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Israelis122online now!


1. Crooked church heads make crooked beds!
I knew a male gentile pastor who had a wife & kids
and had a girlfriend & kids from her in the same church.
Crooked church heads make crooked beds!

2. Solomon had 700-wives, princesses, 300-concubines,
that is a 1000-women.
I'm just voting for one,
that's the Old Testament we don't live in those days any more,
Players that aren't done playing sin love 2 have their fun.
1 Kings 11:3

3. Lots of men love that one night stand,
especially if she knows you're a millionaire,
she stays awake waiting for that drug induced
drink she gave you Mr. Man to put u to sleep,
when he begins 2 roar,
with his loud snore.

4. Because Mr. Man 2 bed u touched her hand,
as he's in his deep forest of sleep
she searches his wallet,
this man went 2 bed with a she shark,
he doesn't know while he's asleep
she's busy sinking him in 2 that robbers quicksand.

5. A lot of men love that one night stand,
remember U let her in, into your inn
when you're finished with her Mr. Man.
She can't wait 4 U 2 begin your deep snore,
then next she finds his debit card pin
remember Mr. Man U had let her in your inn.
His bank tells him, "U have no more funds
2 cover your door,
but he didn't know he got robbed while he snored.

6. I remember walking in 2 this church,
I had sat down 2 listen 2 this church head,
what U are in your heart
will be heard & shown 2 her in your bed!

7. The number one Life style:
Most men live a double-standard life style,
within the same man he loves his double life style,
she hears how much of an angel U are working out there
in the general public, she's heard all those comments
about her husbands reputation.

8. The number 2 life style within the same man:
She will hear & see what U are
behind the closed doors of your home with her.
She will judge if have within U, 'Force,'
she's expecting 2 hear & see this angel
everyone's been talking about your reputation
when he was out on his working jobs course.

9. I remember walking in 2 this church,
I sat down 2 listen 2 this church head,
what U are in your heart,
will be heard & shown 2 her in your bed!

10. He said horrible things about TBN:
meaning Trinity Broadcasting Network.
Said horrible things about the 700-Club.
I quoted his own bible back 2 him
the Song of Solomon 8:6 tells U,
"Jealousy is as cruel as the grave."
"When your favorite sport is Lazy-Lynching
the work away from your hands."
"U would rather preach a sermon
that mirrors your own new-born-babies scream,
when you're no-longer a baby any more,
being grown-up u can be a doer,
instead of crying & screaming like a new-born-babies scream."

11. His preaching everyone calls him a church head,
his message, "we must serve jealousy & angers head!"
I said, "I see why U don't get any sleep at night,
U love your crooked bed!"

12. Not all men of the Cloth are chosen:
The first class of men are good, they're Dolphins,
they've chosen 2 be done playing in sin.

13. The second class of men are evil, they're Sharks,
they've decided in their heart they love serving 2 masters,
they've also had decided they're won't be done playing in sin
as long as they say so.
U can't hear & see this until their actions
show & tell on them,
then after this they get reported!

14. Man that is born of a woman is of a few days
& full of trouble! Job 14:1. Men all over the world
have gone out of their way 2 make a mess
out of God's Church!!

15. Women's Recovery Home:
Here's proof found in scripture that men 4 hundreds
& hundreds of years have been living a double-standard
double life style all in the same one man.
Before a man can show & tell his double life style,
it starts at the seat of his emotions his heart. Psalms 12:1-2.(KJV)

Below they have archives that start at Deceember 2003
& they end at July 2021.

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: 30 mins ago
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Israelis122online now!


1. You Men That Love To Treasure Your Double Life,
Why Marry And Suffer Your New Wedded Wife?

2. As a Minister in Christ a number of women
had complained to me in past accounts about their hubby or boyfriend.
They all had said the same thing about their men.
"The General Public have exonerated my man as angel
while working on his job,
and when he comes home to be with his woman she exonerates him as a male devil,
when he gives her a black-eye causing his favorite sport to ignite
In past accounts the women had asked me, "Why Is That?'
I said, "Your boyfriend or the man you had married
he's Jekyll and Hyde all in the one same man."

3. "He's Jekyll on the job in the sharp eye of the General Public,
and when he comes home to be with his woman he turns into Hyde."

4. Women have the same complaint about men as the God of Israel does about different nations of men,
they will honor a woman with their lips but their heart is far from her."
[Mark 7:6]

5. Women already know when their man wants something
she's seen how he will get-up going out of his way
to go get what he will want.
Mr. Man she expects you to treat her
with the same mentality as she had seen you had treated yourself.

