MassMomMassMom Forum Posts (46)

Haven't been here for quite a while..

well... honestly, I guess not.. but I wouldn't be looking for someone 18 or 99 years old either (I think that's what the profile says still.. better check it - maybe change a few things!.. just didn't want to get into specifics - not even sure I'm really "looking" at this stage of the game.. got my hands full w/ work & kids.

OK - gotta go re-read my profile now... gulp!

Haven't been here for quite a while..

jeeze! Sounds like I missed all the fun stuff! Well, looks like we'll have to get everyone riled up over something again just so I can get some excitement...

Haven't been here for quite a while..

Well.. craziness you say... please! fill me in. The only gossip I've been getting lately is from my 4 year old - about how a little girl in his class put glue on his teacher's chair!

Haven't been here for quite a while..

Thanks all.. the posts certainly made me happy to be back!

Haven't been here for quite a while..

Hi everyone... I haven't been around for about 7 or 8 months... life just got, well... hectic, but glad to see this site is still here. It's nice to see some new faces and sad to see that some aren't here anymore. For those of you that remember me - I've missed you all in the forums. For those who don't know me - HI! Have a great night everyone!

RE: did you get a rose from a dead man walking? sign my guest book

Thank you for your flowers, Z. As you can see from all the other posts, you will be sorely missed here. I will miss your threads and posts. Take care - good luck to you and your children.
-Jennifer :)


Things that make me happy:

My kids playing nicely w/ eachother
My parents visiting
Seeing good friends
the CS forums
going for a dog walk
reading a good book
being outside with the kids
getting a paycheck
learning something new
making new friends

Things that bum me out:

9 days of rain (yep, I'm in New England!)
My kids not sleeping still at 10 pm
Being awake at 1 am still 'cuz I drank coffee at 10pm
Seeing loved ones suffering
My dog being sprayed by a skunk
The baby teething

I guess my good outweigh my bad.. I'm pretty lucky

RE: Can Sorry be Enough?

Nope, but JetBlue flies one way pretty cheap to Fl now - don't think the offender will need a return ticket after the gators are done with him / her!

Yep, I heard they are enjoying a more varied diet this week. lol

RE: Can Sorry be Enough?

If someone has hurt me, I will forgive, but not forget.

If someone hurts someone I love, I will not forgive as easily, and definately not forget (and, if needed, remind the hurt person of the offence in the future so that they don't continue to be hurt)

If someone hurts my children, I will hunt them down and tie them to a stump in a swamp for some hungry gators.

RE: ~ A Post by Profoundly Intelligent Mind ~

That's the funniest thing I've read in a while! Thank you!

What attracted you to your last ex?

What was it that you wanted most from your last ex? What changed?

Mine was his sweet words... until he began to mix them with crappy words..

After that, what I wanted most from him was his absence. At least I got to keep that!

Another year has gone...

Thanks fireliter! Hopefully this will be my best year yet! I wish you all the same. I don't know what's to come, but I'm excited to find out. Whatever it is, I know it won't be dull, God seems to have a good sence of humor when it comes to me. LOL

RE: I suggest...

Yep, I like 'em both.

My suggestion? Me and my bed! Good night all - see ya tomor... make that later today!

OH! ... and you and star, professor!

Another year has gone...

Don't worry! I wouldn't hold you accountable - believe me, I'd try anything at this point (I have actually tied one of the tiers to the base about 10 minutes ago so the wheel is currently stuck). I was j/k about sending you my son! LOL

Another year has gone...

LOL - that was good, Ocee.

And thanks again, professor, I will try it, but if Lucky isn't so Lucky, you will inherit one very upset 4 year old boy!! LOL

Another year has gone...

Yep! The younger others get, the younger I get! I figure I'll be about 22 by tomorrow this time! LOL

Another year has gone...

Hi all! Well, it's officially my b-day today (and yes, I am 28 AGAIN!). I have decided to share with you what I have learned this year:

1.) Whoever invents a "squeekless" wheel for a hampster will become rich (that is first 'cuz I've been listening to the damn thing for 2 hours now, and it's the 3rd type of wheel I've tried - stupid rodent!)

