HybridCevanHybridCevan Forum Posts (81)

RE: (look at the category, lol)

Well, as long as you don't completely rely on the fact that they're there, I don't see anything wrong. Besides, for some of us, it's not that we're lazy, but we're simply not ready yet to live off our own resources.

But back to the topic on hand, just keep on going, girl. If you find a friend in them, hold on to them, but if breaking your heart means breaking your friendship also, well... grab a bandage, apply some disinfectant to that scar, and simply hope for a better future.

It's like what I heard some time back from a rather old movie. An old woman had her heart broken by a man she loved, and the main character simply told her a story of his own, how he never used a pair of brand new rollerblades and outgrew them: "How will you know that you can ever find love again if you don't use your heart?"

I'm not saying that it won't hurt. It will. It always does. But like anything else in the past, you can "either run from it... or learn from it." Keep strong, and look forward to tomorrow.

Encounters of time...

I wasn't even aware that there was a phrase for something like that. "Cold calls," huh? Oh well. At least I'm feeling better, like I said.

As for my hobbies, I'm a gamer and a tech freak. And though I will travel about on an impulse, usually walking and taking the city bus (What kind of a guy am I, going to a mall for no reason in particular?) there are few, if any social locations in my area that work in my highest interests. As for cardplaying, I haven't heard of many tournaments that didn't involve money, and I'm no gambler.

I actually have found a recent tournament that picks at my interests, and I've joined up for it, but it's all the way in April. Guess I'll just have to keep looking for activities before that happens.

RE: What happend here?

Back to the topic on hand...

Frankly, in my own opinion, she's making excuses. Anyone who finds 'bad' in doing good can only be described as a liar themselves. The fact that you didn't let her change you is a VERY good thing, and I imagine that it will make your children all the more proud. I, myself, salute that kind of bravery.

I wish you didn't have to experience it first-hand, though. I've seen and heard of all manner of treachery that didn't involve television, and it's enough that I could probably write a book on it.

While I'm at it... keep your shield up, but your sword passive; To stay with a slow-temper but standing strong in what you defend. If the worst does come through, it won't be you or your children who will experience it in absolute force.

Encounters of time...

I can summarize my current mood at the moment all in one expression...sigh.

I'll probably be over it by tomorrow after a night's rest, but I'm sure many people here have felt the same way, and in no way do I mean good by this. We all have our moments in time where we look back and think to ourselves: "Why didn't I talk just a little longer?" or "Why didn't I do anything when I saw that person?"

I've tried High school, but that was only a nightmare and now done with. City buses? Only once, and she's now married. And don't even get me started on malls. Trying to strike up small talk with the majority of people who go there even when they aren't doing much of anything is like trying to dig your hand in mud for the hope of a shiny stone, since it rarely carries on if you even get a response in the first place.

This probably should belong elsewhere, but at the same time it does go here, since my question is this... where would you suggest to go and meet people? Or if I'm looking in the right places, what would help? I'm not just talking about the opposite gender, either, but to make local friends, since my ring seems to be shrinking.

RE: How recent is your posted picture?

I'd say about a month for me, I think. Never really particular with pictures in my opinion, but if I ever go through reconstructive surgery for a specific reason, I'll update it.

Though I wonder if I scare people with my expression there...

RE: do men have to go first?

That, and some people like anonymity so much that they turn off the 'who's viewed me' option. I myself am trying to break from that habit, though...

as for sending flowers, sometimes it's a hit and miss. Some people I haven't even seen, let alone heard that they've been online since the last time I sent one. Even had one deleted or hidden, but I imagine they have their own reasons, and I'm not pointing fingers.

Frankly, as long as I can strike up a conversation on the boards here, then I'm good. I'll find someone eventually, but I'll settle for friends as of now.

RE: So, why are you here??

I have a rather lengthy confession to make, as per my appearance to why I'm here...

I'm here because I have a hard time getting to know anyone in real life anymore. I'm trying to get better at it, but unfortunately those times when I have tried to talk to someone the brief 'friendship' rarely lasts when I'm off-site. It ends up as small chat and then they're practically gone from my life. Reason? I've felt like an outsider since High school, among unrelated things I won't go into detail about.

On top of that, joining the site was what I refer to as a 'banzai' maneuver. I -never- imagined myself getting onto a website like this, nonetheless one that was dating. It was mostly from a friend's suggestion when I was wishing I could meet "someone," since the only female friend I've ever met on my own and made friends with AND not through the guys I am friends with (Yes, I've had only one that applies there!!) is married. I didn't say girlfriend because it tends to give people the wrong idea.

Hence, my "Hoping not to be hopeless" title.

RE: go ahead and flirt. lets see some great pick up lines.

"Darling, your eyes shine like the pearls in the sea..."

I scare most of my friends with that one... I'm not exactly a romantic type, but it's mostly with the guys I hang with that they jokingly freak out. I've yet to say it in public--er, wait... dang.

Thought-provoking Shorties

Indeed, Rose. But one can always hope for that day, and try helping others not make a big lie out of it. For the record, I hope what I've said hasn't offended you, because I don't mean to.

