breadcrumb injuneer Blog

Time For A Change?

When is a change necessary? How do you go about making such a decision and when you do, are you taking time to review your decision to insure you are not acting too hastily? Certainly the President must be going through that now with his HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. The information coming out about the condition of the code and supporting software driving the new Health Care initiative is more than a little embarrassing , it suggests any kind of reasonable oversight on the part of the Secretaries office or staff. Building on top of a 10 year old software platform with a lot of unnecessary “junk code” clearly indicates an improper testing period, if there was any testing at all.

Sad as it may be, the Secretaries reluctance to appear before a congressional committee to answer questions just gives the appearance of guilt and frankly, Ms Sebelius needs to be reminded that she is employed by the people of the United States and there is no option to appear.

People in such a lofty position certainly cannot honestly be expected to have every detail on the issues, but any good manager knows to have regular meetings, get appropriate updates, INSIST on hearing all the news, not just the good news, so they can give their boss an honest and accurate update on where the project stands. Certainly she has had plenty of time, particularly since the first requests came as early as August 15th, yet she continued to put these meetings and updates off. In as much as it was Republican Paul Ryan (former VP hopeful) you and she would certainly have suspicions as to the motives of such meetings, but she could certainly provide that committee with written updates and answer any written questions. Unfortunately she choose to stay silent on the topic and now the proverbial S*** has hit the fan and there’s no turning back.

And sadly, the problems continue to compound. Watchdog organizations report a number of scams now occurring to fleece people out of their money, their personal information, and whatever can be gained. In this day and time you would certainly think there would be some forward thinking folks on the hill that would have anticipated this and put the notice out well in advance.

Don’t get me wrong. In the long run it will be an excellent program and like anything new, it’s going to take a while to get the bugs out, but like most social programs, in the long run it will be far more beneficial but the kind of professional incompetence we are seeing out of the Secretaries office only creates more difficulties for the American people and causes a lot more stress and unhappiness than it should.

Is it any wonder that the majority of Americans don’t trust their government as well as give low ratings to the Congress? The worst of news is far more palatable when it comes up front, unvarnished, straight & to the point than if you delay and hope it all goes away. No forest fire ever went away by being ignored and no criminal was ever stopped by simply ignoring them.

Mr. President, it’s time for a shake up and a replacement. The American people want and expect a person they can trust & rely upon, no matter if they like them or not.
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Profiles In Courage

The book, credited to John F. Kennedy but thought to be the work of his speech writer, Theodore Sorensen, profiled acts of bravery and integrity by eight US Senators throughout the Senate’s history. Needless to say, the current Senate & Congress would probably be lacking a good candidate for that novel. Fortunately, there are others. Not elected to those grand bodies, but to a lesser role.

I’m speaking of one sheriff from Polk County Florida who charged two teenagers with Felony counts for their cyber bullying that caused the suicide of a 12 year old Florida girl. The last straw was comments by one after the teens deal that stated “Yes, IK – I know I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself” the writer further explained that she didn’t care including an obscenity to further make her point. As you may recall, Rebecca Sedwick was the teen that threw herself off a cement tower because she simply could not take the bullying at school and over the social web sites. In her own mind, her life was over.

The bully’s were a 12 and 14 year old, the older being the one that posted the comment. Both girls has been charged with aggravated stalking, a third-degree felony and will be processed through the juvenile court system. Other data collected included data from a couple of cellphone application companies.

Investigations indicated that this wasn’t a momentary thing. The two girls acknowledged to police they had bullied Rebecca and it’s been going on for quite some time. As with many, they would like to know where the parents were during all of this? During the harassment, Rebecca was driven to the practice of cutting herself and ended up under psychiatric care. The mother pulled Rebecca out of her school and put her into another school, but the harassment & bullying didn’t end, even after Rebecca’s death.

As a society we have watched this happen again and again and again. Parents today find the technology makes a great baby sitter and have become terribly detached from their children’s lives. Rapes, murders, bullying, torture, all of these things that we attribute to the bad behavior of adults now very much exists in the worlds and lives of our children, yet we turn away and expect the computers, cell phones, video games and all this crap to solve the problem.

