Fascinating. Most fraudsters seem to be certain st

Most fraudsters seem to be your intelligent smart Pisces star sign if you look at the dates of birth. And most killers seem to be scorpio. Is it that scorpio ends up murdering pisces, cause scorpio is the only one capable of seeing through pisces and what he is upto, and pisces always tries to defraud scorpio and usually successfull. Everyone feels sorry for pisces and takes his side over hard scorpio, as he is a master manipulator and chess player aswell.
Thus scorpio, who cannot hold his emotions and is incapable of giving in and withering away, and wont accept defeat, thus uses his extreme vengeful trait as a last resort to get pisces back and murders him, even though he knows the consequences.
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Comments (3)

Rainbow...Had to have a Geek at your Profile to see if you were safe to talk to!!??? Couldnt find anything??confused So I took the Risk!!wow G,DAY !!!
Thats very interesting, what you say Rainbow,
Most Pisces I have met have been intelligent thats true, but also a bit lazy and self centred , they have high opinions of themselves and feel the world owes them a living. They have the tendency to use people when they can easily , even at a low level, its as if its natural to them.They are not all bad of course , but in relevance to your blog I will just focus on the most negative potential aspects of a persons star sign here to support this theory. They don't seem to have much of a conscience nor much remorse and often consider it someone else's fault even when they have done wrong, as in they can blame anything for their own wrong doing thus exonerating themselves from any blame. Maybe thats why Pisces can do this...........I don't know just summizing here.

Scorpio, is one of the most jealous and vindictive signs of the zodiac, they are passionate and inconsolable , unforgiving in any wrong doing. They will take everything very personally and not have any compunction in making wrongdoers pay. While they can be extremely loving and very generous to the end , its the bad side of them one has to watch.
SO.........I believe the possibility of the theory being true.
What other zodiac insights do you have to share with us, its a fascinating subject ?
Yes TakemetoFrance.

Now, Ive really dug my grave, I went to the attorney near me, and after 7 minutes he said his charge is R....... well thousands, and I find out that he is pisces.
And guess what, he keeps the documents and says to me that, Im supposed to have the bank guarantee cheque, which I think he made up maybe, cause from what I know from the others and experience of knowing other people selling, you only get the cheque on registration, not before signing instruction of transfer documents. So, he will fiddle it now, that I cant get my documents back from me, and he will make out as if he is doing all this work etc, and just ring the bill tab upto, till I owe him so much money, that he takes all proceeds from the prop.
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