If we made this up - you would scream "Liar"!

This great uniter of all citizens loves you regardless. out bro.The only thing Don the Con unites is those followers who give him money to support his fraud charges.

How does it feel to belong to a cult?


Look in the mirror ConMan. Do you see the remorse in your eyes and feel the lighter wallet? Who has it bad? Hahahhahahhhahhahhahhah!

If we made this up - you would scream "Liar"!


Notice the resemblance!?

America? or Trump?

The American Economy is doing Great!

The American Stock Market reached historic milestones this week:

1. The Standard and Poor 500 reached an historic 5000 points resting at 5026.

2. NASDAQ - the tech heavy indicator - reached an historic high of 16,007, resting at day's end at 15,990.

3. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has increased 4800 points the past year to a record high of 38671.

The stock market is not the economy. In fact, it is a predictor of the economy six months from now. If you want good times and prosperity to continue - the blame for this economic performance is clear:

Thank you Joe Biden!

"Please....Blame it on me"!

We will gladly blame the failure of the border on the one person who killed the Immigration bill. Trump threatened members of the Republican Party to vote against a bill they all supported. Please - blame the immigration crises on Donald J Trump - imminent Do Nothing leader of the Do Nothing Party!

How to know if your president is a dictator.

Let's call him what he is......

RE: Are we seeing Southern border insanity today

A bi-partisan group of congressmen - Republicans and Democrats -worked for four months to solve the FACT that immigrants are traveling thousands of miles to America's southern border to seek asylum.
There has not been a comprehensive immigration bill to address these issues in more than thirty years.
You claim there is a problem I agree. What you want to do is: NOTHING!

Nothing is not an answer.

Money is needed to support an understaffed and overworked court system that takes 2 years to hear asylum cases.
Action is need to close the border LEGALLY when the border security is overwhelmed with applicants.
A clear and consistent system of entry is needed to provide direction for those who come to the United States and seek a visa for temporary or permanent status.
Americans have demanded this president to do something, You have demanded this president do something,
The Something was in this bill. You support doing absolutely NOTHING!

It is time for you to stop talking and do the right thing - DO SOMETHING!

The 'Do Nothing' Republicans do it again.

The Republicans had two years of a Republican House, Senate and Presidency to solve the immigration problem - what did they do for those two years: Nothing.

Once again, a bi-partisan group of congressmen worked for four months to craft a bill to solve the logjam at the border and provide the courts money to resolve asylum cases faster and fairer. What did the Republicans to to a bill they agreed to create? Nothing!

Why do the American people continue to support Republican candidates who waste taxpayer dollars and do nothing to solve the real issues facing the American people? Who do they represent?

If you want nothing to happen and illegal immigration to continue: Vote Republican.
If you want solutions and sanity in solving the immigration problems: Vote Democrat. Always!

RE: Are we seeing Southern border insanity today

A bi-partisan agreement that Republicans demanded....is being held up by the former ex-fake POTUS who can't support anything that makes the Democrats look good. So much for representing the will of the people.

Move back....or Move Forward!

The American Economy is doing Great!

We..says the guy who can't find a thing wrong with the economy - but dislikes the guy in the White House.

News Flash: The President of the United States has very little to do with the economic situation in the United States.

The FACT that the American economy is booming (facts: Stock market at an all-time high; unemployment at a 60 year low; corporate earnings at an all-time high; GDP at 3%; Inflation at 3%).

The FACT that you have a different opinion begs the question:

What economy are you living in?

RE: Are we seeing Southern border insanity today

The Truth? What do you know about the truth?

You support a man who denied thousands of Americans their constitutional rights; put children of immigrants in cages; separated children from their parents; denied foreign travel to millions of Americans; denied that the 2020 election was free and fair; promoted an insurrection to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States; claims that he is the second coming of Christ; I could go on.....but I well, Galrads - you are beyond hope.

RE: Are we seeing Southern border insanity today

Is that a NO from you?
Figures - you have no intent on solving this issue. Immigration is meant to make any Democrat look bad.
Sorry - that is not going to fly! The Do Nothing House Republicans can get off their hands to pass a bill that helps any regular.American. I guess we will see them gone on election day!

RE: Are we seeing Southern border insanity today

Call, write, email or talk to your congressman to support this bill......

RE: Does the potus work for the peo0le of the USA.

Trump: The Revenge Tour-2024

RE: Does the potus work for the peo0le of the USA.


That is the number of new jobs for American workers in January,
Thank you Joe Biden.

Galrads: Please do some homework. You continue to spew lies. No one is listening to your BS.

RE: Did he hurt your feelings.


Sir Galrads is back!

The ignorant never die!

They just get more stupid!

RE: Did he hurt your feelings.

Ignorance is the affect of poor information and bad decisions. I guess you are the expert in that field of expertise.

I seem to remember chaos and crazy decisions from January 20, 2017 to January 19, 2021.

No one wants to return to the Dementia Don years.

Let's all put an end to the Revenge Tour that is being promoted. We all know the result already.
Sanity and predictability out-perform stupid and chaotic - any day!

