breadcrumb injuneer Blog

United Nations Status

As you may have heard, the Palestinian State and the Vatican (both nonmember observers) were added to the list of nations and had their flags added to flag staffs at the UN this week; the first time the protocol has been changed since the United Nations was formed, October 24, 1945, in place of the League of Nations. It originally had but 51 members and has grown to 193 (plus 2). As part of it’s charter the UN has participated in nearly all major and most minor conflicts, primarily as a keeper of peace between disputing groups. Depending upon your point of view, the organization is known for peace and human development while others claim it to be ineffective, corrupt or biased.

The UN is the seat of some impressive offices including The General Assembly, The Security Council, UN Secretariat, International Court of Justice, UN Economic & Social Council and the UN Trusteeship Council. With the affirmation of the two newest members will come all privileges including voting privileges which will take a new shape depending upon the view points of the new member states.

Needless to say, both Israel and the US voiced significant protests to the addition of the Palestinian’s for all the obvious reasons. While neither are a part of the security council, their allegiances will most certainly play an important part of future decisions, no matter how good or bad they might be.

While the addition of new members to the UN is certainly a reason to celebrate, such a breach of protocol after 70 years would certainly seem more politically motivated rather than the motivation of a well-meaning body. After all, if you were one of the nations that had to jump through the hoops required for membership, wouldn’t you feel a bit cheated to see two nonmember organizations being given membership so easily?

It all may simply be a gesture of good will, but only time will tell if these new inductee’s will serve the charter well or if they will only be interested in their personal agendas.
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A Muslim President

Americans have never had a problem making it clear what they want and what they don’t want. Years ago, the country wrestled with the idea of a Catholic presidential candidate named John F. Kennedy. Eventually, cooler heads determined that they young man could indeed think for himself and would not be taking orders from the Pope on how to serve the office of President. Many of those same principles have helped us vote into office a number of “different” people including the first black president. Race, color, creed, and political belief rarely have a serious impact on the capability of the individual to serve their nation and the daunting task of the Presidency.

All of that being said, one must also be aware of the all too important factor of timing. The timing of when a person can and should run for president is essential. Essential to gain political, financial, and emotional support to stay in and be victorious in such a daunting task. Some would say that the presidency is really all about acceptance by the majority but those that have studied the office as well as those that have served in it realize that it is really all about being able to represent the American people. Not just the majority but the minority as well. Insuring that every voice is heard and all are considered. Certainly not easy when a person tries to stay true to their own beliefs as well as represent those of others then not only might not agree with, but with whom they might have serious reservations about.

A Muslim president would face even greater scrutiny. Not only from every non-Muslin but from the devoted Muslims who claim the Quran directs all sort of things that would be in direct conflict with other major religions here that must be given equal representation without reservation. A Muslin president would have to defend the rights of others where it would also directly conflict with the views of Clerics who would certainly demand strict obedience to their own interpretative point of view.

So, while a Muslim certainly has every legal, ethical, and moral right to run for and hold the office, the challenges and difficulties of the same would seem to be insurmountable. We can only add that similar opinions were held against the idea of a Catholic president, yet we had a very successful one.

My own father used to always tell me that just about everything in life boils down to a matter of politics or timing. At this point in time it would certainly appear that here is a case where both politics and timing are all wrong. Perhaps in the future, a very moderate person of that faith might be able to be elected, but they would most certainly find the challenges to be great. We can only hope that we will once again see a day when all faiths are at peace with each other and such a person might be able to measure up in the eyes of the American public, but sadly, that day is not now nor does it appear that it will be in the near future.
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Why Bother With Laws?

Politicians can break the law; high ranking military officers can break the law, civil servants can break the law, and God only knows how many private citizens not only break the law but do it repeatedly so it begs the question; if nobody is going to obey the laws and are going to go unpunished or only given a slap on the wrists, why bother with any law? And what about our kids? How are we expected to instill the idea of right & wrong or the importance of respecting those that attempt to enforce the laws when we see those very same people breaking those very same laws?!?!

Any law is only as strong as it’s enforcement against those that break it and it can only have real meaning when it is strongly enforced against those that knowingly and wantingly break it. We have categories of how badly a law is broken just like we have different levels of kinds of murder, yet there seems to be some kind of “get out of jail free” card that certain members of our society are able to present and walk away, nearly unscathed while the common man or woman often get the book thrown at them. If indeed “all men are created equal” then why aren’t all laws enforced equally?

