There’re Back!

Awwww …. One of my most favorite signs of spring is upon us … the hummingbirds arrived this morning at the feeders and are busy about getting stocked back up on their sugar water. I was starting to get a bit concerned since they usually would arrive about middle of this past month, but then again we’ve been having some terrific storms along their migratory root so all is forgiven!

Funny how I notice these sorts of things now days when it made little to no difference to me in earlier years. I suppose it’s just another sign of ageing or perhaps, now that I’m no longer a card carrying member of the rat race, I have a little more time to notice what which is truly important. Along with the birds, feral cats, wild turkey, rabbits, deer of course, the occasional skunk the parade through the property has resumed. I can predict the time of day simply by looking out the window to see who is on their way in or out of the large woods behind my house. This year there have been considerably more rabbits than in years gone by. Yesterday, out of the corner of my eye I noticed one, then two, then five and before it was all over I counted 22 of the critters scrambling over open ground, avoiding the many red tailed hawks that seem to be circling on a daily basis.

I suppose it’s these things, my garden and a few friends I see each day at breakfast that have eased the pain of being an elder orphan. I’ve been offered a few jobs over the past year, but each would essentially require me to move to another city in a different state and start all over again. I do enjoy the challenge, but now days the risk is a bit more than I care to endure. What good is a great job when the place you live isn’t as great so why take the chance? Again, another sign of the times …. A tiny bit of fear for the unknown.

But, thankfully, more of my friends have returned, on wing, to amuse me with their acrobatics and their antics. It seems to be the smaller things in life now that I’m most thankful for … I just hope I never forget that!
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Comments (7)

meant to say :GOOD day, not -god- day !thumbs up wow
LoL, another sign of spring. One of my cats was tormenting a baby Black snake on the walk out side this morning. Spring is here.

hi ken
Snake?! do you get dangerous ones over your place?!wow
Once there was a lovely finch ( I HOPE that is the correct name)
a bird coloured red black and cannot remember other colours..
he did walk beside me for about 5 minutes and fly away
he was peculiar and very nice
is it finch?!

I would be scare with the snakes around where you live..
Someone I know got bitten by one and his knee the back of it was looking bad.. all white .. I don't know if his knee got better or not as I have not see the man in question for a while now..he was bitten in spain !!

are you scare yourself?"cheering
Nozeal, Bullfinches are orange-red with a black cap and black/grey wings. Chaffinches have a blup cap instead.

They are both lovely birds, and will eat seeds if you put them out.
mollythumbs up thank youyay
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by Unknown
created May 2015
Last Viewed: Apr 20
Last Commented: Jun 2015

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