So you see, while I am not a great fan of law enforcement and their methods, I do loudly applaud the willingness of Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County to take on a long overdue case. Thankfully, the two accused have had their faces made public so they will face a little bit of the same ridicule, but what does that really accomplish? Accountability? Doubtful but how far do we let it go?

Sadly, our children are growing up and making adult like decisions at a younger and younger age, yet our laws have not kept pace and there are more than a few of these kids that have figured that out and use it to their advantage. Should we charge and try them as adults? Should we include the death penalty or life in prison? Certainly hard questions, but if we are going to allow them to take on adult decisions, should we not hold them to adult standards?

I keep waiting for a time where parents will become so outraged by all of this that they will rebel, take away all the cell phones, cut out cable & internet access, and demand accountability by their children of every act and where they are. It certainly may not happen during the remainder of my own life, but if we don’t start to instill better habits and a sense of responsibility in our children, we can only guess what kind of world this will be in a few more years …..
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What is Motivation?

Motivation. That is something that we adults seek our entire lives. We try to motivate ourselves, our peers, our subordinates and of course, our children. Motivation can be found in the least expected spaces but is always found in one particular place, our brains. We find something that intrigues us based upon a success, a failure, loss, gain, just about anything and everything imaginable. The reason that it is so difficult to pinpoint is simple …. Nobody can really define it until after they have become motivated, then it seems so obvious, go clear. It is one of those great wonders of life.

Jack Andraka is a 15 year old that got a little motivated a few years ago when pancreatic cancer took the life of a family friend. He was curious as to why nobody could discover this form of cancer until it was well advanced, to the point that it is basically beyond successful treatment. So he got busy, checking everything he could find on Google, Wikipedia and just any source that came to mind. He started reading and cross referencing until his moment of enlightenment came in the middle of a high school class. In short, he has developed a means of checking bio-markers with a simple test that involves a bit of blood, a carbon coated test strip placed in a machine he built and detects the increased presence of mesotheilin, the apparent indicator that when elevated, indicates the start of the cancer pancreatic process.

So, motivation is indeed a powerful not so little thing, but what was more important was parents that indulged this young mans persistent search for something that could be beneficial to the medical community. Perhaps a new formula? Motivation + encouragement = success? Well, it certainly isn’t a guarantee that our budding tikes will discover the next great thing, but it certainly appears to be the formula for young people to be more successful at whatever they choose to do. And that motivation didn’t end at home, he found a PhD researcher that was willing to grant him a bit of lab access and time at Johns Hopkins School fo Medicine … again, more encouragement, and now there is a patent lawyer and a pharmaceutical company and a few more that are being encouraging.

With all the harping going on about “no child left behind” and “better schools = better students” and the rest of the often far too often overblown moto’s, we have forgotten the most basic thing. Walk the walk. If our politicians in Washington would try that we wouldn't be in the mess we are now. Just too much brag and not enough results. Putting people into positions of authority because they are popular rather than being qualified? Oh yes, we’ve seen it before and will see it again, but finding that one rare find that can do it … well, it’s not that hard, you simply need to give them lots of encouragement, positive reinforcement, and turn them loose. Oh sure, there will be plenty of screw ups, wasted energies, and things that produce absolutely nothing … but to put up with all that just for one discovery like the one that Jack has made … well, that doesn't seem like such a bad investment and for all those failed attempts … were they really a failure if the person learned what did not work? Isn't that the springboard for the next attempt. You remember what your grandma and grandpa said …. “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again”.

My God, those old people were so damn smart. I wonder why we weren't listening? Perhaps there is another lesson we need to get back to teaching our children. Seems like a lot of those old lessons were pretty damn good ones, eh?
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Where’s The Outrage?

It appears that the country has a new policy and practice on how to treat the mentally ill. We’ll just shoot them. As ridicules as it sounds, that is what Miriam Carey faced when her mental issues were left under treated and resulted in an episode that cost her life at the hands of supposedly well trained federal authorities. As usual, all the training and experience in the world is no guarantee of sound judgment and to make matters worse , officials have not been forthcoming with basic information such as why agents opened fire on Carey after she was stopped by a security booth. Aren’t these so called professionals require to identify a threat before opening up with deadly force? Did anyone see this recently unemployed dental assistant with some kind of weapon? What is the real danger of being flossed?

