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Nature photos 2, midnight sun!!!

This is magical time in Sweden, white nights, when there is almost always light. Those photos are taken at midnight. Imagine birds singing all night long accompany those views.
Do you have some special nature phenomena in your country? Do you have white nights in the SA, Australia or NZ?
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Do women after 50 wear short?

Look at the photos. Does it look hoochy or offensive in your country for an old woman like me? I am writing with a 41 years old Russian woman and she only wears trousers and very long skirts, never anything short. I asked her "do Russian women wear short after 40?" she said No. In Sweden you can dress how you want, as far as I can see.
I am going to Ukraine this summer and I am worried. I asked my sister who lives there, is that ok for my age to dress like this, she said “I don’t care, you may go nude.” I was 48 on the first photo, 49 on the rest but now I have turned 50. I don’t wear makeup or heels. Which of them is worst, less offensive?
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“I am an adventurer, looking for treasure”

Book of the books, the most important for me, Paulo Coelho “O Alquimista”. I read this book at first maybe for 4 years ago in English. I still lived with my son and I was so impressed that I told him to read it too. He never reads books, but I said “You don’t have to read any books in your life any more but you have to read THIS book, it has all the wisdom that a person needs, a creative person at least.” He read it for one day. I have just read it in it’s original language, Portuguese. Usually I get disappointed when I compare the original and translation, this one doesn’t lose in translation at all in my opinion because it’s full of substance. That is what makes it so special.
This book is about following your Lenda Pessoal (personal legend), you destiny, your dream, something that makes you - you. Your dream is VERY important, the most important of everything for You, your dream is what you really are. The way to your dream has a certain pattern. Your way is full of signs and you have to learn to read them in order to go your “right” way. It is easy from the start, “the beginner’s luck”, it is very hard at the end, you almost stop hoping when you are getting really close. Some people give up their dream and just live every day life and will never be fulfilled and happy, even if they have money. We all have our individual reason for life, it is important to follow your dream, that makes you a special unique individual. Not wait, follow your “personal legend” NOW, as much is it works for the moment. The journey to our dream which is our “treasure” is as important as a treasure (gold, or love) itself. This is not a dream in the sense of acquiring things and become rich, it’s about to become and live who you really are, even if it is hard sometimes.
This book is about a young boy “The alchemist” of real life, who is looking for his treasure, actually turning his life into a treasure as alchemists do, turning dirt into gold. He is travelling far, going trough obstacles and he finally finds his treasure in his own country, where he started, at the place where he has been many times before. But it was the journey that was important, he learned a lot through his journey and found himself and his love.
I personally think that I live my “Lenda Pessoal” and also my son, even if it is not easy all the time, often very hard, but it is the only way that is possible for us. I know some people from CS who do it too, Hammockman and Rizlared, probably Saskia, she seems to have a remarkable unusual life. (there are surely more but those show that clear individual pattern)
Do you have a book that influenced your life very much, or showed you that you are in the right way?(no Bible, or other religious stuff, I do respect religious people who are not pushy, but I don’t want this to turn into a religious discussion)
When it is the hardest you should think not in the way, “oh nothing is working and I am so sorry for myself”, but “I am an adventurer, looking for treasure”
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I love you MORE!!!

unhappy love may be a good thing. A lot of poetry, songs, and books have their origin in unhappy love, so unhappy love is GOOD for a creative person. Love is a two way street? In the ideal world Yes, both would love each other equally. Unfortunately we don’t live in the ideal world and everything ideal happens very seldom.
My mother taught me if he doesn’t show enough interest, try to break up first, never run after a man and don’t be a door mat. I followed her advice all my life. Now I want to try the opposite just as an experiment, it's ok if i love him more.
What will happen if he actually come and see me and doesn’t like me?(but i like him)It's a big deal to just being around someone who you are happy to watch doing simple things, talk to him and secretly watch him, and when he would only touch me it would be heaven, just kiss and touch would be more that any elaborate s*xual performance.
I don’t mean self-destructive relationship with someone who treats you badly(just love you less).
ps, this is just a fantasy, an idea, i am not about to meet anyone
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Nature photos

Lilac bushes in my garden, also strawberries and currants.
The goslings are as big as ducks now and start to get feathers.