Anywho... Now that I'm more in focus, I'll elaborate in the shortest way possible what I just said, starting from the top.

The best heroes around are not Spiderman or Mr. Incredible. While they are powerful, your best heroes are your friends.

Chaos is the definition of disorder. Likewise, having 'power' is trying to say that you have control.

You cast a shadow... shouldn't you be careful of what you possibly could do?

Conquerers in the past claimed land and enforced peace by destroying resistance. But true diplomats stop, or 'destroy' the want of fighting, preserving peace. Everything in life involves destroying something to make us feel at peace, whether physically or mentally, good or evil.
(So much for being short on that one.)

Having something unique about yourself is the reason to stand out from a crowd. If you suppress that talent, then what makes you different?

I'll quote someone when I was reading last night, and nearly freaked when I saw it: "When something is true, not so many words are necessary." Do I really need to say more?

...and it just occurred to me that the last one is the same thing as the 'making sense' comment, now that I can think straight. Yikes, was I really out of it when I made that one up? Anywho, that's my definitions of these.

And "it is what it is..." Can't believe I didn't think of it before, so for the insight, many thanks. Like I've heard on Monkey Island, but with a bit more humor: "A brick is a brick is a brick."

RE: the question

Umm... I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining, other than pointing out something that goes very well with 'Why not.' That, and I was a bit tired, what with being up until Midnight, which might have contributed with me practically freaking out in my last post.

Thought-provoking Shorties

I'll define that one right now, since I probably gave the wrong idea for that one...

Too much light in truth. Yes, it's true that the truth hurts. Yes, I'll take a truth over a lie anyday.

But to elaborate, let's put it this way... Take a flashlight, go into a dark room, and then turn it on. Now shine it on any surface. What do you see?

And then there are those people who try to be the truth, who try to translate every single word being said. Those are the people who take that flashlight and point it right at their eyes. Do they see? Maybe, but more than likely are they blinding themselves to find what they're looking for.

In short: Take it, and learn when to stop diving in. You make less mistakes that way.

RE: the question

"When something is true, not so many words are necessary."

Please, anyone who is reading this, for the love of everything good and holy... LISTEN to this single piece of sage advice! The one thing I couldn't think of in my own words, and yet not in my own fashion of saying it did it end up -right here!!-

Nothing should have to go beyond a single definition. Nothing. Everything in life is complex, but if you ever have to explain something, it boils down to a common phrase I've heard, and I point it to myself sometimes: "Keep it simple, stupid!" This is the way with friendships. This is the meaning with love. If it doesn't make sense to you, then why do you bother?

Whoo... okay, Mr. Hybrid is now officially tired tonight. Hyper surge is gone, and now I need to crash. If I'm confusing anyone, I'll explain tomorrow.

Thought-provoking Shorties

Hey everyone. Just little ol' me here to get everyone's brains running as I wander from poems to simple words. We all know our quotes and everything, but sometimes what we say can really confuse someone else. I'll show what I have, and if anyone can translate, feel free. Otherwise, I'll stick around for some time longer, but give their definitions much later... like in about 10-12 hours from now, hehe.

Or, you can add your own. As I hear several times from family members: "Thinking? I can see the smoke." Anyways, here we go.

I suppose every era needs its own Heroes. (Actually from a game called Fable)

Chaos with self-control is Power... but Power without self-control is Chaos.

Darkness is nothing to be afraid of. It's what casts that shadow that you should worry about.

We have the Power to make peace... with the Power to destroy.
(This one is my personal favorite, and I sometimes scare people with it.)

Being wierd is normal, but trying to be normal is just plain wierd.

If it makes sense, then why do we question it?

There -is- such a thing as too much light in truth.

...I'm pretty sure I just made up these and winged it, but I could be wrong. I might be missing one I know of, but it's getting late and getting harder to focus. Anyways, if you have your own, let's hear it, whether it's quoted or not. If it's more than one, mark which is your favorite!

Simply dubbed 'Shadows'

I guess I should explain myself a little more on this one, since I've noticed a few viewing and none making any sort of mention to it. I'm not kidding when I say this entire thing is deep, and I imagine I'm scaring some people too.

"Seeing" that this was supposed to be the song of a blind person, one thing is obvious: all she sees are shadows. Buildings, scenery, and even the people around her. And, like the shadows she can listen to, she can also turn to people to get help if she needs it.

Moonlight and Sunlight are two forms of light... and through science, we know that both are completely vital to the entire ecosystem of this world. But at the same time, during the day or a full moon, we can use both without the need to have flashlights or candles when it shines down. To her, that's like losing guidance of any sort.

Look at yourself in the mirror. Name at least two flaws, two good things, and two quirks that you think about yourself. Now move and face a wall with a light behind you. Understand that what you see is the person either inside you, or as we put it, "The shadow of your former self." What personality does it have, and is it the one that is you in public when you go outside, or is it the one that stays at home or with friends?