All kidding aside, we are constantly told how dangerous the job of law enforcement is and in an age where all sorts of military grade weapons are available to the general public, it is an understandable concern; but certainly not a good reason or excuse to use deadly force without cause. Surprisingly, as the video’s show, officers got close to her car, yet none of them saw the one year old in the vehicle. One would think that if the officers were using proper police procedure they would have had a much better assessment of the situation before resorting to gun fire and by the way, shooting at a fleeing vehicle in the middle of Washington? Really?!?! Talk about putting a lot of people at unnecessary risk for what Terrance Gainer, the US Senate sergeant of arms calls a “threat to the government”. I do believe pulled that one deep from between his hip pockets.

If we are to buy the argument that guns are too easily available to the average citizen, we need to seriously address the conduct, training, and actions of our enforcement agencies. These people are paid to put their lives on the line, to take risks, and to use sound, verifiable judgment BEFORE they result to deadly force. Are you telling me that none of these agents had Mace? Pepper Spray? Tassers? A beanbag gun? All this crap that is bought with tax dollars and nobody tried to use it at the final moments to subdue this poor deranged woman? Oh yes, and lets not forget that Brian Leary of our Secret Service decided not to provide a copy of the agency’s use-of-force or chase policies. Really??? And why not? There is certainly nothing compromising about that.

This should certainly be a call to arms of every citizen to demand better mental health care and that a government that keeps claiming to be transparent to actually be transparent. There is absolutely no doubt that Ms. Carey put herself and her daughter in harms way, broke many laws, and deserved to be dealt with in an appropriate manner, but summary execution by a bunch of well armed federal agents that failed this country by not practicing reasonable restraint and operating in a professional manner is inexcusable.

Personally, after listening to the President using the bully pulpit to push his own personal gun control agenda; I think the man owe’s Ms. Carey’s family, her daughter, and the citizens of this country an apology, an explanation, and a very serious review of policing policies throughout the US. The assumption that law enforcement in this country is here to help us is a thing of the past. The Supreme Court allows prosecutors to act without fear of legal reprisal for their misdeeds. Tell me, if power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts …. Just how much longer do we have?
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The New Oath of Congress

You can view the oath that any congressman/woman take on line. As you will notice, it’s rather generic so in light of the current activities of our Congress members I am going to recommend that the following replace the current oath:

“I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. I further guarantee to represent the will and desire of my constituents without alteration or injection of my own personal opinions or the opinions that attempt to financially influence me. I guarantee to report every penny my campaign receives, regardless of the amount or the source and will list all donors, by name and amount. I solemnly swear to always present the details of every bill I present and every piece of legislation I produce not less than 60 days in advance of consideration to any citizen that wishes to review and comment upon it and shall not attempt to make any alteration, addition, or subversive editing that would change that bill from it’s reported intent. I understand that I shall not receive any special considerations in the form of health benefits, retirement benefits, perks, gifts, grants or job opportunities (after service) any better than the standard average of any middle-class citizen. Lastly, I swear to do everything in my power by vote, support and compromise when necessary, to insure the smooth, efficient and beneficial operation of the government in the best interests of every lawful citizen of the United States and if I am unable or unwilling to meet these guarantee’s, resign from my office before sunset on the next day. So help me God”.

Well, what do you think? Shouldn’t we hold these people to a higher standard? Why can’t we make this agree to those things that we expect and cause them to leave if they are unwilling to uphold their promise?

Certain considerations will need to be made such as having this oath administered by a judge, a signature on a document to make it legal & binding and, of course, a handful of smelling salts for those members that never bothered to read and understand the oath in advance of the swearing in (certainly there will be more than a few of them!). There will, no doubt be a sort of “breaking in period” for those who are new to Congress. I don’t think we want them dropping like flies so perhaps for the first 6 months we can cut them a little slack, but we do need to use some reward/punishment to reinforce good behavior and treat bad behavior. I’m thinking of a sort of ankle monitoring unit that has both a radio activated shock collar + Pez dispenser so when they are good, they get a little snack and when bad … well you know, just like the invisible fence but at a few hundred volts stronger. One advisor suggested that rather than a ankle collar is should be a sort of jock-strap device but I think that would probably look bad under those $2,000 suits plus, during a congressional debate it might look a bit strange to see so many yelping loudly while they grab their crotch and roll on the house floor.