Granted, judges and police officers are granted a certainly degree of “discretion”. That is to say that they are allowed to use their own judgement, based upon what they have learned, to alter the decision of whether to arrest, charge, and prosecute as well as in sentencing of prospective law breakers. Is that right? Should they have such an allowance? Over time we have seen plenty of examples of where good judgement can equal good justice, but it isn’t always rendered equally. Some inequalities are based on race, economic disadvantaged, and many other similar practices that smack of some form of discrimination. Sadly, there are probably as many opinions on this as there are examples.

In the past the penalties for law breakers were often based upon both the seriousness of the crime as well as the position of the law breaker. That is to say, the greater your level of responsibility, notoriety, and recognition in society, the harder you could expect to be treated. It was based upon the idea that those people were our hero’s, the folks we pointed to as an example of how our children should strive to be like. Now, it is so hard to find a genuine hero that doesn’t have feet of clay that we should be doubly putative for letting us down.

We wrestle with the differences of right & wrong, truth or fiction, making money or being moral, and so many other apparent challenges. Can’t we find a better way to reward those that are exemplary? To make it so rewarding for doing the right thing that few, if any, will bother trying to cut corners and do the wrong thing. Sadly, I am afraid that ship has sailed and it could be a very long time before we have such an opportunity to gain a foothold, especially in times where greed, fortune, and wealth seem to be paramount in every young persons mind.

It’s simple. It all starts with having a respect for the law and that only occurs when laws are equally enforced across the board; no exceptions. You break the law, you pay the price. Once we have rebuilt a healthy respect for the law, those that keep the law will be more highly revered by our peers as well as our leaders. Our children are great imitators and when they see us abiding by the law, the too will fall in line.
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The Political Conversation

I must admit that the content of this election is far richer than I recall seeing in a long time and if anyone deserves the credit for that it would have to be Donald Trump. Mind you, I’m not endorsing him, nor am I suggesting that I like the man as a political candidate but, his brazen style, cutting comments, and willingness to put himself out there on some of the more sensitive subjects has forced the competition to reveal a lot more about themselves than we have come to expect in a national election. Never mind if you agree or disagree with him, when has any other politician on their own, been willing to talk about their more specific stance on issues like immigration, welfare and other tough subjects?

Trump is definitely the irritant in the room. He says what he thinks and damn well doesn’t care if you agree or disagree. He stands his ground and while he has taken the time to re-state a few positions, there has been very little actual change. Love him or hate him, I have to respect a man that says what he believes and believes what he says. Frankly, I’m having trouble recalling a president since Harry Truman that would or even could do that and even old Harry had his limits.

The over all benefit for all of us will be seeing these political machine driven paper dolls have to actually stand up and take a stand. They will have to risk not having everyone love them. They won’t be able to cater to each and every voter and if the media has any brains at all, they will focus on those differences and make these folks explain themselves to the voting public and not tolerate any soft, warm & fuzzy answers. As you’ll notice, Hilary is loosing ground because the press and the voters are losing patience with her former simple “get over it” approach to some of her own failings and frankly, trying to sell the wiping of a mail server as just maintenance should be treated by the FBI as exactly what it is; the knowing and willing destruction of evidence, a Federal offense. As for so many of the other candidates, well, we are seeing them for what they are. Very shallow, very vanilla, with not a lot of substance. Perhaps we will start seeing the resurgence of candidates that actually take a stand and are willing to be held accountable. What a concept!

As the electioneering continues and we start seeing weaker candidates drop out, the remaining folks are going to have to be stronger, more direct, and be prepared to address tough issues with real substance rather than fluffy options that can change on the fly to appeal to the current audience. Perhaps they will be forced to actually think about their ideas and come up with something that hasn’t been considered before. Personally, I’ll just be happy if we can force them to take a hard stand so selected topics … a true indicator of a politician with a back bone.

