breadcrumb injuneer Blog

I Just Stopped

It was really no big deal. It took practically no effort at all and in fact that was the one part that was easy. I just stopped. I stopped trying to be what everyone expected me to be and what they wanted me to be. I stripped off all the plastic outerwear; the phony perpetual smile, the stylish suits, the $400 custom shoes. All of it, gone. And now, I am my old self again. When I smile, it’s the genuine article and while I don’t dress like s slob, I also don’t adorn myself like a Christmas tree. I’m just me.

Of course, there is always a sacrifice anytime we make major changes in our lives. I find that I’m no longer surrounded by others that are adorned in their plastic garb, attempting to convince the world around them that they are cool, hip, and a real trend setter. I no longer get those phone calls that contain so many phrases of “like” and “totally” and so many empty words. And best of all, the expectations that people have on me have dropped off significantly; so much in fact that what is reasonable effort for anything is seen as a serious accomplishment. Imagine, success without artificial effort. Just the real thing; genuine and sincere … and best of all, their appreciation is equally genuine.

There have been a few less than happy results. I also no longer find myself surrounded by so many plastic women, willing to do anything to get my attention, perform any outrageous act just to earn my approval. Now, there are very few men or women around … which is one thing that I miss.

For awhile I spent great amounts of time and energy searching for more like me. They are indeed out there, but are more and more difficult to find. Most keep well hidden and a few have taken the time to step out and teach me the art and benefit of staying hidden; watching the others race by in their perpetual rat race, trying every so hard to be what they are not, and convince others that they are.

Sooner or later you’ll arrive here … if you are lucky. I won’t promise you limitless entertainment, in fact it can get quite lonesome. But being able to finally feel the sun on your face and hear a song bird play an enchanting song that you have time to hear are quite priceless. I only wonder why I waited so long.
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During one of the most turbulent decades of this countries history we watched as three prominent figures; people that would have an everlasting effect on this countries history, were gunned down in separate and equally bizarre situations. First we lost John, then Martin, and finally Bobby. Today marks the date of that final tragedy in a Los Angeles hotel after delivering a stirring speech to supporters.

What can one say about a country that has been and continues to be one of the most violent on the face of the earth? We live in a country that was born out of bloodshed and has remained as powerful and equally complex because of the same reasons. We have given heroic license to those that have been, by all accounts, the true villains of our past, yet managed to remember the good deeds of those that have often been the victims of equally audacious circumstances.

It was the very words of Bobby Kennedy, spoken to a crowd in Indianapolis, with the intent of calming the angers of the minority community, that caused me to pick up my first classical book and begin reading at a level far above the level I was supposed to understand. Through my life my books have been a constant companion, often teaching me far beyond my understanding and explaining to me a level of compassion that I never really appreciated as much as I do now.

So I leave you with the words of a grieving brother that had the foresight to present himself as an example of strength, peace, and tolerance in times of turbulation when it would have been just as easy to speak of hate and revenge. His quote came from the words of Aeschylus, which he shared with a crowd of understandably hurt and angry people. To his credit, this man of peace made such a profound impact on that crowd and those that read of the events of that evening that Indianapolis, Indiana was one of the few cities that did not see race riots over the coming weeks, but saw silent strength through mourning and prayer, this demonstrating once again the power of the spoken word.

So, in remembrance of this quiet man of strength I once again remind you of that passage he held so dear:

Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget
falls drop by drop upon the heart,
until, in our own despair,
against our will,
comes wisdom
through the awful grace of God.

Rest in peace Bobby, we shall never know the peace and justice that you might have brought into our everyday lives.
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The Real McCoy ... er, McCain

Seems to me that I’ve heard an awful lot of talk about presidential candidate John McCain being a war hero, all for the troops, yada, yada, yada; yet despite the fact that he personally benefited greatly from a GI bill that provided for his education after his time in Vietnam, he has the gall to vote against the newest GI Bill … and his reason? He thinks it will cause too many people to leave the military. Doh!!