There's one more piece in there that I threw in, but I'm done for now. If you want to point out that 'one more detail' or even what you interpret, I'll be glad to listen in.

RE: As the shades are drawn

Ahh, don't I know this one... though I haven't really had a heartbreak yet, I do know what it's like to be a bit lovesick.

Truth be told, I'm a bit of a 'sad' guy... I've made only one girlfriend on my own, or more specifically, one that I made friends with that wasn't already friends with a guy I hung out with. However, she's not for me since she's married, but we're still the best of friends, and I gained another one in the form of her husband.

Oh well. I suppose things like that can happen when you have a small circle of friends.

Simply dubbed 'Shadows'

This is for all those who have had a bad day, whether here or not... I was just going through the poems when I thought, "Eh, I've done it, why shouldn't I post mine?" This is not light-hearted at all... For an idea of where this came from, I once roleplayed a fantasy character that's blind, but can speak and listen to shadows. From this power, she could move about as if she could see to a small degree.

As for its format, this was also put to the tune of "Radical Dreamers" from the game Chrono Cross... anyways, here we go.

The shadows whisper and I hear their call
They speak of pride
They speak of shame
They speak of all...
The shadows tell me of the things to be:
Of what is to come
Of what is to know,
Of what's to see.

The shadows guide me and with them I learn
I see no paths
And yet I walk
Without return;
The first step I made forward was my path
And living alone
I'm longing to find
Of truth and wrath...

Guide me shadows, give me the right of way,
Stop me shadows,
Patience stay!
Moonlight, Sunlight, why do you leave me so
For I'm stranded
Alone... my heart knows.

The evil Shadows come for my misery;
They taunt my life
They mock my strength
And drain me.
Their words and threats cut me to my soul,
But yet I refuse
To give in my fate;
I know full...

What's this Shadow? It speaks of kindness true,
Knowing full well
What I do.
Shadow, lead me and I shall lead on, too;
My words remind of you.

RE: why so many of the 21 and younger set joining?

Well, I can at least answer for myself, and be as blunt as possible... fact is, I have THE hardest time making friends on a personal basis. Never know what to say, can't seem to find myself in a comfortable position (by that I mean actually going up to someone and starting a conversation) and while I can do things that I enjoy doing to get attention, I have a really annoying habit of wanting to stay invisible. And by really annoying, I mean most of the time just not really saying anything to anyone other than those who have to talk, like the clerks.

One example? I just thought I'd go to the mall one day and wander. Didn't really buy anything except for one game that was used, but when I went there I wore shorts, a t-shirt, and a big, green cloak. Yes, a cloak!! It wasn't really much to get attention, it was to keep the rain off of me outside, but you can probably imagine the comments I get from it.

Regardless, at the end of the day, I didn't really know anyone after all that, and I hate to admit it, but I don't even remember the faces of those I did talk to.

RE: Is it just me...or has some of the regs..................

You'd be surprised what some tolerance levels can take. Still, there is that point where they can take only so much, and then it just becomes a chore.

And then there's people who can take it, roll with the punches, and even throw some back at the full-mouthed offenders right where it hurts without using insults or losing their temper. I salute those with that kind of patience.

Just remember that wherever you go, there you are, and every word has a potential to boomerang back to you, both good and bad. If you're one of those offenders, well, I'm already wincing at some of the comebacks that you might take, whether it's here or in real life.

RE: the one part of your body your happy with!

Time to shoot off something random... or at least something that hasn't been said yet. Okay, so it has, but not singled out.

My mouth. I would say my mind, but sometimes the words to make someone's day just doesn't always come from the head. Maybe smart words, but sometimes those come out as a joke.

stupid smart-mouth of mine... *grin*


It was okay, I guess. Nothing new, unless staying up until this hour and playing games to kingdom come sounds exciting. Looking forward to the 15th, though... can't wait for some of those 'valentine' sales!

On a more serious note, here's hoping that tomorrow (or today, if you're still up at this hour) turns out better for some of you... or even all of you, and improves life, as well! As for me at the moment, it's time for sleep.

The Highest standard

Hey everyone. Still working on trying not to make myself invisible, even though I've only been registered a few days... but still, a curious mind works in different ways.

I wasn't sure where to put this, but I imagined that here was the perfect place to talk about it, or point it out to some, or even just to let others know what you think. And the topic on my mind at the moment is the highest standard you set.

Anyways, here's the question: What's your biggest standard when you're looking for friends or even a loved one? You know, the one that absolutely cannot be changed no matter what anyone says. Sure, you have the things you're looking for, and there may be more than one, but I'm more concerned about the one standard that you may as well be holding a big, flashing neon sign for, trying to say to others around you that you won't be a part of it. You may even go as far to pardon a little of it if they're trying to change for it, but only so much.

While we're thinking about it, here's mine: misuse of language. I absolutely loathe the common use of words that should not even be in everyday lives. I don't even need to repeat them... I know very well -everybody- knows what 4 letter words I speak of. On a laughing matter, no, I don't mean the word 'kiss,' either.

This is a list of forum posts created by HybridCevan.

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