RE: Religious people are...

Belief is just that, it's not a fact. Might be true,, might not be,,, Some beliefs are so outrageous,, they can't be true,,,

RE: Religious people are...

A universe with no limits,, incomprehensible,,,

RE: Religious people are...

The God i know is everything too, all of reality which exists in a great mystery, eternity if you will.. Not a MAN. No son,, etc,etc and all that religious nonsense. He/She/It does not need to be accepted. Does not get it's feelings hurt.
He/She/It planted our conscience firmly in our hearts evidently. of course it is good for us to listen to our conscience.

RE: Religious people are...

The God of reality, the Mystery,, NOT A MAN..

RE: Religious people are...

I'm not saying that there isn't a greater power out there, what i'm saying is that religion is something made up in the minds of humans to try to explain why crappy stuff happens and to try ease their fears of the unknown. Religion is a brand, a marketing initiative and a way of trying to control large sections of society.
I don't need it to have no fear of the future, there is no hell other than that which we make for ourselves here on earth. And I don't believe in a greater being that punishes, that just doesn't wash with me, punishment and vindictiveness are human constructs that I doubt that an omnipotent being would possess. But that's just my belief, and Your's are just as valid as mine and if they give You comfort and strength then good for You.[/quote

We are in heaven,, it's just that some,,, notably religionists, make hell out of this wonderful existence of ours right here on this earth. Very obviously there are consequences and benefits for our personal and combined behaviors here, but this notion that a god would get his feelings hurt or feel "blasphemed" and condemn us for eternity to unspeakable torture is a "devilish" notion promoted by religionists.
The God I know,,, CANNOT be blasphemed.

RE: Religious people are...

Well you did say "if you're not 100% sure,, why gamble". What did you mean? Are you not saying you better believe rather then "gamble" is this not believing "just in case" ?

RE: Religious people are...

You're doing a good job "staying out" laugh

RE: Religious people are...

Do read what I am saying,, Organized religion Is the devil of the scriptures,,, and their God is an impostor.
In my opinion the real GOD is that "Mystery" I frequently mention. The Mystery that Einstein mentioned.
Not a man,,, no son,, no resurrections, raising from the dead, no eternal damnation or reward, no walking on water, no virgin birth,,,, etc,etc.

RE: Religious people are...

Don't worry about it. I'm really not offended,, hug

RE: Religious people are...

OK,, imagine this scenario,,, You die and there you are before God with a book opened up to your record, and he asks you,,, What did you do with this Life I gave you. And you say,, Ohhhh God ,,,, I believed in you Just in case,,, And I believed in you because all these guys were telling me to and if I didn't you would condemn me for eternity.
Now just would GOD think if this?

RE: Religious people are...

Yes I've had religionists tell me that they have conjured up "faith" just in case. What's so bad about "nothingness" ? Why "believe", what are you worried about? Why not simply admit the truth, that being that none of us "know" what comes after life. And neither did Jesus or any of these guys who tell you they do. Why take their "word" for it.
I personally don't have any beliefs about after or before life, and am comfortable with that.
As far as the creation goes, It certainly is a Big Mystery to me. The religious and scientific explanations just are not adequate for me. Science of course has much more plausible explanations of the things within this Mystery then religion has.

RE: Religious people are...

It did not sound as if you were questioning me about if I knew where I am going, "you/me on the other hand". Sounded more like you know you're going to some great reward and you did not think I would be. Of course I've had religionists telling me all my life that I'm headed to eternal damnation,, more a WISH of theirs then any factual knowledge.

RE: Religious people are...

Pure conjecture. Absolutely no proof of this whatsoever. Most likely we won't "be" to know whose right. Just like it was before we were conceived. The fact that at one time, we were not, is more proof then anything that this will be again when we die.

RE: Religious people are...

The Devil,,, God's right hand man, (organized religion) The great deceiver and accuser of the scriptures,,,
God and the Devil are best of friends, the've have been in business for centuries,,,

RE: Religious people are...

What's that,,,, a threat? Or you expressing your fear?
It's this crap from so-called loving religionists that gives them away.

Do you REALLY know where you are going?

RE: Religious people are...

I,,, have no problem with consequences in this life. I do have a problem with the notion that they can be avoided if one just "pleases god by "believing", and the concept of "eternal damnation". Just religious "fearmongering" lies.

RE: Religious people are...

How "happy" are religious folks really, having to force their "beliefs" on everyone else? They have to because of a constant threat of being wrong.

It's not a matter of "considering" oneself one thing or another. What is it that one really know to be true?
"Beliefs" are theories that people cling to having no proof one way or the other. That's where "faith" must come in with the denial of "doubt". Some folks have a need to live that way, mostly due to "fear". Are they really happy? How happy can someone be who is full of fear and in denial? Delusional people can "appear" to be happy, and "believe" that they are.
See through "beliefs" for what they really are and go by what you really know to be true and admit there are things we just don't know, and give yourself a chance at true happiness.

RE: What is the US preparing for on October 1st?

All the tea-partiers and their republican admirers are going to go nuts over the implementation of the affordable health care act.

RE: The 2nd Messiah

This thread is proof that God does have a sense of humor,,,, laugh

RE: The Evangelical Republicans

Trickle down economics,,,
It does my heart good to see folks waking up to these scumbags,,,,

RE: 2nd amendment under attack

Fear of "fruity" guys ? laugh

RE: Barack Obama speech

Yes I do enjoy my VA benefits. It has been good care.
The real shame of it all is that at one time in my memory, middle class families could "afford" to buy health insurance. CEOs were not stealing 800x the salaries of their employees. People made decent wages and has good jobs.
It's a shame that government had to step in to give 50,000,000 (soon to be 100,000,000 at the rate we were going) some affordable healthcare.
Would you like to give the top 1% another tax cut at your and our expense, the country's expense.
What is your solution for 50,000,000 people without health care ?
Oh yes the republican plan,,, if you get sick please die ASAP.

RE: Just a thought, before I go!

Where are you going ?

RE: True or false: John 10:38

Dinosaurs too I heard,,,

RE: True or false: John 10:38

And as Bill Cosby said, can you imagine the mess in the bottom of the ship ?

RE: True or false: John 10:38

The argument is over,,, that crap just plain never happened.

RE: True or false: John 10:38

Religion,, is true blasphemy. It puts God in a very bad light,,,

RE: True or false: John 10:38

Yep,,, it's a mystery alright,, But religion's explanation, intimidation, threats, control, etc, is on the way out,,,

RE: True or false: John 10:38

Well you know,, He's God,,, he can do anything he wants. It does not have to make sense,,,,

RE: True or false: John 10:38

doh OMG,,,,, how can that be ????? rolling on the floor laughing

This is a list of forum posts created by Dadude62.

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