Mitch2006Mitch2006 Forum Posts (91)

RE: New Friends!!!!!!!! ;-)

I might have to leave my armour at home, this knight normally only takes it off at night.... but I don't want to get paint all over it.

I'll have an extra bowl of porridge then... just in case ;o)

Shall I bring some mixers? or will we just mix'n match?

RE: New Friends!!!!!!!! ;-)

Merry, gimme a sec to finish my porridge and I'll get my brush.... do I need some spirit or have you already got some?

RE: UK only thread!! lol!!

LMAOOOO... You're in Rainbow, we love a sense of humour!!! (just note the spelling of humour and apply it to honour lol).

RE: UK only thread!! lol!!

Welcome to The UK Euro_Doll!!! We needed some sophistication. I’m afraid the patches aren’t leather…. I’m just trying to give up smoking. LOL

Coolguyred, maybe, if we can get enough of us, we could beg Tallbrunette? I’ve tried begging her on my own…. But she’s having none of it :o((((

Hi Ted, isn’t Bedford the home of a famous orchestra? Culture… this is getting better and better.

RE: ONE live by!!!

Snow then silence..... My $1,000 screen died so friggin beautifully.

RE: ONE live by!!!

You're never alone with schizophrenia.

RE: ONE live by!!!

The meek will inherit the Earth.... If that's OK with everyone else?

RE: Men only want one thing

Well I'd say, "your friend" should stick to nuclear physics if he's any good at it.... horses for courses.

What's your view upon what "your friend" used to say?

RE: Are Looks Important ? Lets find Out.

I love my friends, their loyalty, their honesty and their respect are but a few of the things that enable me to value them greatly as friends. I hope I never let them down by not displaying to them, that which they display to me. I hope I never lose them as friends, moreover I hope I never lose their friendship because I have failed to, as a minimum, be the friend to them that they are to me.

Give me a woman who displays all of the above(as well as a few I've neglected to mention) and to whom I can return the same, add physical attraction and make that attraction mutual...... She would be my Extra Special Friend, the one I would reserve a special love for.

I don't need physical attraction to love someone, I would only need it for that "special love".

BBQ Season

Barbecue Season Is Coming!

After 4 long months of cold and winter, we are finally coming up to summer and BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking as it's the only type of cooking a real man will do, probably because there is an element of danger involved.

When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion:


1) The woman buys the food.
2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert.
3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging beside the grill - beer in hand.

Here comes the important part:


More routine....

5) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.
6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he deals with the situation.

Important again:


More routine.....

8) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces and brings them to the table.
9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.

And most important of all:

10) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.

11) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off." And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing some women....

RE: Another Poem Anyone?


That wasn't my go by the way Lene.... It's still your go.

Fight Club

Maybe it'll not work then. Like I said, it was just a thought.

RE: Im in London for 2 weeks, any ideas?

Well I'm not a lady and I'm not in London but you could check out this place. I hear it's good fun

RE: Another Poem Anyone?

Fully extracted, just a little lank

Phil, waddled, over and gave it two yanks

RE: Another Poem Anyone?

(Hmmmmm, She's is tricksy my precious)

Preparing himself for the inevitable sting

Phil gave it a yank, and extracted the thing

RE: UK only thread!! lol!!

Excellent!! I was born in Nottingham (not a million miles away), but my parents moved to London when I was 2yrs old.

Blimey at this sort of recruitment rate the site will be ours in a decade or two... lol

RE: Another Poem Anyone?

A little embarrassed at what the girls said

With a little pursuasion the legs he did spread

Fight Club

Maybe the more experienced people here could try bringing it back up when things look like they are going in the wrong direction..... By way of a subtle suggestion maybe.

On the other hand a blantant FIGHT CLUB!! post in the thread might work too.

Just another thought

RE: Another Poem Anyone?


The camera fell over, Phil had to duck

Phil picked it up, the tripod was stuck.

RE: Another Poem Anyone?

Gentle caresses, the odd delicate suck

Phil could hardly believe his luck

(Let's see ya rhyme that one then)

Fight Club

In an attempt to stem the flow of good people leaving the forums.

Just wondered if this might be useful for when a thread steps over the boundry between heated debate and full on conflict. People could always try bringing it here before leaving.

The first rule of fight club is: The first thread you'll see: FORUM RULES!!

After that it's up to you whether you choose to bring it here or not.

Just a thought.

RE: Another Poem Anyone?

After the conflict, and adreneline prone

Phil's hormone levels switched to testosterone

RE: Another Poem Anyone?

Tache stood tall, agressive, looked Phil in the eye

Phil let him have it, with a custard pie!!

RE: Another Poem Anyone?

And in favour of all of the others for teaming

Phil thought "I know? I'll get old Tache steaming"

RE: Another Poem Anyone?

Ahemmmmmm !!

RE: Music On A Deserted Island

Message in a Bottle... The Police. lol

What I would like to know is.....

Yeah but???

What if right... the twin who went for the acupuncture had an argument with the other twin, who didn't have anything wrong with them (they just annoyed the first twin) and they didn't want acupuncture.... What then?

Star? Tumpa? What are you two doing here? Get back in the UK thread! Once you're in, you're in.... Never said anything about letting you out again. lol (Are you two always one on top of the other)?

RE: UK only thread!! lol!!

Good thinking Tumpa!!

OK, if anybody has a branch in their family tree that originates from The British Isles, however remote, you're in!!

Come to think of it, if you have a breed of dog with English, Irish, Scottish or Welsh in it... Who are we to complain?

I'm not desperate to bump the numbers up you understand :o)

Hi Star, I don't know if that was an application or not, I don't care whether that was an application or not.... You're in sweetheart!!!

What I would like to know is.....

If acupuncture is when someone sticks needles in people to make them feel better.

And if voodoo is when someone sticks needles in something, that looks like someone, to make them feel bad.

If you've got identical twins and one of them has acupuncture.... What happens to the other twin?

RE: hiya everyone

Hi Littleminx

I'm not in the UK but I am a Brit. Come and say hello in the UK threads, lord knows we need the numbers... lol

This is a list of forum posts created by Mitch2006.

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