CJSingerCJSinger Forum Posts (36)

RE: KURAN is,whic ALLAH have revealad,in order that you bring out mankind from darknesses into light

He'll avoid ur question like he's been doing with mine about the Sura5:58 in the Qur'an.
what's up with that??
Oh yeah if you cross your sword with Allah, he'll supposedly send you to bed with 72 virgins. Great motive to follow a religion I feel.
Just my opinion. Take it for what it's woth ...I'll try not to get angry
That's not ever allowed right?????????
With a war??
A wise man once wrote.." Many wars were started over that little button."

RE: I'm so depressed, lost and very sad

Good thread..mind if I add..in addition..Music in general is great therapy. Watch out for getting stuck in the downers if you know what I mean. They can help at first but switch up the tempos and lyrical themes or the songs you chose to listen to and/or play!
Hopefully that helps.

RE: I'm so depressed, lost and very sad

Hey Dude..Make some thunderous noise on them drums to get rid of worry and bang a rythym singing along with the words that go something like this...
"I don't want to think...I just want to bang on my drum all day."


This was the best yet!!!!
Robbin Williams is one of my favorite actors BTW. I know who cares
Anyway thanks Beautiful!!!

RE: KURAN is,whic ALLAH have revealad,in order that you bring out mankind from darknesses into light

Hi I'm Chris ...Could you please teach us about the motives of stiving to be with 72 vigins once you leave this real and Allah says you can have them??
I apologize if u already posted this and I missed it as well as if my words aren't exactly correct here? I may be misinformed??

RE: KURAN is,whic ALLAH have revealad,in order that you bring out mankind from darknesses into light


RE: God exists???

You might find a lady by the name of Joyce Meyers very interesting to look upgift
She's an excellent woman that writes great books, The Purpose Driven Life was one of my first followed by Joel Olsten or Olstein(not sure of exact spelling)
Also check out the website of an awsome guy to learn from named Gregorey Dickow. O O sure somebody will be all over that name??

Best of Blessings to you in your journey..Remember ALL paths we've traveled are meant to be..including the thoughest ones. There only there to make us stonger, teach us something, A temporary test and trial..to From God as He desires your spiritual eyes become opend and see the blessings that surround you.
ALL things are possible in JESUS CHRIST who strengthens us. Ph. 4:13
I'm not very good at memorizing Bible verses because as some of you have read, I'm certainly not the typical stereotyped Christian Man.
Anyway I sense you're already on the right path and May the Lord Bless You in all you do!

RE: God exists???

Hi Bud..I don't play cards too often nowadays simply because....well you probably now.
I do enjoy some Rummy 500 here and there with my mother though.
Cards can be a great way entertainment if used in well... whatever, just my opinion simple fun but BEWARE!handshake
I once read that CARDS ARE JUST ONE OF SATANS BIBLES. Take it for what it is...No Judgementcheers

RE: God exists???

Alot of good words of wisdom Sir. I still believe in Santa Clause Toodunno
I've recently been searching why modern evidence is turning many scientists to GOD...Very knowledgable.
Remember...If All scientists confessed that Jesus is theie savior...Most fear the chance of losing their job. Make any sence???
Thanks for your post.

RE: What can I try again today that I failed at yesterday?

That sounds like an honest and sincere answer from a Good Man!!!
Best of luck to ya Bud!!!!!!!!

Can Anyone Share Religious Dating Experiences??

If you can....Please check ou the thread post under Dating Experience Catagory.
If you can share advice or relate..Lemeno please.

RE: What Guys do that Scares Women Away

Hey How RU?? I've just had too much caffeine tonight and can't sleep...Interesting eahh??

In 08, JESUS Began Working the Web..Didn't You Hear???

OK....Have it your way..no morefrustrated trying to strike up conversations on life!
And No I think you don't like to listen...just compete. It's OK but, No Christianity is not the only True Religion
I'm sorry for any misunderstandings...Best of Blessings to ya!

In 08, JESUS Began Working the Web..Didn't You Hear???

