Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

A couple years aback a female sister in christ who visited your Dr. for eight years with an on off pain in her stomach and never got better, but when they all gathered around her in church and united in prayer, she started vomiting all over the carpet, stuffs that i didn't know human ate, but she has not had that complaint since.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

No man, we won't all die. ever heard of the rapture?

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

If you die today without repentance it will be very late for you.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

rubbbbishh, find good argument to present.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

How come? the first scientist were actually religious people.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

better?? than healed?? where is your brain?? I am feeding on the sincere milk of the written word and there by learn daily to increase in faith.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

Last time i went to a Dr. With a broken hand after punching a guy, I ended up telling him real dirty stuffs, then went and bandaged the thing myself. from then i have always rely on the healing power of prayer and that's another thing that you guy's are yet to explain. miracles that i have seen in mine and other people's liveswow

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

Logics as in the circuits that builds this or any digital device, a state that a condition is either true or falls i.e. if I lift a car with cables as the only source of support to a crane over your head and I cut the cables the car will fall upwards to the sky = falls. If I cut the strings the car will fall on top of you = true. If I cut the cables you will fall on top of the car = falls. If I cut the cables you will crush the car = falls. It cannot be that when it is true we think otherwise and that changes things. If we were to try altering one thing we would automatically change another. Thus action and reaction. All that the universe has shown us so far consists of matter and one cannot find logically how matter evolve out of nothing. This takes more faith than that demanded by religion. Most religions are wrong due to the fact that God is singular and most of them agree on that but what is most important is the fact that you cannot fathom in our vast inferiority a supreme being who’s ways and description is beyond our greatest imagination. I don’t have enough faith to put in another source like evolution, just enough for Christendom.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

And that is Gods level

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God


RE: The official "Bash the USA" thread.

I have been damaged by the us embassy time and times again denieing me a visa

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

OK I prefer it that way

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

Answer this. which would you live by? your experience or someone elses experiment?

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

Are you so naive that even with simple explanations like that you fail to see that all i am trying to show you is that things can't happen by them selves there has to be an enforcer or what ever you prefer to call it.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

YOU ARE not willing to admit that you have proof of God's existence. I was just poining out to you that the thought that all this could come about by accident is plainly foolish thinking that takes more faith than to believe that there is a designer. All around you, everything you see, hear, smell, taste and feel is proof and there is also proof beyond your five sences. that which is spiritual.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

You all can convince me that there is no God.............and you may find it so simple, as my mind is open for understanding, here's how: plug your blender in, switch on and let it spin for (even if you need eternity) whatever period of time and when it stops, i must get out of it a perfectly made Seiko 5 and a boron bracelet. but even then, i still say you need a blender to do that.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

Let's do some math here guys and be rational about it now. Let’s explore this. There is a probability that God exists. And there is a probability that God does not exist. Right?

The Probability that there is not a God + Probability that there is a God = 100%.

Or using simple algebra to re-arrange the equation:

Probability that there is a God = 100% minus the probability that there is not.

Susskind,Kleban and Dyson:"Disturbing Implications of a Cosmological Constant" says the probability of the universe expanding at a rate that would produce stars is one part in 10^120, or
0.000……0001 with 120 zeros.

That is the probability that this happened by pure chance, i.e. without the influence of an intelligent agent.
So the probability that there is a God is:

100% minus 0.0000000000001% = 99.9999999999%.

99.9999999999% probability that the fine-tuning of the universe was NOT a complete accident.

You can bet on the 0.000000000001%, I’ll take the 99.999999999% bet. That’s pretty good odds - at least it is in Vegas.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

Isaiah 45:17-18.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

Why are you wanting that they were pressured.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

Isaiah 45:17,18.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

There is nothing that any of those can say to me as important as what the Bible says. Have you ever read the Bible in it's entirity?

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

That's because their research has proven to them beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is a God. Only those who had not done the research but read a small portion of other people's writings end up confused.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

After writing that i didn't thing anyone would dare question my faith again, too bad.sleep sleep sleep

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

What i wrote before could not be posted because they say i used too many words so this is a shorter one. First I have come to realize the levels of faith in this God as having stages. There is the belief that there is a God. step one, i'm passed that. step two is believing that this God can do all that we can ask or imagine of him. passed that. step three is to believe that he can be personalize in each of us lives. passed that. most christians have a problem at step three let alone step four to know for sure that when you ask of him what ever the request, be it unselfish and sincerely necassary, it will be done, asking in Jesus name. It was my most recent speach in church that left the audience staring in Awe. I am within that. And i have said in another thread "i have enough testimonies to write another Bible." friend, you're talking to some one who had always been in trouble, having grown up on the lesser fortunate side of life and have seen the rough edges of the law, the justice system and could have died in many instances. I have been from place to place testifying of these things and has drawn the greater portion of the croud to my attention. so asking me if i know God, when i say, "yes, i'm alive" you wouldn't understand just as it is but the facts are present everywhere in my life. and no amount of scientific research can convince me otherwise. If you had known me before i knew him, you'd understand.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

There is a mistake in how this is taken. I presented Einstein as a Scientist who believe in God. Yet otther folks believe that scietist are proving that there is no God.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

YES I am alive but what proof one takes to court is not necassarily accepted.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

I just love this man. I knew you'd surrender one day and be willing to learn.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

All these and other questions you wishes to ask can be answered simply. but you need to be willing to listen or open your mind for it, because i can't throw the answers against your head with the intention of boring a hole to get it in.

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

Jews has a curse working against them that will continue for a time untill the time of the gentiles is over. untll then they will not believe on the Lord Christ. No, christians are not smarter. "the gift and calling of God is without repentance" salvation is a gift. pray to understand. it will be revealed to you

Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

I don't understand. the world saw Einstein as one of the greatest minds of our modern erra and that's all you can say because his eperiments that you all believe in has showed us that there has to be a beginner of the beginning

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