Is This Asking Too Much?..

laugh what a group you are... Uptall, Unlaoised, Mnowsa, and Pedalg... at least you guys did READ or half REAd one or two sentences laugh, but it is as I commented to Bunga, and you've proven my point [rolling on the floor laughing"Bunga, oh, I'm so sorry... I keep forgetting some in the audience have an inability to read and understand more than two sentences at a time especially when it comes to the truth of a matter, and their ability to only respond with one liners redirecting away from themselves."teddybear

BTW, thanks Uptall for reading my profile, although, you're are rather hot to look at, sorry but you don't meet my requirements laugh ... kiss

Is This Asking Too Much?..

Maddog, I do understand what you're saying about "falling down somewhere on any of those points"... we as people tend to fall short of many things concerning ourselves, and wonder why this doesn't work or that doesn't work... but nothing is impossible when it comes to taking care of one's self with determination... and there comes a time when we all must start FIRST taking care of ourselves, and stop falling short in the caring for our emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical health, if we are seeking a mate and desire to have and be in a healthy relationship. Being good to yourself is not a hard and/or difficult task.

If you're (generic) not whole as a person, how can, and why expect your mate to be what you're not, or to help you to be who or what you think you should be? That should be YOUR OWN responsibility and not go into a relationship seeking something you are not or cannot give back.

One cannot expect another person to be something he/she is not... wouldn't you agree? Many men and women seek mates with qualities they themselves don't possess, and this is why relationships fall apart. Many think a relationship is 50/50, one person gives only 50% of who he/she is, and the other gives 50%, but that doesn't make a whole when it comes to a relationships... therefore, there is an unbalance and many problems and issues.

But when each party is seeking a healthy and sound and solid relationship, BOTH parties must give 100% of who he/she is, this makes a whole in a relationship, and then there is soundness and the relationship is solid and unmovable.

A false balance is the foundation of many relationships that break up, and that's why they don't work or last very long. There must be a true balance, and that starts FIRST with knowing how to "Be Good To Yourself" (treat) yourself if you expect to treat a mate well, and expect the mate to treat you the same. If you don't Accept yourself (gratefully) or unconditionally, how do you expect your mate to accept you gratefully or unconditionally in like manner? If you don't Value yourself joyfully, why would you expect a mate to value you with joy or with any other view other than what you have for, or of yourself?

Is This Asking Too Much?..

Bunga, oh, I'm so sorry... I keep forgetting some in the audience have an inability to read and understand more than two sentences at a time especially when it comes to the truth of a matter, and their ability to only respond with one liners redirecting away from themselves. laugh

I agree, maybe it is too much for you to let's start with what you can read and understand... "Be Good to you"... take hold of this, it shouldn't be too much for you to read, and you'll do juuusssst fine laugh

Is This Asking Too Much?..


Be yourself..truthfully.
Accept yourself... gratefully.
Value yourself ... joyfully.
Forgive yourself ... completely.
Treat yourself ... generously.
Balance yourself ... harmoniously.
Bless yourself ...abundantly.
Trust yourself ... confidently.
Love yourself ...wholeheartedly.
Empower yourself ... prayerfully.
Give yourself ... enthusiastically.
Express yourself ... radiantly.

by William A. Ward

Is this asking too much of a person who wishes to maintain, sustain, and upkeep a healthy balance of your own personal, mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health, and have a sound relationship with self?

If its not asking too much, then take the challenge and start doing it: Be yourself, Accept yourself, Value yourself, Forgive yourself,
Treat yourself, Balance yourself, Bless yourself, Trust yourself, Love yourself, Empower yourself, Give of yourself to others, and Express yourself... learn how to be a healthy and better you, by caring for yourself before seeking a mate!

Did you know?...

rolling on the floor laughing I would say it was fully load group hug motorcyclelaugh

Did you know?...

Thank you Niceman for your blessing... I pray the blessings of the Lord be yours in 2015, and that you prosper, be in good health, and that your souls will prosper in the knowledge and understanding of the things and will of our Lord Jesus Christ.angel2

Did you know?...

Did you know there were cars in the 1st century?dunno

Answer: Yes, the Bible said all'the disciples were in One Accord. confused dunno moping yay cool head banger banana cheering tongue

RE: how much is it worth?