So, as we predicted earlier, “The Donald” is most definitely having an effect on the race. I just hope he sticks in there and continues to cause these folks to be more revealing and perhaps even … more genuine. Yes, yes, I suppose that is expecting too much, but if I’m going to dream, I want to dream really big and Donald may just be the sort of fuel we need to keep those home fires burning!
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The Popularity of Hate Speech

It’s not much of a surprise that Donald Thrump is attracting quite a few followers and is seeing his popularity numbers soar. Throughout history the person that dares to say what others are thinking but won’t say, becomes quite popular, even revered. There are a number of factors at work here. Ever since the famous “Kinder & Gentler Nation” speech made by the elder George Bush, the country has been pursuing a politically correct, all too vanilla America where controversy at all costs. Corporate America has chimed in by dismissing those that don’t fit in, creating a one size fits all work force that has become terrified of anything that even slightly smacks of uniqueness or genuine creative ideas.

Whether you agree or disagree with the presidential hopeful you have to admit one thing. He’s caught and is holding onto the lime light and if he is able to resist the urge to up his game with even more outrageous idea’s he has a very good chance of winning his party’s nomination. Lets be perfectly honest here … Americans love a maverick. They want somebody that isn’t afraid to speak their mind, especially if it’s the stuff that everyone is thinking, but nobody else has the courage … or stupidity to express.

The interesting thing is that no business man gets and maintains the level of success he has enjoyed by being an idiot. The current occupant of the White House was also rather outspoken in his early campaigns and the results speak for themselves.

One interesting point is that he’s currently doing just about all of this on his own dime and owes nobody anything, allowing him to express his own opinions without having to worry about upsetting some corporate giant. As he has acknowledged, some of the blow back caught him off guard, but he hasn’t toned it down and is sticking to him claims … all of which quite a few Americans not only agree with, but admire him for speaking his mind.

Personally I have several reservations with the current candidate. The rough and tumble approach to the political process plays well at home, but I hope he has a much better tune to play when it comes to sensitive diplomatic issues. Not looking for a suck up, but a good diplomat knows how to tell their advisory how to go to hell and have them be happy to be on their way. Currently I haven’t seen that level of diplomacy and without it he could put the country in serious straights with many of our adversaries as well as a few of our allies.

Watching the rest of the Republicans reaction has been rather humorous as they all scatter and try to distance themselves from him … but just wait until his theme’s gain more popularity and see how many of them suddenly start talking tough and claim his idea’s as their own! Oh yes, the great American way …
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Created Equal

This week might be remembered as one of the most extraordinary in the history of this country. Revelations of and about an old symbol that reminded us of a time long ago when slavery and oppression were the norm, but now, will no longer be tolerated. With the removal of the stars & bars from so many statehouse’s across the South is the recognition that any reminder, no matter how relabeled, rebranded is still a reminder. A reminder that is unnecessary, unproductive, and only serves as a reminder that needs to relegated to history. And as if not to be outdone, the Supreme Court finally made a determination that enforces those words that are held so secreted in our constitution; that we are all created equal. Not only in color, race and creed, but in love and compassion and the need to be part of a family, no matter how composed.

No doubt the controversy will continue and, of course, there will never be total agreement but finally we again recognize that the very essence of the constitution was to protect each and every citizen against an over dominant government that would suppress any of a citizens rights to be free. Free in thought, expression, action, feeling and now, free in commitment to the person they love, no matter their race, color, creed or sex.

All too often we have forgotten many of those guarantee’s and instead have sought to enforce upon others our own limited and narrow points of view. Rather than celebrate our diversity we have tried to make everyone part of one giant, vanilla, culture that is as boring and tiresome as it could be. We have failed to understand and appreciate those subtle and not so subtle differences that makes us unique. And in being unique we bring enlightenment and creativity in thought and idea; elements that will cause the creative to be more creative and open eyes that may have long since been closed.

Perhaps the new phrase need now be “so all persons may be created equal” because that is exactly what the court has ruled. How will the success be measured? Certainly by one couple at a time with all the happiness, sadness, marriage, divorce, fights over custody and so many other things, but most important of all will be the right to live those lives, experience those feelings and know them all.

While I personally couldn’t care less who marries whom, I am glad to live in a country that continues to try to live up to it’s greatest promise to it’s citizens; the constitution. I hope the debate will continue on the so many other issues that are in conflict since this is exactly what the framers wanted; freedom of thought, idea, expression and so much more. I grieve for those that live in countries that don’t grant those promises and can only hope for each of them to be allowed to read those sacred words of Emma Lazarus, emblazed at the ladies feet ….

