Stranger things have happen.

Strange thing happen Tuesday, while at work.

My shift started @ 7 a.m. as usual. Normally, I get right into the groove of things and start taking tables. However, on this particular day, I chose to hang in the dish room, do some dishes, sort some stuff out, and clean up the area, for the dish guy.

A.) He is always so helpful on the floor with busing our tables.
B.) My good thing of the day to do.

At 8 a.m. I came out of the back, and found an older gentlemen, and a senior couple standing at the counter. I seated them. Took their order, got to talking about us being Yankee's. Kinda of a problem down here where I am. I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone most often. It appears to be very difficult for many to say, Please, Thank you, Excuse Me, pre-bus a table, Yaddie, Yaddie.

Anyhow, he shared with me, that he lives in Augusta GA, now and has some sort of boarding house, for Seniors and VETS. He asked me if I would like to come cook, clean, and help care for the people that board there. I told him, I just got to this area, I kinda liked it, and that I needed to go to Michigan next week for tags and such for my truck. The woman, said, "well, it is only a tank of gas." I said, I would give it some thought.

I went about my business. Went to cash them out, he was not at the table, neither was she. The other gentlemen was, I took his money to pay for the bill. As I went to walk away, the other guy came back in and handed me a check. He said, "this is for you, it is all filled out. You just have to put your name on it. This will get you to us, if you choose.

It was for 50.00. I was like the angels have come to see us today. Us, there is a man at work, that is homeless. I have been trying to find him some resources, it is getting cold. Hate the thought of him sleeping and living like he is.

I am bit confused, is the point. I feel like, maybe that he was sent there for a reason. I am a care taker. Have been all my life. My kids are grown, they are gone. I have no domesticated life anymore. No one to care for, no one to cook for. I miss that. Part of me says, I should trust the Universe and go be in a place helping others, that in turn would help me, by filling the void, as well as, doing good for others. Another part of me says, just stay put for 3 months, woman.

I don't know. Just sharing. No I ain't crazy. I just don't always know what to do when my intuition says do this and my mind says do that.

Have a blessed day.
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Comments (16)

who knows , they may have thought should move away from there...

or you could go this way
a happy birthday to you , if I missed it ...sorry wave

I loved Green Acres, when I was growing up. The Beverly Hillbillies too. Whatever happen to such normalcy on TV? Hahaha.

Have lived on a farm, and felt like I lived as the HILLBILLIESyay

Birthday, is next Monday. You would be 9 days shy. Thank you, though.
Christina. Some of us are fed up with this place, just so you know it. You are part of the the next shift to take over.
I see some of the old days in you and Lively Waters.
Ok, not good english but do your best to dechieffer it.

Good luck.

ok , I will try and say it on monday next week ..

I wounder what else we both like ???

morgenulv: This place, as in, this site? Old days? Next Shift?

Hmmm, My only shifts are at my job. Just chilling on words with friends, on FB. Patiently, waiting for bed. Which is soon. Being that, my day starts in oh about 10 hours.

Try not to take life to serious. It is just a small chapter, of many. conversing comfort doh
Good luck with having a nice time at FB then (aswell as here).

My message sent.

Thanks, just killing time. Nothing else to Kill. Hahahaha. Just kidding. Hehehe. First thought.
Nice story. I take it that you were thinking of giving the homeless man the $50? Yeah, you sound like your a giver!

Several years ago I went back home because I was trying to get out of a severe depression problem. I went to work for this wealthy guy and his wife and for 6 years it almost seemed like we were family. They treated me as a family member instead of as a hired hand. I shared many great and happy moments with my ex-employers and I will always be grateful to them for helping me out.

That may be what will happen with this older couple if you went to work for them.
No, Ed1941, I was really thinking, that place would be a good place for him, too.

I decided yesterday to take him, Bill, up on the offer. The older couple are people that room there.

I sent Bill and extensive e-mail, yesterday. I asked many questions. I liked the answers. So, I am just gonna go with the flow. It can't hurt. I mean, I have been floating around many different states, for about 3 years now.

Some days, I wonder if I will ever settle into a real life again, or not.

I have not cashed the check. Imagine, I will give it back to him.

Still feeling it out. However, I did decide that I am not going to work today, nor am I staying in this area. It is such a Ghetto. I truly am on this little journey, to live. That does not consist of working 10 hours a day, 6 days a week, for a mere $400.00. I think I would much rather, spend my time helping others. Take a small part-time job @ a mom and pop kind of place. I am not a franchise kind of girl. 13 servers on the floor, with only 4 of whom are team players, just don't work for me!

Just threw me off my own plans for a minute. It will work out, not matter, what I choose. It always does.

Am totally lacking something in my life. I know exactly what it is. My Ego, does not allow for it to happen.

Some days, I just want to go home. Other days, I figure if home and the man in it was where I was to be, I would be.

Love is a funny thing. It can kill you from the inside out, if you allow it, too. Sometimes, one must just step away from the entire seen long enough to regroup, sort it out.

Nonetheless, it can't hurt to put my energy into others, while, the universe sorts it out.
Yeah, my most favorite bosses, ever just called. Because, I just didn't show up to work today, and I tried to quit, and blah blah. But, that did not work out so well. She made me feel bad, not because of what she said, but, because I know is trying so hard to get this store under control. She has only had it for 6 months, she has a lot of young, lazy, in experienced servers. Of course that flows over to us older and more experienced. I need to be patient with her, by picking up the slack, hopefully, these gals will learn by example of just how important team work is.

Money means nothing to me. I left so much money. Haha, most women would kill for the life I once had. Only, so many do not realize that things are not always as good behind closed doors and it looks from the outside.

As long as I have my truck, gas, and smokes, I am good. I trust this is part of the journey. Me learning, people learning from me.

That Georgia thing will always be there. I am rambling, really just want to connect with spirit today and sort a small bit of this out. Suppose it just got sorted out for now. I promised her 2 more weeks, for me to decide.

I could write 10 books! I should. Just not mentally ready to open so many closed doorspeace
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by Christina2012
created Oct 2012
Last Viewed: May 13
Last Commented: Oct 2012
Christina2012 has 9 other Blogs

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