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what is your Internet dating routine?

when you meet someone on the internet on a site like site CS? I read several times on forums how it "should be done". People start to email first, sometimes every day, then talk on msn, web cam or phone, sometimes every day too, then meet. I don't get it. Why so much talking? What is there to talk about? The most essetual is meeting anyway, nothing is more important than this. Especially if you meet someone from the blogs, you probably know him/her pretty well already. My routine was if that was in sweden to see each other on a photo, if we like each other physically, talk in a couple of emails and decide that we want the same thing of a relationship, then meet as soon as possible. If a date was abroad, we did the same thing, we decided that we like each other and what we want to do together, then basically didn't talk any more and just met when we had that possibility. I may fantisize a lot about him and our meeting and he about me. When we meet we do things together and talk inbetween which seems more natural to me. I am a talkative person in real life and like talkative people. You can talk a lot on the net before and then meet and don't like each other anyway so it was all for nothing, otherwise you can discuss anything you want further in person. Is there is a point in it anyway? If you mean that you want to know a person you are going to meet really well, there is no way to really know a person, also because we change all the time. I lived with my husband for 7 years and he did something I never expected from him, I thought I knew him. I had another relationship for 15 years and I suprised him(and myself) a lot this time, I have changed totally relationship-wise compared to 3 years ago.
So how do you do it, if you talk a lot before meeting, what do you talk about?
PS. I never talk on webcam, or skype, msn or phone with anyone. I had a lot of dates without ever talking on the phone. I have friends that I have known for years and never talked to them other than on email or in person. I know it is unusual but it is possible.
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ok, here He is, my True Love as long as he lives

he will probably die rather soon, but he will be always in my heart, forever. He is very loving, I have never seen anyone more loving than him. He never argues with me, very tender, follows me everywhere where i am, sleeps with me, looks deeply into my eyes with such love, there is not a least doubt how much in love he is with me and i return this feeling totally. I have an open relationship with him, so I am allowed to meet other men, because he knows how safe he is in his love, our relationship is unique and irreplaceable. I have shown his photos before and maybe you assumed he was a she, but he is a He.
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Loving someone who is not perfect?

If I fall in love with a person which is not perfect his imperfectness is good, it makes him closer to me, because I am not perfect myself. Something in him makes me fall in love with him, I am trying to analyse and understand it but I am still not sure what it is. This instinctive liking is the core, the most important thing, the rest which is not perfect I can accept. I am not operating in those usual clichés what people are looking for, like “he should be loving and caring, funny and faithful to me forever the one Mr. right”. There must be something else, that mysterious instinctive liking.
It’s different how far we can go, some women fall in love with criminals sitting in jail, or who has a serious handicap. Maybe subconsciously they want to feel really needed and have little/or no competition. Some handicap can be all right for me if he copes with it without bitterness. It may even give me more respect to him. Though I would never go for a criminal. Also I would never fall for someone who treats me badly. I read a lot of stories in Swedish forums about abusers, but women say “but I love him, I can’t help it”. Of course they can, it’s like an addiction to alcohol, or food or anything else that is hurtful for you but you like it, sometimes to the level that you think you can’t live without it. You just have to decide consciously, this is destructive for me and I’ll stop it. It’s not easy, but it’s possible and the only right thing to do.
(I am hiding now, but I will be back later.)
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CS = dreamers!!

what % people on CS don't even want anything real? who prefer to live in an impossible dream?
Anyway I think, there are 30% scammers, 30 % who want to find someone who would take them to a better place, 10% are real daters,1% successful dates, the rest just like to dream, because dreams are sweeter and more perfect than reality can ever be. if you go to a local website you will find 100% real local people living in decent distance from you, most want the same as you if you say what you want for real. Why CS?
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suddenly it's good weather in Sweden, a lot of accidents happen. Did it ever happen to you?

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Incredible music!!!!


AtwoZ posted it on forums and hid. I think he doesn't post on blogs, but this made may day, you have to listen to this.
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Lazly, look here!!(Wild Life2)

Here are recent photos of some wild life here. Babies are grown since my last photos. You can still see geese in complete families, mother, father and kids.
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those 2 seagulls were courting, walking together, talking on the road like any couple of lovers. the male was very insistent, she gave up at the end and let him to take her, but he couldn’t, she went mad and bit him on feathers for bothering her in vain.
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