Tell me John, aren’t you aware that a GI bill is an inducement to join the military? Where’s the inducement if you never allow the troops to reap the benefit? You’re previous admission that you aren’t very good at domestic economic issues is really showing now. It’s a not so secret fact that the existence of the GI bill after the 2nd world war put at average $8 back into the economy for every $1 invested and the positive influence of veterans is one of the strongest inducements for young people to peruse a military career; but really John, all of this aside, isn’t it just a bit two faced to talk about your great contributions to the service, then turn around and deprive deserving men and women of the same thing? Where, sir is your pride? Where is that strong military bearing that was supposed to be the creed of your service branch?

If you want to preserve the level of the armed forces, Senator, you need to put the truth back in the mouths of the officer corps. Recall the oath you took as an officer and remember one of the first foundations of being a respected officer … acting respectfully. Shoty pay, limiting benefits, slow assistance to disabled vets, the backdoor draft called Stop-Loss, and so many other ill treatments of fine soldier, sailors, airmen, & marines is unacceptable and, quite frankly, is conduct unbecoming of an officer as well as a president and a commander in chief.

In case you forgot Senator, it’s called leadership by example and right now, sir, you are setting one piss poor example … of course, judging by the shoe’s you are attempting to fill, perhaps it is unavoidable….
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... and justice for all

It has taken some time, terribly disrupted many lives, trampled upon the liberties & pursuit of happiness of an entire community. Best of all, it has exposed the incompetence of at least one judge and the entire legal infrastructure of a number of state agencies. We are of course talking about the recent ruling of a three judge at the State Court of Appeals.

The court recognized that while there was some cause for concern in the case of an anonymous caller that registered a complaint with the state Child Protective Services agency, the state had no right to collectively persecute the religious organization, nor were they right to separate 440 children from their families based upon what was wholly agreed upon little to no evidence.

While this entire scenario has yet to be completely played out, it does send a message to the state that they would be wise to pay attention to. The state is not all powerful and cannot interfere with the activities and rights of the family. It also does not have the right to separate family members, against their will, without significant evidence of harm to family members. And lastly, perhaps the most important part of the ruling is the fact that this court apparently recognizes that this entire incident may indeed be more about the religious followings of this group more than anything else.

There are many that disagree with the philosophy of the FLDS, including myself. I find many of their practices to be horrific, but I also recognize that this is my personal opinion and regardless of how strongly I feel, I am compelled to seek protection for this groups rights because those rights are guaranteed under our constitution as the right to practice one’s religious beliefs without fear of prosecution or retribution. I am disgusted at the idea that any 50 year old man would take a bride that may have been forced, against her will, to engage in marriage; but I am reminded that a mere 100 years ago this was still a common practice and 200 years ago it was the standard practice of the day. It was the practice that allowed young people to come together, battle the elements, move westward and settle this mighty country, being key contributors to the success of our grand idea we often call democracy. Our lives are now relaxed and while life itself is no less demanding, the risks we face are more of our own making than those tossed at us by mother nature and the rules of sheer existence. Perhaps this ease of life has taken away from our ability to distinguish what is truly essential and what is the folly of the mind, given too much non-productive time.

Isn’t this just common sense? The foundation of this country is based upon individual rights, freedoms, and guarantee’s, yet we constantly forget that we have these rights and we are seeing an entire generation that believes that the rights of the state are greater than our individual rights. Those that serve as a reminder are frequently given unflattering names and insulted for being capable of thinking.

Once again, I would encourage each and every reader to put on their hat of a Professional Citizen and make it your practice to point out the obligations and restrictions on those of authority. Remind them that theirs is the duty to serve, and their service is to the people; not the other way around. Each of us has an obligation to remember all that came before us, many of whom sacrificed their very lives for the freedom’s we enjoy. From the streets of Bagdad back to the shores by Plymouth Rock we have willingly fought for the very rights our constitution guarantee’s and if we choose to relinquish those rights to a handful of political thugs that would attempt to take them away, then all that has been gained and all that sacrificed, will have done so in vane.
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Just Good Common Sense

Well, it’s finally happened. The reality of this gas shortage is starting to cut into the luxury of everyday auto travel and as the reality of our foolhardy behavior in buying so many unnecessary SUV’s, Pickup Trucks, and the entire population of monster this and monster that, we are about to be faced with the second blow of the probable triple whammy. First we lost so many of our over mortgaged homes and “flipper” houses that we were going to make a killing on. Now it looks like a lot of vehicles will end up being parked or given back before it’s over with, so what can that third leg be? I can’t be certain but if the recent decision by American Airlines is any indication, I’d say that the flying public is about to be reserved exclusively for the wealthy or their employers and it certainly looks like it’s already starting to happen.