2.) Do not color blonde hair to brown - you will end up looking like Elmo.

3.) If you ignore #2, go directly to a professional hair dresser - she will somewhat fix it, then send 10" of your supposedly acceptable hair to Locks of Love - makes you feel better about the whole messy situation!

4.) Learn not to love with just your heart, but your mind as well. I know from experience that this is easier said than done, but it should save you a lot of heart-ache in the end.

5.) Work as hard as you can to make your dreams your reality.

6.) Stop looking for love - eventually, if it's meant to be, it will find me.

7.) When you most want to avoid something because it is uncomfortable is when you most need to face it head on so it doesn't fester into something horrible.

8.) Friends are the family we choose, become a friend you would be proud to have yourself.

9.) When you feel your lowest, do something fun with your kids - no one in the world can turn my attitude around as quickly as them!

10.) Learn to enjoy the simple things: gardening, reading, writing, being with family / friends, reading the forums! lol

11.) Learn to laugh at yourself sometimes - you'd be amazed at how funny some of the things you do really are (if it wasn't you).

I hope everyone on here has a fantastic day! I know I will (after I get some sleep, anyway!)

-jennifer :)

Starting Over

why? has something changed?


Starting Over

Thanks Z,
Sounds like a lot to live up to, although I'd like to think that is (mostly) the way I live my life. I have few regrets but many wonderful, fun memories. I think your post will inspire me to continue to keep my life in perspective and hopefully others who read it will do the same as well.

On a sidebar - as far as the Elmo look, I've decided it's not soo bad - I could probably pick up a side job as Elmo's long lost cousin or something! LOL (My 4 year old LOVES it, btw! - If only he knew!)


Starting Over

LMAO! Yeah, I bet it would change my life, but I think I need to pass on that one. Hell, I'm just psyched to go out for a couple of beers with my cousins this weekend - first time to go out to a place that doesn't stamp your hand with a cartoon mouse in.. well, too long! Don't know what I'll do about my Elmo hair-do, but I figure after a couple of beers, I won't care anyway! Hope everyone has a great weekend (and moms have a happy Mother's Day.
Take care!
Jennifer wine

Starting Over

Thank you Assets, the link was great.

OK - I DID IT!!! I colored my hair. Was going from blonde (naturally) to brunette. Thought it was going to be a great idea. I thought wrong. The lesson learned today is if you go from blonde and want to go darker, it comes out red. Not like Grace from Will and Grace, a pretty red either - it comes out like Elmo from Sesame Street red!!!!!! UGHHH! What now?? lol

Starting Over

You are so correct! Thank you for your warning! I hope others read this post as well and your experience is enough of a lesson learned for all of us!

By the way - yes, I'm going to cut it (my hair obviously!) - but have decided to make the change easier for me to accept, I'll donate the cut hair to "locks of love". I was wondering if anyone knows of anyway to find out how to go about doing that? I figure I can help someone else out that way. It'll be a win-win. (I'll have to change my profile picture though). So, unless I start a thread in the next few days saying... WHY did I do that?!?!, you can assume I am not mortified by the change too much! lol

Starting Over

Thanks everyone for the help! I'll probably just color it for now - I'm too worried about cutting it all off. Also, the tanning idea sounds really great - might give it a try. Summer's here, time for a change. I'll let you all know how brave I was in a few days. Take care and thanks again!

Starting Over

Hi everyone. I don't post too much, but read them everyday and now I need some advice from the "been there, done that" club. My B-day is in a few days and I have decided that I want to change a lot of stuff in my life. This past year has been a little tougher than most all of the years before and I have taken some big steps to "start over", ie: going back to school, getting away from less than positive people, getting over the ex.. blah,blah,blah. Anyway, now I'd like to do something for me.

Anyone make a major change in their physical apearance ie: I have blonde hair down to my waist, was gonna color it brunette and cut it short and did you "feel" like a new person after or did you regret it? I know it sounds superficial, it actually is, but I think it's my turn to be nice to me, I'm just a little scared to do it...

