Joe, the Pigeon.......

Who know on the second term at this point....if they get a impeachment, then it is off the table

By the way...impeachment articles being filed on President Biden the day he takes the oath.
At least Trump made it year before they came.

Joe, the Pigeon.......

Joe is a American pigeon. Second Joe is named after Joe Biden.

And we want him back.

Joe was launched in a pigeon race in Oregon, his name sake, Joe gets a little mixed up at times.

Joe flew to Australia.

He made a trans Pacific flight of 8000nm. Instead of flying the 100 miles to the race's ending. Guess that is what happens to you, when you make one circle to many at the start of something. Please don't count the number of times, the Joe Biden, he incoming President makes circles as he makes introduction of his cabinet. When he got there....the Aussie in who yard he landed in...said he was a little tired.

The problem is.....the Aussies want to kill Joe the pigeon, named after Joe Biden the incoming American President.

I ask that any kind way to start good international relationship?

It seems the Aussies are concerned, Joe the Pigeon, might be carrying some rare bird disease from America and pass it on to their local birds. Maybe it is a morphed version of COVID-19. Joe the pigeon, named after Joe Biden the incoming American President, is really a disguised American stool pigeon sent to kill Aussie wildlife.

I have already been in contact with the Aussie embassy over this. I cited things like it is really bad Internationale policy to kill Joe the Pigeon, named after a incoming President. Or how about a extradition of Joe the Pigeon? Or even a Joe for another Joe? I thought they were going to go for that. Right up until they counted the number of time Joe Biden makes circles.

No dice, The Aussie are sticking to their guns...literally. They are soon to send a big bird hunter to take down Joe the Pigeon, named after Joe Biden the soon to be President of the United States.

They have tried to take Joe alive. Joe is tough. He is a American bird and he is not falling for any of those Aussie bird seed on a net or a bird bath with a net hanging over. Joe has a pretty good head on his shoulders. Which we can debate about his name sake.

Whom ever pulls the trigger on Joe.....the pigeon, named after Joe Biden the incoming President of the United States....needs to watch out. This guy is going be one marked big game hunter.

First of all, the entire wing of the DEM party that is anti gun is going to be on his case. Then he has the Autobahn and other American wildlife protection groups, stalking him. Finally, he has a bunch of US Marines, who have taken a liking to Joe the Pigeon. Ready to tattoo Red White and Blue on his tail feathers.

Which is the first time in American history that those three groups have come together to agree on anything. So you got to say that Joe the American pigeon is a uniter. confused Which leads to the question can his name in coming American, President Joe Biden do the same?

Embedded image from another site

But if we don't get Joe the Pigeon back with all of his feather en-tack....there are going to some very unhappy Yanks here

RE: #3 Ohio State University plays #1 Alabama State for the National Collegiate Football Championship

Western Michigan University.....Broncos

It was 1969......we started the season with 127 trying out for the Freshman team.9 weeks later when the season ends for freshmen....we had 19.

If you lost your college deferment by losing your college were wearing US Army green usually in about 6 weeks.

Every day the frosh went against the Varsity No 1 and No 2 teams in a scrimmage. Occasionally it got easy, they would put us against the practice squad that was running the plays for the varsity game.

A lot of the guys that were on Varsity....were Vets from Nam there on GI bill. They were the toughest. It was like running into a brick wall and have the wall fall on you. After was all fun to them...inflicting pain was the fun.

We were 8-1 against other MAC freshmen teams though. The only lose? Was to the QB from Toledo Chuck Ealey 35-0 in four years. Ealey never lost a game in his college 4 year career. 10-7. He beat us in the last 2 minutes.

Yes I was one of the 19 left. As my dad would often was a learning experience.

It was the best team, I ever played for.....the surviving 19 were tight.....

RE: #3 Ohio State University plays #1 Alabama State for the National Collegiate Football Championship

By the way Garlan....the dream of everyone in Ann Arbor,Michigan and the Big to have the tuba player that dots the slip and fall when he turns.peace

RE: #3 Ohio State University plays #1 Alabama State for the National Collegiate Football Championship

The night prior to my first college game as a player. I am sicker than a dog...tossing and heavying. It was a away game. We were traveling light...only 35.

So I do get out of bed and make it to the buses early in the morning. There stands my coach....checking players into them.

I say to him Coach, I was sicker that a dancing dog last night. Do you want me to go?

He gives me one look and says get on the bus....we are short players now. I crawl into the bus and then into a seat. I fall asleep until the bus stops for the worst place possible....a Swedish smorgasbord buffet...all you can eat.

I go down the food lines.....wanting to deposit on them ....instead take from them. But I don't have anything left in my stomache to accomplish the task.

Two more hours of bus ride/sleeping....and we are where we are to play.

We get off the bus....there stands the coach again. I shake my head. I am weak as a kitten. If I go out there...I am going to get killed.

We have a great game.....35-7 with a few minutes to go. We could not do anything wrong and they could not do anything right. By now, I have figured it just might safe to get a couple of plays in.

So the coach comes up to me and asks.....I want to play every body in this. Do you want some game time? I say sure....I get in for the last couple of plays....and even got an assist on tackle.

On the way was the same Swedish buffet as lunch...only now I could put some food down.
Amazing what a little football can do for you. It pops the warrior spirit back into you real fast sometimes.

The buses end at our I am getting off and the coach comes up to me...and says....I really appreciate you telling me. A lot of guys on their first game would not.

I have the feeling that during this COVID-19 pandemic effected season....there have been a number of similar stories to mine. Go Big Blue

RE: Post your favorite Christmas song

Tucker is talking hyperinflation......the COVID bailouts are trillion in $. Early in this I sent a report in on Hyperinflation in the world....prior to COVID 8 countries in the world had hyperinflation. With in a month after COVID doubled to 16.

Every country in the world is printing money and doing COVID bailouts. But it is more than that Conrad.
Country Bit Coins....and their block chain accounting is going to add more money to the global money.

DEMs are working on a 12T COVID bailout after Biden comes to office. Yes....12T......we are going to have hyper inflation by summer of 2021 is my thinking.

