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End of an Era

End of an Era

Susannah Mushatt Jones was born in July of 1899 and had the distinction of being the oldest living person. She passed away today at the age of 116 years old. Technically, she lived in three different centuries, through two world wars and the administrations of 20 presidents. She was one of 11 children and her parents and grandparents were slaves and crop pickers. She attended a special school for black girls and graduated from high school in 1922, moved to New York to work as a nanny and helped start a scholarship fund for young African-American women. She remained active through her lifetime and was a member of the tenant patrol for her nursing home until she was 106 when she resigned to give younger people an opportunity. Needless to say, she had lived through more history and anyone else in the world.

Some of the more noteworthy items included the facts that she lived
- At the start of the second Boer War in South Africa
- The beginning of the war between the US & Philippines
- At the time aspirin was invented
- Born before the death of Queen Victoria in Britain
- Born before Marconi send the first ever wireless transmission
- Born before the Wright Brothers flew the first aircraft

She attributed her long lifespan the fact she got lots of sleep, did not smoke or drink but loved bacon eating four strips of bacon with scrambled eggs every day. She did have a few luxuries, one being a love of high-end lace lingerie and once told the nurses during a medical check-up “you can never get too old to wear fancy stuff”.

One can only sit back and marvel at such a person as we contemplate our own mortality. I for one, now being an elder orphan, certainly do not wish to live so long. I watched and older aunt live through the passing of all of her brothers, friends, and most her own age. She often complained about being the “last survivor” of her generation and while that was certainly not true, it was true enough for her.

Occasionally I feel a bit depressed when I think about just how many of our children have been raised by television, computer games, and cell phones and don’t really have close, meaningful relationships with their so called friends. Technology is truly wonderful, but it has it’s down side also and the diminishing relationships with other human beings is most certainly one of the worst.

So when such an occasion as the celebration of life for a lady like Susannah comes about, we should all take pause and reflect on our own lives; perhaps to take a look at what it is and what we can now do to improve upon it for the future. As for me, I’m spending the day going through my phone book and calling up as many old friends as I can find just to chat and let them know I am thinking about them.
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Corporate Abandonment

Once again the subject of corporations that take their businesses off shore, abandoning their workers for the sake of profits has come the forefront. The Carrier corporation is about the exit Indianapolis and move to Mexico, leaving thousands of long standing workers behind. The impact on the community will most certainly be felt, but more importantly it sends a reminder to workers to never trust their companies or their management. So many politicians claim that “once elected, I’ll fix that” only to suddenly forget once they are in office. There are obvious ways and means of dealing with this on a one by one basis without causing mass hysteria in the corporate world.

Tariffs. Often a dirty word in the realm of “free trade”, but there is no reason that is should be. Rather than punish all companies, only tariff the departing company and do so at a high enough rate that those tariff dollars can be used to subsidize the displaced workers for the remainder of their working lives. Companies must be allowed to take certain actions to cut costs, but that doesn’t mean we should give them a totally free ride, especially on the backs of our own citizens. Certain stipulations would have to be made so the person displaced after only one year of employment doesn’t deserve a lifetime free ride, but they certainly should be retrained at all expenses paid and payments until they are able to find another job equal to or better than the one that was lost.

Political Promises. It has long been suggested that politicians be required, by law, to sign off on a contract that any promise made must be kept. This would certainly cut down on the wild promises and outright lies that politicians tell in order to get elected and the penalties should be stiff, very stiff. There also should be certain provisions that if the politician makes a good faith effort that is met with insurmountable odds against him, he not be penalized because he has indeed tried (can’t hold someone to a promise they have little to no control over completion). And the alternative would be that any politician making a promise they know cannot be met, be treated the same as having lied to begin with.

Balance. Simply put, any country that trades with the US must buy an equal amount of goods in order to eliminate trade imbalance. Obviously there will need to be some exceptions like when we are trying to help an underdeveloped country or the goods and services we are buying are so critical we must have them at all costs. But in countries were trade is on the scale of say, China vs. the US, the rule should be held, particularly when that country is not behaving in a civil fashion against their benefactor.