That would depend on what it isdunno.. also what is it's value to you ?... if it has no worth to you, then its worth nothing.laugh


RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

Jay, There comes a time when Christian believers must put into place God's Word, after trying to help someone who is determined to continues in his/her own way, God teaches us that we are shake the dust from our feet and move on... because the mouth of a heretic condemns him/her own self. so just keep it movin'. moping

Therefore, in MY closing out, to express your thoughts another way as one wise pastor says, I would rather live my life here on earth believing there is a God, and there is a heaven and hell... and then die and find out there isn't... RATHER THAN, to live my life here on earth believing THERE IS NO GOD, OR NO HEAVEN OR HELL... ONLY TO DIE, AND FIND OUT THERE IS A GOD, A HEAVEN AND HELL, AND END UP SUFFERING THE CONSEQUENCES OF UNBELIEF FOR ETERNITY IN HELL...moping

Wonder why there is so much fear about believing in God? Why do people have fear in things or someone they don't believe in???dunno confused

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

And as noticed, they can't come up with ONE piece of evidence or proof that God does not exist except a lot chit-chat saying nothing, going nowhere fast... they have no idea as to what faith is all about, nor can anyone explain why he/she does not believe there is no God... as I've stated many times, "ignorance always speak into things it knows not"... and to prove this saying is truth all one has to do is read what the whole threat and see what the nonbelievers have posted. Why, how can you prove or speak about something you know nothing about?... weeell, you can't! all they are doing is rambling and making all kinds of excuses, and can't even explain why they don't believe.confused

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

Conrad, how many times must it be said, you people do not READ! First of all I am not a Religionist as you call it, I am a Christian Believers I believe in God the Father, God the Son, Nad God the Holy Spirit.

I did not make the comment that he/she was brainwashed, FYI, this comment was made by a NONBELIEVER toward me that I WAS BRAINWASHED BECAUSE I BELIEVED IN GOD.. Reading comprehension class works wonders...try them out..rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

AMEN AND AMEN! one thing we do know there will be no excuses when Jesus ask the question, WHY DID YOU NOT BELIEVE WHEN THE GOSPEL WAS TAUGHT AND PREACHED TO YOU? WHY DID YOU REJECT GOD? No one will be able to lie by saying they never heard the gospel or about God...

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

I BELIEVE GOD EXIST, YOU DON'T.. THE QUESTION IS FOR YOU, DOES GOD EXIST? IF HE DOESN'T EXIST AS YOU AND OTHERS BELIEVE, THEN SHOW YOUR PROOF/EVIDENCE!.. Obviously, you didn't read MY PROOF IN what I posted, or maybe you did not understood what I posted..

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

As I've told you. you're jumping all over the place, nothing sound...."freewill" has nothing to do with speaking a language or knowing God. Do some research (study) and find out what "Free Choice" is all about, God DOES NOT GIVE US "FREE WILL CHOICE", HE GIVES US "FREE CHOICE" THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FREE WILL CHOICE, AND FREECHOICE.. find out the differences, then come back and we can talk.teddybear

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

rolling on the floor laughing how can a person talk about something or a person they know nothing about???... you can't... the only thing all you so-called non believers can say, is that GOD doesn't exist, not one can't prove He does not exist, nor do any of you have anything else to say but to speak out against what believers have to say in defense that HE DOES EXIST. rolling on the floor laughing as the saying goes, "ignorance always tend to speak into matters it knows nothing about.. if one must be ignorant, let them remain ignorant"...

As I read the futile comments, it would be obvious to a first grader that those who have commented know nothing about GOD, so they speak from what they know... and that's NOTHING!! rolling on the floor laughing.. for you people He doesn't exist, because you have not one thing to say in your favor, proving God doesn't exist, you know Him not even from an educational level of study in an attempt to search Him out. rolling on the floor laughing

FYI, the one member who said FAITH AMEN!!, said it right, and that's all it takes. But if you have no idea what faith is all about then that's out the window as well, because not only do you not know God, but you don't have a clue about faith. God teaches the believer that without faith, its impossible to please HIM, but that's no concern to nonbelievers, you don't believe anywayz, so it doesn't matter if you please God or not, you are already in sin because of unbelief.

OOBY SWEETHEART... WHO GAVE PEOPLE their languages? Have you ever read the how, what, where, when, and who of the languages? This is not something man came up with, nor did one person on earth make up their own language... where did you get this information from?... search the beginning of languages out. As, for prayers God hears all the prayers in all languages of those who pray to Him, and the number is thousands upon thousands of thousands, upon hundred of thousands more than you could ever calculate, your calculations are finite compared to what God hears, knows, and sees, so your stats cannot determine who is and who isn't praying to GOD, that's out the window.

There are people praying who are not apart of anybody's stats who love GOD and are praying daily without ceasing. People can't talk are praying to GOD. You can't confine God, He has no limits. BTW, YOU nor did any of you nonbelievers know that God doesn't hear your prayers, unless they are prayers about your salvation, until I told you, so how would you know not to pray? Therefore, what you just stated if its not the truth, its called a what?... a lie!!


