HybridCevanHybridCevan Forum Posts (81)

Dreams that you've had...

...and I don't mean the "good ol' days," either!

That's right, I'm talking about when you sleep. Ever had (and vaguely remember) a dream that you wish you could have a second time, or struck you as absolutely out there considering it was you who dreamed it? Share the specifics or not, but do so only if you're comfortable. I can name three, since they are about the only dreams with a memory that I can recall. I'll begin with this one (which makes me believe I roleplay too much)...

I had a neighbor move into a 'house' near our location on the same street as us. The house? It was actually a tree of sorts, looking like a tree on the outside but making a fully liveable home on the inside. Regardless, these neighbors were not exactly human, one of which was a centaur, but there was one girl who was more human in appearance and form than any of them, yet obviously not human.

Oddly, since I'm not exactly a romantic type, we started to fall for each other, and the father, specifically the centaur, didn't approve of the idea. However, against his thoughts of the whole matter, we somehow got a hold of two "love potions" for the Ritual of engagement. The only thing I remember after that was the Dad-in-law finally agrees to it, albeit a bit defeated in the decision.

...Bizarre, I know. But If only I could remember her face...! sigh

RE: ACTIONS....or......WORDS?

If you seek knowledge and reason, words.
If you seek wisdom and perception, actions.

However, words and actions are both important. This is entirely true when seeking to make new friends... you take action to speak to them and express your interest, and you use words to learn. If you cannot balance the two, then it eventually becomes obvious.

Okay, ending my attempt at 'sage mode' speech... Basically, it's all about communication: your actions can say just as much as your words, or should I say lack of them? A man can say as much stupidity as he wants, but that can reveal something that he cannot express with his body.

...I just insulted myself, didn't I? dunno

RE: thread killer

I've always wondered if I was a thread killer myself, but I usually figure it means I've said something and people are still thinking about it. grin

On a more serious note, I never know if it's a good or bad thing. Chances are that we just tend to have the last word.

RE: time to change the subject and smile

Glad to know I'm not the only one who is easily amused... of course, it being about 45 minutes to midnight also helps wear out sanity.

Maybe I should do this more often... grin

RE: " who created god "

I could give my version of an answer to the question, to at least have a faint comprehension of what makes sense.

Be warned, however... this is not for the faint of heart or mind. The answer I have in mind is attempting to explain eternity in a nutshell, which is likely nothing close to the true thing. It is, however, the only thing that makes any sense to me.

"God" created God. While we are his creation, he was the creation of another... on a world likely similar to our own. He had our own irritations, our schooling, our human, mortal bodies that we have these days. Likely then he did not have the same vision that he does today, to "see all that has been and all that is yet to be."

Yet, like our world will eventually have, his also had a second coming; an ascension of the world, and being atoned for any sins that he had repented of, he was brought to live with his god. Having obeying his Lord to the best of his abilities then, his mind was perfectly aligned with that of a true God. Thus, being immortal, being ascended, and being 'perfect,' he was to begin his own 'family' of spirits... to begin the cycle once again, which he had lived and will live once more.

When did it begin? Who knows. Not to be insulting, but our minds (including mine) are stupid when it comes to eternity, as we can't comprehend it. Science has even proven that our human brain has untapped power that we cannot touch without any possible assistance; the mortal body by itself is far from perfect.

Also, if this is the case, why do we follow only Him? Because we are his creation. What kind of perfect father would his god be if he did not let him have the trials of following his footsteps? We have to let our children fall while learning to walk, don't we?

Lastly... ever wonder where women come into all of this? Let me put it this way... How many of you guys, if given the chance to marry a perfect wife, would want to shut up someone who talks trash about her when the whole world can hear you? He hates it enough when we use his name in vain, but he'd smite us if we were to do that to our mother. Besides, the world would be empty without the graceful 'flowers' that are our women to create new life! Is that not godly power itself?!?

Anywho... that's my answer. Like I said, not for faint of heart or mind.

RE: time to change the subject and smile

I can throw out a good pun, if you want it... but that might be qualified as a bad joke.

Anyways, here's one, no offense to anyone who falls into this category:

A lawyer was to go into the hospital to undergo a rather serious surgery. Eventually, as time passed, and the procedure went through, it was a success, and he was put into recovery to wake up.

Finally, after several hours, the lawyer slowly awoke in his hospital bed. Raising it so he could look across the room, he saw that the windows were closed, wondering if it was night time already. Turning to a nurse, he asked, "Miss, why are the curtains closed? Is it night already?"

The nurse glanced over and replied, "Oh, I'm sorry. I had the curtains closed because there's a fire across the street and we didn't want you to wake up and think the operation was a failure."