Legal Description. This one is simple; any organization, product, service, etc that is given a misleading name for the purpose of preying on others shall be deemed illegal. We have all seen them; “The Patriot Act”, “Self Cleaning …”, or any number of similar items that attempt to get your hard earned money by simple deception should be treated as illegal. Frankly, if a service, product, or act cannot be sold through honest means, it should not be sold. Why should sneaky marketers be given a pass? Why should anyone need such an advantage? Only to prey on the young, old, poorly educated and just plain stupid is not a reasonable expectation and as a nation, we should protect every citizen from falling victim to this kind of behavior.

All of these are just plain common sense. Only those that have something to gain by breaking the rules will actively do so and they should be targeted for investigation and perhaps even public ridicule. As the old saying goes “Just follow the money” and you’ll have your reason; none of which is beneficial to everyone.
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The Rules

As a child I vividly remember some of the rules my father hand for me as a grew up as well as the punishments I would receive for breaking those rules. Such an impression this made on me that it has shaped my life, my opinions, and how I treat others that frequently break the rules. I cannot say that his rules were always fair, at least not from my point of view, but they did cause me to understand things I might otherwise not have understood. I was reminded of these when a recent incident in Tennessee caused a police officer to handcuff a bunch of children that were engaged in bullying another child. The media is really playing this up and the new police chief (on the job just 3 weeks) certainly has his hands full trying to sort out what, if anything, needs to be done with the police officer.

As I look around the world through the eyes of the news and other similar reports, it has become apparent that parents around the world seem to have become extremely lax when it comes to making and enforcing rules. Of course, we cannot blame the parents on some of these because society has chosen to step in and punish too many well intentioned parents for child abuse when we that are older simply recognize that there comes a time when the parent must lay down the law and strictly punish the child in order to get the point across.

Worse yet, our legal system simply is not equipped, nor are our lawmakers equipped or courageous enough to sit down and draw up a reasonable, sensible, and workable set of rules because … well, I suppose it is because there are so many variations that one set of rules would be simply impossible. Perhaps that is why, when I was a child, we decided to trust the adults & parents to do the right thing and allow the community to judge them rather than a judge and 12 strangers that probably never have met them.

There is a certain rational is the concept that it takes an entire community to raise a child. Parents and other adults must work together, share information, and support the poor parent that is having to deal with an unruly child as well as recognize and reward those that comply and obey the rules. No matter if it is standing up for a football commissioner or a simple police officer that are trying to make an impression and teach a person the right and wrong of life.

Nobody said it would be easy and it certainly will take as many generations to straighten it out as it took to screw it all up. We have to share our successes and our failures without fear of retribution. We have to open ourselves up to suggestions & criticism, but most of all, we need to learn. No matter if it is the Ten Commandments or the written scrawl that dad posted on the bulletin board. They are rules, intended to teach, reward, and punish … all in an effort to help us raise a better child into being a responsible adult we can trust.

We have Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, Anti-defamation Leagues, Young Republicans, The Boy & Girl Scouts and so many more. Why can’t we have something like Parents United or Adults Unlimited? We need a strong organization that can get and keep the attention of every budding parent, adult, lawyer, police officer, judge, politician, and anyone else willing to promote this concept. I’m not suggesting the end is near, but take a look at the world around you and tell us just how long you think the world will last with so much war, threatening behavior, and rule breakers that simply don’t know to care about the results. We need it and we need it now. It will take lots of time and most of us will not live long enough to see the eventual success, but it’s time to get started … for everyone’s sake & survival.
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What is the value of having ones picture on a piece of US currency and should we be concerned that we are now posting a non-president on our twenty dollar bill (or at least should be in about 10 years)? It’s certainly not a precedent since Susan B. Anthony graced the one dollar coin and perhaps there is a difference there, but certainly not a precedent. The question around the breakfast table at my little eatery seems to be and extraordinary number of people that simply don’t know who don’t know who Harriet Tubman is or why she is more deserving than Andrew Jackson to grade the twenty dollar bill.

Personally, I am a lot less concerned about there being a woman or man on our currency but I am a little concerned about posting anyone that has not held a significant office. A president and prominent political figure would seem to be more fitting. Did they ever consider putting FDR on a bill? He was the last president to serve three terms and God knows, his accomplishments speak for themselves.