OK, those are my suggestions, let’s hear some of your own!
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Tokyo 2020

The decision has been made. Tokyo will host the Olympic games of 2020. That is cause for great joy for the citizens of Japan … but is it? With tens of thousands of people displaced by the nuclear issues that developed after the tsunami of a few years back, can the country really afford to pour billions into the preparation process when so many are still forced to live in temporary shelter, possibly for the remainder of their lives?

I must admit that I am an advocate of nuclear power. Having worked at several different nuclear facilities over my lifetime I recognize the economy, safety (of properly managed facilities) and future reliability of this form of energy. There are several things that need to be straightened out like putting the breeder reactor project back on line and solidifying how contaminated wastes can be treated, but these items have been solvable with only politics getting in the way. Japan’s very survival depends upon them being able to meet their energy needs which seem to only be reasonably achievable through the nuclear methods of creating power for a power starved population.

Nuclear power is certainly not the magic bullet that will save humanity. It comes with many inherent problems, but so do the other most popular power supplies. The most ideal methods are getting closer, but are decades away from perfection. It is doubtful that any of the worlds populations will voluntarily take themselves entirely off “the grid” in this life time so we must all cope with the good and the bad.

With any of these power sources there are risks that need to be addressed as the normal cost of doing business. That means they should be socking away money to deal with the unthinkable and make clean ups and restoration of some kind of normal life for the victims a top priority. Pushing money into hosting anything near the size of the Olympic Games is certainly not an act of responsible leadership or management, especially when so many still suffer and a “for profit” organization like the Tokyo power company appears to be ever so slow to clean up their mess while the government continues to tell it’s citizens they have it under control. If it’s under control, what is the timetable for cleaning up the neighborhoods around the old plant so people can return home? Granted, the other two possible locations had their own problems, some rather severe, but what stops the Olympic Committee from taking a few steps back and reconsidering some of the runner ups? Politics? Certainly not common sense!

So many questions and such poor answers. The Olympic Committee certainly should be able to see this and make it a major part of their selection process. It appears that once again politics’ drives the games for than peace … which is exactly what the Olympic Games are supposed to be all about.
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Kittens Run onto Subway Tracks in Brooklyn, Trains

You know, right when I think the world has forgotten about the important things in the world, somebody goes and shows such an act of humanity, it just can’t be ignored. You can find this story on one of many news sites, mine was Google News. The long and the short of it was the MTA, the New York Metro line, shut down for an hour while employee’s did a bit of cat herding and captured the two that were hiding under the infamous 3rd rail. In follow up, they have now been adopted and are most certainly on their way to a loving home.

These little events in life serve as a reminder to all of us of the importance of nameless sacrifice for the things we believe in. The ability to push aside all the less important things for the more important things. The lives of a few kittens might not seem like much, but life is life and the recognition of it’s importance over things like the almighty dollar, schedules and other such trappings of the modern world says a great deal about our species. We are some of the few that recognize the sanctity of life and go out of our way to preserve it; even more astounding is the fact that we will preserve life that otherwise has very little meaning to us. Truly remarkable.

This all boils down to a simple concept we call sacrifice. We hear that word a lot, but I wonder how many people out there still remember what it is, what it means, and if they can recognize it when it really happens. In war we see it a lot the same we often see it in charitable acts by organizations who’s mission is to do that very thing. But what about in places where it isn’t seen as often as it used to be. Simple places like our home, in our family, perhaps in our very hearts.

Our society has grown more toward self-indulgence rather than sacrifice. How often are we willing to give up something that is extremely important to us, for somebody else? How often do we share the last morsel of food with a starving beggar? When was the last time you gave up your money for the movies, a ball game, or a new thing-a-jig just to drop it in the Salvation Army kettle? We come from generations of people that were willing to lay down their very lives for a simple concept … freedom. There are still a few of them today, but far too few, so very few.