6. I don't know about American Mom's and Dad's
giving their daughters away in marriage.
I do know very strong about foreign Mom's and Dad's
concerning giving their daughters away in marriage.
Foreign Mom and Dad as a team they will check on
their daughters after they marry remaining in their country. [Checking On Their Daughters For Years] "Why?"
Mom and Dad want to make sure that their daughter
didn't marry a man that is Jekyll and Hyde all in the one same man.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: 3 hrs ago
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12qw34er56tyonline now!

When the day comes and we are together

When the day comes and we are together
You will always know and feel this
I will always hug kiss and love you
Every moment of the day and night
I want to taste your love for me
By kissing your sweet lips
I want to feel your body next to me
I just want you to know
That I really do love you

Have I told you yet
How much you mean to me
Have I told you yet
For all the happiness it brings
Have I told you yet
You mean the world to me
Just in case I don t
I want you to know this
You are the best thing that happened to me
I love you let me kiss you deeply Let me move my hands along your body and experience every inch of you I want to kiss your neck I want to kiss your belly I want to kiss your thighs I want to leave marks on everything in between I just want you to know that I adore everything about you
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 12
About this poem:
When the day comes and we are together
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12qw34er56tyonline now!

Children killed him

O killer of children how did you kill them? Is your army treacherous or weak?

Our armies?

If you kill them you are their enemy We are not angry about the killing of our children Death is better for us O inhabitant of the palace and ruler of our land. How much have you been deceiving us and how much have you been playing with us? If your son were among them I would answer them and kill their killer Please advise us

What did you do to them while you were our leader? What they did to us pleases you

And our offer ends?

If what you did was truly a sin then you are the punishment and you are all our sins

To the capitals of the world you go on a permanent pilgrimage to sell our chivalry and the rest of our pride If you cannot live without humiliation, how can you not seek to humiliate our country? If you don t know you re dead ask the dust of the earth about our ancestors Tomorrow you will come before God naked except for the clothes of fear Among our prayers are innocent children whose remains called out to you one day with their blood She did not move even once and asked that criminal who drank from the river of our children s blood

O killer of children how did you kill them? Is your army treacherous or weak?

Our armies?

If you kill them you are their enemy We don t get angry when our children are killed
Death is better for us
If you have some of their blood on your palm then their blood is crying on the palm of the one who let them down
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 8
About this poem:
Children are being killed exclusively on television and the world is not moving
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12qw34er56tyonline now!

I blink my eyes and wish to see you

I closed my eyes, wanting to see him

My palms intertwine with his palms

I swear to God I will not leave you

I hope it stays in my country

You ignore me and torture me

Look with your eyes and have mercy on me

I hope you stay in front of me

And everything in the world I don't want

When you are with me

What is the fear of separation?

And I worry about leaving me

Believe me since the day I saw him

I have never known a night's sleep

Honey drips from your lips

I love listening to your words
And your smile and your cheeks are like roses

When I saw you I was fine

Young, sweet and loyal

With his look, give me my evidence

And the pulse becomes double

O son of people, listen to me

Enough foreplay and madness

I love you and I want you to love me

I hope you stay in my country
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 7
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The old school way of love
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Betrayest thou with a kiss?

Betrayest thou with a kiss?
The serpent snaps with a hiss
Walking blindly into the mist
and ye cannot see the eternal abyss?

Shadows and voices shift within the night illusions fill the sight
Searching for truth in the distant light
Who knows what is wrong or right?

The harbor shimmers so bright as the clouds drift silently with fright
Hear the call of the wolf as the eagle takes flight

A darkness has fallen across the land and the evil is coming with a swift hand

The cries of unanswered prayers blow gently in the still air
Not even the gods can hear nor seem to care

Tears become as blood and lies are spun in mud sometimes we just can't seem to wipe away the crud

Yet, beyond the abysmal despair a ray of hope shines within the clouds
Beloved light of love brings the healing and removes the shroud and the angels sing aloud

"Glory unto the highest holy is the lamb the
Savior is come with a mighty hand"

The earth rejoices and the fowl of the air
sound off their voices the mountains tremble
and the seas rumble

The light of heaven is found and love abounds
and the trumpets sound

It comes from within every open heart and mind and is for all mankind

No more shall the darkness prevail the serpent chases his tail
The blind shall see and the maim shall walk
hear the cry of the hawk

Temples shall rise from the sea and love will reign for eternity
Angels will sing and bells will ring
The groom shall take his bride
No more ways for illusions or deception
to hide the light of truth will be our guide
For the time has come to see with clearer perception.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 7
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Within the river of dreams