The crazy republicans have done enough damage to America.

The American Economy is doing Great!

From Axios:

The United States economy grew faster than any other large advanced economy last year — by a wide margin — and is on track to do so again in 2024.

Why it matters: America's outperformance is rooted in its distinctive structural strengths, policy choices, and some luck. It reflects a fundamental resilience in the world's largest economy that is easy to overlook amid the nation's problems.

By the numbers: U.S. GDP looks to have grown 2.5% in 2023, according to the IMF's hot-off-the-presses World Economic Outlook, the highest among the G7 economies (Japan was second at 1.9%).

IMF economists forecast similarly best-in-class growth this year, with 2.1% U.S. growth (second place: Canada at 1.4%).

The USA has done better, by a wide margin, than any industrialized nation in 2023, and projected to outpace
the world economy in 2024. Americans 'feel' like the economy isn't working for them and that the government could do much more to improve their daily lives. What is the disconnect?

The past three years the media pundits have been telling us that we will have a recession; that inflation is squeezing average Americans; and that we are heading in the wrong direction. Wrong; Wrong and Wrong!
The economy does not care how people 'feel'. The economy is based on thousands of logical decisions made every day to produce FACTS that show improvements in everything sector of the economic system. The rhetoric spewed by right wing news sources have ignored the progress made and how the USA compares to the rest of the world.

The US free market system does not work in a vacuum. Supply chains; shipping costs; labor costs and manufactured goods reflect pressures across the globe. No president; no political party; and no individual person anywhere can impact the economic factors that have created today’s economic picture.

The success of the American economy can be attributed to the American people who have made good choices during hard times, and spent their hard earned dollars on goods and services they need and want.

Thank you Joe Biden for staying out of the way of the American people!!

These are the problems we need to fix......

A call to all Republicans

RE: How many people want 4 more years of president Donald Trump as the leader of the Free world?

Yeah....he won Iowa and New Hampshire. Let's look at the results:

Iowa: Trump won 51% of the 14.7% of Republicans who showed up. 56,260 votes.

New Hampshire. Trump won with 54% of Republican votes. 176,000 votes. Haley got 140,000.
Joe Biden received 80,000 votes and he wasn't even on the ballot.

It is interesting to see the anti-Trump vote increasing. As the November election draws closer, Trump base will be about 25%. The opposition could be a cereal box and win in a landslide.

God Made a Dictator!

RE: How far will Trump get after Iowa?

:trump didn't do any thing. many laws and truths have been subverted and perverted to push b.s."

I could not agree with you more....Trump did absolutely nothing:

Nothing to help the Middle Class who got screwed when he gave 87% of the tax cuts to the wealthiest 1%;

Nothing to get troops out of Afghanistan - he simply defunded the American troops;

Nothing to support Americans during the most severe pandemic in US History - Trump did Nothing!;

Nothing to stop the January 6 2020 insurrection that he encouraged;

Nothing to solve the immigration problem at the southern border - he only blamed everyone else;

Nothing to bring the nation together on any issue: He simply stokes the fire of chaos and destruction.

Trump - like the Republican Party he leads - have done NOTHING to support American values.

Joe Biden and the Democrats are the only answer to solve the nations problems!

I think we agree!

Which President Needs Blanket Immunity

The United States has had 46 presidents in its 237 years of constitutional existence. Only one person who served as a president has asked for blanket immunity. This raises so many questions:

1. Why does a president need criminal and civil immunity while serving an elected office on behalf of the American electorate? Shouldn't presidents serve under the same laws as the citizens they serve?

2. Who would ask for immunity? Well, only someone who has committed criminal acts - right?

3. Could presidents who have total immunity - have their opponents prosecuted; jailed; or killed and not have to serve criminal consequences? Seems to be an easy answer - but if it applies to all presidents - wouldn't Joe Biden have the authority to kill Donald Trump - and never have to face criminal charges?

4. Do you really think the Supreme Court will uphold blanket immunity for sitting presidents?

We have come to this point in American politics because of one person: Donald Trump. I totally understand why he wants immunity. What I don't understand is why anyone would support any president who needs immunity for the actions he / she takes while president.

Please explain your thoughts......

RE: How far will Trump get after Iowa?

still not one single thing better under o'biden. still got the lies and spins going on though.DQDQDQSQDQDQQDQDQDQDQ

Never a fact - always a losing argument.

A couple questions:

1. Why’would any Democrat support Nikki Haley? She doesn't know history and can't admit that she is an immigrant's daughter. DQ has to blame the Dems for whatever bothers the Losers.

2. T-Bag got himself into legal problems. Why would the Democrats interfere with momentum? Trumo will hang himself with a little rope; a few facts, and a video camera. DQ can't admit the truth. ... losers gonna be Losers no matter what you do.

The election day landslide will be upon us soon. Please, please, please, shut up about fraudulent elections.
When the Dems take the House, Senate and White House - normal will return to American.

Getting to the Truth

This is a list of forum posts created by president2525.

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