And in our lives … how many couples fight and eventually destroy and/or give up their futures of happiness because one or both could not; would not, come to a point of compromise? Have we forgotten that the fabric of relationships is built upon two acting as one? Have we forgotten that the new 52” TV set really isn’t as important as surprising our better half with something they really want, but would never get for themselves because the family has more important needs. Have we forgotten that compromise often means that neither get exactly what they want, but both get a little bit of what they want.

Yes, we have indeed evolved in a more selfish, “me first” society. But not all of us, there are a few that can remind us what is really important. Kittens … simple, sweet kittens. Homeless and helpless with no value to anyone but a few decent people that remembered what life is all about. I tip my hat to those kind folks and thank them for reminding me of what is really important in life.
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The Folly of Youth

Oh to be young again. To act with foolish disregard and savor every moment of life, but one must ask, when does that time end? For one young man, former Pfc Bradley Manning it ended the moment he took it upon himself to break a solemn oath and reveal the secrets of the state to outside influences. Some claim he is merely a whistle blower but upon close examination, the young man took the same oath we all took when we entered the service. An oath that clearly states “I do solemnly swear to support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic and to obey the orders of the President and the officers appointed over me, so help me God”. During my last year on active duty I served as a recruiting operations officer and gave this oath to many soldiers each and every day. While not required, I always asked “do you really understand what this means?” and when they were not sure, I explained it basic and clear language. None every walked away, in fact most were so proud of that oath and what they had promised, they spent a good deal of time telling friends and relatives.

Manning went even further, having received a high security clearance and was entrusted to work on and with some of the nation’s most closely guarded secrets … a degree of trust that few receive. And he didn’t just leak it to a few friends or relatives, he leaked it to the world. So the question, is Manning at fault? Well of course he is, but he certainly didn’t act alone and part of that military organization was responsible for his actions … yet, we have not seen any of them. What of the senior NCO’s that were to lead him, guide him, teach him the gravity of his responsibilities? What of the officers that were in charge of where he was, what he was entrusted with, and how he behaved? And what of a system that measured his trustworthiness, maturity, and ability to conduct his duties in a trustworthy and responsible manner?

Perhaps, in the push to do more with less we have simply extended our expectations beyond what can reasonably be achieved. From what we have now seen, there were signs, many signs that this young man had maturity and stability problems. Who was responsible for seeing that and doing something about it? Certainly not Manning …

Lastly, in all fairness to the system and citizenry, perhaps a fair question is … how do we point the finger of blame at a young man that, 230 years ago, in a fight against the British, would have been hailed as a patriot and a hero? It certainly is all a matter of perspective and least we forget that History is always written by the victor. No doubt the young man broke laws, violated oaths, and in general used some very poor judgment. On the other hand, as a private citizen, I am appreciative of the exposure of so much double dealing and dishonest conduct of our elected and appointed officials and their subsequent embarrassment. Should we not be holding a few of them accountable? Again, a matter of perspective.

There was a time when every American could hold their head up high, secure in the thought that their government always did the right thing, the just thing, the moral thing. If surveys and polls are correct, with a approval rate rapidly approaching single digits, it would appear that our Congress has all but destroyed that trust that Americans hold so dearly.

There are certainly a lot more questions than there are answers, but when we see so many inappropriate deeds being done by so many people at all levels and the “bad guy” continues to get away with it at a frequency that his pocketbook will support …. We got trouble folks, deep trouble and if we don’t stem this tide of dishonesty and deception, Egypt isn’t going to be the only country that is embattled in a civil war.

I hear far too many good Americans talk about this every day. It is on the minds of many citizens and that, dear friends is a powder keg we cannot afford to ignore!
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It's Real !!!

I am dumbfounded …. My government, my dear sweet Uncle Sam today admitted the existence of the infamous Area 51 after decades of denials, sometimes at the end of the barrel of a gun, but denials all the same. How could they have lied and done so for long??? Never mind it’s co-existence with the Nevada Test Site facility and other highly classified areas. Never mind the countless thousands and thousands of square acre’s of surrounding land, purchased just to prevent prying eyes (or cameras) from peaking at the what’s going on’s …. Just keep it quiet … very, very quiet. Oh yeah, by the way, that is the ONLY thing they are admitting to at the moment. Mum’s the word on those little green men (we know they are in hanger 13 at Wright Patterson AFB anyway) and there will be NO guided tours forthcoming of all the exotic aircraft that are rumored to be on the base, but at least we now know it’s there, even if we can’t see it or visit it, rest well knowing that your government finally gave up one of it’s tightly guarded secrets after 50+ years of official denials.

