This is not a joke, The store footage :shocking

Our store was robbed on my night off. I wouldn't have been there when it happened anyway but a lot of people I know were. Supervisor #2 showed us the still frames from the robbery.

A man, with a pillowcase tied around his whole head, cut holes for eyes. Walks in with a 12 inch bowie knife partially concealed behind his back. In the footage, a small girl (7 yr old) pushes a cart and stares up at him as he walks in.

He walks back to the Pharmacy counter, leaps over it, brandishing the knife to the manager and tells him to give him the drugs.

At this point, people are just starting to realize what is going on. The mayor of Temecula, believe it or not is in the store also.

The masked guy runs out. It's all on tape. Frightening. So glad they got this jerk.

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