“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”
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The Great Divide

As the country continues to deal with the grief, anger, and disgust of a lone gunman that shot down 9 members of a prayer group, the discussion of one of the more dominant symbols of a long ago era of enslavement and bigotry remains under attack. The lines are drawn between historians and those that want the symbol to fade away for good and as with other similar issues of the past, this one isn’t going quietly, especially for those members of the CSA and others with their roots in the distant past.

There are very compelling reasons on both sides so a unanimous decision is certainly not expected, in fact if you go back to when this most recent outrage sprang up it doesn’t appear to be the flag itself or what is once stood for, but the fact that by state law, that flag could not legally be flown at half staff in respect for the dead … understandably seen as another act of defiance that reinforced the old suggestions of superiority based on color and race.

There is a lot of rational in relegating this piece of cloth to displays in museums rather than on the grounds of the state, in fact the presence of it on many state capitals suggests a continued divide between North & South that is long since past. There are many different types of flags in museums along with their memorabilia that are better preserved and explained simply by their presence in that appropriate place. One might suggest that all Native Americans should be allowed to carry their hatchets, bows, scalps and other relics of the past and freely display them everywhere, just so we would not forget their place in history.

In a time where there is so much in the way of racial discontent and activities that seem to promote racial discord rather than unity, we would be wise to search for common ground every step of the way. This country is rightfully still referred to as the “great melting pot” and if we do not allow individuals, groups and organizations their separate identities and cultural uniqueness, we might fairly be accused of racial white-washing. History, all history, be it good, bad, disgusting, etc. is still history and it is important for our children and other future generations to know of the past so they might better appreciate the present and work towards an improved future.

If we are to uphold our constitution for all that it stands for we might not try to rewrite it every time there is some form of decent. Decent is one of the pillars of democracy as are the rights of free speech and expression. It does not mean that we have to agree, but that we have the right to disagree and express ourselves to that end.

As a former soldier I am personally offended greatly every time some young person feels the need to burn a flag or turn the flag into some personal article of clothing but the very things that I fought for are for those rights to be preserved, no matter mine or others personal feelings. That is why the framers acted as they did, to preserve each individuals rights and prevent others from taking them away simply because they failed todays popularity test.

The history of this country is filled with all sorts of embarrassing historical facts and acts. Better we preserve them for future generations so they will understand why we are so strong today or we shall certainly risk becoming such a faded race of ourselves that we shall forget exactly what and why we are willing to stand up and fight for what we believe in. It’s still a dangerous world and we Americans need to continue to appreciate our heritage and be prepared to heed to call to arms when the time again comes.
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Rand Rants

The honorable Senator from Kentucky seems to have caught lightning in a bottle and caught the attention of many outside of the US as well. I certainly must admit that I was not a “fan” until recently and am a little bit impressed that we actually have an elected official that has chosen to represent the actual wishes of the majority of his own constituents ….. how utterly refreshing!

While the modified bill did manage to pass in the Senate today and was forwarded to the President for signature, Senator Paul managed to hold the entire Senate at bay until he got what he was after and we, the people, can feel just a bit more privacy in our everyday lives all thanks to his efforts. Part of his conversation, quoted here, speaks of the very foundation of our democracy and should be read aloud to every school age child as part of their next history lesson:

"Our founders objected to the British soldiers writing warrants," he said.
"They objected to them coming in their house and gathering their papers.
"Do you think our framers [of the constitution] would have been happy if the British government said, 'OK, we're just breaking your door down, we're just getting your papers, but we're not going to look at them?'"

While many and rightfully so, would consider this grandstanding, it’s purpose was well served. He managed to tap into an important, and often under-appreciated, strand of US politics: libertarianism. He certainly isn’t an uneducated man, in fact he is an ophthalmologist by training and profession. Considered by his constitutes a conservative Republican but with strong anti-surveillance, anti-drone while continuing to be conservative on same-sex marriage and abortion. In short, Senator Paul, while sometimes controversial, always thinks for himself. How completely refreshing!