RE: "The Greatest Depression"

part 2

Say the state of California decided to build a new office complex near the distress restaurateur business. Then if the state had a law that the local restaurants would be supplying food for the construction workers….then the office staff. She might win the food contract that her restaurant provides the food for them.

President Trump’s hubzone program plays into this as well. The hubzone program was to grant minority businesses in economic depressed urban cities new business opportunities. Increase the size of grants and let these minority businesses expand faster.

They were able to do this in 1918-20 when the Spanish flu hit. They did not have computers. They did not have long lists of government regulations and rules to work under. They did have a war for only the first year of this pandemic. For WWI ended in late in 1918. The pandemic went another 1 year and ½ into early 1920.

But still they had the logistics of moving troops home (by sea). They had growing businesses opportunities here.

What the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-20 should give us is a confidence that the pandemic will end and also that a working economy can be had during a pandemic.

RE: "The Greatest Depression"

A Opt In

A Dark Winter or A Dark Future?
By : Thomas H. Webb
10 December 2020

Perhaps some of the more honest and accurate words of President elect Biden….is this idea of a dark winter. With COVID spiking here and abroad. Such is certainly for a dark winter. But if you cannot see the pain on a California restaurateur's face and in her words of the lockdowns effect on her and her staff. Then you are pretty hard hearted. This pain in our business community is also part of the dark winter. For if our small business evaporates, this country is in for a dark future.

There has to be a way to balance out the two goals. To flat line the COVID 3rd wave of infections without ending our small businesses and the employment that they bring.

I know many much wiser, studied and learned in pandemics have been attempting this very thing.But I have done some research into the Spanish Flu of 1918-20. They actually grew the economy during that 3 years of pandemic.

Here is a quote from

“The Spanish flu left almost no discernible mark on the aggregate US economy. The coronavirus arrived to the US at a time of booming stock market values. By contrast, the influenza outbreak in the spring of 1918 occurred right after a downturn: the Dow Jones Industrial Average had actually declined 21.7% in 1917. “

Somehow our forefathers found a balance here.

The article goes on to say that in the 1918-20 stock market…. the market actually rose.

But the main reason the economy stayed solid in the Spanish flu is this.

“Notwithstanding, these social distancing measures did not come close to those implemented in the US today. Work in factories, mines, and shipyards continued, despite at least some of this work facilitating the spread of the disease. Why? Because businesses were under pressure by the US government to fulfill demand for products and commodities that were needed for the war effort. Which brings us to the main reason why the US economy did not massively contract in 1918: WWI.”

They had troops in the trenches of Europe and they were not going to stop war production for a pandemic. In summary the article says this.

“What lessons can we glean from the 1918 pandemic for today? Obviously, we are not advocating for another war, or that workers be encouraged to work in unsafe conditions that may heighten their exposure to the virus. But it is useful to remember that a global pandemic doesn’t inevitably lead to a grave economic recession or depression. More specifically, a large expansion in government demand can go a long way in softening the economic impact of a crisis that clearly threatens to reduce consumption and private investment.”

Government demand. Is the key here.

Government demand does not necessarily mean more budget for the department of defense. Government demand is a better economic stimulation than government bailouts and loans. But it can.The reason?

When the government buys things, a ripple effect is made in the logistic chain. Every supplier is being stimulated along the logistics and production chain of the product.

Right now? Governments and their agencies should be buying new fleets of cars and trucks. Even planes and ships. They should be opening new office complexes with new computers, furnishings, and powered with green energy. They should be keeping schools open. That is all demand buying by the government.

But still because much of government demand buy are done by the major corporation,
American small business is not going to realize the stimulation that larger firms will.


New laws on small business and minority business participation in those major corporation buys is done. Let me give you an example.

end part 1

The Former President Barack Obama On White Men

A Opt In

Democrat Leaders Are Going To Love Us To Death

During The COVID Pandemic

By :Thomas H. Webb

12 December 2020

As Mac’s Bar and Grill of Staten Island, NY continues to do a respectful shutdown of the facility to local law enforcement. This after 20 unmarked police cars made a arrest of one of Bar’s owners. One is seeing the DEMs game plan pretty clearly now.

Shutting down small businesses across the country, forces…..millions onto the state welfare roles.Welfare state roles controlled by DEM governors and mayors. This kind act to protect us from COVID, is going to be the ruin the country. Small businesses are on life support. Schools are shuttered and empty. But teachers with union contracts are still getting paid. Charter schools where the teachers are independently contracted are not so lucky.

As the country’s DEMs high muckie mucks feast on $300 per plate at star restaurants. Fly to Hawaii for ‘vital’ meetings. Show you a freezer with several 100 pounds of the best ice cream.

The DEM high muckies mucks are not suffering very much in this COVID pandemic. In fact just the opposite. The DEM high muckie mucks are raking in the money as donations from major tech firms have rolled in from social media firms like Facebook.

This community organization stuff is pretty good business. BLM has already gone to the Biden administration demanding their share for the 117 protests that occurred in the country. Feeling that BLM did their part to get him elected to the highest office in the country. It must have been some royalty arrangement that was worked out.

For every minute of liberal media news time produced for a BLM peaceful social protest with flames in the background. BLM got a 5% royalty from the Biden get out the vote movement. Great work, only a few hours and free designer jeans and Air Jordans at the same time.

But that honest small businessman...or woman...that built a business over years of equity sweat. That has given jobs, food, drink and friendship to his local community is getting cut down like a defense end with a blind side leg whip block before the crack rules were implemented in football.

Someone played the game in the old days here.

Citing ‘we are following the science’….DEM leaders….have not looked at the recent reports and data coming from Europe. Where lockdown, social distancing and masking orders have been ordered for a long time. Yet the European COVID numbers are spiking like a Space X rocket lift off at Cape Kennedy.

That is not following the science. That is getting burned in the super heated exhaust of the COVID rocket motors.

The people that really getting burned here? MAGA businesses owners in DEM states. Using COVID rules as a weapon, MAGA business owners can be clobbered with the COVID stick. You supported the wrong man with donations and votes. Time to play wackmo with them to teach them a lesson. If the wackmo does not work. A
little Truth and Reconciliation Commission time can be mandated for them.