Don’t get we wrong; I have nothing against Ms. Tubman, I simply don’t think her achievements rise to being on a piece of Federal currency. I would support having her statue on the DC Mall right next to the Lincoln memorial or even a holiday named after her, but it seems to me that the face on the currency should represent those that we hold in the highest regard and represent the nation as a whole, not necessarily a special interest. Before you call me bigot, do tell me how many Irish, German, Japanese or Jewish people of noteworthiness were not included? My point is that currency should not be a symbol or anything other than the strength and integrity of the meaning and value behind the currency. For that matter, I think that many would consider Martin L. King Jr. in higher standing that Ms. Tubman, but then again, that’s just my opinion. Actually, since the Native Americans where here first, should we have more of their faces on our currency … I mean beyond the Indian head nickle? How about more than one face? Something like Crazy Horse, Chief Gail, and Sitting Bull grouped together and a picture of the battle of the Little Bighorn on the back? Certainly would inspire a few more interesting conversations.

Or maybe we should copy the Chinese and put beautiful renderings of majestic scene’s on the face … you know, to have a more calming effect on those shelling out their money for those overpriced speeding tickets, or TAXES!!! Yeah, I’ll bet the IRS would be in favor of that one. How about being like the Peso where the number darn near stretches across the entire thing …. Not to suggest OUR currency is becoming worthless. In fact, with technology being what it is, just how much longer will paper currency survive? Hard coins would make counterfeiting harder and a roll of quarters in your fist helps fend of the world be robber than a fist full of twenty dollar bills.

Well, any way we go, there is bound to be controversy; after all, many of the states in the deep South are still wrestling with removing the old confederate stars and bars, removing statues of confederate hero’s from their state houses and apparently trying to repaint history to make this appear to be a much “kinder & gentler” nation. Wait, wouldn’t that make a great government slogan? Oh no, that’s right; that was one of the first George Bush’s proclamations; after which we have had two wars, a hell of a high murder rate among young black men, and the lowest rating of the government and the congress since it’s original formation.

Sorry, time to run, got to get ready for the upcoming battle between The Donald and Hillary ….. We should consider putting their pictures on the penny. One on each side. Yep, that’s the ticket and since it’s not even worth what it costs to produce, it certainly seems fitting!
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Blackmail – Arab Style

Unknown to a majority of Americans was the withholding of 20+ pages of the report by the 9/11 commission that detailed the involvement of a number of prominent and wealthy Saudi families and government officials in the financial aid of the terrorists and their movement. Perhaps the government was right in this action, hoping to avoid a tremendous backlash from the obvious outrage that Americans would have felt toward a reportedly long time alley in the region. Now, at last, that outrage is surfacing and the Congress should be extremely careful for fear of a revolt. The Saudi’s appear to have clearly identified themselves as state sponsors of terrorism.

Saudi Arabia has chosen to attempt to hold America and it’s government hostage; threatening to sell off billions of dollars worth of assets if the government chooses to release those papers and give American citizens (victims & their families of 9/11) the right to bring legal action against those Saudi citizens that were involved. Notable is the comment that Saudi had already dealt with the offenders despite there was no indication through stiff financial punishment, long term imprisonment or executions as is so often the practice of the Saudi government. I simple threat to the US, suggesting that we now must take orders from a foreign government and supported the murder of 3,000+ American citizens.

The Saudis get such royal, preferential treatment because they’ve stomped their feet, threatened to pull all their money out of the U.S. economy and bankrupt the world if not given their way. As ridiculous as that threat sounds, the Obama administration is apparently very scared by it. Worse yet is the fact that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been dismissed from the 9/11 families lawsuit via their Foreign Sovereign Immunities.

As much as I saw value in the first decisions by this president 7 years ago, he has been and continues to be on a downhill slide. The Russians violate NATO alliances & harass our Navy without response; China is encouraged and is now doing similar injustices throughout the Asia, North Korea is completely out of control with extreme provocations and still, the president sits on his hands, more worried about his image in history. Has anyone within his administration bothered to explain it in 9th grade English so he can fully understand? Perhaps he needs to be taught what the term “high treason” means and how it can be applied.

The next administration had better be willing to put it’s foot down and reestablish the status of the USA as well as our willingness to back it up in real time. The Soviets broke the nuclear agreements years ago, yet we have not started rebuilding our nuclear stock piles. We have not completely blockaded North Korea and we are still buying goods from both Russia & China. While I certainly don’t want to see the US become an isolationist, I do think we need to stop trading with our enemies until such time as the tow the line and behave themselves. One cannot be or expect to be treated as a world power when we present such a 3rd world approach to problems.