A nonbeliever is in no position to tell a believer about GOD's existence, how can this be! The nonbeliever knows nothing about God, he/she only knows what they know in their own limited finite minds... WHICH IS NOTHING! rolling on the floor laughing bark all they/you please, they still can't come up with one thing to prove there is NO GOD! show me the beef rolling on the floor laughingyay

BTW, if there is not GOD, I dare anyone of you to do as I suggested, ask God to show Himself to you, or come sit and talk with you. I double-dog dare! rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

You're jumping all over the place before concluding with your first question. Yes, But only for those who believe in Him. God answers and hears all the prayers of believers. He only answers THE person who is not saved if they are seeking salvation

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

His defense to his brainwashed comment... you make a claim should you not also be willing to present purpose and support for, toTHE claim?

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

Why do you need someone else to introduce you to GOD? Introduce yourself to Him...He's waiting on you to say hello to Him

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

Because he spoke. Did you read?

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

I have presented my case, THE burden or proor is for you to prove what IS speak is a lie, and that I am a poor little brainwashed lamb, and that God does not exist.

RE: Proof of gods existence or non existence?

Ooby-dooby... Very good question, and so sorry you have heard all your life that there is no way to prove there is a God. I don't know the people you were or have been around, but GOD IS SPIRIT therefore, even if you had an opportunity to see Him your eyes could not behold His power. But you can have a nice chat with Him, and you don't need an appointment He's available 24/7/52 laugh Have you ever tried chatting with God? Try it for yourself, there's no need for you to wait for anyone to experience this, YOU try it, and come back and tell your story. BTW, there are those who have died and returned and told their stories.

I am very interested in seeing all the unbelievers post their evidence to prove that God does not exist, since they so strongly deny His existence, maybe they're googling for the words.laugh
As a Christian believers in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

This is my Conclusive proof that God really exist.
(1) God exists because He says He exist, and there is no other God before Him or like Him. That alone is good enough for me, and there is no other power or authority to say otherwise.

(2) My FAITH TO BELIEVE is the foundational proof that God exist. Because Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things HOPED FOR, and the EVIDENCE of things not seen. If you see what it is you hope for, then its not faith. For what you can see, why should you hope for it?

(3)God exists, because He has created everything living thing on earth, in the heavens, and in the seas. Man had no parts in this doings. Only a God in His infinite powers can hold back the waters in the ocean from dry land, and place the stars,sun and moon into the heavens and hold them in order; only God can create life and blow His breath into man and make him a living being; only God has all powers over life and death, heaven and hell; only God can wake you each morning to a new day. Only God has shown His mighty awesome powers to everyone to see and behold from the sun to the moon and the star, the visible and the invisible things of GOD FROM THE CREATION OF THE WORLD TO ETERNITY, ALL THINGS THEY ARE CLEARLY SEEN AND MADE KNOWN TO MAN... so that no one would be without excuse as to why they do not believe in a TRUE LIVING GOD.

(4) The evidence that God exist beyond a shadow of doubt, starts with looking at one's self, listening to your heartbeat, wondering how all inner part of man came together as a whole. Even the darkness is not dark to God, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to Him, a thousand years is as one day to God, and a day can be as a thousand years, man can't do this?. God is the greatest mathematician who has ever lived, only He can make 1+1+1 to equal 1, and again take 1+1 to equal 1. It was God who formed our inward parts, God put us together in our mother's womb. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. Who clothed us with skin and flesh and knit us together with bones and skin and muscles? Man sure had nothing to do with this, this can only be the handy works of an awesome loving God.

(5) What or who gives us understanding to learn, knowledge to know, and wisdom to properly use what we know? Look at your surroundings and explain, if GOD DOES NOT EXIST, then explain what, when, how and who did all these things, and how they came into existence? Who directs the wind, the rain and snow man doesn't do it. Nothing in the heavens or on earth could or would be in existence without GOD! Only a person who has no FAITH TO BELIEVE IN GOD needs proof beyond what is already proven in his/her presence.

Sorry, this is long, but as one of the poster stated, the list can go on and on. But there are only two choices,(1) a person either has faith to believe there is a God, or (2)they lack faith to believe and reject the truth about God.

RE: Christmas is a pagan holiday.

