Whats going on?

Im on the site for awhile. And i reda alot of wonderfull things and succesfull stories.
But nothing happend since im on this site.
I think alot of people ,man and woman, have the save experience.
What is going on I send alot of messages .And people don't even reply?
Are the people of this site only for a specific person?rolling on the floor laughing
Or are they loving for love.
I think loev and sweet love is not something about the face alone. But thats what coming from your heart right?
Your face not say always what is in your heart.
Alone of people have the is experience too?
or am i a voice in the dessert
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Comments (6)

I just wrote a blog post very similar to this. I agree with you, I think many people just look at the photo and don't care what's in the heart.
Black Love it is no different online than in the real world. In fact if you are successful in the real world you should be successful online. You have to market yourself. You are a product to the ladies. Tell these ladies why they should pick your product. You have get out there.
It shouldn't be like that Dominikk, we are people and not products. We have a heart, emotions, etc.. I can't speak for Blacklove but I'm never going to 'get out there' and try to sell myself, as if I'm a car or house. Acting that way is almost as bad as using corny chat-up lines. All I'll do it make it clear how I really am as a person, and let the ladies decide. I'm not going to add bits (basically lie) just to try and win someone over. If someone doesn't like me as I am, then I don't want them.
I agree with you zedbra . People ( women and men both ) should give each other a fair chance not by pics alone. Sometimes the best people are not the most photogenic people. what's in the heart is what matters.cheers
Hey zedbra68!
Just a friendly advice from a bro another bro. The real world is exactly like that. You have to sell yourself, cause women certainly also go for the looks, they just don't like to think so.
Dear Blacklove,

You are absolutely right . I have the same experience and opinion. Unfortunately I got no reasonable answer and no reply so far . LONG AGO I HAVE COME TO BITTER TRUTH -the people of this site only for a specific people, determined by the Robot(staff ) of that site...Furthermore, I believe that even the profiles are made of that Robot (staff), i.e. real existed profiles are around 20%.
Not all the people here are the same as you experienced- I would reply to you if you message to me(though I think you wouldn't also)

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Paramaribo, Suriname

Iam a lonely man. with some more punds. Like humor, romance, en helpfull. I like travel, paicknick, cookin, music , have good talks and alot more. The fact is that iam living in south America. On the island Curacao.for 6 mouths im living now in Surin [read more]

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created Nov 2007
Last Viewed: Apr 28
Last Commented: Aug 2010

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