The thing is, as I look at it all, a good deal of this comes from our willingness to be wooed into being such a consumerist lifestyle. We buy and throw away so much that it took a serious economic hit to wake us up. Now it’s time to start reclaiming the reality that we slipped away from so long ago. We don’t need to suffer needlessly, but we do need to make some basic changes in order to preserve the majority of our American way of life. It won’t be painless, but the pain can be kept to a minimum. So let’s look at the basics. If the majority of our problem is energy based, how to we limit that dependency? Oh sure, we can go to renewal energy sources and that will help, but there are more basic things.

Plastic. Since petroleum is a key ingredient, let’s limit the use of plastics as much as possible. No more plastic bottles of any kind and make recycling of glass bottles mandatory, like it once was. No more plastic trash or shopping bags or anything of the like. Think about it, is there any reason you can’t get used to using glass and tin again?

Buses & Trains. Used to see a LOT of them so why not encourage them again? Yes, you won’t be able to do those quickie turn around business trips but you will be stimulating the economy by saying overnight more often at a hotel You’ll slow your pace a bit, have time to think and prepare for those big presentations, and because of sheer size, you’ll be encouraged to converse more with your fellow passengers. A nice touch!

Dracula Circuits. Legally ban the use of digital clocks, monitors, etc. in devices that do not absolutely need them. After all, now many clocks do you really need? You carry around a cell phone with a clock in it so why burn energy for devices that are rarely ever looked at?!?

30 MPG Minimum Requirement. We were very close to this back in the 70’s and the car makers proved they could do it. Simply make it mandatory for any car made or sold in this country. The only exception are large trucks and those must be owned and operated by businesses. Eliminate loopholes for SUV’s and non-farm vehicles.

Now, if you study the above, there is no real hardship in any of this. Oh sure, you’ll have to make a few life style changes, but it’s all been done before and the human race has survived quite nicely, in fact we were better off. Just think of it as that old advice my father gave me many years ago. He told me that the way to being a wealthy man wasn’t found in how much money you could make, but in how little you could spend. It’s all relative and when it comes to how much we should use, I’m reminded of a quote by that famous film director, Alfred Hitchcock who said “The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder”. Both funny and very sensible ….
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For The Mom's

You changed our diapers and whipped our nose,
Taught us how to pray and to count our toes,
You were always there for us no matter what,
And encouraged us with a little pat on the butt.

Be you young or old or perhaps even now gone,
You have inspired great poetry and romantic song,
So here’s to you mothers, where ever you my be,
For making life worth living, for people like me.

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To The Congress …

Four thousand killed, countless tens of thousands wounded, crippled, with lives changed forever. It hardly sounds like the legacy that anyone would want to be remembered for, yet it continues. We have justified it, argued about it, called each other frightful names because of it, and continue in spite of it all. Four thousand gone, never to contribute to the betterment of this nation, never to realize old age with memories, stories, pictures, and all the things that fill a lifetime. Four thousand stone markers, flags given by a grateful nation, and decorations that will never be worn in pride for all the praise, admire, and beg to hear how they were won. Four thousand lovers that will never meet, loved, or promised “until death do us part”, for so many already have and so many will never get the chance. Four thousand days to celebrate births, fathers days, mothers days, anniversaries, and even more. Four thousand … an ominous number that will soon be a not so fond memory as the numbers climb.

On such an occasion it seems only fitting that the president that must bear the burden should willingly sacrifice his legacy by donating all of the funds designated for his presidential library, to build a lasting tribute to the dead and to provide for the financial support of so many wives, husbands, and children who must suffer on because of his deeds.