What is the singular thing that is keeping Congress from passing a COVID bill? The bailout funds that the DEMs want to put into the bill for DEM states, their union retirement plans and the other aspects of the COVID. But it is not directly related to the cost of COVID, so REP major leader in the Senate has gone hardline on it. With a flatout no.

part end 1

The Former President Barack Obama On White Men

The left attack culture at work.

It is not longer the left's cancel culture. But it a reactive attack to any one that is making a pro Trump statement or sworn statement to election fraud. Let me give you a few examples.

The NY trucker driver sworn statement says he picked up 350,000 ballots in NY. Drove them across the border of PA. Then delivered them in Harrisburg, PA.
Only to have them refuse to sign any documentation for the delivery.

The left's attack on the man?,,,,,,,,,,he believes in ghosts that are haunting his family.

Wish another. Plenty of them to find.

Melissa Carone, allegedly a contractor for Dominion Voting System. Note the 'allegedly' here. The woman was either a Dominion IT employee or she was not.
A little investigation can clear that up real quick.

Carone claimed to have seen ballots in Detroit being run thru the tabulating machines multiple times. How many multiple times? At least 30,000 she swears to.

Here is the left's attack on Carone.

"footage of Carone has now been widely circulated, with some, like Refinery29 Editor Morgan Baila referring to her as “Lizzie McGuire’s mom,” while others called her a “Drunk Karen Walker."

Let me give you one more. Just so you can get the same bad taste in your mouth as I have.

This one is on WH press secretary McKinney. Who just announced that the WH was planning to have Christmas celebrations. Limited in number to 50....with masks and with social distancing. The WH is a big building....50 could find corners in its four stories of rooms and never see each other.

Here is what the kind and generous left said about McKinney.

Coming from “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski

“And when the White House is asked about this, this Kayleigh individual — who calls herself a press secretary or whatever she is — says in response, ‘Oh, you can loot and you can protest — we can have Christmas parties.’ What is this, eighth grade? Are all of you in eighth grade? You’re making a mockery of the health of the American citizens, the people who voted for you and the people who didn’t vote for you.”

"Mockery of the health of the American people." What a joke that is. Oregon just passed law for hard narcotics and hallucinogens. You got so many homeless on the street of DEM cities, people cannot walk the side walks. And rich DEM in Hawaiian travel, diner parties (unmasked and with out social distancing).

But Mika uses her witches tongue on McKinney!

MAGAs are going to turn their backs on a Biden is nearly assured at this time.

The left are not trying to make political arguments or even investigate the election fraud charges. They are trying to destroy people. Take away their lively hood....end a family...keep them from working in the future.

Time for a heart to heart

A Opt in A Christmas Story From WWII

3 December 2020

It was in the midst of the Battle of Bulge that the command post of the my Father’s parachute regiment found itself isolated in the small town of Trios Point, Belgium. For the previous week they had been rotating in and out of the front line with a regiment of the 82nd Airborne division.

Rotating in and out, because the two airborne units were facing the lead element of the German Armor assault, Pifer’s 2nd SS Panzer division. It had already done the massacre at Malmedy. Killing over 100 American POWs in a field with machine guns.

To say the least, the fighting was desperate. Neither side was inclined to take prisoners.

If Trois Point fell to the 2nd Panzer, Pifer had only to make his right turn and to drive for Amsterdam and he would split the American and English armies. Trios Point was the key to the northern front of the Bulge. The 2nd SS Panzer was the spear point of the German attack. It had the best of all the German military industry could supply. Tiger and King Tiger tanks.

At times, 4 corp of artillery, some 2000 guns were brought in to stop German armor and infantry attacks on them. In a matter of minutes, 6000 to 8000 rounds of HE explosive would pore down on the German advances. It was the only way to keep the German’s armor from entering their positions in the small city during the day.

But as night fell, German infantry would enter the city. Running through it and dropping stick grenades into the basements of the houses. Such was the situation on Christmas eve of 1944 in Trois Point.

My dad was part of the regiment’s command unit.They had taken refuge in one of the basements of a bombed out house. 17 of them were in the basement that Christmas eve. With sporadic gun fire coming from all the directions. They knew that the German infantry had again penetrated the city. Small explosions from the stick grenades could be heard.

So now they were isolated but the German’s had not yet detected their hide in the basement. Hiding was exactly what they were doing. None smoked or did they light a fire for warmth from the sub zero temperatures. Everyone was whisper quiet.

The 17 circled into one of the interior rooms of the basement. When the commanding officer, a Colonel Sikes, pulled a small flask of french brandy from his kit bag. He quietly said “I was saving this. But this seems to be a good time to have it.” With that he cracked the seal and pulled the cork from the small bottle. He passed it to the man on his left.

My dad was on the Colonel’s right and would be the next to the last man to sip the warming brandy. Slowly the bottle worked its way around the group of very thirsty American para’s. He wondered if he would get any. Not that at the ripe age of 20, he had ever had much french brandy. Finally the small bottle reached him. Sure enough, he had a warming taste of the brandy. He passed the bottle to Colonel Sikes, who had the last sips of the liquor.

In the morning, they woke to drive a few Germans from the small town. Take their positions to face the next armor attack. Little did they know that to the south, General Patton’s army was near to relieving the 101st at Bastogne. That this stage of the Battle of the Bulge was nearing its end. Soon Pifer’s 2nd SS Panzer would run out of fuel. They would walk back to Germany. Leaving their massive Tiger and King Tiger tanks behind. To this day, the 517 PRCT and the 82nd are remembered at Trios Point for the stand they did there.

end part 1

Time for a heart to heart

At the last count was there were nearly 80m DEM that were holding cacti.....laugh

But the idea here is to diminish the power of the extremes of the left and right. Boot the growing power of BLM and ANTIFA on the left out of the DEM party and kick out the Proud boys, Boogaloo and right wing supremacy group out of the REP party with a joint heart to heart with the country.

It just might work to cancel out the pending civil war that over 51% of the country think is coming.

Time for a heart to heart

In those medical wards and ICUs there are REP and DEM working together, day and night to keep a life living. They don’t care if that life is DEM, REP or IND. In those military units, you command and will command in the future. The blood is still red if split from a IND, DEM or REP. In the business damaged and closed by the COVID-19 lockdown, there are IND, REP and DEM losing their American dreams.