Soooo …. Since Uncle Sam is in such a generous mood, how about a little more information on those NSA breech’s in constitutional law? Or some of the other “goodies” that Mr. Snowden has released and has so many members of Congress howling about? And how about those Wiki leaks? You know, the ones you claimed destroyed national security when upon careful reading it really looks like it exposed a lot of double dealing and general dishonesty across the board with so many different countries, radical groups, etc, etc? I mean really Uncle, how is it that you haven’t figured out why the majority of Americans no longer trust you? And the Congress, with a rating that is noticeably lower than a 20% approval rating? Do you think all of, even most of us, perhaps your hoping that a few of us are still stupid? Really?? Really!!??!!

Uncle Sam, you need to pay close attention to what’s happening in Egypt right now. People take democracy seriously and as you can see, when somebody steps in and tries to take it away, there will certainly be hell to pay. Some of us have been telling you this for a very long time, and there were others telling you this before we were born. Trust is a very precious thing that, once lost, can take a lifetime to rebuild. Your track record is abysmal. You’ve been caught lying to your citizens so long, it’s a wonder they believe anything you say. Perhaps it’s just the hope that you’ve realized the error of your ways, but when we see these mockeries like the FISA court, we know it’s just another sham. Certainly not for OUR protection as much as for YOURS.

So, today your CIA took a step in the right direction. You need to seize the opportunity and keep up the momentum. Quit trying to prosecute those patriots that bring us the truth, no matter the destruction their own lives and safety; quit sticking your nose into the worlds business and playing God with their lives just because it’s different than your concept of government, and quit giving away all our hard earned cash to try to influence the world. If you want to do anything that will preserve your image, start by getting those damn elected representatives to put in a full days/weeks work. Take away their perks and treat them like the ordinary citizens they are. Make them serves us honestly and legally and when you catch one that isn’t, no more slap on the hands, put them into Federal Prison for 20 years and let them see those rotten conditions, or worse yet, sentence them to 20 years in a VA hospital!

Come on Uncle …. Your on a roll … don’t stop short!
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Vulnerability 101

In a former life of mine we spent a great deal of time thinking about the vulnerabilities of our enemies and how best to exploit that to our advantage. The more simple the thing is, the easier it is to exploit it. Affect your foe’s most basic elements and he is yours to control at a moments notice. One only needs to think of the most basic needs of mankind and you have to tools to exploit anyone at any time.

Since 9/11 there have been many hundreds if not thousands of conversations about this across the globe and in some cases we have seen the perceived “enemy” try, and occasionally succeed at taking advantage of our weaknesses. And be assured, we continue to look for and take advantage of our enemies own vulnerability. I put the word enemy in quotations because any enemy is a matter of perspective. They see us as much of an enemy as we see them. Until we enter a realm where there can be some degree of trust, there will always be an enemy.

Exploiting vulnerability certainly isn’t limited to war, terrorism, or anything necessarily deadly. The simple process of advertising and marketing seeks to find our vulnerabilities as consumers and exploit it by influence of our buying decisions as well as creating needs that never before existed. Simple things become tools to get our money. Basic toiletry items, perfumes, soaps, cleaning products are all great examples. Do you really need a dozen different hair care products to be attractive? Is there a perfume made that will counteract the products of a good chili, pickled egg and beer feast at about 10 pm at night? Are we really so stupid to believe a particular car, stereo, computer, brand of prophylactic, or feminine spray deodorant makes us a better person? Well, apparently so considering the multi-billion dollar industry that has grown up around each one.

But those things are not simple. The most simple things are water, food, air, basic clothing & housing and feelings of security and safety. Compromise any of those and you make a person feel vulnerable to the point they are willing to sacrifice other things to avoid those feelings. You see this practice in our government, law enforcement, even in our relationships at times. The human practice of control is heavily based upon taking advantage of these vulnerabilities and there are those around us that will stop at nothing to gain and keep that control.