Sadly, none of our presidential candidates appear to be capable of dealing with these problems. We can only hope at their respective conventions, somebody comes out of the woodwork who it capable and will to lead. These are very serious times requiring a strong leader that can think for themselves, persuade others, and speak softly with a very large and prickly stick!
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A New Day

Watching the first news conference with President Obama and Raul Castro was interesting, especially after reading all the hate comments directed toward the President. Obama certainly didn’t fold when it came to bringing up the issues of human rights, Guantanamo Bay, or political prisoners and while Castro bristled in particular to the issue of political prisoners, the two leaders were able to agree to disagree. Thus is the making of diplomatic dialog and future changes.

Interesting still was the noticeable decrease in the number of protestors in Little Havana, in Miami Florida. Events regarding Cuba used to easily draw protestors in the tens of thousands, but todays protest didn’t even bring out one hundred, thus showing that despite the rhetoric by most of our political candidates, the great majority of this country and of Cuba are welcoming this change.

Ten CEO’s of corporations were aboard Air Force One to start the task of implementing trade with the communist nation. Despite the political disagreements, Cubans are ready and wanting more trade and greater access to our technology, showing once again that an oppressive regime cannot hold the people down forever. Hopefully the Cuban government will learn to leverage their options to the advantage of both the nation as well as it’s people. Interesting enough, US News & World Report has already identified a number of great ways to invest in Cuba as it opens it’s markets. Just a few of those suggestions were related to stocks like Royal Caribbean Cruises, Marriott International, Copa Holdings, JetBlue Airways, Stonegate Bank, Teletech Holdings, and Herzfeld Caribbean Basin Fund with certainly more to come.

Some may feel this is more of a case of “keeping your friends close and your enemies closer”, which isn’t a bad philosophy in these trying times. Cuba will most certainly once again become a vacation paradise as it was before the overthrow of Batista, but the real success will be driven by the people and their expectations. Finding another revolutionary like the Castro brothers will be all but impossible, especially since that person would lack the strong communist backing that the Castro’s enjoyed with the USSR.

While I am not a fan of this President, I find myself having to grudgingly admit that in terms of facing trouble head on, he has done a pretty good job. I would have rather seen him take a stronger stance on the world stage, but part of me recognizes that in many cases he has prevented more and larger conflicts, even if his approach might have appeared to some to be weaker. While the next president may speak loud and act more aggressive, that person would be wise to pay attention to a less threatening approach and keep us out of any new wars for the sake of the nation as well as your young people.

It is often said by many that Obama is this nations worst president, even more so that Jimmy Carter; but if we take a serious look at his accomplishments and strip away all the political rhetoric, we are reminded that he took office in the worst of times. While not perfect, he did make a lot of good moves that prevented us from sinking into worse financial failure than we could have. His one great failing, Obamacare, will be forever held against him, but not for it’s intent, more for it’s execution where the nation learned there can be no cheap healthcare system and forcing people to buy something they don’t want never earns a positive mark from a nation that cherishes it’s freedom’s and the right to choose.

In the case of Cuba, it simply a master stroke. Turning a long standing enemy (90 years) into a possible future friend is exactly what diplomacy is all about and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear at least one presidential candidate try to take credit for it in their upcoming campaign ……
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Reasonable Expectation?

Once again, the Majority Leader Mr. Mitch McConnell has proclaimed his unwillingness to consider the Presidents nomination to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court. Simply put, he has put his and his parties legislative agenda ahead of the good of the country and furthered the practice of insulting the President by dismissing him. His statement that he is holding off to “give the people a choice in filling this vacancy” shows a level of ignorance that long ago earned him the title “the most hated man in Kentucky”.

The Senate already has the power of conformation, so what harm does it do for them to hear, see, interview and vote on the nominee? After all, that is an essential part of their duties and some legal scholars are suggesting that the refusal to take the process forward amounts to a simple case of malpractice on the part of the Majority Leader. Even more interesting is the fact that the nominee, Merrick Garland is highly regarded by members of both sides of the aisle, in fact, one would be very hard pressed to find anyone that didn’t like the man. Simply put, it’s pure politics that are denying the people from a well-balanced justice system and strongly suggesting that Mitch McConnell is nothing more than an everyday bigot. Something that has surfaced many times over the course of his career.