You have a people of great character to lead right now. The people of this country have done amazing things. They put the first airplanes in the air. They put four wheels and an engine together to give the world cars, trucks and heavy equipment. That has moved mountains and build the road and bridges to navigate around the country. They build the world’s largest warships and the world biggest economy. They feed more people per capita in the world, than any other. They landed men on the moon. In record time, they just completed Operation Warpspeed bringing three vaccines to the COVIT-19 battle. What other country in the world has or can do such? None!

But now, Coaches, They need more than a pep talk. They need the heart to heart. Where they not just hearing your love of country. But they feel your devotion to the country and all of its people.They need not just to be lead, They need to be inspired..

The choice is yours. Keep it political. The people will see only your self interest to having a high position and power. Only further the divide comes with this choice. Because one or the other of you is going to lose the 2020 Presidential race. Or make it an attack opportunity that you condemn the decisions of other 70+m Americans that supported the other. Again only more division. I see only one course here. Inspiration from both.

What a better time of the year, you have for this message. Whether your faith is little or great. Christmas is when this country refuels for its greatest challenges. After resting in Valley Forge, it was a day after Christmas, when General Washington took his army across the Delaware river to defeat the Hussians at Trenton. In 1865, Christmas was the date that the country was reunited from the violence of Civil War. As President Johnson granted a pardon to all Confederate Soldiers. It was near Christmas when the Germans were stopping in World War II Battle at Bastogne. This is when Christ our savior was born.

If you cannot build a heart to heart on these, coaches. My gosh, you are just sitting the bench.

Because the government is to be separate from the Church. Why do you attend Church? Or carry a bible? Simply for a vote of the Christian majority in the country? Then you are missing the talking points of the greatest inspirational talker’s the world ever has ever known. Jesus Christ. Talk about someone that could capture the moment or a take people from a path of self destruction.

So Christmas is a great time to have a heart to heart talk with this Country. For it does not matter what your political persuasion is, Men’s heart’s are softened to embrace a new brotherhood that this country can have. The country needs more than unification. It needs the inspiration to grasp the challenges of tomorrow. To convert them into opportunities. To give all American, their place in a society that is equal, free and open.

A time of great desperation, a great people will rise to great achievements. Great leaders rise to the occasion when faced with a great desperation.

So search for it if you will. You will not find it anywhere. But you read it here first. It is my Christmas present to this great country.

Time for a heart to heart

Opt In Time For A Heart to Heart Talk

As a old athletic coach, I know that the heart to heart talk does wonders at times. When given and delivered right...when it hits the situation faced by the team in a tough game dead on…..when the players are looking for something deeper to find to give more on the field for a win. The heart to heart talk works. This is when great coaches shine. They bring the team up to play at a higher level. Erasing the margin to win the game. Maybe in the last seconds, because the coach instilled a never give up attitude into the players.

This country needs a heart to heart talk.

I think that it should be a talk that has two coaches delivering the message. The present President of the country, Donald J. Trump and the President elect Joe Biden….either together or in the same setting.

The timing for this heart to heart talk with the country could not be better or is more needed than now.

We are down coaches. We have been battling for a year now against a life threatening and life taking virus that is minuscule and invisible. The dark winter is spiking a number of deaths and filling our hospitals with sick. Yes, we have vaccines coming, But a herd immunity is months away.

We are at half time, coaches. The numbers on the board don’t look good. Being political, now that the election has ended. Is not called for at this time. This is the time when the great coaches, puts the team above himself. He finds the words to inspire. He tells them they have it in them to win. That they are making headway. Just more effort brings them a victory. A willingness to pay the price, will bring the team a new banner to fly.

So I ask, coaches do you have it in you?

Sure you have both been in an election battle like no other in modern history of the country. The bitterness….rancor….vitriol is there between you. We have heard that since early in the year. November only increased the volume of it. As court case after court case was filed. After presser after presser was given on the election irregularities. On charges of voting cheating and fraud.

But you want to know what? That election battle that you two had. Does not matter very much in a country that is facing a third wave of COVID-19 in a short 11 months.

Coaches, it is time to not just talk great. But time to be great.

It is time for that heart to heart talk that reunites the country, to not face this terrible disease. But to defeat it and other such diseases in the future.

We don’t want or need your rules of masking and distancing or accomplishments of vaccines and therapeutics for ending the pandemic. These we know.

What we want and thirst for is you to inspire us to have the confidence in a reunification that both of your political ideologies can live with. That ends the rioting, looting, name calling, violence and extremism of both sides. If you cannot do that, why hold the highest position in our country as its chief law enforcement officer?

To inspire us to look within to find the strength and the character that great countries are built on. To return us to the spirit of our revolutionary fathers that faced down the greatest Army and Navy of the day. To bring us back to the determination of our father’s that fought a two front war in Asia and Europe at the same time. To give us a vision of a lunar landing in the 1960s that placed American boot prints on the face of the moon.

Step up coaches.

Put the rancor down.

end of part 1

The Former President Barack Obama On White Men

So why is this a problem?

The left is rejecting many people from participating in a Biden administration that are well qualified and can do an excellent job. Rejecting them for they do not fit in the left’s agenda for the country. The left is not going to approve anyone that might later oppose the left’s agenda.

It used to be ‘hire the best qualified’ for the position. Now it is now ‘hire the ideologically correct’ for the position. In the case of Flourney, I suggest it was her lack of social justice and ideological activism on her resume. Consulting a major weapon program logic makes zero sense. The left has been known to fib some, yes?

What they are using the Biden administration for is to open doors into many Federal government agencies and departments for left ideologies that have connections to Islam, BLM and ANTIFA.

Which is what President Obama exactly did for his eight years in the Presidency. That is how you get USAF Commissioned Officer Witt, a converted Muslim to have a ranking position in a USAF communication center and suddenly our foreign spies are being compromised and our drones are being stolen by Iran. Witt was later accused by DoJ Trump’s administration for the espionage. She took flight to Iran in 2015.

