satys ethical. Life span will change dramatically over the next few years, saving a catastrophe of course. (who might want to cause a catastrophe?)

another consciousnous would be nice wow

Stem Cells.

watch the video Dave ... it is not funded because democracy and capitalism is moved by lobby groups and vested interests in government and business.

Those huge profits you speak of are a potential for sure, but what does it mean to the medical proffession if most illness is gone, because we can all regenerate? It means those doctors and hospitals, nurses, medical equipment and more become wasted, useless items.. Thats a big change in society... such change would be resisted especially in a democaracy.

Stem Cells.

I don't think they kill anyone for cells... they are embryonic cells —(harvested from the ovaries of female donors)only and from what I am reading can be taken from other areas of the living body as well. Stem cells can also be taken from umbilical cord blood, bone marrow and even pigs. I don't think from what I have read that it is dangerous to extract cells.... save any possible mental or psychological aspects.

A stem cell website quote-
"Stem cells are the master cells of the human body. They can divide to produce copies of themselves and many other types of cell. They are found in various parts of the human body at every stage of development from embryo to adult."
-end quote

Can't disgree with your comments. Progress sometimes ignores consequences... except that our intelligence is that we are 'here' making discoveries, thinking, reasoning etc. While other animals/species evolve in reaction to the environment, while tend to make and adjust our environment. Whether that is intelligent or not? I' ll ask Richard Dawkins grin

Stem Cells.

Lots of good points Bajan! That plan seems to also include a sort of 'checks and balances' (the opposition) perhaps? Making sure that we take this knowledge in an ethical direction. At least in democratic countries.

The thing that bothers me about democracy is that despotic countires have no limitations. For instance china has made some leaps in fuel efficient auto and will soon be exporting them. Since our countries could have done this as well, but haven't because of vested interests, like oil for example, is something that keeps us from any real progress, in a world waiting to take giant leaps forward. Stem cell research isn't the only feild either, that goes unfunded in favour of oil and war and other lobby groups.

Personally I find this research amazing and encouraging as I, and I am sure you, know people who could benefit from stem cell use... not to mention totally reforming the medical world.

tears of joy, tears of laughter, tears of sadness... also happens when you have a cold or viral infection... thumbs up

Stem Cells.

Stem Cell research has made some rather giganitic leaps across the world, more so in more despotic countries where opposition is of course not a problem. I sometimes shudder to think how much more progress they have made.

In democratic countires there is opposition, primarily from religious groups who don't think its right to mess with god's plan, and from anti-futurist' groups who think there is more potential for danger than obvious good. Since this slows down real progress in democratic countires, (funding and support is far less), would you support and or request your government to push for more research.

Just so you know, they can rebuild limbs, and organs now, which for all intents and purposes means that most destructive illness and desease can be reversed.

A video here ... shows the process of rebuilding the body....

does this excite you? or scare the crap out of you?

RE: Evolution

DNA is what distinguishes species, not relative look-alikeness?? I'm not sure I can buy what you're saying, but that's not what this thread is for so we'll have to kick that around in another thread. wine

RE: Evolution

that question will always remain I think. Evidence is volitile, taintable, perception oriented, whether its books or artifacts or word of mouth. In the end you choose what you believe., though science tends to use as much factual data as possible, it too sometimes doesn't have enough.

the only truth is the one you believe ... until you believe something else.

RE: Evolution

dude, you just might enjoy this... parallel

RE: If you read Einstien . . .

For you, I can have no intent but what exists in your view. thumbs up

I've obviously messed up somewhere laugh the biggest plans of mice and men...professor


RE: Evolution


Imagination (possibly memes) functions as the catalyst of creation. This present creation includes man (and maybe only because of cognitive man) to whom ceteris paribus is a tool in all searches, and so; god comes in concept only from that same function via man.

wine ...

RE: Evolution

thats rather startling news.. confused of course you dont. I'm sure you have some explantion of this obviousness though I cannot grasp what it may be.

what species would that be? circular logic never ceases to befuddle the common man. We ARE that species!! so we exist..

or maybe some books were burned, forgotten, edited, hidden, who knows.

RE: Evolution

that is often THE question dave ...


RE: If you read Einstien . . .

buddha would be proud, (except for the put downs and assignations) angel

RE: Evolution

is that a theory arrived at through ceteris paribus laugh

RE: Evolution

thumbs up the missing link... they moved to mars according to artifact-ual evidence. laugh dunno

RE: If you read Einstien . . .

why would one person's faith or thoughts about god be proof of or proof against the existence of anything without facts.

if Einstein believed or not, means we should or should not? confused fame doesn't deserve any more entitlement than anyone else.

we should beleive in money because george bush does? its just faulty logic.

RE: Existence of God v Science

If your postulation is correct then one can effectively replace any instance of 'god' with 'love' or conversely as well, since you say they are one in the same. I god you. angel I'm not sure this follows in practice.dunno

Love is a sense, at the very most tangeable, an emotion; pure or otherwise, hence nothing more concrete than a thought. If this is god, then god = thought? I'm not sure this follows in practice either.. dunno

However; if these things (love) are more aptly 'properties' or qualities of this god, then you have some ground to stand on, but not much; because, many things, including we ourselves have these qualities at any given time... this extrapolation would support that we are as much a god as anything else.



