Winter Health.

Afer Samhain, winter months are here...
Evenings and mornings are getting darker.
There´s a chill in the air...
So, let´s welcome it with good health tips.

1.- Step outside.
Fresh air is invigorating and Irish air is so clean...
We also need daylight to mantain healthy sleep-wake cycles.

2.- Watch blood sugar.
Start the day with a good breakfast with a lot of proteins and carbohydrates
to feel the power of your bodies...
Avoid sugar foods to over-compensate your lost of energy because of poor breakfast.
Eat fruit instead of snacks to calm the anxiety. Bananas are the best.

3.- Eat more fish.
Oily fish to be precise. Mackel, sardines and salmon...
Smoked salmon, like Norwegians and Icelanders.
They have more darkness than us but less SAD problems.
I mean, Seasonal Affective Disorders.

4.- De-stress.
We cannot remove the stress of our lives, but we can introduce simple reliefs,
like Yoga, relaxing bath, onanism or sex if you´re lucky to have company.

5.- Exercise.
Regularity is the key to improve your mood and boosting your energy.
Try to make the exercise part of your everyday routine.
Walk as much as you can and try to avoid fall off on your sofa
after a hard day´s work. Sing under the shower and flick your bean...

6.- Add some Vitamin D in your diet.
I came from a Southern latitude... 42 degrees to be precise.
Here I am at the 53 parallel, near Dublin.
Everytime I see a ray of sun, I´m eager to be outside, dressed in black.

7.- Add super food at your menu.
Turkey, avocado, cheese, bananas, eggs and all kind of nuts...
Peanuts, wallnuts, cashew, pistachios, almonds, and eat it like a crazy squirrel.

8.- Enjoy the soup and chocolate season.
There's nothing like a bowl of hot streaming homeade soup, during the winter months.
Or a cup of hot chocolate with butter cookies like my Mother used to do...

9.- Good sleeping practises.
No electronic devices... Specially smartphones. And turn off the Wi-Fi.
As a former Navy Radio Technitian, I advise you to be very careful with your toys.
Bedtime is for rest and disconnect or make love if you´re lucky.
If you´re alone like me, close your eyes and pray to God,
to give you strength to be far away
of your beloved ones, and fight against homesick
and all dark ghosts that used to visit us...
In the middle of the night.

Healthy winter to everybody.

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by Fer50
created Nov 2020
Last Viewed: Apr 29
Last Edited: Nov 2020
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