The funds granted for a presidential library are not guaranteed, they are voted upon and approved by the congress. Let this serve as notice to the congress that I do not want a penny of my tax money to go toward such a shallow monument when there are so many left behind that are far more
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Finding Value

Right now I’m getting questioned rather aggressively by my friends about this decision to move South into a relatively small town, where I’ve never lived. And I must admit for awhile it’s been one of those nagging little questions; at least up until tonight.

I’m sitting in a restaurant, eating my dinner by myself (of course) and I’m watching those around me when I notice a family with four teenage boys come in. The father pulls out the chair for his wife, seats her, then proceeds around the table, collecting the ball caps off his son’s heads, sits down and explains to them gently that they will always remove their hats indoors, particularly in the presence of their mother. Is there any other explanation necessary? The same Old Southern Manners that my own father drilled into my head through my back end and it finally stuck, to the point that when I’m out on business I am often complimented for doing what my dad insisted upon. I raised my kids that way and despite their obvious unhappiness with me, they and I still get compliments on how well mannered they are. Thank you Lord, if I got nothing else in my life right, at least I’ve helped spread the message and produced two well mannered people.

So, I had the manager let me pick up the check for that family without their ever knowing it, and left knowing that a good deed must be rewarded. It was worth every cent and for those moments of tearful pride and appreciation of seeing another dad do the right thing. So, if you want to really find the value in life, just sit back quietly and watch. Every once in awhile your patience will be rewarded beyond your greatest expectations.
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Following The Leader …

It was noted some time ago that it is one thing to create law, but quite another to be forced to answer to it. Give that a bit of thought and you’ll wonder what might have happened if those that dreamed up laws that deal with drugs, drunkenness, child support, and of course eminent domain, were forced to answer to those same laws.

I recently stumbled across a small community in Tennessee that is struggling with that very issue in the here and now. I say struggling because it has become quite apparent that the local politicians are attempting some slight of hand in order to get the law through their community and it would appear the old cowboy phrase “them’s fight’en words partner” might just make a popular comeback. The local free press has seized upon this issue and pledges to keep it in the hearts and minds of the community. To them I say bravo!

Despite the rulings of the not necessarily Supreme Court of the land, which nearly cost one of the Justice’s his own home, there was a notable uprising by quite a bit of the congress with many pledges to enact new legislation to prevent such folly. Not surprisingly, the mass of hot air that came from that chamber failed to raise even the first trial balloon and the issues seems to have floated off (without said balloon). But … out in the real America’s, the dispute did not go unnoticed and in one small part of Cincinnati, Ohio a major development of real estate came to a screeching halt with one couple managed to put up quite a fight to save their little old home. In the state of Ohio it appears that quite a few of the elected officials remembered their earlier school lessons that taught us that private ownership of land was one of the primary reasons for the founding of this nation and despite the ruling of a few justices that had overlooked that part of the Jeffersonian Papers, the Ohio crowd was going to have nothing to do with organized theft of property.

In as much as the use of eminent domain is to be used as a tool to promote development, it would appear to me that the current mayor and council’s property would make dandy locations for the upcoming season of lemonade stands that will certainly dot the landscape of those young entrepreneurial spirits of that little town and since those little businesses will certainly benefit by proper re-development by removing those blighted homes and replacement with suitable parking so the young tikes can have a real go of it, I would propose that any young activist legal mind of that community bring forth to the council a rit of eminent domain to remove said blighted structure that the mayor currently resides in so the next lemonade stand can be built and further economic stimulis in the community can be put forth.

After all Mr. Mayor, there is no greater act of leadership than leadership by example and as the leader of the community, you should be the very first! Unless of course you might have a change of heart and mind based upon the first paragraph of this article. After all, we life in a free country where anyone is allowed to admit to their mistakes and put the record straight.
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Marketing & The Single Soul

Having been part of the single world for just over ten years now I’ve noticed quite a few changes in the dating habits of our species. I for one have finally survived that period of having women half my age try to “hook up” with me for reasons that I must honestly say I still don’t entirely understand. Oh sure, as the typical all American male I’m flattered to no end that anyone so young, pretty, with one of those bodies that are not to be believed, would actually take an interest in simple old me. Perhaps it’s the lack of adventure, fear of poverty, or simply not wanting to try to make small talk with somebody that has no earthly idea what this world was like before iPods, cell phones, laptops, PC’s of any kind, or even pocket calculators. And frankly, a person that thinks a relationship can be built around their favorite movie star or band is ….. well, I suppose scary is the only honest word.