Behind the scenes of the Biden administration, the coalitions of Bernie Bros, BLM, ANTIFA and moderate DEMs, you have the former President pulling the strings. Notice that the former President has come out of retirement? A book, a TV comedy show, stumping for DEMs and likely advising the President elect.

Joe, you got what you have hoped for 42 year. The Presidency of the United States of America. But there is an old stoic that concept about hope. “Misplaced hopes smashes into unforeseen reality. We get mad, not at every bad thing, but at bad, unexpected things.”

If you had not noticed Joe is a little testy these days. Especially if you mention Hunter’s laptop.

Today’s reality of BLM, ANTIFA and Bernie Bros, was hardly what Joe was hoping for back in 1988 when he first tossed his hat in the race for the Presidency. Now he is going to find these violent groups pushing him left, to where he cannot unite the country.

Furthermore the countries hope in 2020, was not to be held by the left extreme groups that gave it 107 riots and burnings during the summer. Nor is it in a divided country that will struggle for the next four years either to try to unite with a leadership that is pushed to the left or resist a country that has done a hard left turn.

The Former President Barack Obama On White Men

A President Biden:

A President of a United Country or A President of a Coalition of Left Groups?
29 November 2020

As the President elect juggles to put together a cabinet. The politics behind the stage of where the socially distanced and masked candidates and the presumed President elect is a messy one. Because to win….am using the term very loosely with the 2020 Presidency election….a coalition of left groups that spanned from conservative Muslim-Americans to far left ANTIFA was struck.

At this early point each one of these groups is getting their two cents into both the candidates selected and the coming policies. So having campaigned on ‘no red country, no blue country but a united country’ is President elect Biden going to even be able to unite his own coalition? Much less the country?

Consider this quote from a BLM leader. Dr. Melina Abdullah saying this “People are feeling dismayed that the choices are between, you know, a violent white supremacist and another person who represents that same system,”

The President elect is finding that the left groups that brought him to the office are going to be difficult to manage. For they want things from him. Be it reparations. Be it an end of Confederate names on military bases. A removal of an offensive statue. A complete collapse of the American system.

President elect Biden is expected to deliver.

Squeezing behind him are the moderates….far fewer than in the past….Democrats that are saying bring back the good old days of the Obama administration for us. Another group that may be impossible to satisfy. As they look around to see BLM on the left and the ANTIFA on the right and standing out in the cold, the Bernie Bro of IND Bernie Sanders.

Having wanted the Presidency since 1988, the President elect has to be saying to himself. OH what did I get myself into? The groups that support him are hardly red, white, blue. They are increasingly socialist, communist, and anti American. After seeing rioting and looting in the peaceful protest of the summer, one can honestly say violently anti American.

Oh Joe, what did you get yourself into?

Never before in American history has a coalition to support a Presidential run been compromised by so many that would like to scrap the Constitution….and the every position of the President that the Constitution makes…. that Biden ran for.

I do agree that the campaign was not actually a running, more like a sitting in the basement of his home campaign.

But we are starting to see the juggling act that a President Biden is going to have for the next four years.

Picture this. The President wants to expand funding to the medical community that has and is struggling with COVID-19. He needs to get some input from his coalition groups to do so.

From the BLM he gets this reply. “More money to Doctors and Nurses trapped by Obama care pricing you’re asking for? Sure right after our reparations checks are in the mail.” Then he makes a call to the local cell leader of a ANTIFA group to get some input. To get this “Money to the Doc’s? Yeah alright ...right after Lincoln’s monument is renamed Lenin’s Place.” Finally he turns to Majority Leader Pelosi to get the final approval. “You wish me to get a medical funding bill passed in Congress for Doctors and Nurses. Fine right after you help me with the Squad. They are on my back again.”

I see a leftist gridlock in Washington, DC coming.

Don’t blame the REP, on this. This is going to be a self inflicted wound of a Presidential coalition made up of anti American groups that are extremely self serving.

End Part !

RE: Dem's will never admit this, they can't, as they orkestrated the whole thing voter fraud

Liberal Media Vitriol In A Fraudulent Victory
28 November 2020

“Ford Was Right To Give Nixon A Pardon, Joe Biden Should Not Do Trump Such A Favor”. “When He Leaves Office, Can Trump Be Trusted With America’s Secrets?” “Jake Trapper Hits Donald Trump Blunt Reminder After Presidents Rant At A Reporter.”

Three titles of this morning’s news. Had I looked further into the other online articles, I could find a dozen more such hits jobs on the President. In a school playground lingo, it would be called piling on. I will call it what it is. The liberal media is totally classless. To continue the attacks on the President at this time. The 2020 Presidential election is in the hands of the courts. So why continue the attacks?

Most all of RED America know this. Some of their thoughts on the liberal and progressive media?Make a home in China for it. Is it really American? Why bring it into your home. Leave it in the trash.

I could go even longer here.

RED distrust and dislike of liberal media has never been higher. If President elect Biden thinks he can use the liberal media to sweet talk the heartland back to connecting his two blue coast lines into a purple country. He needs to do his own reset. RED America ain’t listening.

Each snarky question asked of President Trump for the last four years. Each media hit job on his policies and positions. Every minute of biased media programming by the liberal talkers. Every portrayal of the President as a golden haired smurf. Is going to be returned by a RED American turning his or her back to the President elects overtures for unity.

Already some in the media are saying this attempt to reunite the country (that they helped to divide) should be junked. Am sure that others in the vitriolic DEM party and liberal media are thinking the same.

Guess what?

RED America gave up on you long ago.

DEM vitriol in victory proves that they were right to do so. Your pettiness over a phone call to force a impeachment, told them everything that they needed to know. Your DNC purchased Steele dossier allowed Putin’s meddling to enter the 2016 election and you cannot admit it. Your inability to admit that Trump had foreign policies in the middle east and pacific rim that made the country safer. Shows your inability to assess these situations correctly.

Check your viewership. CNN, MSNBC, CBS are hardly turned on in RED America TVs.

RED America feels this election was stolen. In fact RED America has a theory as to why the election was stolen. Now they see the liberal media as the defenders of that theft. Each article and media segment that said it was ‘a safe and properly secured election’ only confirms it.