Sorry, Christians KNOW that Jesus was not born on December 25th, we celebrate this time of the year as an offering up in honor to Christ for what He has done for us year out, its the Christian's year end celebration. But then again, you don't know if its His birth or not either, do you? You celebrate your birthday, so why not set aside a day for His divine birth. Santa has never sent anyone to hell, you send your own selves to hell due to your unbelief and judging others which is a sin according to Romans chapter 14.

Who are you people who judge everyone except your own selves?.. to judge what day Christians celebrate or regard as a certain day to give God praise and honor, is not your concerns. We live for God, not men therefore whatever we do by faith is not condemned by God, but your unrighteous judging, condemnation and unbelief are righteously judged and condemned by GOD HIMSELF, so who are any of you to judge others according to your own unbeliefs? Maybe your quality time should be spent reading Romans chapter 14, about judging others for what they believe and offer up to the Lord... oh, I forgot you don't even believe in the Holy Bible, nevertheless it is written, and its called a sin! And you will answer to the judgement on the day of our Lord without excuse for unrighteously judging, whether you believe or not... take my word for it.

I say to all who do not wish to celebrate, who cares?! Your opinions and words will not stop this celebration day.. and if you're so against its celebration on December 25th, why do you look forward to your pay checks with time and a half pay on them during this time of the year for working? Why not you work and let those who believe have that day off to be with their families, and then tell your employers not to give you the over time money, but to give the money to those who are in need on your jobs, because you don't believe in this pagan celebration therefore, you want no parts of it? I bet you don't turn down that money do you? Nor do you turn down the off days for the four days weekend, when Christmas falls on the weekend, do you? ... geeezzzzzz, Sounds like a group of self-righteous polyester hypocrites rolling on the floor laughing

Listen, you are still celebrating Christmas because you accept the over time money or time and a half pay from your job, and you enjoy the four day weekend off when Christmas falls on the weekend, when you don't work, those are the benefits of celebrating Christmas. Yes, rather ignorant HYPOCRITES at that!! Why do you worry about what others celebrate, if its not your thing, so be it go about your day and business. You celebrate a lot of stuff that is meaningless and foolish, and no one bothers you as to what you should or shouldn't do. So what's your problem? Maybe you don't celebrate because you have nothing to celebrate now nor have you ever, could be why you are so miserable in your life, you have no joy, no laughter, no peace and for sure no happiness or grace about yourselves.

Yes, Christmas is coming around the corner and Christian believers will be gathering all around the world to give praise to our true and Living God on the day we have set aside to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to earth and gave His life on the cross and shed His blood to save all people of the world through repentance of sins... by the way, that includes such as you!



RE: saved soul

Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness. If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Jesus Christ should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. The person who believes in Jesus Christ is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But the person who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”

RE: saved soul

Its a very good question, that has a very simple answer: Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel (everyone)is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law, “The man who does those things shall live by them." But the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’(that is, to bring Christ down from above) or, “‘Who will descend into the abyss?’ (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “who ever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

But how can they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our report?” So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans chapter 10

RE: i trust in god

Good post Niceman hug
Yes, I trust in God because I know He cares for me... we should always trust in the Lord God with all our heart and not lean to our own understanding no matter the situations or circumstances that may come in our lives, and in all our ways whatever we do that is right the best we know of, acknowledge Him and He will direct our path. Because the steps of a good man or woman are ordered by the Lord. May God bless you in all things that are good and uprightangel2

RE: Word to Live By - Part 3

The grass may look greener on the other side... but if you move to the other side, you still need to mow it...

RE: The Anti-Christ

Peaches... No, eternal hell is not here on earth plus, people'make their own lives a Living hell because of their life-style they have chosen to qlive, and disobediancce to God's word. Everybody talks about Gods love and how we're suposse to love one another, well, if everybody who talks about love, were truly loving others as God has commanded, no one would be living a life in hell struggling. God'says THE poor will be with us always, and he has given some much, where much is given, much is required... those who have little can help those who have none.. And no one would be living in hell. There would be equality...'yes, everybody talk about THE starving in Africa and around THE world, but again, all that is going on is talk... those who talk, what are you doing in your corner of THE world to help those in places like Africa and other countries where people are starving? I suppose I can spiritually hear God saying, SHOW ME YOUR FRUITS! And As Janet Jackson sings, What have you done for me lately? WOOO-WOOOOE-WOOOOO rolling on the floor laughing

We go to hell for eternity to spend life after death because we have not repented of sins, we reject THE truth about Jesus Christ, we lack faith, and God says it is impossible to please Him without faith.. Rebellion, and rejecting God's love through Jesus Christ, is why we go to hell.

RE: The Anti-Christ

Sorry, but this is for you Guzman bowing bowing angel2

This is a list of forum posts created by SistaCallie.

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