RE: what do you think of me fellow forums friends

I just discovered that reply in the other thread, Betrayed... and since you brought it up here, I'll answer here. You missed the joke; it was one of those moments where I just didn't want to talk about it and came out with something idiotic. I honestly did not think that you would take it that way, but apparently I can be quite ignorant how other minds can possibly hear my words.

As for liverpool... well, I don't know much either. Sorry. dunno

RE: What do you think of labels?

Back on track, you can 'label' me all you want with nicknames. To me, it means only one thing: I'm (in)famous!! rolling on the floor laughing

In fact, when I worked in the last business I worked as the sales clerk in, it was a shop that sold water, bottles, coolers and the like and, you guessed it... I was "Water Boy."

Kind of shines a different light over me now, doesn't it?


A good number of these posts make mine look like a cake walk, I'll admit. However, to me at that time it seemed like the worst thing that happened, and frankly, it was. I was still in high school, after all.

I'm going to make it short for now, though. I'll indulge your curiosity of details if you ask me nicely, but to give you an idea of the situation:

Something in my possession was targeted and taken without permission.
It was taken from my own home when I wasn't around... and it happened twice.

Certainly doesn't make trusting people any easier, doesn't it? sigh

I'd try to say something amusing, but it probably will be out of place in this thread. Laughter is my method of cheering up, after all... and probably makes me look a little psycho if I do it at a wrong time.

RE: How big is your...

Let's see... ego... what's an ego? grin

Actually, it's tall, fat, and shaped like a jellyfish... with the potential to sting and the ability to be somewhat flexible. Like the stingers, though, you don't want to be trying to hit them, as I'll probably react.

I'm in a poetic mood tonight, it seems...

RE: Do You Believe In Falling In Love On Line?

Ahh, the un-proverbial "love at first type..."

It's possible. Yet it's impossible. And it's only a matter of opinion to the statement "seeing is believing," as you cannot see love. It is one thing, as is hearing, walking, feeling, smelling... okay, I'm done. Too much metaphor. laugh


Because, admittingly, I hate-- no, I -loathe- the idea of talking or really thinking about the subject of women in general. Nothing against them at all... most of them (I wish I could say all, but sometimes they can be as much of a jerk as the guys) are like a beautiful vase of flowers, each with their own characteristics, but I'm just not the guy to go looking for details. Yes, I am shy, I admit it, but that wouldn't change a thing.

I'm serious. About four or five years back, don't remember how long exactly but it was around then, I was with a few other guys during a roadtrip for a campout (which, with all honesty does not excite me, but I was told to go.) Some time during this, however, the guys began to talk about girls they had met, being 'hot stuff' and all that.

That's when I got tired of the whole talk, and piped up with: "If this were a restaurant, I'd be going, 'check, please.'" Certainly gave everyone a laugh, but it did stop it for about the next half-hour and gave me a personal quote that everyone applied right then and there.

RE: head games

Look deep into my eyes... deeper, deeper...

Now that you've got a good look, please tell me my head isn't full of hot air.

RE: head games

It's always a mind game with me... the wit must be as sharp as the sword. That is, of course, a joke.

All joking aside, the same could be said about me... seems whenever I try to strike up a conversation, it dies when my words come out. Maybe I make them think on it too much?

RE: Too cynical or just uninformed or a novice?

I imagine what the saying actually means is that when you are looking, it will show up where you don't try to grasp for it. Still, you've got to give it an effort at least. Life shouldn't serve everything on a silver platter... just the delicious goodies that come from earning it.

RE: Can humans learned from some animal's behavior?

What about the part of being persistent until your head gets scratched?

...actually, that would be just odd, though I do love a good backscratch. laugh

The camera is out... what do you do?!?

I knew a few who would hide behind something to avoid getting their picture taken... and some who would just use their hand to get in the face of the camera. A stupid face? That's a new one.

But wait, if I strike a stance, doesn't that make me a poser? The burning questions that await in our minds... grin

The camera is out... what do you do?!?

Well, more specifically, when someone you know moderately is about to take an informal picture and you know you can do something about it. I have a very bad habit of posing for the camera, even to some strangers, and it probably shows in my own image I have here in CS.

And if it shows more than my face, well... you probably don't want to go there. Just imagine a cartoon character posing for success and that's not too far off from what I'd do.

Guess where I lack in words, I make up for it in expression, huh?

RE: HOw long as everyone been on CS....

I think... 2 months. Give or take a few days. Throw in some rediculous answer and you get 42.

