Why We Do That at Weddings Quiz

Why We Do That at Weddings? Quiz

created by QuizAdmin on Nov 200934 yrs old, Connecting Singles

Comments for this Quiz

ginger1959 Kingston, Ontario CanadaOct 4, 2010
I learned something new!!!
Thanks Ginger
AnimalLover66 Altona Meadows, Victoria AustraliaApr 19, 2010
The last question is also incorrect. Throwing rice (in Western culture) replaced throwing confetti, because it's more environmentally friendly - and because churches began asking people not to throw confetti, as it left a mess for them to clean up.
jimbo79 carlow, Carlow IrelandFeb 15, 2010
the answer to the first question is incorrect it is infact a roman tradition and had nothing to do with spirits

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