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Online Profiles deceitful or truthful

So I was talking to a fellow I met online, he started asking me questions about myself which I had already stated in my profile, so I had to ask him if he read my profile, he responded yes but he does not believe anything written in profiles. I listened and I responded to his question, but then since he said that about profiles that got me to wonder whether or not his profile is truthful or not. I am an honest person so I put the truth in my profile, there is not need to deceive someone, I am who I am. It takes a lot more work to keep up a deceit than it does to be truthful.
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chatting and becoming emotional attached

Do you believe that someone can fall in love just by chatting online or by the phone?

Suppose you have someone that tells you that they love you, would you believe them. If that person was you that started developing feelings online, would you let the other person know of this feeling?
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love does it make you stronger or weaker

Ok, guys are you stronger because you are in love or are you weaker? Falling in love leaves us vulnerable to being hurt, so do you look at this as a strength or weakness since we are not able to control who we fall in love with?
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A person financial worth vs. personal feelings

ok, when I was younger i dated who ever i please, i did not really care if they have a house or apartment. Well that was then and now I look for more, in what a person suppose to have.

If you were talking to someone and you like this person and then you found out by accident that he/she is in financial distress. Would you still maintain an interest in this person or does their financial situation have an impact on your feelings towards them?
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Cautionary heart

ok, so i have met a lot of people online. I have been getting quite a few messages of late from people living in the States. They always seem to be a christian and have a strong believe in god, and therefore looking for a god fearing women.

They write quit a bit about themselves and what they want in a women. Sometimes I respond back with I am not interested, but wish you luck in your search. I then get a reply thanking me for my fast response.very mad I guess they forgot to read the part where I said that I wish them luck in their search!!

Anyways, I happen to meet a guy from cs I gave my msn to him and we started chatting, he claimed to be in UK for work he might be going back to the U.S. where he lives permanently, but works quite a bit on contract so he is always traveling. Well I decided that I want to go unto skype in order to see this man that I am talking to; well he claimed that his cam is not working since he had a virus recently. He called me and boy did i have a hard time understanding him, he had such a heavy American accent. He was not able to stay on the phone because he did not have enough credit. Well we went back to chatting, and some of what he was telling me was not adding up. When he had called me his number came up as unknown, which got me to be very suspicious, he gave me a number which I tried to call but I was not successful at getting through. Anyways, we ended up talking on skype when i noticed that his accent has changed, he no longer had that heavy American accent.

Well as you can tell I am not very trusting when it comes to people living a distance away from me. Hmmm, actually I am not even trusting of those living close to me. laugh

So I guess a girl can never be to cautious.
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My New Best Friend "skype"

So I have come to realize that when you give your skype id out to potential suiters, their location is revealed. So all those scammers that claim to live in NY or any other place in the world, their location comes up on skype as where they are in the real world; so all I do is block them for having lied to me in the first place!!!
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Disappering Profile (disappering act)

Well here is my adventure online, so I met this person; he seem rather nice. We sent a few e-mails back and forth and I took it to the next step which is to give my number. He had seemed rather interested in me, but I am always cautious, is he really living here or is he a scammer. Anyways, I never got a call, I was like ok, maybe he got busy or maybe he is a scammer. Anyways, I came back online and saw that his profile is gone. Hmm, I don't know about this online thing. It is so much easier when you meet someone offline, you don't have to wonder nothing to much such as if he is a scammer pretending to be living where he is not.
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online status

Ok, so I traded short e-mail with someone I met online here on cs, but now he believes that I am shallow since I have been online but did not say hi to him or call him; note we only started speaking yesterday on the phone. Well to cut a long story short he told me to lose his number. I said ok, not a problem and gave a brief explanation of what I actually do when logged into cs.

Now was this insecurity on his part? Oh I had also mentioned about his hair, which was a touchy spot for him since he had a receding hairline, I only asked about it since in his new profile he appear to be going with the bald look, which I believe suited him better than his previous look.
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No Long Distance Relationship

Hmm, I don't know about how others feel about this, but I am not looking for any long distance relationship. I state this in my profile, yet guys contact me from outside Canada and said that they have read my profile and that they like what it say. I guess they overlook the part where I state that I am not interested in a long distance relationship!!!!
Online friendship I am open to that, anymore than that sorry, I am not willing to put in the effort nor the time.
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