25th CENTURY (41)

-What is 'octopus'?
-Thoughts are waves. The more powerful is one 'understand' the longer duration are waves. And evil thoughts during and coordinated, stand and trying to extinguish any positive thinking, kindness and the source emits. This is the 'octopus' and is always behind; because must be at first actions, to respond. Quieter than river and lower than the greens should be, for not been see. Some times when a storm happens, there is contact between positive and negative thoughts.
-It is reasonable to say, everything that is good for the 'octopus' is bad for humanity, and what is good for mankind is bad for the ‘octopus’;
-Of course, conflicting interests.
-The 'octopus' wants people to make mistakes. The errors passed from generation to generation in the simplest way, the hypnotism makes the habit. But every so often someone wake up. Someone understands the value of carbon dioxide and deprivation of breath, someone understands the value of cholesterol, someone understands that vaccines are drops of death, someone understands that milk should drink only babies and only mother's milk ...
-And do not observe that no animal in nature do not drink milk when grows up, that the mother stops downloads because milk does not needed! Also, what for we have teeth?
-Right. Someone wake up and say that the salt is necessary…
-Especially, Konstantin, about salt, people should have realized the importance, centuries ago; when Christ said to his students ‘you are the salt of the earth’. He would not use salt as an example if it was harmful.
-Right. Someone understands that hypertension is a lack of oxygen and instead of doing exercise is taking drugs.
-About drugs! I hope the new humanity not to make pharmaceutical companies, because they certainly do not want you dead, because the deceased ceases to be a customer, but not want you in healthy, because you either client. What are they doing then? Give you a pill that will make the symptoms to disappear, because if it is not have an effect on you, you stop it, but it is doing damage somewhere else, and so ensure their customers.
-Right, Alexander.
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by Unknown
created Oct 2008
Last Viewed: Apr 29

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