You know the very worst thing that RED America thinks about the liberal media that leads to this theory? They think that the liberal media’s constant display of COVID deaths and illnesses is only crocodile tears. That it became so gleeful with the rising death number of COVID. Because COVID really gave the weakest of all the DEM candidates, a chance to win the 2020 Presidential election.

How did Red America come to such a conclusion?

Because COVID was all President Trump’s fault. At least in Liberal media's thinking.

Was the Spanish Flu of 1919, the fault of President Wilson? No. It came from Spain. Hence Spanish Flu was an appropriate name for it. Had the liberal media had its way….COVID-19….would have been called Trump Global Pandemic. The liberal media would have blamed President Trump for all 1m COVID deaths in the world,

Not that the Chinese had anything to do with it.

end of part 1

The Former President Barack Obama On White Men

Part 3

So I say again. You got it wrong. The white American male has all the same you. He has a family to provide for. He has a car note and house mortgage payment coming due. He has work issues and spiritual issues that are troubling him. He has family issues to handle.

He uses stoicism as a defense mechanism to these pressures in life. Minorities may take to the streets to yell about poverty in a minority community. The white American male looks inward to see a way he might earn more income. To find a spiritual balance or spiritual realization to his short mortal life. A means to solve the family problem.

Now that I have taken you through white Male stoicism. For at 70 years in age, I am the poster boy of it. I use it all the time. Any time I see or hear a race debate coming, I re-actively look inside and withdraw from the debate. I am not going to let you humiliate me in a debate on race.

With a return to the former President’s words that the REP used white male victimization for votes. If so,is it any more than what DEM elected leader used minority victimization for? They used it for votes as well. And the former President is far to smart not to know this. In fact I would say that the man that coined the political phrase “hope and change’ used it himself.

He knows that Black inner cities want change in the country. He knows that minorities in the country want hope for a better America. But so do white American males. None of us liked what we saw in the George Floyd death. None us liked seeing communities being burnt down and looted.

But we are not going to be pulled into a debate on race that is intended to humiliate us. So we sit back. Watch it ongoing. But we don’t participate. We think about it. But we stay in our stoic safe spaces

By the way. Not all stoics are white males. Rappers T-Pain, Lupe Flasco, Twista, LLCoolJ, Young&Sick….have either studied it or rapped on it.

Some other names you might recognize? Bill Clinton, Theodore Roosevelt, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Mattis, Cory Booker, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joe Maddon, Nick Saban, Antonio Brown, John Steinbeck, Ralph Waldo Emerson, JK Rowling, Blake Irving all have either adapted stoicism to their lives or have studied it.


Lastly this. In your organization, church, business, the stoic is your analyses, your thinker. your ethic’s person. He or she is looking for a moral understanding to the natural world that is around them. And a lot of times that is totally misunderstood by those that are around the stoic.

The Former President Barack Obama On White Men

Former President Barack Obama On White Men
a Opt In

The former president recently gave a radio interview on how REP have used victimization of White men to get votes. As he says that Republicans have wrongly created a narrative where white men see themselves as "victims" who are "under attack", according to Barack Obama.

and this

The former president said this belief was pervasive among many Republican voters despite the fact that it "obviously doesn't jive with both history and data and economics."

After being out of office for four years, it seems the former President has not been seeing what has been ongoing in the country. The cancel culture of the left is doing exactly that. It is attacking white America. It is
deeming white Males in the country.

I did not see one solitary monument to a Black American….a Hispanic American...a Asian American stature being torn down by the left this summer. As the rath of the left was pointed solely at White American male figures.

I did not see one group of Black American….Hispanic American….Asian American being accosted in restaurants and outdoor dinners by the ANTIFA and BLM this summer. But I saw White American males and their families being accosted by both ANTIFA and BLM.

The former President must have some blinders on. But that is what identity politics will get for you.

We all are individuals. A white man is just likely to be a real victim of crime or even racial hatred in this country as a black or hispanic or asian is. Yet for some reason the former President ignores this simple truth.

Have whites males been subject to racial hatred?

Here are a few quotes from female Asian naturalized American, a reporter at the New York Times. She, to be unnamed, is a graduate of the University of California Berkeley and Harvard Law School, said this.

“The world could get by just fine with zero white people.”
It’s “kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”
“Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically only being fit to live underground like groveling bilious goblins?”

Later she would say..."it was all said in a time of stress....I really did not mean it"
So why is a not White Male given the same out when they say something defacing a minority? They might going thru a time of stress and not really mean it either. But the accountability of DEM party demands that white American male be held to slightly different standard.

I need not go far back in countries history to come with terms like “whitey”... ”honkey”....”greaser”. They were all used to describe and degrade white males.
Often by minorities of this country.

So the former President is way out in left field on this one. Nor does he site his data and economic studies that support that white males are not subject to victimization as a race and income. It is easy to make a claim that is unsubstantiated when you are a former President. Everyone wants to believe you.

But you go to the Appalachian hill country of this country. You don’t see white American living in multi million dollar homes. You come down to rural Florida, you don’t see white Americans living in even $500K homes. I live in rural Florida and I don’t live in such a house. Yet all around me, minority families all do live in upscale homes of such value.

Like Black, Hispanic, and Asian poverty, white American poverty is blended into the fabric and localized areas of the country.

So there is both racial hatred for white males and there are economic imbalances within the country that impoverishes white people.

End of part one.

RE: Diego Maradona dies age 60.

A great player with problems off the field. RIP.....prayers for his family

RE: The Corona Virus , vaccine is nearly here

part 3

Then as Thanksgiving comes near. Remember the earlier years. Dig out a scrapbook of photos. Or some video of Thanksgivings prior. Show the kids grandma and grandpa again. The uncle and aunt. Tell them the story of that special holiday when a massive family gathering took place. Let them ponder what next year’s holiday season is going to be like.

Because with those vaccines administered and with the country in herd immunity, next year’s holiday season is going to be 100% different than this years. Travel, large gatherings, more dollars, and better times are ahead.

For this year? Fix some hot chocolate. Settle in with a holiday movie for the small family of yours. Light the fireplace if you have one. Have a cold Turkey or ham sandwich for everyone. And relax.