Be wary my friends. Nothing says you cannot trust the world around you, but be willing to ask the next question and look at things differently than you are comfortable doing. Ask questions and watch the other persons reaction, particularly when they have something to gain from you.

And lastly, always be sure to “follow the money”. Doing so will quickly help you determine the real reasons for anything happening. If they can get your money, they will, and never forget this. After all, who in their right mind is willing to buy water at a higher price than gasoline? Follow the money … it’s all there, right in front of you……
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Not Guilty Is Not Innocent

One thing is clear, George Zimmerman cannot claim he is innocent. His hand on his gun took the life of another human being and that is not disputed. Everything leading up to that moment and after that moment is and probably will remain in dispute from now until the end of time. No matter which way the verdict went, there were certain to be disputes.

Now come the secondary attempts at justice. Many want the Dept. of Justice to investigate this as a possible hate crime, others feel it is better to push ahead with a civil suit and bring this down to a matter of money. In the case of OJ Simpson, the civil suit was quite successful, despite his acquittal on the murder charges, but George is far from a wealthy man and it is highly probable that he will stay in hiding, unable to work and not wanting to be seen for a very long time.

Part of me applauds the reaffirmation that I can use my gun to defend myself when I feel that my life may be at jeopardy while another par t of me cowers in fear that some self-proclaimed neighborhood hood can stalk me, report me, accuse me, and then shoot me. Perhaps this is the issue that many have; there is no clear right and wrong, just lots and lots of points of views fueled by so much passion that seeing all of this clearly is simply impossible.

And between the press, the prosecution, and the defense teams, there was no lack of theatrics, turning this entire proceeding into nothing less than a media event. I could be wrong, but I don’t remember hearing the judge issue a gag order? Or maybe I just missed it for the shouts of so many opinions and not as much discussion of facts and evidence.

Still, despite all of this, it came down to a jury of peers to review all the facts and make a decision. It will be interesting to hear comments from jury members in coming weeks and months. Hopefully they will share their thoughts and what were the deciding points for them. Hopefully we will listen to them and understand the difficulty they endured to come to a verdict. The jury system is our one and only safeguard in the legal system to protect each and everyone of us from the system.

If there is a lesson here it might be for each of us to understand just how important it is for us to answer the call to jury duty and to take that assignment seriously. We must remember that we are entrusted with evaluation of facts and rendering a decision that will change the lives of everyone involved.
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19 Lost Souls

We Americans are no strangers to tragedy. Unlike some countries, we put our tragedies right on the front page for all the world to see. I suppose that is one of the things we are best at doing, putting ourselves out there for anyone to see, comment on, and perhaps emulate. Compared to 911 or some of the other similar events, this one might seem small, but when you consider these were men doing their jobs; jobs they loved despite the well-known danger, there is a special loss and sadness that is hard to compare.

Hot-Shot firefighters are, as they say, the best of the best. They are the Seals, The Green Berets of fire fighters, taking on the toughest assignments with the greatest danger and of course, the most risk. As with such risky jobs, all the best planning and preparation can be swept aside by the slightest change and when disaster strikes, it isn’t a small thing. As preliminary reports roll in, it appears that a sudden wind change trapped these brave souls, forcing them into their personal shelters, the last ditch effort at survival where the firefighter lies on the ground, in the shelter, with their mouth and nose in the dirt in order to catch the last traces of oxygen in a very oxygen deprived environment. The fact that some of these folks never made it into their shelters, trained to deploy and be in them in 30 seconds or less, speaks volume’s of how quickly circumstances changed and they were caught without a safety zone or any other means of escape.

Officially recognized as the worst event of it’s kind offers little comfort to the grieving families and while there were actually 340 firefighters killed in the World Trade Center, this event is the worst ever for those fighting forest fires. Despite warnings by their commander, Mr. McKenzie, the hotshots labored on, determined to do their part to save the small town of Yarnell. With flames averaging 30-40 feet high and plowing through dense oak woods and thick brush, they had the odds stacked against them.

There are few words to describe the bravery of such people. I can only think of one. Hero.
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