There are a number of key cases that are before the court this and next session. With an even number of justices, there will no doubt be several dead locks, pushing the case back to the lower court where it will simply be turned around and we will have no decision for at least a year while the politics’ settle out. Isn’t it bad enough that our elected officials won’t even put in a full 40 hour work week; now they are simply refusing to work at all. I for one would welcome a “dump Mitch” movement and get in a majority leader that would at least make a fair attempt to complete the government and do their job. Simply put, they don’t have to confirm the man, but at least let him have his interviews and give him a vote.

For a country to have evolved as much as we have, seeing these tremendous leaps backward just adds more fuel to the fire as to why the United States continues to slip in the eyes of the world and our influence continue to dwindle. Thus is the downfall of a government that takes on an obstructionist point of view. The only bright spot is that there are a number of key Republicans that have figured out that this behavior can and most probably will have an impact on their own upcoming elections and very possibly the balance of power in the Senate. So strong is this situation that independent voters favor giving the nominee a confirmation hearing by a 2 to 1 margin. Something that has not escaped those vulnerable Republicans.

One can only wonder what other bone headed moves our politicians will make until the election ……
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Another Mans Opinion

I recieved this one from a friend of mine and it was just too good not to share!

Subject: I feel safe now

I took down my Rebel flag (which you can't buy on e-bay any more) and peeled the NRA sticker off the front door.

I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-a** Neighborhood Watch.

I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard. Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN buy on e-bay) and put it in the CENTER of the yard.

Now, the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching the house 24/7.

I've NEVER felt safer and I'm saving $69.95 a month that ADT charged me.

Plus, I bought burkas for my family when we shop or travel. Everyone moves out of our way and security can't pat us down.

Safe at last – only in the USA !
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af·flu·en·za: a psychological malaise supposedly affecting wealthy young people, symptoms of which include a lack of motivation, feelings of guilt, and a sense of isolation.

According to the published time lines, this affliction did not take root until around 2010 and it’s actual definition appears to be somewhat in question. Interestingly enough, it is not listed in the Blacks Law Dictionary ( the most widely accepted dictionary of law) or similar links, bringing into question it’s application and consideration in legal rulings. This is not completely uncommon since new definitions for different conditions and afflictions are under consideration in a variety of cases, but the use of or excuse for behaviors that result in loss of human life is rare. If in fact we are to consider this a medical condition, then different forms of treatment certainly should be considered.

A simple observation of the apparent condition might suggest that the best cure would be to remove the conditions that caused it and to reverse those conditions to the point that the condition naturally reverts back to “normal”. Since the causation appears to be a life of “plenty” and “excess”, both causes must be removed and replaced with a treatment of labor and conditions much like the great majority of our population experience each day; in fact to reverse the condition it might be well for treatment to include a period of time equal to that which caused the affliction, which is approximately 16 years, his age at the time of the accident. Since he has gone without treatment for nearly 3 additional years and there has been at least one relapse, a sound course of treatment might be considered at 20 years. In fact, the legal system has a description for such treatment. It is “20 years at hard labor”. While some might say this is unconstitutional by todays practices, let me remind you this is described as a medical/physiological condition so those rules simply do not apply. The good of the patient must take precedence.

Now, we are not talking about tossing the poor lad into a common prison cell. That would be cruel (although not unusual) and would not provide any treatment. A treatment something more in line with that old movie “Holes” would be more in line, in fact I’m betting there are quite a few young people out there with this affliction so an entire course of treatment in a similar facility should be considered reasonable and appropriate. We would advise against a warden that coated her finger nails with rattlesnake venom … that should be reserved for only the most die hard cases that completely resist treatment.

So, the Tarrant County District Attorney’s office has some options and the judge in the case also has his own responsibilities to the people, the family, and of course to the poor lad that is so afflicted. Let’s hope that go for an appropriate treatment that will serve everyone and prevent any further relapses!
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One of the first rules of diplomacy calls for continued discourse no matter how bitterly opposed two countries, organizations, or people are. They simply agree that despite the fact they can find nothing to agree upon, they will continue to talk. This continues indefinitely in hopes of finding something, anything that both can find agreement upon because when there is one agreement, there is opportunity for more. That is, after all, the way we turn enemies into friends. Hatred is a learned behavior. Whether it is about race, color, creed, economics, trends or any number of differences, the process of hating another person is learned either by being taught or by emulation of a parent or some other significant person or organization that has captured the interest and admiration of the person learning to hate.