RE: My daughter is halarious...

hi Joe -
Yep. My 4 yr old son was caught coloring on the wall (that I just re-painted). First, he dropped the crayon and ran. When I finally found him hiding under his sister's crib he told me he didn't know why he did it, he guessed it was because his "brains just started freaking out"! LOL - I wonder how many criminals would get a suspended sentence for using that excuse!

RE: Networking (You're not my type, but I have a friend)...

Sorry, but whenever I am on here reading forums, every one that I have read posted by you has been about money in some way and how many "money hungry women" there are in the world. It's kind of like the cheater, who, to cover up his own infidelities, blames the spouse who is doing nothing wrong. It sets off warning bells in everyone's head. Now I will admit there are "gold-diggers" out there, but fortunately, they are few and far between; however, I believe the ones that are gold-diggers are probably split pretty evenly as far as being male or female. I'm not trying to kick a man when he's down, this is just what I get about you by reading your posts. (...anyway, you've kicked many a men -and women- when they are down in these forums from what I've seen).

RE: Networking (You're not my type, but I have a friend)...

Cooldud, seeing as you are very money hungry, and you seem to be looking to suck off of women to get that money, I have a FANTASTIC idea for you to make all the money you could imagine!

All you have to do is let the woman of this site that you will stop posting in the forums if we pay you for your absence! I am quite sure most women here - and probably many men here as well, will pay you handsomely for such a blessing to all of us. It's a win-win situation. We don't have to listen to your whinning and you become an instant millionaire!

...and to think - you didn't even have to pay for this great advice, it was completely free of charge! (In the words of Wave, "no need to thank me".

RE: Would You Date Someone Who Is Terminally Ill?

My best friend has stomach cancer. If anyone is familiar with it, you understand the torture she goes through on a daily basis. Next week she starts her 5th round of chemo with her 3rd round of clinical trial medication in the past 2 years. She has 2 children, a boy 13 and a girl 16 - she is widowed since right after she found out she had cancer. She has good days, but more often, many many tough days. She met a man a year ago. He was not scared off by her children and he was not scared off by her condition. Her daughter rides horses and during her second round of chemo she was so sick and so weak, he would carry her to the arena and hold her there so she could watch her daughter ride. She has had 3 operations in the last year alone (one that took out over 1/2 of her small intestine in December) and she weighs a total of 90 pounds right now. In my eyes, he is truly A MAN AMOUNG MEN!!! He loves her unconditionally!! They are the couple that keeps me believing in TRUE LOVE. It is out there for all of us, whether we are healthy or not. She has been my best friend in every sence of the word, I do not see her as someone who is ill, only as a friend. Her children mean as much to me as my own, she is my daughter's Godmother. I just really felt the need to reply, mostly for the fact that I believe her boyfriend gives her more to live for than she already had, but also makes it easier for her to do so (I hope this made sence to everyone, it was kind of emotional to write).

Little Eyes See A Lot

This was given to me a long time ago by a very dear friend - just thought I would pass it along..

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you hang my first painting on the refrigerator, and I immediately wanted to paint another one.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good to be kind to animals.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the little things can be the special things in life.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I heard you say a prayer, and I knew there is a God I could always talk to and I learned to trust in God.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it to a friend who was sick, and I learned that we all have to help take care of each other.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you give of your time and money to help people who had nothing, and I learned that those who have something should give to those who don't.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you take care of our house and everyone in it and I learned we have to take care of what we are given.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw how you handled your responsibilities, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have to be responsible when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes things hurt, but it's all right to cry.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted to be everything that I could be.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I learned most of life's lessons that I need to know to be a good and productive person when I grow up.

When you thought I wasn't looking, I looked at you and wanted to say, "Thanks for all the things I saw when you thought I wasn't looking."

RE: quality or quantity

absence makes the heart grow founder... that statement would only ring true if, when you are with that other person they make you feel important, cherished, intelligent and wanted. otherwise, absence is bliss.

This is a list of forum posts created by MassMom.

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