I just saw somebody unhappy talking about religion and spirituality a bit ago and do believe this is relavent on a dating site! IF and I say IF you're honestly here to find a lasting relationship. I'm somewhat new here and already understand too much of what's going on with these dating sites but, Perhaps we can somehow help each other in some way or another connect. For whatever good outcome...

Spiritual competition??? No but it's OK to have your spirit checked when reading the truth. I get checked back in to place all the time through the Grace of GOD.
I'm a Christian yes, but I'll tell you all right now I'm no better than anyone else here. I mess up all the time.

What I've learned so far is too many people on these threads are purposely messing with others from a judgemental spirit that starts off Fun and Quickly turns on you from the negative pit. Again..I'm not perfect and have been guilty of this as well, however, we should all be open to learning new things that helps others should we not???

Competition??Hmmm perhaps we've just delved into too many negative threads on a good site that's FREE..why?
Comment's like falling off the ladder and bets..It's so fun to be sarcastic isn't it??
I'll be honest I'm pretty sarcastic when it comes to people that deliberately set out to bring people down and are unwilling to become better people.
Yeah..I'll work on that to..But What does sarcasm mean??It means to tear the flesh.

The Holy Bible clearly states that Our soul and mind will always be in conflict with our human nature or "Fleshly Desires."
ALWAYS. We can only try to be good people as we Pray to JESUS to help open our spiritual eyes with every new day.
GOOD NEWS .....We have a chance to be forgiven for our past mess ups. If I was forgiven(Only by the Grace of GOD I Might ADD),
We all can be forgiven. I've been in 3 near death experiences to know there is a Lord named JESUS and I can only hope nobody experiences anythin similar.

All we must do is ask God to open our spiritual eyes at night..And start waking up throughout our day and notice His answers as you gain Heavenly wisdom.
I pray that whoever reads this post is abundently blessed in all areas of life!
God Bless you all!

RE: If i fell in love with you

Hi Bud..Just wanted to let you know...You're very talented and inteligent as well!!!
I like reading UR treads!!
I seem to always relate well to them for some reson.
Thanks again!!

RE: God exists???

Here's the most common problem Men in particular have a problem dealing with.
The simple thought of a Godly woman puting the Guidlines of a man named Jesus before himself.
How can a man control his woman if he is not worshipped and idolized first?
And Oh No! What if the woman I love get's to heaven and worships our Lord and Savior Jesus and not me.
I understand it's tough to think about but remember...All things are possible through Christ who strengthens us...ALL
Who really knows what'll happen when we get there..And the day will come when we are forced in our entire soul and spirit
to make that decision..trust me..I've been a survivor of 3 near death experiences..So I've almost been in the wrong place dude.
It's not funny.
Another problem is the fear of..Oh Oh, what will my"friends think if I accept the Lord as my personal savior???
What will my familly think??? People usually don't accept positive change as well as negative for others in the worldly,"fleshly" perspective.
Trust me on that.
It's pretty simple to start getting blessed by the Heavenly Father.
First step...Lose the robot mentality if there is one that goes something like this....."What about me What about me What about me yaddayaddayadda."
I pray this note bring you lots of success in all you set out to do.

RE: God exists???

Try to think of it this way Jim...God, The Father of Jesus, who is the begining and end of more than we can interpret created us...HE knows us...He can relate to us..Yet he's so amazingly much much more. So say you you started a friendship with a really cool person...Would you expect only them to do good things for you 100% of the time let alone 80 or 90%. I'm guessing you would at leat give them a chance to talk to you if you knew there was something really cool about this person...Especially a beautiful girl.

God, let alone any human will not continue to give good things to someone who doesn't believe...I've been there too. He wants nothing but good for you in the end so please realise and believe it. He might even do what he did for me..I really pray not) but He gives Satan permission to set you in bad situations just hoping you"ll ask him b4 you fall asleep to help.

He works on everybody different but always remember none of us are perfect nor ever will be...We can only try.
I'll pray He begins his work 4u immediately.
God Bless!

Why Can't a younger man find Middle Aged Women???

Thanks so much, BTW, I'm Chris....That's the best reply I've heard yet. You just shred some excelent words of wisdom.
May God Bless you and ur Family in all areas of life!

RE: are you available ?

