How then should I live? (quandary of hypocrisy)

If you believe, then why aren't you acting like you believe?

Is there anymore haunting question to anyone claiming to be a Christian? If we really believed, would we be saying the things we say, doing the things we do, or thinking the things we think? "If you believe in Jesus, show me."

"Make my life a prayer to you. I want to do what you want me to. No empty words, and no white lies. No token prayers, no compromise." Keith Green

I know Jesus loves me. I know he died for my sins. But I either believe it all, or it isn't any better than the vain imagination people claim it is. I must follow Him.

"I want to tell the world out there, that your not some fable or fairy tale, that I've made up inside my head, your God the Son, you've risen from the dead." Keith Green

This is impossible for me to do. That is what makes following Jesus completely different than following anyone else. I cannot do it. No one can. It is set up that way on purpose. Because more than anything, God wants you to realize you NEED Him! He created you to know and love Him. Why should I be forced to love God you might ask. Well, lets just say He did you a few favors.

Anyway, back to this following God being impossible. It is, and it's not going to get any easier. I can make all the well conceived plans and strategies to help me live right, and it is to no use. I will fail. The reason I will fail is because of me. If it is about me, then I have no chance. This is what sin is... Sin is what ever I do with me at the center of it. When I place my rights, my desires, and my well being above all else, then it is sin. This is the clearest way to understand that anything is a sin. If you cannot answer "yes" to the question "is this what God wants for me?" It is sin.

But He said, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." Luke 18:27

When I no longer try to live my life, but turn it over to God, then something remarkable takes place. Decisions are made from a much different perspective. Everything looks different, kinda like falling in love. But to really put God in the middle of your universe, you have to believe He will take your life and make it what you desire...

the person you were created to be.

A horse is not really happy in the middle of the ocean. A polar bear wouldn't last in a desert. Why? Because thats not where they belong. Because thats not where they were created to be.

We were created in God's image. We were created to be His children. We were created to love Him as our Father.

A vaccume cleaner works best when it is vaccuming. We work best when we are living like the childern of the King.

But only God can do it. And He desires to do it for us, in us and through us.

"This is why Jesus came... so He can live HIS LIFE in us and through us" Winkie Pratney

"The gospel is simply this... Jesus will forgive all your sins if you will come to Him humbly, lay down your life, and say 'You are the Lord'. And I will follow you for the rest of my days here on earth, so that I can have the rest of eternity with you... and the glory of your Father." Keith Green

Am I willing to give everything to Him? That is the difficult part. Only because I make it difficult. Only because it is not what I want. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. My body longs after the things of this world, but God wants to give me to the reason He put me here. To do exactly what I was designed to do.

"To give all that I am, for all that He is... This is the gospel, according to Jesus" Steve Camp

I will pray for we prodicals, that have not yet turn our faces toward home.

Please pray for me.

Thank you
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Dallas, Texas, USA

I am a Fundamental, Catholic-Evangelical-Mystic who likes Church history, loves Jesus and the bible, and seeks to practically honor the present work of the Holy Spirit. I love participating in the threads. Come find me there! **

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created Dec 2007
Last Viewed: Apr 26
MikeHD has 3 other Blogs

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