So hang in there this holiday season. My brother says that they are getting snows up north. So it just might be a White Christmas after all. God bless all. Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas

RE: The Corona Virus , vaccine is nearly here

Part 2
But look, the stock market just broke 30,000. The first time ever. That means those 401K and those long term retirement investments are not being wiped out by the pandemic.

It is a V shaped recovery. With every dose of vaccine administered this winter and spring. The economy is going to get better next year. The economy has bottomed out and is climbing right now.

New businesses are opening. Here in Central Florida, a German air taxi operation is opening. Flying all electric 4 passenger aircraft and a pilot. Old businesses are learning to cope better with the pandemic.

We are headed to the moon. NASA wants to place a small two person lunar base near the south pole some time in 2024. More lunar bases are to come. That is more space launches for commercial space firms.

Electric cars and trucks are about to make their entry into the country in a big way. Yes, they have been there for a decade now. But the new makers and the new models are going to increase the number of buyers.

Oil has bounced back to $44 per barrel and the overfilled storage seems to have been drained some. The United States is still today the singular greatest energy provider in the world. Even after the pandemic. Some 11m jobs were saved thru those tough times. Energy people are tough. They out toughing a pandemic.

All the professional sports managed to make a season on it. Bubbles and fanless games had to be a real drag for players and coaches of the teams. But it is a good day to be on the field and court with a ball. With our vaccine herd immunity, fans are going to be back in the stands and the bubbles will burst next year.

Congress….I know...don’t go there. I will keep it short. Congress is likely soon to sign off a pandemic relief package for the holidays. $1200 cash in the pocket of people in a real need for it. Short enough? I know it took long enough!

So I think that there are some reasons to be thankful for with the economy.

We got a great military. Yes I know. Thanksgiving and the military are close to just about every American’s heartstring. The pandemic hit the military like a ton of bricks. Flight crews, ships crews and other military units in close proximity were hit hard. Crew openings were frequent as the pandemic forced isolation and sick bay time.

But they shuffled and remade crews and made it work. That makes a great statement on how well the military is trained. When you can remake highly trained crews with new members and keep functioning as a force. You are doing something right in a military service.

Not only that but our military loses in combat and accidents are way down from earlier years. As we reduced footprints around the world’s hotspots, so have our casualties and deaths declined. Let us face it. Iraq and Afghanistan are nearly in the back view mirror now. Historians and military analysis will spend years writing about them. To gleam out a nugget for the next conflict. But we don’t have a 150,000 Americans deployed to middle east and central Asia today.

And that is something to be thankful for.

Your family that is going to be around the dinner table or on a zoom call. I would say that is one of the best reasons to be thankful. Sure the kids are studying at home and they have pestered you all day while you cooked.

Mask and send them outside for some fresh air and to play. It is a holiday, right? Those computer courses will be there after they get some play time in. They are putting in ideas for Christmas gifts, yes? So use the computer to do a little online investigating of their ideas. Even let them participate.

Watch when they light just the right gift. You know what they really want then.

RE: The Corona Virus , vaccine is nearly here

A Non-Political Thanksgiving

25 November 2020
A Opt In....Part 1

Is not likely to happen this year. Not with lock-downs. Not with diner limits. Not with the Presidential race still in courts. But it is exactly what the country needs. It is exactly what you and your family needs this year.

This country has a severe case of the COVID fatigue. It needs a non-political Thanksgiving.

A non-political Thanksgiving of warmth, family, and friends would be a way to step from the pandemics shadows. Now you are thinking, he going to go after the lockdowns and limited gathering Democratic Governors in a big way. No, am not.

They are doing what they think is best for the people of their state.

When I say non-political, what I mean is the politics of this last year needs to be left outside the front door. Then even the Zoom family conference call can be enjoyed by the fringe elements of the family. If you leave the politics outside. Even the small diner party for 6 to 10 can be one of a warm family spirit.

This is not the year to bring politics to the inside of your house. Just leave it at the door.

All the politics is going to play out….without you or me having any great and important part of the decisions made by judges around the country anyways. Now that it is in the hands of the courts, it is largely all removed from society's hands.

It was one of the beauties of the Constitution and the founding fathers. Once the legal issue made it way to the courts, then society was relieved of the decision.

Don’t go there about an expanded Supreme Court either. Not this time of year. Why get acid reflux this close to Thanksgiving. I know the petition is circulating to former President Obama on the highest court in the land.

Just let it play out.

It is not worth the family fight in a year of a pandemic. Besides maybe if the former President was on a Conservative court, it might rub off on him. That is the way it works on that judiciary body sometimes.

This coming holiday season is one that your family needs. Needs for emotional and spiritual renewal. Politics is not going to help there. There are some things to be thankful for. Such as?

The COVID-19 vaccines for one.

The only way this pandemic is going to end is with a high level of vaccinated persons in the country. HIgh enough for herd immunity to take effect. It took a year and half for the 1918 Spanish Flu to end and that is with a population of 105m Americans. It began in the spring of 1918. The only medication they had was aspirin. It was only by herd immunity that pandemic was stopped in the summer of 1919.

If we were in that same condition today with a population of 340m. The CODID-19 pandemic would not stop until fall of 2025. We would not have herd immunity for another 4 and ½ years. That is the difference that these vaccines are likely to make. With them we are looking at herd immunity in late spring to early summer of 2021.

So I would say that the vaccines are something to be thankful for.

I think that the economy is something to be thankful for. Yes, it took a big hit this year. Jobs ended and businesses closed. But look, the stock market just broke 30,000. The first time ever. That means those 401K and those long term retirement investments are not being wiped out by the pandemic.

It is a V shaped recovery. With every dose of vaccine administered this winter and spring. The economy is going to get better next year. The economy has bottomed out and is climbing right now.

New businesses are opening. Here in Central Florida, a German air taxi operation is opening. Flying all electric 4 passenger aircraft and a pilot. Old businesses are learning to cope better with the pandemic.

RE: Biden is already letting us down

Come on R.....we are not all AQnon...some us can tell a liberal fib a mile away. It is the thin trail of smoke and CO2 that rises into the air...those the real reason for climate change......