Worst yet, finding a person that doesn’t think NPR or PBS is some kind of social disease limits the field significantly. Doesn’t mean these people are stupid, they simply have different tastes and a focus on life that is entirely their own.

So how do we go about attracting the right person these days? Seems we put out these profiles with all the critical specifications and if we feel brave enough, even attach a photo to the whole mess. God help those of us that actually use a real picture, it seems too often to be the kiss of death! Somehow I Keep seeing myself appearing in that Capital One commercial where the princess is kissing everything in sight hoping for that wealthy young prince, and I just know that the last scene probably depicts myself and a heck of a lot of other guys all too accurately.

Oh, I’ll continue to stick with the policy that honesty is still the best policy, but I can’t help noticing that everyone continues to chase a dream rather than pursue a slice of reality. Should would seem that at this point in life we would have all learned better than to make long lists of impossible expectations that will make finding someone; anyone, all but unreachable.

Perhaps this is indeed the plight of humanity, to spend eternity searching for the impossible until we find the end that is inevitable …
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Change is a GOOD thing

After being in this town for 25 years the opportunity to make a change is finally here. I put it off for a long time for the sake of the kids, but now that they are grown and aren't too concerned about seeing Dad with any regularity, it's time to do a few things that are good for me.

Funny how we put together our priorities and even stranger how we often sacrafice what we want for what we know is more important, only to find out later on that it wasen't as important as we once thought.

So, soon enough I'll be tromping around Tenn, getting used to a new job and making new friends. If you are a native of Clarksville, live there, or are just interrested, drop me a note. I'm in the market for new friends, buddies, and dare I think it at this late stage of life ... yes, romance!
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How To Build A Monster

Building a monster has become all the rave and has proven to be surprisingly simple. So simple that, like the do-it-yourself guides out there, this one won’t even need a new edition of “Monster Building for Dumbies”.

The first step is to get your hands on a child, the younger the better. Now you can obtain some pre-conditioned models easy enough, just check out your local computer game stores and look for the ones with the beady eyes, very pale skin, and seem to be impatient to get a game and go. Watch the kinds of games they are interested in; those that are prone to violence will be the ideal candidates. AVOID the ones that are interested in titles like “Barbie rescue” and similar fluffy editions. EDITORS NOTE: The other approach would be to find children that have been sheltered from the “real world” as we currently call it. Either those hidden on a compound with some religious basis or perhaps those that have been sheltered in a windowless basement for the majority of their lives. Just perfect!

Now, once you have obtained your subject, there are a few things you can do to build a better monster. Make sure they have NO contact with a parent or person of positive influence. Also, try to avoid allowing them to feel any sort of love, caring, or personal concern of any kind. Keep them devoid of any kind of positive social contact and never, never, never give them any kind of “gift” or positive reinforcement items that would even give the slightest indication of appreciation for their mere existence.

Lastly, give your group a catchy name that has some official sounding identify like “Child Protective Services” or “State Child Abuse Agency” (got to love the double meaning on that one!) so people like prosecutors and judges won’t figure out your real intent here.

And that’s it! Just toss it all together and let it run it’s course. You’ll be surprised at just how many mosters your can create! Now, granted you will be flooded with lots and lots of these little monsters so the next thing you need to do is create a purpose for them. Haven’t exactly worked that one out but I’m thinking this would be the ideal time to see if you could create a global purpose like chasing around the globe looking for all sorts of things. There are lots of things that are trendy and in demand; you know things like cheap gasoline (or any gasoline for that matter), inexpensive food, clothing, weapons of mass destruction (sorry, that one’s been done already), you know, just anything that could possibly be important to both the monsters and the non-monsters.

If you need a good example, take a look at the State of Texas right now. They’ve found a dandy way of skirting the law, stepping on individual rights and collecting lots and lots of great potential monster materials by just taking them away! What a novel idea, what you don’t have you simply steal and claim that you are doing “good”. Gee, we have a chief executive that knows something about that … isn’t he from Texas too?
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