Girls wat do you think of younger guys?

Hi i have recently joined this site more so for fun and if by chance i happen to meet that special someone that would be a bonus. But i seem to be getting all these emails from BOYS! yes and i truly mean BOYS! do these young men even bother to read someone's profile? sorry but i am not into the whole nappy thing have done my time as a Mum,and would much prefer to chat with men my own age or at least close to my age! and not some 20- 25 yr old whom i happen to be old enough to be their Mum? So Boys find someone your own age and let the men look after the women!!!!
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Comments (6)

Not sure about this site...but I do know that others have controls in the profile options to show who you are looking for. You can select an age range which will exclude the boys and land you in the arms of a fully qualified very very lucky man!
I think you can go back to your profile and edit it to reflect your choices on "what I'm looking for"....
I've had the same. Since I've been here, I've been contacted (be it email, flowerbox, chat, etc..) by numerous guys about 20-25. This is even though my profile clearly states I am looking for a man 40-60 years old.

It's not just this particular site though. I've noticed this same trend on lots of internet places. Various chat programs, et al.. So perhaps it's just the medium of communication. Perhaps the internet is just a breeding ground for college aged boys.

It's frustrating (in more ways than I care to expand on right now). But I try my best to just be polite and continue my focus toward that which I desire.

Hang in there. Maybe if enough of us women keep pushing the boys aside to get to the men, we'll eventually find what we're looking for!

~ t
That’s not entirely fair to generalize like that considering that you don’t know everyone’s story on here. Some may be looking for someone to talk to because they have had there heart broken for the fist time and feel inadequate. May I ask that all of you be more opened minded the next time a “BOY” contacts you hell even flower him to make him feel better about himself (yes a pity flower). Be straight with him and maybe in the process you might have helped someone move on. I’m pretty sure you’ve been heart broken just be kind with our boy intellect some of us are new to this.
well, I've typically dated men ten years younger, but am looking for closer to my own age for communication and interest compatability. however, maturity doesn't always correlate with age.
Seems some people don't pay attention to what is written and just look at the pictures.comfort
Well those boys should understand that you want to meet people closer to your age and they should respect that. "Boys", as you said, sometimes feel more attracted to 10 or 15 years older women and some of them really feel it some others don't... But have you stoped for a moment and think that some of those boys have worked as you and raise kids as you and can be as mature as any older man?

Age is just a number, what really matters is the character of the person and if you can feel good with him. Happines is not defined by numbers, it's defined by persons and how they interact together.

This is the way I see it dunno
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by Unknown
created Jan 2008
Last Viewed: May 1
Last Commented: Jan 2008

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