Within the river of dreams
see how they flow gently in silver

The flow of life ever changing
Circumstances rearranging

Though at times it feels life
around us is in a mad race
While other moments it freezes
in dead space

There is a time for everything under the sun
It's more important to know where and when to run

People come and go like the wind in its flow
Nobody knows who or why they show
All that matters we hope to have learned a bit about ourselves as we place our book of life upon our shelves

It may give comfort to hold onto what is true
Yet, often we find nothing lasts but, a moment or two

Love is often fleeting mostly if it isn't real
Maybe because most do not know how it truly feels

In the search of truth and love how we want it to fit like a glove but, we often don't know how to give what we need to live

Some may claim they know the way the truth and the light but, only one seems to know what is right

Within the river of dreams maybe we can just pick and choose what we like
However, as we pass into that good night
we ultimately must be accounted for what we do wrong or right

The question in years to come is how do we want to be remembered come our time we are placed in the ground
will the falling tree make a sound if nobody is around to listen?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 4
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12qw34er56tyonline now!

soul love

Whoever loves the soul will never find a similar one to it for the soul is an imprint that cannot be repeated. And whoever loves the face has forty similar ones and perhaps more beautiful so cling to the love of souls for they have no alternative
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 3
About this poem:
The beautiful soul remains immortal
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12qw34er56tyonline now!

Did they tell you?

Did they tell you?

My eyes do not sleep in your absence.. Did they tell you?

After you, my heart refused to speak. Did they tell you?

How did I get lost in the crowd? Did they tell you?

My heart attempts to escape to you to read peace upon you. Did they tell you?

Life after you will be long hours and days of suffering. They would be lying if they told you

Without you I'll be fine
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Posted: May 3
About this poem:
When we remember the separation of our loved ones after their death
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Israelis122online now!

Mom And Dad's Prayer For Their Daughter

1. A father and a mother that really love's their Daughter
They would want U to seek to find A real Pure genuine man that's true,
that would never be a counterfeit phony, fake to you to use you.

2. Mom and Dad have been together for a very long time. "Grown-Up Daughter before you choose your bed,
the man of your dreams you will face him every day and night in your eye,
Mom and Dad would want you to choose a man whose
Love has no amount of millions of dollars cannot buy."

3. Mom and Dad would want you to choose a man That's been just as willing as they've been with you. Spend all the same amount of time they had spent
With their Daughter, forsake all others 24-7, 366-days And nights a year tending only to their Daughter,
Just like Mom and Dad had done.
Mom and Dad would warn their Daughter, "This American newer generation of young men,
Other things that are forbidden to happen in a Marriage, behind her back their feet are always out there to go on the run."

4. Mom and Dad would have a talk with their Daughter before she leaves home. "Just because a man looks handsome that doesn't mean
His actions will treat you handsome."
"Just because a man is tall that doesn't mean his heart is tall in empathy."

5. A number of men in America they expect the world to give them
A hand out, the inside of their heart they refuse to grow-up from being a Momma's boy.
Mom and Dad would say to their grown-up Daughter,
"A number of American Men want more than just one woman And remember daughter you're not someone's boy-man-toy."

6. Mom ad Dad would remind you again "seek to find the man of your dream." "Please make sure he's willing to spend the same amount of time we've spent with you,
Your Mom and Dad worked so hard together to raise you as we both worked hard Together as a Parental Team."

7. "Daughter, Joseph was so busy on his call the woman was never on his mind." "The Good Lord brought the right woman to him when he decided it was the right time."

8. "Daughter in America a huge number of relationships are based on the Hip, Real Love doesn't begin at the hip."
"Mom and Dad's relationship began in the human heart, That's why they're still together from the start."

9. The human heart is just like a huge storage warehouse.
You can choose to be just like your Mom and Dad, fill your heart with your Catholics Church Gospel Light.
Or you can choose the world to be your Mom and Dad,
Fill your heart with the world's darkness that is black as coal from a coal mine Pitch Black as night.

10. Mom & Dad know the church always brings hope, The world always brings despair.
Mom and Dad would say, "please be careful with whom you choose to be with
when you're out there."

11. America is the top game capital in the world women are looked at as Centerfolds just like a number of men's hit and run basketball games.
Whoever scores the most points wins the game.

12. Fly hearted men will land on women like their sugar, flies are always wanting Anything for free as soon as they see.
Mom and Dad had taught their Daughter, "don't let any man use you and rob you, You own your body keep your Virginity,
When you're ready to Marry to give him your see make sure he's a productive honey bee."

13. Daughter had questioned her Dad, "Why is Mom so crazy about you Dad?" Dad said, "when I make a promise to your Mom I always keep my word."
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Posted: May 3
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