RE: Do you think Biden will be a good prresident

Part Two

As elitism, political correctness, rules and regulations leak back into the Washington swamp, President Elect may find his rebuild back better… to a been there and done that and don’t want to do it again…. by the MAGAs of the country. He has stolen much of Trump’s economics with build back better. Only it is going to be build back better with more cost (hourly wage to $15 phr) with more taxes (the taxes on $400,000 plusers) with more regulations and rules. With a grid locked Congress on the a COVID stimulation funding. The longer this hangs over the country, the country only sees a broken Washington again.

How well that works in COVID struck country? Am not taking bets on. Maybe Las Vegas is. But I bet the odds are not good.

The very best thing that President Elect could do at present? Arrange a meeting with the man that he has demigod to reach the title of President Elect.. Offer both a hand shake (er a fist bump er a elbow touch er a masked smile) and an olive branch. Whether the President is picking up the phone is hard to say. BUT the country loses unless these two men come to some terms.

The President Elect's olive branch could be and should be commending the President on Operation : Warpspeed that that now has 2 vaccines with extreme high rates of efficacy. Instead of talking death numbers, both together can project the number of lives saved with a high vaccination rate in the country. We have to move from death to life.

It is one thing to call President Trump a ‘lame duck’ president.But to continue the demonizing after winning a election.
Is hardly Presidential. 'Lame Duck' favorite term in the media and left today. A continuation of a stained and questioned election victory. This lame duck knows he still hold the reins of MAGA in the country. The BUT out there in the RED Heartland of America is in massive support for the President. Blue was nearly swept clean in the Heartland of the country. In the down ballot election of local and state offices of the Heartland, stands one of President Elect’s greatest challenges.

He can to talk to them. But unless he offers more than lip service….his economic plan is not likely to ignite them to reunite the country to build back better.

RE: Do you think Biden will be a good prresident

A Opt In

The BUTs Of President Elect Biden’s Economic Plan
17 November 2020

It sounds nice. Buy American. Build Back Better, Millions of New American Jobs. Rebuild the Infrastructure. But there are a few BUTS here to consider. The first and foremost is COVID. Even with the vaccine and a plan to administer them, COVID has affected the global economy. Those American foreign markets that were there prior to COVID have either been diminished or have been shut down.

Oil and energy is the foreign market that first comes to mind. But other than food, most all other American foreign markets are struggling. Autos, industrial machinery. Technology, and others all struggling in sales.

Without these foreign markets, the President Elect’s economic plan is in the proverbial tank.

His projected jobs from this reignition of American industry may simply not be there. He can pore money into the American economy via the Hero’s Act. BUT if the money only feeds an inflationary cycle, then it is another economic failure to come.

Last month, the price of food rose by 3%.

But what economic activity and growth do you have with COVID lockdowns? Even if they are regional, they disrupt the economy of the country. The President Elect’s own COVID plan can all BUT kill his economic plans.

If there is a general COVID lockdown, the number of impacted small businesses that close and reduce their business activities will again be another BUT to the President Elect’s economic plans. The economy is shrinking, not growing. Though we had a the start of a V shaped recovery. The explosion of COVID cases has flat-lined that.

But he has another big BUT that is out there. A divided America. It sounds good. No Red No Blue.

A united America. But that is not such a solid reunification if more ANTIFA attacks on the MAGA occurs, as happened to the MAGA march in Washington, DC. The 73m Trump supporters of this country will not play well into the President Elect’s plans if this continues. They are ready to ‘shut’ the country down.

Already you have MAGA truckers doing rolling slowdowns happening on the interstates of the country.

Here MAGA needs more than rhetoric. They want the President Elect and ALL of his administration to sever from ANTIFA and BLM. Getting that is not likely. They see their political base in some of these far left groups.

Here liberal media continues to be President Elect’s biggest friend. They continue to hide the growing fiction and violence that is occurring here. But the video is there of ANTIFA Washington DC attack. Clearly it was not white supremacist that were involved with MAGA. Nor is MAGA white supremacist with black and Hispanic numbers in it.

BUT more than even than this coming clash of MAGA and the extreme left of the DEM party. Is the lack of trust in the election results. In a recent online election poll 91% of the voting REP consider the election to be ‘rigged’. That is 67m MAGA supporters across the country that consider President Elect’s win to be ‘stolen’ from President Trump.

That is a very big BUT to his plans.

Here unless President Elect starts to use phrases like ‘count every legal vote’ and ‘hand recounts’ prior to the December 8th Federal Government’s certification date, If not? He is only going to confirm MAGA’s doubts to
a fair 2020 Presidential Election.

BUT if he does start to alter his messaging here. Then a concession to President Trump and his MAGA supporters will be seen by his supporters. Conceding to President Trump is not one of their main goals at this point. Rather a brooming of the Trump administration is their main objective.

End part 1

RE: What will happen if joe Biden becomes president?

Lenin was the front man for the Bolshevik that were the mass murders. The Czar and his family were murderred by a group of Bolsheviks.....under Lenin's secret orders.

Lenin himself never killed anyone. He had other people do it for him. No, you are missing Bernie role here.....
Biden does not have a direct connection to ANTIFA.....But Bernie does.

RE: What will happen if joe Biden becomes president?

Chooca.....Chooca.....Chooca.....Chooca......Tunnels.....Tunnels....Tunnels....and more Tunnels

Here we go again. Biden is going to bring high speed rails to the his infrastructure program.

President-elect Joe Biden is expected to be a friend to Amtrak following decades of loyal ridership during his time in the US Senate.

A Biden presidency could finally see funding for new tunnels under the Hudson River, a project defunded by the Trump administration.

An expansion of high-speed rail is also on the table as Biden seeks clean energy solutions for transportation.

Only thing is? Governor Newsom of CA....cancelled the LA to SA high speed rail because....the bill want from
16b to 90b Most all of the other high speed programs were also cancelled because of rising cost.

The number of people that were actually going to use the Biden Tunnel was so small, that they cancelled it

super time to get the cape out and fly to your next destination.

RE: What will happen if joe Biden becomes president?

Sorry it is about 200,000+ MAGA in DC.....

RE: What will happen if joe Biden becomes president?

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