He has a bit of a rebellious streak in him, somewhat reminding me of Mr. Edward Snowdon. It’s fair to say he certainly won’t be a Republican contender for any soon to come Presidential bid, but he will certainly be one to watch in coming years. Most rebellious attitudes seem to be aimed at empty causes but this fellow is above that. He stands to shake up the establishment and force many to sit up and pay attention.

Even if he never gets his way again, he provides a much needed voice of descent much needed in a rubber stamping congress!
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There’re Back!

Awwww …. One of my most favorite signs of spring is upon us … the hummingbirds arrived this morning at the feeders and are busy about getting stocked back up on their sugar water. I was starting to get a bit concerned since they usually would arrive about middle of this past month, but then again we’ve been having some terrific storms along their migratory root so all is forgiven!

Funny how I notice these sorts of things now days when it made little to no difference to me in earlier years. I suppose it’s just another sign of ageing or perhaps, now that I’m no longer a card carrying member of the rat race, I have a little more time to notice what which is truly important. Along with the birds, feral cats, wild turkey, rabbits, deer of course, the occasional skunk the parade through the property has resumed. I can predict the time of day simply by looking out the window to see who is on their way in or out of the large woods behind my house. This year there have been considerably more rabbits than in years gone by. Yesterday, out of the corner of my eye I noticed one, then two, then five and before it was all over I counted 22 of the critters scrambling over open ground, avoiding the many red tailed hawks that seem to be circling on a daily basis.

I suppose it’s these things, my garden and a few friends I see each day at breakfast that have eased the pain of being an elder orphan. I’ve been offered a few jobs over the past year, but each would essentially require me to move to another city in a different state and start all over again. I do enjoy the challenge, but now days the risk is a bit more than I care to endure. What good is a great job when the place you live isn’t as great so why take the chance? Again, another sign of the times …. A tiny bit of fear for the unknown.

But, thankfully, more of my friends have returned, on wing, to amuse me with their acrobatics and their antics. It seems to be the smaller things in life now that I’m most thankful for … I just hope I never forget that!
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Memorial Day

As time marches on and another Memorial day is upon us, those of us that have served our country are reminded of so many that never returned home as they left. We celebrate with cook outs, parades, many memorials and wishes of thanks and appreciation for so many that have made it home. It is easy to give thanks for all that we have and speak of the benefits of freedom, democracy, and all that America means to each of us.

Today’s military, being all voluntary, has somehow changed the way that we Americans see our soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines. With no draft, only those that are willing to serve, do so. When one is lost there is the vague reminder that in this voluntary military, only those that wanted to be there, went there. Perhaps it is that which all too often distances the folks back home from the fact that there is a war going on and Americans are still dyeing in faraway places. Still, the war manages to reach us now and then when a home town boy or girl is a casualty. We are in awe of the technology and bask in the glory when we are successful of vanquishing those that are the worst of the worst of our enemies.

The value of American life is something that one cannot truly and fully appreciate until you leave the boarders of this continent and see what life is like in some of these faraway places. For many that return, there are wounds and suffering that go beyond the physical and will linger for decades to come. In many cases, it changes the person so profoundly that many are never nearly the same as they were. In that comes a growth and maturity that cannot be matched by anything else. It’s not brag, just a simple fact.

It is not enough to simply say “thank you for your service”, although it is a nice sentiment that some of our veterans from past wars have only heard in this past decade. Thanking every veteran must go beyond the obvious. There are little things we can all do to help. Each of us owes a debt that cannot ever be fully repaid, but still it is up to us to do what we can. Teaching our children, friends, neighbors and everyone within reach just what the value of such sacrifices is the best start. Helping them to understand that these brave folks deserve a lot more than a thank you, they deserve our most profound respect, appreciation, encouragement and assistance every day of our lives for the rest of our lives.

And for my fellow veterans, remember that those around us cannot fully understand what we endured and survived. Don’t be afraid to share your stories. As painful as they can be to recall and relive, we owe it to our fallen comrades to keep their memories, their adventures, and their sacrifices alive so the next generation that is called upon to serve will understand why and just how important their courage and determination is to this American way of life.

All gave some and some gave all. We did so knowingly and willingly and only ask that each and every citizen will remember the reasons for the sacrifice. We ask all to work hard, help each other so we might all prosper and make our deeds worth something.
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Elder Orphans

It was the actions of an 80+ year old man that has attracted the attention of many and coined a new word in our society, the elder-orphan. The poor fellow was widowed several years ago, has no living family, friends or anyone around him that helps or just keeps an eye out for him. He is an elder orphan. His call was a desperate plea to the 911 operator simply asking if there was somebody that could bring him some food from the market.