Hi Doll...What the hell r those little icons of anyway??? Streakers in trenchcoats???dunno

RE: Do you believe in reincarnation?

I don't believe in reincarnation because I've soul searched the topic for years asking for whoever in in charge of all this creation and The Lord Jesus finally came to me. Certainly not by my good works because I was a definite hellian growing up as I was forced to do so quickly in life. That's called being saved by Gods Good Grace! and certainly nothing less. I'm not your typical Christian man so I hope I can help with my replies. I do my best each day but, yes I still mess up here and there and here's where the heavenly magic happens...After Jesus knows you are praying for him to show you the truth, completely, HE shows up by means of his Holy Spirit. He bring you answers, show you signs if you pray for more awareness, He does work throgh the radio quite often in my personal experience. All this is a process that takes time to grow and learn but the Good News is...God works on everybody completely different.
I've had a few near death experiences and I'll tell you for a FACT..Everything in the Holy Bible is TRUE. I thought about posting a thread about this but don't think I'll go there!

The whole idea of the cross is that Jesus was sent to die for all of us because not one of us is perfect. Especially me but as long as you try...Each new day your slate is wiped clean...New Chance but be careful not to deliberately take advantage that's all I'll say on that.

If you feel like you've been there before, there's two possible reasons. 1) The Holy Spirit is speaking to you trying to help open your spiritual eyes for some greater good purpose or 2) Satan's little helper's could simply be messing with your mind.

Before you go to sleep tonight ask God to begin showing you signs and pray for discernmentship of situations and Heavenly wisdom as to what's coming from where. I think you'll be quite surprised if your heart is in the right place which I think it is.
May God Bless you and everyone who reads this post!!

RE: God exists???

That was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll give an AMEN to that poem..Robin Williams is a very smart man..I love his movies.
Thanks for the thread and May God Bless everyone who reads this poem abundently in ALL areas of life...especially health then discernmentship!

RE: An article I came across that [b]some[/b] CS men need to read not all!

O O...U2 R Bad girls
Here's something for yagift

RE: How do you motivate yourself?

Great quote bud..
Like everything it's all a frame of mind. Don't waste time thinking about reasons u don't prefer to do something cause remember
ur only torturing yourself and thoughts....And I don't believe it's possible to think something done.

When I was younger and had more helpers working for me I used to joke with them when they were having a bad day and tellem..
"Let's stop thinking or talking about what were not getting done."
Then I'd give them some positive words as well as topics they enjoy to talk about to focus on when the work was mindless in situations.

RE: Make-up or al-naturale

Hi trish..I believe it depends on different peoples natural complection. However, too much can be a quick sign of the possibility of obsession with vanity which opens up a big can of worms if you think further.

I personally like either classy moderation if I'm out or none if the woman is so confident with her looks being natural. When I'm in a relationship and it's a rainy Sunday just cozying up watching movies for example....I personally prefer 100% natural because that's the best beauty in my eyes. Please don't misread me..I'm never a controling guy who tells his love what to do, wear, etc...Only if asked or in a complimentary fashion.

Great Thread!!!

RE: are you available ?

No offense taken doll. BTW, I was joking with that person bcauase there was no piclaugh

RE: Mental Health.. Have you ever had a nervous breakdown?

Hey Bud, ever heard that Nickelback son,"Rock Star." He sings about...I'll pop my pills from a pez despenser???

RE: Mental Health.. Have you ever had a nervous breakdown?

Reminds me of a move I saw some years back called,"Prozac Nation."
By the end it showed a constant flow of people in out in out in out in Fast motion.

RE: Approximately, what date was the latest picture in your profile taken?

Thanks alot for replying! Yesterday's was insane for me as well as this morn so I had such a great time last night with you all, I had to come back...It's better than TV huh? Sometimes I can do serious ,sometimes Lots of Laughter, or sometimes both...doesn't matter but thanks again.cheers

RE: Approximately, what date was the latest picture in your profile taken?

Hey guys, I was just foolin around about my B-day. Hope I didn't scare anyone.
BTW, There was a gal who was asking about little icons in trench coats.
Anyone know what that's all about??

RE: are you available ?

Just wanted to tell you I love ur smilelaugh

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