Fortunately, none of these things are absolutes. People can learn not to hate, they can learn to listen carefully and express their disagreements in a way the listener might reconsider their point of view or at least understand the disagreements so they can both better appreciate those differences. Many religions embrace the concept of forgiveness, despite differences and to actually love each other as well as accept and appreciate these same differences. We live in a society in which most religions preach the need for love and understanding, yet so few actually do and in many cases the religion is simply a “mask” to be worn to gain the approval of ones peers without serious intention or practice.

We are currently observing a pivotal point in time where our country has gone out on a limb to take talk into significant action. We are, of course, speaking of our new relationship with Cuba and the President’s trip next month to further extend the hand of friendship and continue building upon a new relationship. This isn’t to say we or they fully agree with each other, but we are continuing to try and there have been some agreements that point the way for even more in the future.

Sad is the fact that several of our Presidential candidates remain steadfast against this new relationship and refuse to consider the positive aspects. Much of that country’s political machines are growing old and won’t be here much longer, but they have the wisdom to see the future and apparently want to put their country on the path of an improved economy and better relationships. Ted Cruz & Marco Rubio strongly criticize the President for his actions, yet neither is able to give a better approach to the future. ILeana Ros=Lehtinen, a Cuban-American Republican Congresswoman states "Pitiful that Obama rewards Castro's with visit to Cuba while conditions for the Cuban people are getting worse". Considering the number of young people that have come out for the new relationship and the influx of American companies and new opportunities, where is the pity?

A President’s obligation is not to his party or the other party. It is to the American people. Turning a long standing enemy into a potential friend, particularly in the eyes of his critiques, strikes me as something done for the betterment of the American people. Watching a Congress that folds their arms and refuses to change decades-old embargo’s is simple obstructionism and shows a lack of mature, diplomatic statesmanship that these people are expected to have or at least to have learned.

No matter who’s idea it is, no matter who gets the credit, the idea and practice of converting enemies into potential friends is very much a part of the mission of leading and promoting a free world. Those that do not choose to participate have that right, but in the meantime we Americans would appreciate it if they would simply get out of the way and allow the rest of us to build bridges rather than put up more useless walls.
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As The Cookie Crumbles

A few years back, after the original founder of Wounded Warriors passed away, there was a noticeable uptick in the television advertising for the non-profit. I noticed this one afternoon when it seemed that every other commercial was for the foundation and I wondered out loud that certainly no national television network, no matter how generous they are, could afford to donate that much commercial time to a single organization. And so started my quest to learn more about this foundation.

There was plenty of smoke and flame about them, but the one thing that really caught my attention was the fervor in which the organization attacked any of their critiques. Not just verbal, but incredible over the top legal threats and actual legal action towards anyone that said anything negative about them in more than a private setting. And there was the distribution of funds. The most noteworthy foundations for vets distributes 80-90% of their funds directly to the benefit of the veterans. Wounded Warriors has been at 60%.

This evening the CBS news report finally reported their findings from a long standing investigation. That report showed many lavish parties, extraordinary expenses, and a long line of former employee’s that confirmed it all; some of which that were so terrified of the organization they would not even show their faces for fear of retaliation. The only spokesperson for the organization refused to answer any direct questions and only towed the line with the same double speak we have come to expect from too many similar organizations and political figures that don’t like being put on the spot.

My word of caution to each of you is to research any organization to send money too. If they seem to be running too many TV commercials, check them out. If it smells a bit fishy, it probably is and be especially suspicious of those that require a minimal donation or “membership”. That’s a sure sign of a scam and there are far too many legitimate organizations out there that will put the money where it belongs. And lastly, find out what their CEO is being paid. Those organizations that are truly all about the cause they claim will have a modestly paid leader and a lot of low pay, no pay people giving of themselves the way we would expect.

In these times of less that wonderful jobs and benefits, we need to make sure that our hard earned money goes where we want it, not to another bunch of hucksters that only want to line their own pockets.
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