To say this is a gut wrenching story might be one of the understatements of this decade, especially when you consider that over 25% of the country over 55 years old is single and without any measurable support group. Think about it. What will you do when your spouse is gone. Do you have nearby children or family that can and will lend a hand from time to time when you need it? I know it certainly hit home for me because at 60 I am exactly in the same shape as this fellow. No bus service that runs nearby, no relatives still alive, children in another city and out of touch with me. I am going to be stuck. I got myself in the perfect position financially so I can survive on my money, but in doing so I have moved away from anyone and everyone that might be here for me.

If ever there was the need for a phone app that would list every social service agency and program in your local area …. Now is the time to develop it. As America continues to age we are going to need a social revolution to teach our young people the importance and value of helping out the old folks, volunteering their time and energy just so those of us that have contributed so much over the years that they are now benefiting from. We are going to need their help.

I recently started a project that was fun, truly fun and paid pretty good, but it suddenly came to an end because of a health issue. While I’m 100% again in just a few weeks, the job is gone and I’m stuck home again, hoping for another opportunity to pop up but knowing that with my health, age, and this economy, the changes of finding another job are getting slimmer.

Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not whining because it was me that made the decisions during my life that put me where I am so I have nobody to blame, but with so many hurtles we continue to face as we age, we need a government that is sympathetic or perhaps I should say empathetic to our challenges and our needs. If the police want to do more to refurbish their image, go back to motto “to protect and to serve” and have those officers check in on the old folks from time to time. We have a lot of organizations out there but they need to rededicate themselves to their roots.

An app that would list all the ones in your area? It’s a great idea, I just wish I could write that kind of code, it would be a great challenge …. Anybody out there that’s up to it?
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A Cure

For over fifty years this country has been at war. War against one of the most persistent enemies that we have ever encountered. Cancer. Cyctoblasmosis is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer that exists. The tumors can double in size in as little as a few weeks and existing in the brain, the consequences are absolutely devastating. Having buried a number of my family because of the big “C” I am particularly amazed and delighted to hear of this treatment, but was absolutely floored me was to hear how they are treating this disease.

Doctors at Duke University have put together a modified version of the Polio virus …. Yes, polio, the disease that crippled tens of thousands of young men and women in early part of the last century. The disease that put the beloved Franklin D. Roosevelt in a wheelchair and countless thousands in that dreaded of all medical devices, the Iron Lung.

The virus doesn’t actually kill the cancer, but “turns on” the bodies own immune system, causing it to attack the cancer from the inside out and continuing until it actually irradiates the tumors completely. This treatment is only in Phase 1 trials, when treatments are not expected to actually do anything positive, it is more the phase of the doctors trying different things to discover how it works, the proper dose, side effects, etc, etc; but here we have a drug that has had remarkable success. So much success that next year the FDA will decide if this should be pushed out of clinical trials and used for actual treatment across the US. It is dangerous to jump to positive conclusions so quickly and we have seen this sort of thing a few times over the years, but never this successful, never this quickly, and did I mention? The microbiologist that is the brainchild behind this has been trying it on other cancers which, in experiments, seems to be working …. Working incredibly.

Our parents often spoke of the miracle drugs when they talked about penicillin and other similar drugs. Now we have a means of turning on our own immune systems to battle those diseases that were often thought incurable. Imagine … we are on the verge of seeing one of the most dreaded of all diseases more than just battled, but defeated.

At this point in life I find myself wondering how many more miracles I will get to see before I pass on. This is one, perhaps the most important one that I hope I live long enough to see irradiated from the face of the earth. Imagine … being able to cure brain, lung, prostrate, colon and so many other cancers and by using one of the most dreaded of all diseases as the magic bullet.

My God ……. It is breathtaking, absolutely breathtaking. Dare we dream this is the answer? Dare we see this new approach to medicine branch out to a possible cure for so many other autoimmune bases diseases? I’m not a terribly religious man but I can assure you that I am starting to pray for these people and hope the find that one thing that has eluded us for so long …. Please Lord, hear my prayer!
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