All joking aside, I can only remember about 2 months. Might've been 3, but I was off and on about the second one. You see my 'mug shot' every so often, but then I fire off something that almost seem to end certain forum threads. Probably just my imagination, though.

I'll have to say, though, that timewise CS has earned more attention than all forums I've ever stepped in combined.

RE: femininity!

Without the tender side, you have no sense of feeling or concern.
Without the muscle, you have no nerve to stand for what you believe.

Don't ever believe that either one is not required. It's up to you, however, to learn when to use the other more in the situation.

At least, that is what I think.

RE: Scary, But this Could Happen....

While flying an airplane, our co-pilot noticed an object approaching us. As it came closer to visually see what it was, we became aware that this was a single duck, almost on a collision course. Before we could wonder what it was doing all the way up here, though, the duck proceeded to fly straight into us, bounce off the windshield, and plummet towards the ground in a free-fall.

It was silent for a moment despite the sound of the plane around us. Being the first to break that silence, the co-pilot leaned over to me and remarked: "Guess that's one that didn't live up to its name."

RE: 2 line rhymes!

Finding a post that is so witty
that I cannot rhyme, 'tis a pity.

...oh, wait, I just did.

RE: Allowing Others to 'Define' Us

A phrase comes to mind...

"You can't handle the truth!!"

Many times it's a lie, but there are others that mean something. Me? If someone wants to make a comment about me, brace yourself, because either I'm going to take it or catch it and do a turnabout throw.

Quoting an actual conversation...

Person: "What is that you're wearing?"
Me: "It's a cloak."
Person: "Wow... it sucks."
Me: "Glad to know it's getting attention."
Person: "No... it sucks."
Me: "But you're still looking, so it's serving its purpose."
Person: "are you wearing anything underneath that?"
Me: "Of course!" *opens cloak to show what I'm wearing*
Person: "Wow... the whole outfit sucks!!"
Me: "Makes the cape look good then, huh?"

They were done talking by the time they said the last thing and pretty much ignored my comment, but I imagined that they wanted to try bringing someone down to make themselves feel better and couldn't handle my words. There are some things that I know are awful, though, like the bright blue and pink cap I have... if I threw that in a fire, the flames wouldn't even feel the dignity to have burned it!

RE: Over Flirtaciousness?

Back on the 'subject'...

people are right on the matter of not wanting all that attention. At the same time, there are those that getting flirty attention means that they're wanted. What I say now is merely my opinion, and perhaps some truth.

From what I understand (which is very little, considering I'm entirely NOT a flirty person as far as I know) if flirting ends at any amount after committing a relationship and marriage, then there's seriously something wrong. You're spending the rest of your life with them... to stay in love, you need more later on, not less!

So if you're starting a relationship, yes, there can be too much. There can still be too much, but only if it demands attention and time at the wrong moment.

RE: What would Jesus wear ?

Wow, did interest get lost in this one or did I single-handedly kill this thread?

RE: do you sometimes

Let's say a person shows up and you know that your neighbor knows that you know that neither of you know who the heck that person is.

So stop being strangers and learn one thing: They may not say who they are, but you can learn a lot from their words. Not everyone is an enemy, but not everyone is your best friend either.

Hmm, now I'm curious if anyone is thinking that phrase about me and what I just said...

RE: What would Jesus wear ?

I find this an interesting topic as well, and had to add my two cents. Not that I have a dollar's worth of sanity anyways, but I digress...

I don't care how many times it would be said, I can't visualize him in more than a red robe. Yes, the color is important. Not neccessarily a blood red, but like the red of a rose.

After all, is he not the God of love?

RE: Should you tell it like it is or tread on eggshells?

Oh, to be late in words...

This is my feeling on the topic: Touch on the important parts, but leave out small details unless asked upon. Too many times is giving 'everything' a bad idea, unless what you're telling is a small detail in itself and cannot be dismissed. At that point, I ask for them to 'hear me out before saying anything.'

Quoting someone, I wish I could remember who: "When something is true, not many words are needed." I'll add my own to this... "If someone says their sword is sharp, do you grab it and touch the edge yourself? Let them show you!"

RE: Welcome to the Hereafter

Hmm, seems I've come this far myself. But now that I'm in the Hereafter, I can only wonder: What am I here after?

I just had to say it...

RE: does anybody talk in the third person if you do tell me WHY

Cevan likes to do that sometimes...

But on a serious note, I do it mostly when I want to try sounding funny or when I'm roleplaying a character that does. I remember one time playing a character that had his 'learning' trained so well that he spoke like he was a collective.

"And now, we must take our leave." (I just had to, hehe.)

This is a list of forum posts created by HybridCevan.

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