RE: Existence of God v Science

laugh neutrinos, measured as follows by mass - the 3 known types

Fermion- - Mass
Generation 1 (electron)
Electron neutrino < 2.2 eV
Electron antineutrino < 2.2 eV
Generation 2 (muon)
Muon neutrino < 170 keV
Muon antineutrino < 170 keV
Generation 3 (tau)
Tau neutrino < 15.5 MeV
Tau antineutrino < 15.5 MeV

Kind of like sand water and bonding agent makes ... what,.. cement dunno thats a fact, not a theory. Making extrapulated presumptions to subjectively validate ties and conjectures about god proves very little. May be nice to think about or theorize about but still proves nothing. Neutrinos require antineutrinos as well, (2 particles not 3)so that leaves the holy ghost jumping ship.. confused

what we know about energy is closer to realizing it as a path or vehicle to something rather then being 'the thing' ... though many possibilites exist I guess. JMHO


Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of memes

The Mayans spoke of waves of influence which pass through the galaxy; waves which are so influential that they are capable of triggering the formation of suns from collections of gases. They also spoke of waves of galactic influence which have a profound effect upon human history on planet Earth.

One such critical point is a major galactic synchronization which is due to occur in the very near future, on December 21st, 2012. This date marks the end of a 26,000 year cycle of a style of human experience, as well as the end of a 5,200 year cycle within that, and also the end of many more sub-cycles, all in synchronicity with each other.

On December 21st, 2012, when the Mayan calendar again resets to zero, a new 26,000 year cycle begins. Now, 26,000-year cycles don’t suddenly change from an old cycle to a new cycle in the blink of an eye. Such a huge cycle influences a period of overlap, both before and after the exact date of the change to a new cycle. The overlap period before the year 2012 would have included its early influence upon culture in the 1960s, when the current transformation in consciousness began in earnest.

The question is, when future generations look back on our current era, will they see the year 2012 as the pivotal point within The Shift? Could the year 2012 mark a turning point where the old type of humanity, Homo sapiens (“knowing man”), shifts into wholeness as the second tier of consciousness begins to reach popularity? Will the second tier be seen, in retrospect, as a new phase of human evolution, a kind of Homo holisticus?

One thing that is certain at this point is that The Shift is a real phenomenon and, as the Cultural Creatives and memes studies demonstrate, it is happening today. The Shift is not a temporary by-product of the baby boom generation, or of any other generation in modern society. It is not a passing fad and it is not going away.

The Shift is the result of a cosmic cycle which is unfolding and, slowly but steadily, increasing the frequency of all consciousness upon the planet.

The Shift is, to put it simply, the most wonderful transformation in recorded history. This is where humanity gets to build, literally, Heaven on Earth.

Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of memes

On the Mayan Calendar:

The Cosmic Calendar

Why should society be rushing headlong into a New Reality of awareness at this particular point in history? The sudden awakening of holistic, spiritual thought in the 1960s affected the younger generation of that era. Those who were impressed and changed by, for example, the Summer of Love in the year 1967 will be at the peak of their economic and political influence by the year 2010. They will, by then, be the Elders of society, the wise ones that younger generations look to for guidance when things go wrong.

If society is ready to start moving en masse into The Shift after the year 2010, you have to wonder what cosmic events might be in synchronicity with such timing. Could there be some grand, cosmic event about to occur? How about an imminent event which occurs just once every 26,000 years? Would that pique your curiosity?

The ancient Mayan civilization existed up until 830 A.D., when they suddenly disappeared from their cities, leaving no traces behind as to where they may have moved. Despite an apparent lack of precision instruments, the astronomical knowledge of the Mayan culture exceeded today’s level of knowledge in many ways. They not only knew the precise orbits of the planets in our solar system, but also the orbits of the stars in our galaxy. They had even cataloged major cosmic events going back more than 400 million years. The Mayan calendars are masterpieces which illustrate the repeating time-spirals of cosmic cycles within cycles within cycles.


Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of memes

I like this ...from "Infinite Being"

A Meme-Related
Definition of Spirituality

Basic consciousness is associated with the first tier of six memes. Its function is to provide learning from the diversity of experience in the world and to gain definition as an individual. In particular, it explores duality; the idea that opposites are separate from each other, rather than facets of an underlying whole.

The duality of good versus evil, for example, is made possible by a belief in the existence of an opposite pole to goodness and wholeness. This belief, or expectation, creates the possibility that evil can exist and manifest in a world of duality. Evil cannot be conquered via conflict, as the act of conflict only adds power to the illusion which generates its existence. It can only be resolved by adopting a consciousness of unity rather than separation. Then, lasting solutions to the illusion of duality become possible.

Spiritual consciousness is associated with the second tier of six memes. With it comes the developing awareness of the oneness of all life.

Spiritual consciousness starts with an appreciation that all people are facets of the one underlying consciousness of the universe. Along with this comes an understanding that we each have our own unique viewpoint of the universe. It is through our individual diversity that the whole consciousness of humanity gains an infinite range of experience of all facets of life.

As a person becomes more at one with all of existence, they do not lose any sense of individuality. In all of Creation, diversity is the rule. Just as each snowflake is unique, so is each person

Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of memes

stem cell technology is soooo cool , renerating limbs and repairing body parts!!!

Ants, terrorism, and the awesome power of memes

Alan Russell On Regenerating Our Bodies

This is a list of forum posts created by BnaturAl.

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